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 Hart Attack first strike.....Part 1

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Registration date : 2006-12-31

Hart Attack first strike.....Part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Hart Attack first strike.....Part 1   Hart Attack first strike.....Part 1 EmptyFebruary 17th 2007, 2:06 am

Hart: “Why the hell are we at the damn drug store? We could be doing better damn things you know that.”
Tails: “I like coming to the drug store it’s fun. You get to see old people mad, little kids at the candy section, or the toys section. But the best part is the old people being mad.”
Hart: “Tails your one weird person, you know that? I hope you know that.”
Tails: “Hey I’m normal ok. Just because I like to come to the drug store, and laugh at the old people, and the little kids. Maybe you’re the weird one.
Hart: “You’re a one funny idiot.”
[color=red]Tails: “I know I am, but should we be talking about the match this week on War Zone?
Hart: “Yeah we should, why else would we be having the WWA cameras here.”
[color:af1b=red:af1b]Tails: “ Yeah, I knew that.”
Hart: “Sure you did.”
Tails: “What the fuck is wrong with this world? What have we done to deserve two people like Dean Hobkirk and Bobby Ocean? What have they done for the WWA? I’ll wait…..Yeah that’s right jack shit.”
Hart: “Hey if they have a dream of beating us, than let them keep dreaming, cause that’s all there can do is dream that they can beat us.”
Tails: “Bobby, you talk a lot of trash saying he would beat me in are match at the tournament, but let me ask you something, who made it to the damn finals?
Yeah that right me.”
[Hart Interrupts Tails]
Hart: “Hey it was me and you who made it there, and of course I won it all.”
Tails: “Hey you got lucky, but stop interrupting me, I trying to talk here.”
Hart: “My bad.”
Tails: “Thanks you.”[/coloe]
[color=red]Tails: “Bobby You didn’t even come near to beat me. And the stuff you said in your promos, God, do you even listen to yourself when you talk? Do you hear the shit that spews out of your mouth? Obviously you don’t because if you did, you wouldn’t say anything. Everything you say is shit. Everything you say is just retarded. I guess you seen that your nothing in the WWA, so you go and run off and start your own fed EICW. Yeah I did join that fed, for one reason, and that’s to bring that fed to it’s damn knees.”
Hart: “You join the damn EICW? What the hell is wrong with you?
Tails: “Hey I told you why, and once again trying to talk here.”
Hart: “Really? I didn’t ever hear you.”
[Tails, just looks at Hart, than keeps walking.]
Tails: “Bobby, there seems to be something that you don’t understand. People care about what me, and Hart dose and done. No one cares about what you, and Dean done or what you and him do.“
[color:af1b=red:af1b]Tails: “Who the hell is Dean Hobkrik anyway?”
Hart: “Hey don’t ask me.”
Tails: Well anyway, Bobby when people see your name on the card, they think ‘Oh, Bobby Ocean. That guy is just a jobber.’ When they see Tails on the card, they think ‘That’s the guy who is going to be the top of the WWA.’ Bobby what is your plan this week on AWB? Everyone know your little team, is just a push over, but The Hart Attacks, are going to be the top tag team in the WWA. What team can beat us?”
Hart: “This is to easy.”
Tails: “Hart not only do we get to humiliate Bobby once, but we get to do it twice. But I think after the first ass beating we do, he’ll be a no show at the next show.”
Hart: “Tails, what goes on in your head.”
Tails: “I think your still a little tipsy from your little title celebration.”
Hart: “Maybe just a little bit.”
Tails: “I figured, well hey look were at the drug store they have to have something to help you out with that.”
Hart: “No, need I’m fine.”
[Tails looks at something.]
Tails: “Come on I know what we can do.”
Hart: “What the hell are you talking about?”
[Tails brings Hart to the blood presser thing]
Tails: “Were going to take your blood presser.”
Hart: “And why will would I do that?”
Tails: “To see if you need those hangover pills.”
[Tails sits Hart down, and puts his arm in the arm thing, and press the button.]
Tails: “Now we just sit and wait.”
[They both sit there about 2 minutes, to wait for the results.]
Tails: OK, its done, lets see if you need the pills.”
[They both look at the results.]
Hart: “See I’m fine, I don’t need those damn pills.”
Tails: “I guess you don’t.”
Hart: “See I’m always right.”
Tails: “I don’t know about that, but this time you are.”
Hart: “Hey Tails, look at that kid right.”
[Tails looks around to find the kid, he finds the kid at the toy section.]
Tails: “I bet you his mother says he can’t get that toy.”
Hart: “I bet you five dollars she dose.”
Tails: “You got your self a bet.”
[They look at the kid]
Kid: “Mommy, Mommy can I get this toy?”
Mother: “No honey you cant get that toy.”
Kid: “But why? I want that toy.”
Mother: “Because I said so, so now get going.”
[The kid starts to cry.]
Tails: “Where my five dollars?”
[Hart goes and gives Tails the five dollars.]
Hart: “Here you damn five dollars.”
Tails: “Thank you.”
Hart: “That’s the only time you will win a bet with me buddy.”
Tails: “Sure it is…see you’ll doing it again, getting me off track. Its like your on Bobby, and Dean side or something.”
[Hart just sits there lost in space.]
Tails: “Never mind, it just the hangover. But anyway. Bobby I sick and tired of seeing your face in the back of the WWA locker room. Guys like you shouldn’t be in the WWA. You done nothing for the WWA. SO why the hell should you even be in the WWA? Bobby how many more time am I going to have to kick you ass to show you you cant beat me. You never could, and you never will.”
Hart: “Hey Tails, what about this dude name Dean? What can we say about him?”
[color=red[Tails: “What can we say about this fool, well I don’t really know to tell you the truth. I have nothing on him to say. I mean he was to bitch to show at the Tournament. To me I think he not going to show at this week match. He doesn’t have the balls to do it. Dean I know your watching this, and let me give you a hint. It’s ok to say your scared to fight me and Hart, I mean who isn’t?”[/color]
Hart: “A man to that brother.”
[Tails just gives Hart a weird face.]
Tails: “Yeah what you said. So Dean, and Bobby, if you couldn’t beat me and Hart in a one on one fight what makes you think that your going to win a tag match, where me and Hart are on teaming up? That’s like twice the trouble for you guys. You know deep down in you, you cant beat us.”
Hart: “Hey Tails, we should get going we have places to go, people to see you know. Time is money.
Tails: “Ok if you say so.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = END = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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