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 Someone get this "Boob" a new hobby!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Someone get this "Boob" a new hobby! Empty
PostSubject: Someone get this "Boob" a new hobby!   Someone get this "Boob" a new hobby! EmptyFebruary 27th 2007, 6:21 am

[A new, but not exactly unwelcome surprise awaited the world-wide audience as the camera-feed came to a slow and steady life, displaying the beautiful stretch of alabaster-white sand making up the coast-line of California's own Huntington Beach. High above, the once-sapphire sky was now a darker, more enlightened cobalt, signaling the late hour as faint pin-pricks of light appeared at random places against the inked in canvas. Faint streaks of hued-orange and reddish-violet still littered the horizon a little further down, breaking off just above the dark waters of the ocean itself, where white-crested waves, part of exquisite sets some seven-feet high, continued to roll in hard against the now abandoned shore. Odd. That a surfer's paradise like this would be occupied by one lone soul... The young man reclined back against the windshield of his metallic-blue Mustang... Eyes hidden behind tinted sunglasses as he watched the waves. With his Undisputed Championship around his waist…Sparkling in the sunlight!]

[Indeed. None other than "The Ballistic One" himself, Johnny Stylez, lay relaxed along the hood of his car, legs crossed at the ankles, with his fingers inter-locked behind his head like a make-shift pillow, giving him a front-row seat to the natural landscape being painted out before him. Despite the slanted smile spreading across his lips, he managed a few words for the camera, though his voice was so quiet, it was hard to make him out over the pounding surf.]
::Ah. Some time for relaxing….Sometime to sock in the California Sun…Some would ask why isn’t Johnny Stylez prepping for a title defense that is coming up on AWB…And the answer is Simple…After watching yet another round of BOOBY Ocean…(that’s right I called him BOOBY instead of BOBBY! Because that’s what he is…a promo jacking BOOB!) I pretty much brushed him aside…The cat didn’t mention me once in his promo…He was to busy playing Wax on Wax off with a cheap knock off to Mr. Fuji!::
::Who the fuck you think you fooling? You aint no Karate Kid! Far from it!::
::But It's funny, I thought I would've shut you up after We the New DX kicked your ass at ASOS. But yet, you still comeback to me, re-enacting a scene form a decent movie, You use your recycled words for me, and quite frankly, it's old. Just like the act your putting on. You know, the one where you act like you are actually somebody here in the WWA ::
::Just like I proved this past Sunday, you're A nobody.:::
::Now you think because you're alone with out a team, you stand a chance against me? My god, you are dumber than I ever thought you to be. But I give you credit, you're not counting yourself out yet.::
::Or are you?::
[Sitting up, Stylez allowed one of his legs to dangle down over the side of his hood, resting his forearms across his thighs as he gazed out over the sand, enjoying the mild breeze that was just picking up, ruffling the un-buttoned black shirt that hung easily from his shoulders. A pair of Hollister board-shorts molded to his lower-portion, the hem-line coming just short of his knees, the fabric billowing some in the wind before the man shifted, and sat Indian-style in the center of the hood…]
::I don't see the confidence there. I see you, scared as rabbit cornered. Scared that your going to be made a fool of. Which is what is going to happen. I thought you were a Challenge. I thought you were going to show me what Revenge is all about? I guess not eh? I guess you set your hopes far too high. You and I both knew that going in to our match, that you wouldn't be able to match me. Hell everyone knew Revenge Inc didn’t stand a chance of walking out of ASOS with a win! Now going in to this Championship Match, that feeling of doubt and helplessness is crowding your thoughts.::
::This is real life. Not your fucking fantasies. Not a scene from one of your Jacked promos!::
:::Don't you realize that I am a god? I'm not just a mortal man. I will live forever, the God of the Ring. My name is already being written in the record books. How many times do I have to tell you? How many times do I have to explain? How many times do I have to prove? I can't be beaten.::
::I won't be beaten.::
::Especially not by a chump who doesn’t belong in the same ring as ME. I role with the NEW DX! We're champions. We are the greatest thing to ever happen to the WWA. We have the Heavyweight Championship and the Undisputed Championship. Can you say that about Revenge Inc? Hell do you cats even have a title? Hell no, because you don't have the talent to compete. You are just a pack of half-talented Johnny Stylez wannabes.::
:Bring a notebook to the ring.::
::I'll teach you something. I'm going to teach you how to dominate, and how to win. Something no one can manage to do against me. Get ready, Johnny Stylez is putting on a clinic.::
[The disbelief was still evident in the eyes of Stylez, as he just shook his head with a quiet scoff, and brought a hand up to rub at the faint shadow that could be seen on his lower jaw. His hair was a bit mussed as well... But was it from lack of sleep... Or just some rough play with the riptide?]
::It's going to be lights out for your Pansy ass. I ask you to bring everything. Bring all you've got. Because even then, walking all over the both of you is going to be far too easy.::
:This is crazy, Booby actually thinks he can compete with me.::
::Heh, your delusional. I don't care about you. You haven't accomplished shit here. Unlike me, Who has everything!::
::Bow to your King.:::
::I accepted your match, because I wanted new opponents. I was tired of facing the old, outdated assclowns. Instead I decided to get an easy victory. I mean come on, what have you done since I got here? Nothing. I won't even go through my accomplishments, that would take this entire rant. I've got confidence, ability, and a title.::
::What do you have?::
::A record with more losses than wins? Come on, be real with me for a moment. It's good to see you've filled your head with false confidences. I mean I truly am happy for you. But the fact of the matter is, you can't even out talk me BOOBY. You can't bullshit a bullshitter. Is that how the saying goes? Just like everyone in Revenge INC, you recycle your garbage over and over. Give me something new, something fresh. I expect you to show me something decent, and you throw crap in my direction, instead of that “young grasshopper shit!::
::I can't tolerate that.::
::Christ, I'm not even going to be able to make you look good in that ring. A match that your involved in is simply a shit show. So go smoke your herb, and fry those last few brain cells you have.:
::You're not even paying me no mind.::
::There's your first mistake. I wouldn't worry about training, until you're done with our match. If you can even walk on your own after I'm done.::
::Let me be real with you for a second.::
::You can't win this one. You're on a losing streak Booby. I'm only going to further it for you. Right along with crushing the rest of the confidence you're attempting to rebuild. I'm sure you've watched my matches, seen what I can do. It's shit that you can't match. Shit you can't even dream of resembling.::
::I mean how many other promos are you mentioned in?::
::I mean how many other guy's promos even give you a shadow of respect? None, because you're a nobody. You're a match filler, simply put.::
::I mean even as a curtain jerker, you aren't getting the job done. Wait, here's an idea. Why don’t you go out and compete for the Hardcore title. It seems that that competition is more on your level. You know the rookies, and guys who couldn't cut it. I mean how many guys are riding my dick in their promos? They mention my name to get heard. They call me out just to get some main event air time. Is that what you're doing Booby? Using my name to try and get yourself over?::
::It's not working. Just like your attempt of having a wrestling career. Hell the federation your run is also a shit hole! You’re a falier no matter what you try!::
::Realize that you cant compete with any of DX. For that fact, I don't think anyone can. Go home, rip your bong a couple times, and think of what you're going to do in the ring. Think of how you're going to stop me. Plan your attacks and defenses. Then when the high wears off, think of something to say to em that will actually allow me to take you seriously.::
::You're a joke.::
::You're only going to get laid out and flattened. I'm Johnny Stylez, and your Booby Ocean. I can only imagine the buzz around the locker room. They know the big man is gonna lose to this "Tiny Tim". Heh, you amuse me though, with your patented bullshit.::
::Establish yourself, and then come back to me.::
::I'm more than willing to teach you something about being a Wrestling God. Because kicking your ass will be far too easy.::
::Now that's the TRUTH!::
::The fuck outta here.::
::This champion aint never looked sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Bra…::
[Turning his attention back to the coast, Stylez inhaled a deep lung-full of salted air... Before slowly sliding down from the hood and getting back into the car. Seconds later, that powerful engine was purring like a kitten, as the brash, but confident young buck eased back from the sand, and was soon nothing more than a pair of tail-lights shrinking off into the distance... Giving the camera a chance to swivel back around, and darken to a closing blackness on the still-rolling waves as they continued to pound the snow-white sands]
---End Feed------
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Someone get this "Boob" a new hobby!
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