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 The 1st to go!

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Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

The 1st to go! Empty
PostSubject: The 1st to go!   The 1st to go! EmptyMarch 10th 2007, 2:48 am

!Experience Heart!

There is a saying. “RESPECT comes with WINNING.” This adage can be applied to the upcoming Anarchy Tournament. 7 superstars entered for the chance at being the new Anarchy Champion! Now this shin dig is three times harder then the first one that came around, but none the less, Frank Hart is looking to finally show the world just how good he really is!

Frank Hart: It feels good getting to cut a line on some cats who wants to knock me off. To address everyone who is trying to take MY ANARCHY championship belt as will as my trophy…Will they better be ready to kill my ass, because that’s the only way Im losing in this tourney!

Tails: You know bra, were partners and shit, but I aint playing you roll! Im giving it my all to take that title once and for all!
Hart: You can try all you want…But little buddy, this title is staying where it is…right around my waist!

The two members of the Heart Attacks currently collaborating and about to begin shooting some words from the JWF Anarchy Champion, AWB Tag - team champion, as will as a former two time Intercontentail champion. The scene that is being set up is that of a chair and an off-color backdrop with a AWB logo that is to the left nearly off camera. Hart sits in the chair as Tails stands behind the camera with several other crew members. Tails taking his chance at a directory debut!

Hart: Here’s the thing, Little Buddy. I’m UNDERwhelmed by the cats in this thing so far and I think this one we’ll just let it be known that I’m watching these cats and seeing what they have to say. Personally I’d rather not embarrass or shred these cats so bad verbally that they disappear and no show this time around.

Tails: I still think your more cocky then needed!


Hart: Hey, when your defending champion, its easy to get cocky!

Tails: I guess that is TRUE. And you are muy beano at this business.


Hart: It’s my job.

Tails: Humiliating others into doing the JOB.

Hart laughs

Hart: This True, T

Tails: So are we ready to roll?

Frank looks around and nods.

Hart: Yeah little buddy, Let’s roll with it.

The crew quiet down. A crewmember begins to countdown. 5,4,3...

Tails: Two.... See I know what Im doing!

Hart shakes his head as his Scene fades in.......
Frank Hart: Everybody’s buzzing around who’s got an eye or an interest in the AWB tourney, They sure aren’t talking about any cats who’ve been announced already. From A to Z, “A” as in Angel of Death Crimson Skull and “Z” being my little buddy’s introspective snoozers. ZZZZzzzzz.

Tails: Im still here…you know…

Hart goes on as if Tails didn’t say a damn thing!

Hart: A to Z, Top to Bottom all the talk is about the ONE man in this one that everyone wants to hear from. The DEFENDING champion FRANK HART. That’s not bragging that’s quite simply the case, You all would feel the same way if you actually won one of these tourneys! Now, before anyone gets a odd look about themselves wondering if this is a cocky Hart coming at you. Oh no. Wrong impression. This AWB Tourney has some of the BIGGEST stars in the game today! But There’s truly only one cat in this one who’s done anything of substance in JWF. That’s a fact. The rest of the guys in the tourney are to concern about themselves, I mean you got Joe Santiago, Who is more focus on Hot Stuff and his shot at War games then he is about becoming the AWB champion! But he’s not the only one You got Wicked and Skull, them to are so concern about Johnny Stylez that, Im not even sure if they even realize there is a AWB show! So when folks like Faith, Stylez, Wicked, Santiago and the rest of the Smucks chime in on their takes on the Tourney, the ‘people in the know’ and the ‘people with the dough’ and the ’people who want a show’ shouldn’t and wont be too impressed. The first cat that’s rumored to be talking smack around the lockeroom area, an old colleague and a guy I hate more then the American people hate President Bush...Christian Faith!

Tails: Wow, forget your first round foe, jump straight after Faith…Your pretty predictable my friend…But makes for a great promo.

Hart: Yeah I know I know you hate being called Chris. So I’ll give your opponents a little ammo to fire at you to rile you up CHRIS! Yeah this is gonna be fun if we get to face off but somehow, someway, I tend to think we won’t even cross paths. The “jury” is still out on whether you’ll even make it to the big match, a tag team title match might see you stretchered out well before the big one…But lets get real and cut the bullshit Faith! If you do get to my level of this tourney, I cant wait to get another chance to rip you apart! I’ve watched you grow. You became a superstar right before my eyes, yet I was left to dry on the hanger with the others. While I fought hard to keep my ground there you were headlining talk shows, dominating the ranks I’ve tried so hard to get over… yet I found myself failing with every attempt…The SWF was where it first started. What people don’t seem to understand and realize is that the SWF was jail in every sense to the word. You walked into it for the opportunity to perform on a higher level, Once you leave from the SWF your already mentally scared. Just look at me… I’m living proof. You call yourself the greatest thing to ever happen to this sport of ours. Yet you wouldn’t last the everyday struggles I had to go through. Here I am… still standing, battle scars have left me criminal minded, I’ve been trading war stories with the world since the minute I arrived here… and you…. What have you done? Posing for magazine covers like the tree jumping faggot that you are? Pulling in men and women of all kind for a fucking picture and a worthless autograph? Faith, you haven’t change on bit son! Your still the egotistic sonofabitch you always were….The Same one I dropped off the cage onto your fucking head a few years back! Faith At times I’ve come to wonder, is there such a thing as a timeless enemy? Through many hard fought battles we had, no matter what the outcome was, no matter how gruesome the matches were, I’ve managed limp away. I’ve managed to survive another day. But you kept creeping behind me, no matter how many times I left you on your back. May it be fists or the hot slugs piercing through your flesh…Im looking to end this feud before it even gets started…Im gonna put you out for good Faith! No big comeback! Nothing!

Tails: DAMN! This is deaf gonna be one of the best promos ever taped!

Hart: I’ve come to realize that yes, there is such a thing. Since the birth of our careers Faith we’ve managed to draw our own lines, we’ve battled in numerous occasions and traded victories. It’s been years now Faith and although the times have come to change we as individuals haven’t. We’ve seen enemies coexist and friendships broken, yet you and me have been going at it for years with never having the thought of putting our hatred aside…This hatred we carry will run along through our dying days. For if given the opportunity right now… I would hang you out off the ledge with a tight grip. Though I can’t touch you Faith, I could only plan your misery. For right now this isn’t about a keeping my AWB Championship title. There’s still a long road ahead. It’s about our history. It’s all about your downfall and my rise. The experiences in and out of the ring! Your stuck and unable to move forward. Here I am Faith, surpassing you. A new chapter will be engraved into our battles. You’ll come to hate yourself when looking back at the events that will occur. Your fans… they’ll come to hate you more. In the end when there’s nothing left for you, when your still struggling in the position you are now. I just hope you find the strength to pull the trigger. Put an end to the attempt your trying to complete. Cause this is maybe your last attempt. Have you ever been in a situation where you had your back against the wall? Where even a blink in eyes could cost you your life. The slightest of all moves and BAM your just another figure in the funeral home. This is what it’s come down to Faith. You can’t afford to blink. One step back and it’s over. Your back is against the wall on this one Faith. People have finally come to realize that you’re just a tool, a dull fucking monkey that has nothing left in the tank. A game that’s easily played and once beaten over and over again, it no longer holds value. There’s no joy into playing nor is there a sense of watching. You’ve been tuned out. So think hard about retirement you tree monkey cause the finale is soon to come…

Tails: No federation has shit like this! This is BIG!

Hart: That wont happen, but Faith vs. Hart 11, is brewing around the corner! Nuff Said!

Hart gives a wink and a sly grin, pausing so those smart viewers will catch the feud of all times references. He picks up though within seconds without missing a beat.

Hart: Lets move on to Hallow Wicked himself and Oh no... in case you’re not aware this is NOT the MASK grappler of the mid-2002’s, nope its not the cat who is currently wrestling at the COMBAT WRESTLING ZONE! it’s a different cat by the same name this is a different cat altogether! Don’t believe me, go do your research…But wait a second, I thought The JWF only hired original wrestlers? But hey what do I know, right?! THAT’S some FUNNY ASS SHHH-Stuff!!!!!!! Don’t sleep on me Wicked, Because I am gunning to THROW you out of the ring, and make sure your ass doesn’t move on in MY TOURNAMENT! Why you ask? Will chump change that’s the object of the match and that’s fine by me but rest assured Wicked, You’re not killing me with anything you will say so far and you sure haven’t impressed me with the shit you‘ve been throwing out there over a the second grade Brand, Breakdown! If you’re one of the final players in the Tourney it won’t be close. TRUST ME! Be wise and keep your focus on cats you can actually beat because talking any smack my way just leads you down the primrose path to defeat…See I don’t plan to sleep on any of you cats in the Tourney but I’ll be at MY BEST and that’s because ANY match I compete in I bring my best, any time, place, company OR match that I’ve set my sights on victory so keep your wits about you Wicked, Smarten up and Play wise against those you got an actual shot at chunking over cause this ....[[Points at self]] one cat you can’t come even close to defeating! Just stay over at Breakdown and play patty cake with Skull and Stylez…It’ll save you from straight embarrassment!

Hart: There’s two off the list! Next lets go after Skull. Why not…He’s another unoriginal fucker! I mean how many cats are caring the name Skull? I mean you The Skull Brothers, Skull Murphy, and Skull Ganz just to name a few of the pros! You see This cat doesn’t even REALIZE he is NOT wrestling chumps like Stylez or Wicked, FATAL mistakes like that knock a cat out before even lacing the boots and furthermore, He’s taking the route of crying ignorance... and his mentor, that Miles fucker nickel isn’t helping his chances by playing both sides between Skull and Wicked. “Ahh, forget it. He's really nothing to worry about. Right Skull” That’s the kind of unprepared ness that sends a cat fleeing from a company with his tail between his legs. Skull will backtrack from his ignorance and ill-prepping of me when he finally gets off his Breakdown horse and makes an attempt to knock me off, you can count on that but either way, he’s done for already. Unlike the lot f these Losers in this Tourney match I bring my best and have each opponent scouted, touted and routed by bell time and yes I just called EVERYONE ELSE in the match a “LOSER”. It’s a name a LOT of cats should get used to because that’s what you are, I mean if your not winning, then your losing…Right?

The sharp tone in his voice should be clear to any foe and any wrestling fan that Hart is on target and right on message as he usually is. He smoothly now turns to another camera as he shifts targets to talk of another in this months Tourney.

Hart: Another of the Tourney goer who’s SOLIDLY positioned on trying his hardest for every bout that he is in…Joe “The Thriller” Santiago. If this cat would actually spend some TIME focusing on us folks in this tourney he might be somebody but it sure doesn’t seem he’s going to step UP any time soon! He’s to busy getting his socks blown off by his dominatrix named MARIA! Oh there I go again, attacking Joe’s personal life! When Will I learn! Wait…I don’t give a fuck! Joe you got me my card the last three times we faced off, all three times you got me to tap out…Not a easy task…But here Joe, Here on my brand…here on AWB, all that shit you pulled off in the past is just that…SHIT! It’s a whole different fight when you enter the Anarchy tournament…Your not only fighting me, Sure it could happen, but first your gonna have to go through every other cat! And Bra, What I’ve been hearing from the Miss, I don’t think you got the stamina to do so!

Tails: Bra, another shot at the mans love life?

Hart: Hey little buddy, all is fare game! Anything goes…This cat cant even keep the WCWF a float never mind win this tourny! How is he to survive when he didn’t even see the sneak attack Hot Stuff threw against him? I think the boys been thinking with his little head instead of his main one! If you catch my drift! But Joe I've waited for, for a few weeks to get my fourth chance against yea. And Im sure you weren’t expecting it, soo soon, hell you don’t expect anything now a days do yea? Joe, you Certainly have been Flapping off at the gums for a long time now, trying to run shit. Nah, it's hardly that. I'm not impressed. You really think that if we get another chance against each other, you'd have more than the slightest chance of survival? Fuck off you delusional cock sucker! Your problem is that you've filled your dome with so much bullshit and of images of Maria‘s Pussy, it's tough to get past it. There's few who can compare to me, and I've seen you on your best. I’ll break it down. This is MY TIME to show the world just how good I am! You've heard my name and followed the hype. I'm sure of it. Probably why you're so heated in the first place, thinking I jacked your hype. You wanna be the big dog around these parts again Joe, but you're the smallest pup in the yard. Stick to dealing with Hot Stuff, Fingers and Bobby Ocean. Cuz' after I'm done, you'll know what level you're on! Nuff Said!

A look in Hart’s eye’s of glee is apparent as he continues on. The next person he’s gonna speak about MUST be...Johnny Stylez! You just know it’s coming…Hart vs. Stylez, come one even the old folks are “getting up” for this shit!
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

The 1st to go! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The 1st to go!   The 1st to go! EmptyMarch 10th 2007, 2:51 am

Hart: Stylez. Its in the man’s name. It’s not merely his middle name but it’s this cat’s LAST damn name. He’s Johnny Stylez. The man who’s own words will dig his own grave and see his defeat every time out against a “QUALITY” opponent. A man who is by his own admission is surprised by his “longevity” in the JWF. This guy named himself Stylez? When that’s the one thing he aint got is Style! This cat has been struggling to re-find himself ever since he became the Undisputed Champion…He done said it himself, He’s been trying his hardest to “get back” to the winning level his number one fan Fingers wants him to be at. Stylez, I already know the problem bra, you’ve been spoon feed since becoming the Champion, and know that fuck nuts like Wicked and Skull are finally putting the wrench on yea, you’re becoming a babbling bitch! Hell your promos aint even making since…Just repative bullshit, taking up air time. Try something different Bra, because your current Style is BROING us all to death! See Stylez Im not these Bitches you faced before on Anarchy…Nope…I still got a job, and I will send your ass home with a lose bra!

Hart smirks for a brief moment at the humorous jab about his lack of Style, but is quick to turn back to a serious tone lest anyone think otherwise. He shakes a finger.

Hart: Stylez, before you get your six foot panties in a bunch further ensuring your eternity to a Strip club plot nearby where your Style ass sat during your recent words. Don’t bring your Hoes into this, It’ll just give me another piece of ass to beat up! Fire up! This is your wake up call before your AWB demise! You have no prayer against a cat like me and the Tourney we may get to cross paths, I truly hope we do. I’ve heard your lackluster ass crowing about wanting to wrestle the absolute best to just SEE where you stand, Stylez, you can’t even get passed Wicked and Skull, so don’t flatter yourself but here’s your opportunity you’ll get to ONCE again get a chance to face off with the cat who’s not only winning this Tourney! Stylez Let’s not hear the excuses at the post match party Bra, cause quite frankly there’s PLENTY to be motivated over and here’s a little advice from an opponent I KNOW you respect in the Tourney match. BRING your best EVERY match you sign up for not just against the scrubs and Losers you know you can plow over. Bring it EVERY match you go for, then and only then will you be on your way to where you want to go. As for me it’s just been stated where I’m heading in JWF. To the fucking TOP. While my opponents in the Tourney want to talk turkey about only each other I KNOW my path will lead me into a MAIN EVENT EPIC showdowns!

Fade out....The camera shuts off and the crew applauds the great AWB champion.

Hart: Thanks. Bra, you did pretty good with that camera there

Tails: Damn Bra, You really put it on them! Im just glad you left me out! Shit I wont be surprise if these cats find a corner and cry!

Hart: Nah man, I haven’t even got going yet. Sure, I popped some of these kids a good one and maybe they’ll learn a lesson and straighten their act BEFORE the bell rings otherwise it’ll be SMOOTH sailing to the victory.

Tails: I just hope I can match that shit!

Hart: No one can, little buddy…You know the funny thing about this group is I didn’t even mention that...

Momentarily interrupted, Hart takes his cell out of his pocket and answers the phone.

Hart: Yeah man.

A pause

HART: I sure as shit am!

Another Pause

Hart: Bra, just ink the deal, you can never have to many sponsors! I mean no-one’s is gonna be shocked when I steam roll these cats for the win!

A pause

Hart: Oh fuck yeah. It’ll be something they’ll never stop talking about…FRANK HART THE TWO TIME TOURNY WINNER

A pause

HART: We’ll do. Buzz me up in a few days.

hart hangs up the phone.

Hart: Sorry fella’s. Gotta run but tails be sure to stick near the phone as I’ll be hitting you up again, I got a fUckton more to bring on those cats in THIS GAME and I can’t wait to check out more of JWF TV this week. Later folks!

Tails: Sure thing Bra, Just try to take it easy on me, playa.

Hart walks away…There is very little doubt as to who will win this shin dig, But there is still a question as to who will make it to the end against Me. One thing is clear, Im the ONLY one in this tourney who should move on to earning his spot as the best DAMN wrestler JWF has ever seen, There is a clam before the storm type atmosphere in the locker rooms and backstage around the AWB arena. Hart is in a suit, He isn’t in his wrestling attire as of yet. That will come later tonight. There’s a knock at the door, as the camera switches to Hart inside the green room of the spot of his Interview.

Saigon: Good Ol Hart, what's up?

Saigon enters the dressing room.

Hart: Just sitting and relaxing. No reason to get all worked up ya know? It's not like I have any tough opponents for the AWB show.....

Saigon: Tell me about it. Looks like you've got them all taken care of

Hart: yeah man, No shit!

Saigon: Folks got to much to worry about with there spots all over the JWF to make an attempt on you.

The two laugh.

Hart: You're probably right cause folks sure as shit won't be there in the end of the tourny to take it away from me.
Saigon: It looks like your biggest threat might be ol Tails himself.

Hart shakes his head

Hart: He's no threat to me inside the ring, you KNOW that. However...He's one shady ass cat who would take out his own partner to gain another title. When were in the ring as a team, I trust the kid, but face to face…He’s not someone Ill trust

Saigon: You and me both.

The two are in total agreement on Tails

Hart: Exactly man. This shit and the rumors going around about him doing anything to take me out. To bad, the kid is sitting himself up for yet another disappointment! Bt Here's my thing on this shit man. He's fucking with our angles why don’t you think we have been booked for the tag titles over at Warzone? Cuz the kid isn’t mark able.

The history between Hart and Tails runs deep. This is no act. There are no cameras around this is legit heat dating back Months ago

Saigon: I know what you mean, he knows how to work the backstage shit to his advantage. And like he's said on more than occasion, he's all about the money.

HART: But I love the kid but here he goes again I'll bet he's scheming his way into the the finals of this shin dig

Saigon: Maybe, but then again, maybe not. Don't get the cart ahead of the horse here.

Hart: I'm not man, Just covering bases. I wanted to throw it out there to you so you aren't blind sided when you cats go over my match this week. But I feel confident in my match considering who I'm up against! None of them fools can comeback to this, this here is breaking records and folks cant believe it!

Saigon: True

Hart: I got all the holes filled

Saigon: Should I even ask?

Hart: I guess I should get around a bit backstage so no-one says I'm not sociable. Let's go make the rounds, man.

Saigon: So you're avoiding the question?

Hart: C'mon let's go.

Saigon: Ok, I see, I see.

Hart: Good, It still take twice for you to take a hint. Man, Sai you really need to get that head of yours checked out. Funny ass shit

Saigon: From the way it sounds no one can one up you!

Hart slyly is grinning out of sight of Saigon as he exits the dressing room.

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