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 Decisions, Decisions

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Joshua Williams
Main Event
Main Event
Joshua Williams

Number of posts : 102
Age : 30
Registration date : 2006-12-30

Wrestler Info
Record: 0-0-0
Alignment: Neutral

Decisions, Decisions Empty
PostSubject: Decisions, Decisions   Decisions, Decisions EmptyFebruary 27th 2007, 1:35 am

(Bobby is following Yorito down a hallway in Yorito’s fighting dojo. Bobby is carrying around luggage and is in street clothes as Yorito is sporting a gi.)
Yorito: As you can see, my dojo teaches various disciplines in fighting. My philosophy is that no fighting style is the best. In order to be a true fighter one must master as many fighting practices as possible.
(Both are passing by many different rooms in which fighters are being trained in various different disciplines)
Bobby: So, what fighting style am I going to learn?
Yorito: I leave that choice up to you. As you can see, we have a wide variety to choose from: Judo, Jui-Jitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai.
(Bobby stops dead in his tracks)
Bobby: Wait, whoa. What about this right here?
(Yorito turns around as Bobby is pointing inside the room filled with trainees)
Yorito: Ah, yes. Our wrestling room.
Bobby: Wrestling? You mean like WWF stuff? That’s awesome, I use to love that stuff when I was a little kid.
Yorito: Do not insult my wrestling dojo by comparing it to the World Wrestling Federation. The Chang Wrestling Dojo is of the utmost quality in the world. My wrestlers would wipe the floor with the so-called superstars of the WWF.
Bobby: How come you guys don’t get mainstream attention then?
Yorito: Attention and recognition is not what concerns us. Our main purpose is to become the best fighters that we can be. We need only to prove and test our skills to ourselves. So, are you interested in the wrestling discipline?
Bobby: Yeah, I think I’d be into it.
Yorito: I’m not surprised...the training for our wrestling is the most rigorous and intense. I would expect you to pick the hardest craft without even knowing what you were choosing.
Bobby: What can I say? I just naturally strive to be the best.
Yorito: I usually do not allow new students to enroll in the wrestling program, but I shall allow you to do it. I must warn you though; it will be one of the most testing experiences in your life.
Bobby: C’mon, it’s nothing I can’t handle.
(Bobby smiles as Yorito looks back with stern countenance)
Yorito: Don’t be so arrogant Bobby. It will be your downfall. Come…follow me. I shall bring you to your quarters.
(Bobby follows Yorito through a different hallway to living quarters. Yorito opens up a door revealing a small room. Bobby looks surprised as Yorito catches his expression)
Yorito: I’m guessing it’s not what you expected.
Bobby: I guess you can say that.
Yorito: It’s very important to stay humble, and that begins with the lifestyle that we practice. You have a place to sleep and a closet for your clothes. That is all you need.
Bobby: But there’s no bed.
Yorito: There’s a small mattress that should be sufficient. You sleep on the floor, just as everyone else does. There are also community bathrooms. You all bathe and groom yourselves as unified warriors.
(Bobby is visibly frustrated and disturbed by what he is learning about his new lifestyle)
Bobby: I can’t believe I agreed to this.
Yorito: Not only that, you are here with your parents’ blessings.
Bobby: Yeah I know. Surprisingly, they thought this would be good for me.
Yorito: Well, they thought it would be a good way for you to channel your anger. Enough talk Bobby. Get settled in. Dinner shall be in the mess hall at 18:00 sharp. There will be an hour of meditation following dinner. After that, we will have our evening training session. I expect you to be dressed in your gi when I see you again at the mess hall. There are a few in your size in the closet.
(Yorito walks away as Bobby takes a second look at his room and lets out a big sigh. Bobby starts settling in. He takes a look at the gi that’s in his closet)

Bobby: There is no way I’m gonna wear this stupid little karate suit. I’m eff’n tired. I’m going to sleep.

(Bobby sleeps soundly in his small room. It’s about 8:00 PM as Bobby wakes up to see Yorito meditating in his room. Yorito has his eyes closed in concentration)

Yorito: You missed dinner and the meditation hour.
(Bobby is still half asleep but slowly waking up)
Bobby: My bad. What time is it?
Yorito: 20:03.
Bobby: You see, that’s what confused me. You said 18:00. What the hell is 18:00?
Yorito: First and foremost, watch your tongue and the way you speak. You must practice discipline, honor, and respect. Secondly, we use time in the 2400 format. 18:00 would be another way of saying 6:00 PM. The third matter is the fact that you will not be eating tonight. If you are not on time for dinner, you get no food.
Bobby: No food?! But I’m starving.
Yorito: You should have thought about that before. Put your gi on and meet me in the wrestling room in exactly 3 minutes.
Bobby: 3 minutes?
(Yorito’s face is expression-less)
Yorito: 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

Yorito exits the room as Bobby tries to change as fast as he can. Bobby hurries out of his room as he finally changes into his gi and runs to the wrestling room. Bobby runs into the room as there are about 20 trainees on their knees awaiting instruction.

Yorito: Exactly 7 seconds late.
(A look of frustration comes over Ravi’s face)
Yorito: Warriors! You can thank your new colleague for your punishment. One hundred push ups! Begin on my count!
Bobby: One hundred?
Yorito: Make it five hundred! Anything else to say Bobby?
(Bobby looks frustrated but doesn’t say a word)
Yorito: Get in line!
(Bobby quickly goes to the back of the room as Yorito begins the count. All the trainees are able to finish off the push-ups but Bobby is visibly having trouble. Yorito approaches him as he’s struggling to push himself up.)
Yorito: Discipline and perseverance. You will learn these things by any means possible.
(Bobby begins screaming as he tries to push himself up.)
Yorito: Yes! Exactly! Channel your anger! Push yourself up Bobby!
(Bobby starts banging out push-ups as Yorito encourages him. He finally finishes off the 500 as the rest of the trainees look on. After his 500th push-up, Bobby collapses to the floor)
Yorito: Are you tired Bobby?
Bobby: I guess you could say that.
Yorito: Well that’s only warm-ups my pupil. Get up. I want to see you spar.
(Bobby is slow to get up to his feet as he can barely lift his arms)
Bobby: But….
Yorito: No buts. No excuses.
(Yorito looks around the room)
Yorito: Samuel! Front and center.

All the trainees begin to whisper among themselves as Sam is easily the best wrestler in all of the Chang Dojo. Sam’s large and muscular frame is quite intimidating as he approaches Bobby with a smile on his face. Sam looks like he has revenge on his mind, as Bobby was the reason for the class’s punishment.

Yorito: Both of you start out in a collar-elbow tie up. Bobby, there will be no punching or shoving. This is strictly wrestling.
(Bobby nods as he stares at Sam. Yorito positions both men in the collar-elbow tie up as he holds both of their shoulders. Yorito then releases his grip)
Yorito: BEGIN!

Sam catches Bobby off guard as he grabs a hold of Bobby’s head in a headlock and takes him down. Sam keeps the side headlock locked on as Bobby is on the ground. Bobby powers out and gets Sam off of his head and tried to follow up with a side headlock of his own. Sam pushes Bobby off as both of them are on their feet. Bobby’s back is turned as Sam hits a vicious German Suplex and Bobby crashes hard on his neck. Bobby fights the pain and gets right back up but walks into a Northern Lights Suplex from Sam. He doesn’t stop there, as Sam rolls over and hits two more consecutive, beautifully executed Northern Lights Suplexes.

Yorito: ENOUGH!

Sam gets up as Bobby is laying there on the floor. Sam has a smile on his face as he bows to Bobby and then bows to Master Chang and stands there firmly. Yorito is staring at Bobby who is in visible pain and holding is back.

Yorito: So, wrestling is not what you expected it to be, is it?
Bobby: (softly and in pain) No…Not at all.
Yorito: Well, you made your decision and now you’ll have to live with it.

Fade to black.
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