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 Tournament Over

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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

Tournament Over Empty
PostSubject: Tournament Over   Tournament Over EmptyMarch 11th 2007, 4:21 am

The Anarchy World Tournament
Something I created and will now win
This is the most star packed Anarchy World Tournament ever
Some of the best in the JWF all in one night
A bunch of people who are walking into the AWB arena
Only to get there ass kicked by “The Thriller” Joe Santiago
To say that a tournament with so many stars is “easy” would be crazy
I think this tournament will be simple
I’ll walk right in to all three of my matches
Walk out each one a winner
Hold that Trophy above my head as the best in AWB
I’m the greatest wrestler in the JWF
I am the greatest wrestler to walk Gods green earth
I’m the Greatest wrestler ever
No one can beat me
No one can stop me
No one can even slow me down
I’m a runaway train on the path to War Games
I am an unstoppable force as I make my way towards War Games
I will walk into War Games as Number 1 Contender
I will walk out JWF Heavyweight Champion


{Joe Santiago is sitting in his Hotel Room}
{Joe Santiago is thinking about what he will do in the Anarchy World Tournament}
{Joe Santiago wonders if he should even try to win}
{Joe Santiago wonders how he should get his point across to all the other participants in the Tournament}
{Joe Santiago considers doing a shoot interview or maybe even a press conference}
{Maria Leslee walks in soaking wet after her shower and she lays on top of Joe Santiago}

Joe Santiago - Maria, You know I can win the AWB Anarchy World Tournament right?

Maria Leslee - Of Course, You are the favorite to win this thing!

Joe Santiago - I know but I feel like people don’t respect me as a threat anymore. There was a time where I was one of the most feared guys around, now people think they can beat me! They end up getting beat but they should be nervous!

Maria Leslee - They are baby, but they make sure to hide it. If you aren’t nervous fighting against The Thriller then you are retarded. I know I was afraid to even talk to you when I first saw you. I was glad that I was bumped into you.

{They both laugh}

Joe Santiago - I’m glad too, even though it took a few months for us to hook up. I’m really glad we are together.

Maria Leslee - Me too baby.

{They begin kissing}

Joe Santiago - Wait, Are you really my dominatrix?

Maria Leslee - I can be if you want me to.

Joe Santiago - Nah, I’ll just fuck you doggy style like usual!

{Joe Laughs}

Maria Leslee - Shhhhh, We are on camera. I don’t want people to know how you fuck me!

Joe Santiago - Well, It’s not like they get to watch, The camera always fades away, we do it, then the cameras come back on sometimes hours later!

Maria Leslee - Well, Stop, because I don’t want people to know what we do when we fuck!

{Maria Leslee is now angry}

Joe Santiago - Come on Maria, Honestly, all the other guys jerk off to you anyway! You’re the hottest chick in the JWF! We might as well give them a little bit of hope! Most of them will never get a chick half as hot as you!

Maria Leslee - Okay.

{Camera fades away}

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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

Tournament Over Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament Over   Tournament Over EmptyMarch 11th 2007, 4:23 am

Joe Santiago has a special AWB Anarchy World Tournament set up for only him
The conference room is packed
All the press are ready to ask there questions
Joe Santiago walks in and stands in front of the podium

Joe Santiago - You members of the sports press, will not ask the questions, I will talk about each of my opponents!

{The Press begins talking to each other}

Joe Santiago - First off, my first round opponent, Johnny Stylez! Stylez is a great wrestler and a great member of the new DX! But the fact remains that Stylez isn’t even close to the level of “The Thriller” Joe Santiago! Johnny Stylez in my eyes will always be that arrogant piece of shit that got thrown off a bridge by my father Jose Santiago. Johnny Stylez in my eyes will always be the Undisputed, United States Champion and nothing more. Because the fact about Johnny Stylez is, he really isn’t as good as he thinks he is! He has an ego, but has done absolutely nothing in the JWF or anything else he has attempted to do! Johnny Stylez isn’t a Main Event guy in my eyes! I truly hate to be this honest about the guy, but the truth is “The JWF Thriller” Joe Santiago is back because of the rebirth of JWF. I have no reason to lie about my personal feeling about anybody. I will speak more truth in this conference then anyone has ever heard, at least from me. I have no reason to hide the truth because I’m not GM of any show and I don’t have to be nice to people! Johnny Stylez got his ass handed to him continuously in our best of seven series. Even in the match I lost, I won! Because Johnny Style isn’t good enough to beat me! Johnny Stylez will never be good enough to beat me! Because the day a guy named Johnny Stylez beats me is the day I pack my bags and retire from the wrestling business! Johnny Stylez you and your insult comic segments make me laugh, they make your opponents laugh and they make you look like a complete dickhead! Yeah we have become Friends Stylez but this isn’t about Friendship. This is the AWB World Anarchy Tournament. No Friends in this Tournament Stylez, that is just the bottom line! You aren’t “The Thriller” Joe Santiago, No matter how much you wish you were! Hell, I bet Stylez goes home and dresses like me! He probably dresses poor Jada up like Maria Leslee too! The fact is I have had sex with Jada and Maria at the same time! While Jada informed us that Stylez couldn’t even hand her touching his dick! He exploded prematurely! He blew his top before it got to the spot! I on the other hand pleased her and my beloved Maria Leslee over and over again! Johnny Stylez you love my style and you know it. You saw that me and Steven were going to form DX and you leaped at the opportunity to team with greatness, again! Remember what happened the last time we were on a team, I kicked your ass and if I decide to end DX I’ll kick your ass again. Stylez your so bad, I came down to the ring to help you and I got my ass kicked! You are so bad Johnny Stylez, that you can get my ass kicked! Stylez you may be headlining War Games for the Breakdown Brand but that only proves to me what a joke Breakdown is. Everyone knows War Zone is a the main show in the JWF! Johnny Stylez, me handing you the JWF World Title in the final match of our best of seven series was a test. I wanted to see how proud of a man you were, because any real man would have spit in my face for letting them win. Any real man would have done the admiral thing and forfeited the title. You know in your egomaniacal heart that “The Thriller” Joe Santiago is so much better then you. Hell Stylez, I can see it in your face, I can see it eating away at you on the inside. At War Games it’s time for a real champion of Breakdown because Stylez, your played out! Your as played out as Ballin, by Jim Jones, BALLIN! Not for long Stylez, Ballin for you has ended and it is this tournament that will begin the end of you. Ballin, If your Ballin motherfucker, then what I‘m doing can‘t be defined! It’s over for that Ballin Bullshit! It’s over for Johnny Stylez! It’s over for your fake title reign! A Title reign that was handed to you, you piece of shit! Any man that would accept a belt that he didn’t win, is not a man at all!

Joe Santiago - I’ve got this tournament as good as won! I just owned my first Round opponent and made him look like a little bitch. Now I move from Johnny Stylez to his homosexual brother Tails.

{Joe Santiago takes a drink of his water}

Joe Santiago - Tails, the entire JWF Roster knows you suck, in more ways then one. Because of your brother selling you out we know the sick and freaky things your tyranny did to you! Your own Brother pretty much fucked your entire career in an instant! Do you think you will be JWF Heavyweight Champion? Do you think that you will be JWF World Champion? Not with all of us remembering that! You may think you’re a member of DX, but the truth is we just wanted to see how far you would go with Cutie Pie to become a member. Why should it bother you anyway, you have the love of your life Frank Hart on your Heart Attack team. At least you know that he is a dude. Instead of being surprised when he pulls out a penis like your friend Jason! Maybe all three of you can team up and become the butt plugs! Heart Attacks, yeah you’re the Heart Attacks, to all gay men around the world. Hell, You and Frank Hart sound like a married couple most of the time. Both of you going back and forth bitching. Tails your brother Stylez made you a permanent mid-card wrestler! He really fucked your career! I can’t get over how much he ruined you! You will only be able to win the Intercontinental Championship at the most. Why would you let him do that to your career, oh I get it, Stylez is the big brother, which makes you the little brother or the bitch of the family! Tails you need to understand that you aren’t even close to the level as most of the guys in this Tournament. You are at the Intercontinental level in your career, and honestly that is where you will stay because of your unfortunate, Tyranny, Incident! Tails, I know you will be eliminated first from this tournament, You fight Crimson Skull first for gods sake. When I think about the World Anarchy Tournament 1, I notice the extreme lack of competition. When I look at the World Anarchy Tournament 2 I see some of the best in the JWF, and then the guys who will be eliminated immediately! You know who you are! Tails you are one of those guys! You wont be in the final two this month buddy. You are looking at the man who will walk into the World Anarchy Tournament and Walk out the World Anarchy Tournament winner for the month of my birth, March! I WILL NOT LOSE! Tails the best thing you can do for your career is break away. Break away Tails, I know you don’t understand so I’ll explain, Break away from Frank Hart and Stylez. Because Tails, Frank Hart and Stylez are leaches. They fins someone to help them, but when the shoe is on the other foot they screw you! You’ve helped Frank Hart so many times, but when you are being screwed, where is Frank Hart? I know where he is, he is laughing at you! He watches you get beat up and then doesn’t have any reason why he didn’t have your back. Don’t let him leach off your potential! Don’t allow him to use you as the joke in his Segments because when he does that he makes you look like a joke! That is some advice for you Tails. You can use it or you can throw it away. Just know that I’m right!

{All the reporters drastically try to write what he just said}
{Some reporters have given up and only write a few things}

Joe Santiago - From Tails, I go to his fellow butt plugging partner Frank Hart. He will be the easiest to destroy considering I’ve beaten him lime four or five times. But not only have I beaten him five time, I’ve made him tap out each time! Frank Hart needs to pray to God that we aren’t the final two because I would have him squealing like a pig! Frank Hart you aren’t even close to my league of competition and that is the reason I have owned you in five matches! Frank Hart your so stupid you thought that the AWB Anarchy World Title was on the line. That already shows me that you have no clue at all what is going on! The first World Anarchy Tournament was for the belt because the belt was vacant. This Tournament is only for the trophy and with all the stars in this tournament a lot of respect will go to the winner. The fact that while talking about each of your opponents you mentioned the belt really makes you look retarded! Something that made me laugh my ass off about you, besides the fact that you wont even make it to the finals so I can kick your ass, is that you said and I quote “If this cat would actually spend some TIME focusing on us folks in this tourney he might be somebody but it sure doesn’t seem he’s going to step UP any time soon! He’s to busy getting his socks blown off by his dominatrix named MARIA!” To that I say, Motherfucker what are you doing at War Games? What the fuck kind of wrestling Impact are you making? Who the fuck leaves a JWF event, thinking about what Frank Hart did that night? Let me answer these questions for you dumb ass! Fighting Mid-Card, None, No One! I’m having fun now! Frank Hart I own you! If you were half the man I am, you would be a better wrestler then you are now! How does that feel Frank Hart? How does it feel to Swallow your pride? How does it feel to know that you suck whenever you step into the ring with me! “Oh there I go again, attacking Joe’s personal life! When Will I learn! Wait…I don’t give a fuck!” Believe me Frank, It’s apparent that you don’t give a fuck, if you did you would win some high profile matches, instead of beating Bobby Ocean or The Man. Making you tap out was an easy task, I know because I was there to watch you scream like a bitch. You my friends, you Frank Hart, are what I like to call a “Biter.” Let me explain, a Biter, sees something he like from another person and instead of saying, “Wow, that guy is cool”, He just steals what the guy was doing. You are such a biter you rip Stylez off. Bra, You Suck! When I cut I cut deep. No holds barred right? This is your show right? Well if your show is anything like you I’ll have AWB tapping within a few minutes. “And Bra, What I’ve been hearing from the Miss, I don’t think you got the stamina to do so!” Everyone knows you like dudes Frank Hart! It’s obvious you love the sausage! You Sick Fuck! Homosexuality is not cool in the JWF Frank Hart! I mean honestly, has anyone ever seen Frank Hart with a woman? I know I haven’t! I always see him with dudes, and he is always saying something that make you wonder if he likes men! “I think the boys been thinking with his little head instead of his main one!” Do I even have to say I told you so? Frank Hart stop thinking about my cock and think about how I’m going to kick your ass if you even make it past the first round! You say you’ve waited a few weeks to get back into the ring with me? Did I kick your ass that bad? Frank I beat you on the last War Zone. Maybe we should get a doctor for him or something. I’ve beaten him so many times it is all one ass kicking blur to him! When I heard that I actually wondered if maybe I beat him to bad! Frank Hart did say one thing right about me though, there are a lot of images of Maria’s Pussy in my head, she has one of those sweet pussies, and you know that The Thriller loves that Pussy Sugar! Frank You haven’t seen me even close to my best. Right now, I’m at my best! Who the hell can stop me? Steven Daunhauer? No, he will try though! Freddy Blue Finger? No, He will try though! You Frank Hart? No, But you will try and you will fail, again! You actually brought up WCWF? I made WCWF for people like you! People like The Man, so that they can get better! I never took that place serious. I’m almost sad that you did! Your going to show the world how good you are, when you are eliminated in the first round! Then I’ll come to the ring and laugh In your face. I think you know the truth Frank. I think you know that you wont ever beat me in your entire life! I think you know that you are only a sub par wrestler who wont ever become JWF Heavyweight Champion while I’m around. Well Frank Hart, Your Right!

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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

Tournament Over Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament Over   Tournament Over EmptyMarch 11th 2007, 4:24 am

{Media Members begin to clap there hands}
{Joe Santiago smiles and posses for some pictures}
{Joe Santiago takes a sip of his water as he waits for people to calm down}
{Joe Santiago Smiles and continues}

Joe Santiago - Who’s Next? Christian Faith is the most closely related wrestler in the Tournament to Frank Hart. Christian Faith has be running from me his entire Career. I traveled around for awhile looking for some wrestling competition. I went to a few wrestling’s that had Christian Faith in it. I challenged him a few times but he never accepted. No matter how much I asked for a match with him he always turned me down. I even made him offers to join the JWF and he declined those too! Christian Faith always claimed that no matter what happened in his career he would never fight in the JWF. He said things like the JWF was evil, the JWF is what is wrong with pro wrestling. Christian Faith, I just made this tournament for you a whole lot harder! Christian Faith has called the JWF a joke, a piece of shit, and so many other things it would make the people that have been here since the beginning want to destroy Christian Faith! Christian Faith has no respect for any JWF wrestler and Christian Faith has no respect for the JWF in general! Christian Faith has called the JWF wrestlers a joke and he has claimed that he could beat anyone in the JWF! Christian Faith has dragged the JWF name through the mud and months later he has become a JWF Wrestler. Christian Faith, this tournament is filled with the best JWF originals. The JWF Originals that dedicated there time to making the JWF the best and you claim that you are better then us? Why? Because you Christian Faith are religious? That doesn’t make you any better then any of us. Then Christian Faith you have to fight Kaos in the first round of the tournament, Christian Faith you are another first round victim! Christian Faith versus Kaos, that should be a AWB Classic of a match! Christian Faith who believes in God and believes in living pure versus Kaos who, I don’t think believes in God. Christian Faith’s debut in the JWF is against a guy he thinks he can beat. Christian Faith it’s time to put up or shut up! My money is on you getting shut up by Kaos! Christian Faith you are in the big leagues now son, and not even your best friend God will be able to save you! Christian Faith even if you win your match against Kaos you will have to fight me in the next round. This Tournament for you Christian Faith will not be a pleasant one at all. It will be full of pain for you and nothing more! God have mercy on your soul Christian Faith! Because if I know Kaos, and I do, he wont show any mercy for you! Kaos will enjoy breaking you in half. Kaos is the fallen angel of the JWF and he will own you on Wednesday!

{Joe Santiago laughs as he sees a reporter trip}
{The reporters write as fast as they can}

Joe Santiago - From Christian Faith to his opponent Kaos. Kaos the Kaotic Klown! Wait, He is Kaos again right? Now I’m confused! Kaos the Kaotic Klown is dead right? Kaos is back? Yeah. Well Kaos, It looks like me and you will go one on one in the second round of the World Anarchy Tournament. If my memory is correct, “The Thriller” Joe Santiago has never fought Kaos. It is a dream match come true! For you Kaos, because for me your just another Goth for me to beat up on! Nothing personal Kaos, but anyone who loses to The Man isn’t a threat to me! You lost to The Man, that is career suicide! Then to cover up the fact you lost against The Man, you decided to become Kaos the Kaotic Klown. I don’t have to say it but Kaos, Even you know that was a joke! Kaos the Kaotic Klown? Really? What were you thinking? I guess losing to The Man could make anyone go insane! I think the downward spiral of your career happened, right after you lost in the Tag-Team match and where crucified on the Steel Cage. That was the day that Kaos died. Then you lost to Beast at Nothing to Lose and that is when I realized you had totally given up on your career! You totally gave up on the WWA at that point. So What did I do? What was I supposed to do? I wasn’t going to let you headline Boston Bash! That’s for damn sure! I recruited Gerald Richman to take your title shot away. I was not going to let a guy not dedicated headline a major event. Kaos, if you would have asked for some time off I would have given it to you. Instead you lost to The Man! What the hell! But now Kaos has returned and will headline War Games for the Breakdown Brand! Kaos, you are really going to have to come back better then ever if you want to win at War Games, because the War Games Cage is nothing but pain! But lets talk more about the World Anarchy Tournament. You will win in the first round, that’s for sure, but you will come across a road block in round two Kaos! Kaos in round two you go toe to toe with “The Thriller” Joe Santiago! Kaos not even in your prime could you beat me! Not even at your best could you beat me Kaos! Let alone now that I am running strong! I am at the top of my game right now, right before War Games! I am at full strive and ready to kicks ass and win the World Anarchy Tournament! You Kaos will get 1 win in the tournament and that’s all for you! You can bring all the razors you own, bring the big clown shoes, and bring some clown pies, because you will need all that and more to beat me Kaos!

{Some reporters are laughing}
{While others attempt to write everything The Thriller said}

Joe Santiago - The most closely related superstar to Kaos would be Crimson Skull! Crimson Skull, you haven’t been the same since I suspended your dumb ass. You more then anyone are the most afraid of “The Thriller” Joe Santiago! Crimson Skull anytime we’ve been in the ring together you’ve gotten beat down, except on Breakdown last week. Crimson Skull I buried your wannabe sinister ass once and I will do it again if you make it to the finals! The only thing sinister about you Crimson Skull is your breath. Crimson Skull, I’ll make you a Crimson Skull when I make you bleed all over the mat on Wednesday! The only thing scary about you monster, is how much you fucking complain! God damn! All your segments are the same dude, talk about something else. We know your life sucks and that you are the Crimson King. We know that you don’t like Stylez Segments and you think they are like porn and you think they are boring, the only thing that is boring Skull is you saying the same thing about the same people! Jesus Christ Skull! You may have won the number one contenders match on Breakdown, and you may be heading to the Breakdown War Games Main Event, but I can tell you honestly you wont win unless you step it up! 6’11” of wasted space lately! But I’m not like Stylez Skull, I don’t have to mention that you one World Title reign lasted a week and you had the belt handed to you! I’m going to take the high road and just say that You Suck! But as for the Anarchy World Tournament you will more then likely be the guy I beat in the finals! I mean you have a easy trip to the finals, “The Flaming Homo” Tails in round one? I can’t picture anyone easier to fight in this tournament. Tails is the worst guy in this thing. After you beat Tails in the first round you will either have to beat Frank Hart or Hallow Wicked. Crimson Skull you would lose to Frank Hart the way you should have lost to him the night you won the World Title. Frank Hart should have won the World Title because I wasn’t there to defend it. Instead your lover and friend Randal Turner got the bright idea to let you win the title, even though you weren’t even on Breakdown! But that about sums up your career Crimson Skull, not good enough to become champion without the help of your friend. But lets say that Frank Hart loses to Hallow Wicked. If that happens then I can get ready for Crimson Skull in the finals. Crimson Skull I think you would own Wicked, the same way you owned his brother Barelai. Crimson Skull you are a Main JWF Superstar but you have much to learn before you are World Champion again. Sinister, The only thing that will be sinister in the tournament is how much damage I will do to anyone who enters the ring with me!

{Joe Santiago laughs}
{some reporters laugh with him}

Joe Santiago - Last but certainly not least, Hallow Wicked! The brother of Barelai Von’Vicious. Hallow Wicked it’s because of your brother that I have no respect for you! Barelai Von’Vicious was one of my favorite wrestlers In the JWF and he quit out of nowhere! A guy that claimed to be my friend! A guy that claimed he had respect for me! A guy that if I saw today I would smack him the sit in his face, the same way he did to the JWF and all the JWF Wrestlers. Barelai Von’Vicious can go straight to hell because as of a few weeks ago he will never be invited to compete here again. Now that that’s off my chest lets talk about Hallow Wicked! Hallow reminds me of Beast. Everyone remembers Beast right? Beast, like my good friend Freddy Blue Finger pointed out, had some Charisma, some Wrestling ability, and a goofy catch phrase. Hallow Wicked has some Charisma, some Wrestling ability, and a goofy catch phrase. Hallow Be Thy Name! I wonder how long it took to come up with that one? Honestly can anyone imagine Hallow Wicked as World Champion? I can’t, at least not yet! He still has so much to learn about Wrestling before he wins the World Title. Now When I say that, it doesn’t mean at all that they wont win the belt, it means that if he des win the belt I don’t know how long he will hold onto it. Crimson Skull wasn’t ready to be champion and he lost the belt in a week! War Games will be interesting. The reason War Games will be interesting is because there is only one man that should win the World Title, and that one man is Kaos! As for the Tournament Wicked you will be eliminated In the first round, and if somehow you survive the first round then you will be eliminated in the second round. Because Wicked you aren’t good enough to beat anyone in this tournament and if by some miracle you do make it to the finals you will have your ass handed to you, “The Thriller” Joe Santiago be Thy Name Bitches!

{Joe Santiago finishes his water}
{The media begins leaving and Joe Santiago puts on his jacket}

Joe Santiago - Thank you all for coming to this conference. Thank you all for watching me single handedly destroy all the tournament members. I will see you all at Battlefield Formation tomorrow! When I cement my road to War Games!

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