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 A Huge Surprise

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Hot Stuff Steven
Main Event
Main Event
Hot Stuff Steven

Number of posts : 60
Age : 33
Registration date : 2006-10-22

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

A Huge Surprise Empty
PostSubject: A Huge Surprise   A Huge Surprise EmptyMarch 5th 2007, 5:42 am

The Following Role Play Has Been Presented By Hot Stuff Steven.

A Huge Surprise W4lgfx4114dxspraylogoop7

[Scene Opens Up In A Hospital.
Steven Walks In The Door.
You See Mike In The Hospital Bed.
Steven And Sarah Walk Up To The Bed.
Mike Opens His Eyes.]

Hot Stuff Steven: Hey Old Man,
How You Doin Here?

Mike: It’s Alright.
I Will Be Outta Here In Know Time.

Hot Stuff Steven: Hey I Want You To Come Live With Me.
At Least When People Try To Attack You.
There Will Be Secutrity.

Mike: Whos The Security?

Hot Stuff Steven: Me.

[Mike Laughs]

Mike: Kid Your Gunna MAke My Ribbs Break.

[Sarah Looks At Hot Stuff.
Hot Stuff’s Phone Rings.
Vanessa Sanches Opens On The Screen.
Hot Stuff Looks Confussed.]

Mike: Who Is It?

Hot Stuff Steven: Vanessa.
Oh Well I Might Get Some Action!

[Sarah Looks Mad.
Steven Laughs]

Hot Stuff Steven: Just Joking!
Take It Easy!
Catch You guys Later.

[Steven Leaves The Hosptial.
He Gets In His Car And Drives To Vanessa’s House.
He Knocks On The Door.
Vanessa Answers And Hugs Steven.]

Vanessa: Steven!
It’s Been So Long!
How Are You?

Hot Stuff Steven: I’m Good.
How Bout You?

Vanessa: I’m Just Fine.
Um.. Come In Sit Down.

Hot Stuff Steven: Okay.

[Steven Sits Down.
Vanessa Looks Nervous.]

Hot Stuff Steven: How Long Has It Been Since We Broke Up?

Vanessa: Ahwile.
I Heard You Were With A Couple Girls.

Hot Stuff Steven: Yah One Was Too Much Of A Good Girl.
Reminded Me Of You.
The Other On Is Real Wild.
Not Like You At All!
But I Think The Most Perfect Girlfriend I Ever Had Was You.
Haha Too Bad You Ran Off.
I Probably Would Have Married You.
So Why Did You Call Me Here?

[A Kid Throws A Book At Hot Stuff.
Hot Stuff Gets Mad.]

Hot Stuff Steven: Damn Kid!
Who The Hell Is That?

Vanessa: Thats Junior.

Hot Stuff Steven: Junyah?
When Did You get Married?

Vanessa: I Didn’t

Hot Stuff Steven: Whose Kid Is That Then?

Vanessa: umm..
Mine And ...

[Hot Stuff Laughs.
Vanessa Looks Serious.
Hot Stuff Stops.]

Hot Stuff Steven: He Can’t Be.

Vanessa: 3 Years Old.
Bout The Time I Ran Off.
I Got Pregnant And I Could Trust You To Be Responsible.
But I Couldn’t Hide It.

Hot Stuff Steven: This Can’t Be Happing.

Vanessa: It Is.

Hot Stuff Steven: I Have A Match Against Stylez Next Sunday.
Mike Is In The Hospital.
And You Just Put This On Me Now?

[Steven Sees the Kid.
Stevens Storms Out Of The Hous.
The Next Day Steven Is At A Doctors Office With The Kid.
Doctor Walks Into Talk TO Steven.]

Doctor: He Is Yours.

Hot Stuff Steven: What?

Doctor: Improbable.
But He Is Yours.
Blood Test Never Lie.

[Hot Stuff Is In Shock.]

Doctor: Hey Why Dont You Take Him To A Movie.
With Sarah, And Vanessa, And Mike.
Be A Family.
Show Sarah That He Is A Good Kid.

[They Walk Out Of The Office.
Sarah And Hot Stuff Are Arguing.]

Sarah: That Kid Is Disqusting.

Hot Stuff Steven: Don’t Talk About My Kid Like That.

Sarah: That Slut And Old Man Is Comming Along To?

Hot Stuff Steven: Hey Thats My Friend And Thats My Friend.
Take It Easy!

Sarah: No. I Cant.
Steven You Have A Choice To make.
Me Or Them!
Choose Now!

Hot Steff Steven: Hahahaha
Well Thats An Easy Choice.
Cause I Mean The Choice I’m Going To Make MEans The World To Me.
Someone I Can Talk To
Someone I Can Marry!

[Sarah Smiles.
She Hugs Steven.]

Sarah: You Want To Marry Me?

Hot Stuff Steven: HAHAHAHA
I Want To Marry Vanessa.
And I Want Her To Live With Me, With My Kid.
And Mike Will Stay With Us.
Cause We Are A Family.
A Really Weird And Good Looking Family,
But A Family None The Less.
So I Choose Them.
So I Sold Your Contract Rights.
To The Man!

Sarah: WHAT!

[The Man Comes Up With Cutie Pie.
He Takes Sarah.]

The Man: Welcome To the Family!

Sarah: You Cant Do This.

Hot Stuff Steven: Oh I Just Did.
And If You have A PRoblem With That
We All Got TO Words For Ya!

The Whole Family: Suck It!

[The Whole Famliy Does The Suck It Pose.
Steven Kisses Vanessa.]

[The Next Day]

[Scene Opens Up.
Steven Is Walking Around With His Kid.]

Hot Stuff Steven: So How Old Are You?

Junior: Three Dad.

Hot Stuff Steven: Sorry.
Um Hey You Want To Come Watch Dad Wrestle?
Its On Wensday.
You Will Be In The Front Row With Mom,
And Crazy Mike.

Junior: Who You Wrestle?

Hot Stuff Steven: You need To Learn To Speak.

Junior: Three!

Hot Stuff Steven: Yah
Well Im Fighting This Fag Freddy Blue Finger.

Junior: Fag?

Hot Stuff Steven: Oh Shit
YouAren’t Suposed To hear Swear Words
Your Moms Going TO Be Fuckin Pissed Off.
Well This Is Between Us.
But I Think This Guy Freddy Blue Finger
Is Just A Old Dinosaur.
He Thinks He Is Grover From Sesame Street.

Junior: Freddy Fag!

Hot Stuff Steven: Damn You Are My Kid.
Come Here.
Let me Show You Something.

[They Drive To The Old HWF Arena.
They Stand In The Middle Of The Ring]

Hot Stuff Steven: This Is Where I Come To Think.
Where I Come To Breathe.
Where I Can Just Walk To The Animal Side And Unleash!
This Would Have All Been Yours If It Stayed In Business.
You Would Have Been King.
I Used To Come Here When I Was A Kid.
Mike Used To be Like My Dad.

[Hot Stuff Pauses]

Hot Stuff Steven: Freddy I Know Your Watching.
Time To Show You Who Is Boss.

[Hot Stuff Turns To the Camera.]

Hot Stuff Steven: Dont Think Me Finding Out I Have A Kid
Has Me Unfocused.
I Am More Focused Than Ever.
Cause I Want To Prove To My Kid, My Wife
And My Teacher.
That You Are Just A Old Man.
Start Praying To God,
Hope That He Is Listening.
Make A Deal With The Devil
Too Bad I Made Him Sell Me His Soul
You Have No Chance.
Opens Your Eyes
Cant You See?
Cause Im A Blessing In Disquise!

[Hot Stuff Looks At His Son.]

Hot Stuf Steven: Son Earphones

[His Son Covers His Ears.]

Hot Stuff Steven: Blue Finger You Worthless Fuck
How Dare You Come Here
To My Kingdom
My Territory
When An Animal Has His Territory
Invaded, He Gets Real
Real Defense
And Sometimes Murderous!
Thats What I Will be On Wensday!
Thats When Thing Get A Hella Personal!
Thats When I Will Show My Most Dangerous Side
The Animal Side.
If You Say You Will Cause Me Pain
I Will Say That Pain
Is Just A Word Made Up By Someone Who Was Weak.
Pain Is Temporary
Pride Is Forever.

[Steven Laughs]

Hot Stuff Steven: Finger You Are Nothing But History
You Said I Was Nothing In The JWF
Check Your Info Cause This Is WWA
And I Am Unstoppable Here
I Ended 5 Careers
I’ve Held 2 Titles And Have never Been Pinned For It.
I Am One Of The Most Dominatnt Superstar
In The WWA
And If You Cant See That
Get Some Glasses Old Man.

[Steven Laughs]

Hot Stuff Steven: Look I’m Tired Of Repeating Myself.
Let Me Tell You Something New.
While You Are Sleepin.
Cuddled Up Like The Bitch You Are.
I’m Training
I’m Sweating,
Im Deticated To The WWA
Unlike You.
You Have Been Gone For 3 Months
So Dont Talk To Me Till You Have Done Everything I HAve.
You Are A Pussy.
Cause I Asked You To Do A Career Killer Match
But Someone Was Afraid!
So Why Do YoU get Action
Only A Pussy Can Get.
Get Fingered Finger Hahaha.

[Hot Stuff Looks At His Kid.
He Picks His Kid Up.
He Looks Back In The Camera.]

Hot Stuff Steven: So Welcome Blue Finger
Welcome To Your Personal Hell
Welcome To The Ring
Welcome To The WWA
Welcome To The Career Killing List
But Most Of All Welcome
Blue Finger
Welcome To
The Animal Side!
Lords Know If YoU Will Make It Out Alive

[Steven Takes His Kid
And Leaves.
The Kid Makes A Suck It Sign To the Camera]
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