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 Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM Empty
PostSubject: Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM   Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM EmptyMarch 4th 2007, 5:14 pm

[I went to the back that evening with the intent of flying back home as soon as I could to spend time with my little boy. I however didn't travel to Miami, I ended up going to Los Angeles where I had a beach house. My son was all ready there as he had been flown there by my younger brother Spencer. I had gotten tired of Miami and longed to be in California. When I got to my home and saw my little boy run to me for a hug I couldn't help but feel relaxed and ready to take on a come what may attitude. I quickly swept Alex up in my arms and showered his face with plenty of kisses, ones to make up for what I missed giving him while I was gone. I quickly walked into the kitchen with Alex in my arms and laid eyes on my brother who was helping himself to a sandwich. I should have probably been taking care of dinner as it was getting close to that time but I was exhausted from the flight. I would just have to order a pizza and be done with it for the night.]

Spencer: "Everything okay?"

Liz: "Yeah actually."
[I said as I paced Alex on top of the counter and stood in front of him. I felt a smile creep across my face as I kept my arms around my son.]
Liz: “I was thinking about going out and managing different wrestlers in the WWA, you know to bring in a income.

[He nodded and considered this for a moment before taking a drink from the bottle of beer that was in my fridge.]
Spencer: "I think you'll be fine."

Liz: “I am going to go and get Alex ready for bed."
[I picked up Alex and held him against my hip. I began to walk out of the kitchen, but stopped and looked at Spencer.]
Liz: "Hey can you do me a favor and call Aurelio's and order a couple of pizzas? I really don't feel like cooking."

He nodded. "Consider it done."

[I thanked him and walked out of the kitchen and made my way to Alex's room which was down the hall from my own. I took him inside and began to change him into a pair of red pajamas with fire trucks all over them. One thing that could be said for my son was that he was such an easy-going little boy. He let me get him changed without any fuss and then let me take him downstairs. When I got downstairs Spencer let me know that he had ordered the pizzas and that they would be at the house within an hour. He also let me know then that he had plans to go out for the evening to one of the nightclubs in LA. He invited me to come with but I declined saying that I wanted to get a goodnight's sleep so that I could wake up early and work out. I then left Alex downstairs with Spencer so that I could upstairs myself, have a shower, and get changed for the evening.]

[Around Eight-Thirty Alex was tired and ready to go down for the evening. Usually he went down around Eight but he wasn't ready at that time and neither was ready for him to. I had recently bought him the movie Flushed Away and he just couldn't get enough of it. By the time the movie was finished Alex had fallen asleep in my arms and I took him upstairs to his room where I put him in his crib. I kissed his forehead and left the room. Spencer had all ready left the house, leaving me to watch late night television by myself. I was laying on the couch positioned on my side flipping through channels. There was nothing good on and I considered heading on up to bed. I was about to get off of the couch and go on upstairs when I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned to myself not really wanting to deal with any company as I got up off of the couch but not before grabbing the blanket I had been covered up with. I wrapped it around my shoulders and walked to the front door in the foyer area. A second round of knocks took place as I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door. I opened the door up and just shook my head.]

Liz: "Son of a bitch."
[I said to myself as I stared right into the eyes of my estranged ex fiancée, Johnny Stylez. I'd like to say that I was surprised to see him but I wasn't. He always had a tendency to show up when I least expected or wanted him there.]
Liz: "As I live and breathe, if it isn't the famous Johnny Stylez, gracing my home with his presence. What do you want Johnny?"

::I suppose I expected a welcome like that or lack there of from you. Is it all right if I come in?::

[I considered this for a moment and sighed as I stepped aside to let him in.]
Liz: "Yeah I guess, come on in."
[I said as he walked in. I know I shouldn't have but he was Alex's father and I really did want for them to have a relationship.]
Liz: "You should've called first Johnny. Perhaps I would've prettied myself up for you or some shit like that."

::I'm here to see Alex, where is he Liz?::
Liz: "Alex is sleeping Johnny. It's late and he's a little boy."
[I sighed to myself and kept the blanket wrapped tightly around myself.]
Liz: " Since you made the trip all the way out here, can I get you a drink or something?"

::Yeah that would be fine. I suppose we have a lot that we need to talk about…You with all your calls to my house…::

[I only nodded as I led him into the kitchen and got out a glass, a bottle of Crown Royal, and put some ice in the glass. Stylez took a seat on one of the bar stools and rested his arms on top of the counter. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time I made his drink but I didn't meet them with my own. Instead I slid the glass over to him. I stood behind the counter as there was a strong silence between us. He sat there with the glass in his hands, I rose my head so that our eyes met. He finally broke the silence.]

::I know you probably have a lot of questions for me as to why I left and why I didn't call After you went with Joe::

Liz: "Actually I had a lot of questions Stylez but when I didn't hear from you after the first month, I kind of just stopped wondering. Though I have to ask, why are you here? After all of these months you never even called and now you're here wanting to see Alex. I just don't get it."

::I realized it was time that I see my son again. I'm the boy's father and he needs me in his life. I came here hoping that maybe we could work out some sort of arrangement for me to have Alex on a regular basis.::

Liz: "Stylez, I can understand completely where you're coming from but I just don't know if I'm ready to start making arrangements like that.."

::What do you mean you aren't ready to make any arrangements like that? I am his father Liz or have you been too busy letting some folks play Daddy to my son to remember that little fact?::

Liz: "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

::Word gets around Liz::

[I exhaled deeply as I was afraid of a confrontation between him and I about my relationship the other guy. I could feel my cheeks redden as I managed to swallow back the lump that had formed in my throat. Stylez stood there eyeing me with a hateful sort of smirk. I could tell from his tone of voice and the way he looked at me that it bothered him to know that another man, especially someone who he was close to had been with me in that way. I wasn't going to be intimidated by him…And I ALSO knew he couldn’t keep this up, he had a title defense against TM and then a match against Skull and Wicked, there’s no way he can keep his focus on us]

Liz: "What do you want me to say Stylez? You just up and left one night while I was sleeping and didn't even give me an explanation as to why you did. I needed you because we just lost our little girl and you were too wrapped up in your own shit to even realize what was going on with me. I'm sorry but I knew you weren’t coming back."

[He interrupted me.]
::So you regret it then. Everything::

Liz: "I didn't say that Stylez. As a matter of fact I don't regret sleeping with Maria and Joe. While you were gone and I needed someone to make me feel good about myself, they did that."

::Look Im not here about that, it was in a contract and I lost, I moved on!::
Liz: “Yeah, back to Jada”
::Come on Liz, Im a man, and I love the pussy!::

[This whole encounter with him was starting to wear on my nerves as I stood there and tried to defend myself to the man I loved with all of my heart.]
Liz: "But when will you learn? You are Alex's father and no I haven't forgotten that. I just sometimes wonder if you've forgotten that. When he looks at pictures like this!"
Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM Doava1

::Was that a dig at me Liz? You know how I live damn it, I cant help it I looked soooooooo damn good!::

Liz: "No Stylez it wasn't a dig. I'm just simply saying that this isn't the first time you've come to see me, wanting to be in our son's life. And every time that I cave and try to make things work with you, you take off without so much as a call afterwards. You've left our family more than once and come back months later saying the same thing over and over again about wanting to make it work. I'm not all together sure that I want to go through all of that drama again."
[I looked down when I said this next thing.]
Liz: "I almost wasn't able to go through it the first time you left let alone the second time."
[I looked up at him, barely able to hide the hurt in my eyes.]
Liz: "What I'm getting at is that before I let you back in our son's life, you have to make some sort of effort to show me that you are serious this time."

::What do you mean let me Liz? Alex is my son and I have just as many rights to him as you do.::
[He finished his drink and slammed the glass down on the counter before standing up.]
::And if I want to see him then I will be damned if I let you stop me.::

[He started to walk out of the kitchen and it looked as though he was going to go upstairs and wake up our sleeping Prince. As he reached the foot of the staircase I was able to grab a hold of his upper arm to stop him.]
Liz: "Don't even think about going up there and waking him up."
[He turned and glared down at me as I looked back up at him.]
Liz: "I am not doing this as a way to hurt you Stylez. I am doing this to keep our son from being hurt."

::You can't honestly I think I would ever do anything to purposely hurt our son can you?::
[He shook his head and moved his arm away so I couldn't hold onto it anymore.]
::I'm his father Liz and I have rights to him.::

Liz: "I know you have rights Stylez, we're not disagreeing about that. You don't know though the kind of hell that Alex went through the last time you left."
[I crossed my arms and put them back against my chest.]
Liz: "The last time you walked out on us, Alex was left devastated. Do you even know the kind of pain I felt seeing our sweet little boy in tears because he missed his father so much? Every day for weeks after you left he didn't fail in waking up and asking for you. Every time he heard some car pull into the driveway he would run to the front door all excited, expecting to see you coming through the door."
[The memories of those times with our son almost brought tears to my eyes. I also felt myself getting angry.]
Liz: "I've made my decision Stylez, I will not let you back into Alex's life just so that you can leave and break his heart again. Until you can prove to me that you plan on permanently sticking around, I can't let you be around him."

[He rubbed his chin for a moment and shook his head. He was angry and I knew it but I could also tell that this was one matter he wasn't going to push any further, at least not tonight. Finally he sighed and backed away.]
::Fine Liz I'll let you have your way tonight but it's not going to be like this for long. I will be in my son's life and you won't stop me.::
[He walked to the door and grabbed the knob, he turned it and opened the door. Before leaving he turned back and looked at me.]
::This isn't over Liz, not by a long shot.::

[He slammed the door behind him and left. He was right though, it wasn't over and I didn't want it to be over with. I wanted Stylez to be in Alex's life but I wasn't going to let him in automatically just to let him walk out again and break my son's heart again. I heard Stylez start up his vehicle and leave which at that point I went upstairs to my own bedroom. The whole confrontation with him left me with a splitting headache that I knew would stay with me for the rest of the evening. I had to take my mind off of my personal problems and focus on my professional ones.]
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM   Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM EmptyMarch 4th 2007, 5:19 pm

::The only way I know how to vent anger is straight murking someone!::
::You never cease to amaze me, TM. Two weeks ago, I would have expected you to come on strong. Talking about how I was nothing to get worked up over, nothing but a little fish swimming with the sharks, and how the "MAN IS THE BEST THING TO HIT THIS GAME" was going to slap the taste right out of my mouth ... Instead, I wind up having to listen to you beg for your job, It was pathetic! A grown ass man…Will in your case, A grown Ass WO-MAN begging are CEO for your job!...
::Man, grow some fucking balls Bra!::
::And then, on top of that crap, I get to listen to you tell me how great you think you are. How your gonna leave it all out there, how your fighting to keep your job!::
::In that case, TM you better get a head start filling out those unemployment sheets!::

[shaking his head, Stylez deeps in and out of traffic at all types of speeds]
::You've got your shot...Congratulations. You say you worked your ass off to get it. So has every other dedicated guy sitting in that locker room. You think Skull was handed the shot at my title last week? You think someone up and gave Wicked his Christmas present? No. They all worked their asses off for there shots, so don't even stand there and start belly-bawling about how everything you got, you worked for. You want to compare hard work and creds? By all means then, TM, lets begin.::

::It took me three months to become the two time Undisputed Champion. How long did it take you to become a champion of any level? ... Oh, that's right ... You never were. Sorry. Forgot about that. Oh, I was an X-Division Champion for six months running ... How long was ... Oops. My bad. You never held a title that prestigious. Well, then we'll try something a little easier. I was the Longest reigning US champion ... Nope. And whether you like it or not, no one can deny that no matter where you are, when you're getting a chance like this. That speaks more than volumes, that's a whole damned encyclopedia on just what the hell I bring when its time to set the table.::

::So much for credentials, right, TM? And that pretty much goes without saying if we were going to compare skill or talent, too. Yeah, I know you got a little bit of know-how when it comes to moving around in that ring. Like I said last time around, the guys I'm just thinking, dreaming about fighting ... You're beating. You've pretty much become my 'glass ceiling'. If I want to get out of the hole I've dug myself into, and break into the WWA to take out everyone in my way, I need to get past you first. Send your ass packing, punch that one way ticket out of the WWA! Wednesday night is my chance to do that. And I have every intention of keeping my word. That's just the kind of man I am.::
[Stylez begins to slow down a bit, as he approaches a toll both]
::Do me a favor and take a good long look, TM. Because this is what should be going through your mind right about now. Not record deals. Not some bar-fly looking for a quick fix. Not you jacking a nut off to your sister, And sure as hell not whether or not I'm going to put people to sleep with every thing I say and do here ... Especially since its obvious I don't.::
::I told you that last time, and I'm telling you again. You can come at me with every last shred of spit, shit and smack that you have in that body of yours, TM ... Because none of it is going to be able to stop me from singing you one of the sweetest Lullaby of them all.::
::Hey…Hey..Hey…Say good-bye!::

::I have them. The fans. Sure they love to hate me…And They might cheer for your last hurrah. They might clap, and whoop it up, and raise the roof once you pop out from behind those curtains ... But it's me they are waiting for. I'm the one who has each and every one of them in his corner, feeding me as they always have, supporting, urging, choosing me to be their champion. You might have the world's attention at your fingertips, TM ... But I've got its heart in mine. That's one reason that I can, and will beat you. The other is the more obvious ... I'm just a better wrestler. I told you before you were an entertainer. I'm not. I'm a fighter. Every victory I hold, every win in my column, I clawed, scratched, and scrapped for until I got it. It doesn't matter where you want to go, or what you want to do. You want to pick up a microphone? Be my guest, let me have it, TM... I'll visit it back on you ten-fold. You want to hit the mat and shoot it off, then I'm fine with that, too. We can tie each other in knots ... Fly the unfriendly skies ... Or even hit the floor and slug it out like a couple of schoolyard punks. It doesn't make one damned bit of difference. The bottom line doesn't change.::

::And that bottom line goes like this. You can show me up at will. You can make them laugh, make them cheer ... Hell, if they want, I bet they'd even stand on their heads for you. But, in the end, it doesn't matter what you can do with a microphone, but what you wind up doing inside that ring. And that's where you lose your power. Two simple things, TM. You don't have the heart to beat me. And you don't have the skill. Plain. Simple. Period. You just don't.::
::Hey, Just think now you’ll have more time to spend with your pill popping, depressed, Whore of a sister, and A mother who just doesn’t give a rats ass about her own kids…Enjoy your early retirement TM, Because Im gonna enjoying sending you there!::
[Stylez exploded out of the toll both]
::TM you will try to sound calm and collected, acting the aristocratic fella, acting like you got a job after this week ... But you’ve already admitted to the rest of the world, in your own actions last night, that TM is afraid of JOHNNY STYLEZ, and what happens once that bell rings. Looks like I'm not the only one showing a little emotion. Only mine isn't fear. Mine isn't doubt and uncertainty. Mine is damn certain. Mine is resolved, finalized ... And leaves no room for doubts of any kind at all. My emotion is the one that drives us all to do what we do, even when our blood is spilt, even when our bodies are broken and battered. Passion. That's the emotion that is manipulating me right now. Passion for the game. Passion for the game. Passion for what I love to do, and will continue to do no matter how many pink slips I gotta give folks. I have the passion for this business ... TM doesn't. Wednesday night, he gets a little taste of it.::
::Hey on the upside, I hear UPS is hiring…Just a thought you should be thinking about::
::Do you even intend on showing up, I wonder ... Do you have the guts to knuckle-up and prove that you even have the right to beg to Joe to keep your job? I still plan to show you just what in the hell you got coming. In the simplest terms, it'll be a beat-down, a massacre, an ass-whopping' and a flat-out street-style stomping ... But in my view, it's just another day on the playground. You've forced me into this, TM. Anything that happens two nights from now ... Anything I do, anything you suffer ... I want you to remember that you brought it on yourself. When you disrespected me, I ignored it. When you disrespected The New DX, I called you on it. But when you decided to disrespect the game we are in, with all that begging and ass kissing, That, was the one thing I could not let stand. And it won't be the only thing. You won't be standing for long, either. You've always seen yourself as standing on high, placed upon your golden-marble pedestal, looking down upon the world with a disgusted look of pity ... Well, ... Someone's tired of your pity, and thinks its time for a little change of scenery. Anarchy ... I'm kicking that thing right out from under you. I'm bringing you down into my world, where we're gonna play by my rules, and you're going to find out what "The Ballistic One" is all about. By the time I'm through, TM ... You'll probably be wishing it was Mexico ... Just so you wouldn't have to lay there in your own blood, cringing in not just pain, but the fact that you still had to face me ... One ... More ... Time….For your last chance at being employed!::
::Most of the time, I END these camera rants with one of my catchy phrases…but tonight…Im just gonna say…::
---End Feed---
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Another Chapter n My life...see yea TM
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