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 man, this wasa tuff one!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

man, this wasa tuff one! Empty
PostSubject: man, this wasa tuff one!   man, this wasa tuff one! EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 6:27 am

[2007 is off and running in its third month and Good ol Stylez has been hated on more then any other superstar on the roster! Hell don’t believe it, Will just last week Stylez was attacked after suffering a BIG lost to Wicked and Skull. That's when the cameras are on. Behind the scenes it the much more intriguing situation. Shortly after Breakdown happened a whirlwind of things occurred. Things were said, hatred spawned and was defended and all indications are Stylez is soon to be gone from JWF. This is what happens when a stirrer like some folks is allowed to run amuck in the locker room. All of this is swirling around just as War Games and the biggest Anarchy Tournament in the history of the JWF is just around the corner. Add all of this drama with the fact that Stylez had just come off the lost mention, Long-time Stylez fans will know from a bad experience he'd been put in due to poor management that had mixed loyalties during his days in other federations back in 2001 that he would never agree to be a part of a "Politic run federation". Stylez still under all this duress was a consummate pro and worked the Tournament including the post-match attack by Kaos. Was Stylez left laying the final memory JWF fans will have of Johnny Stylez? He agreed to be part of the Anarchy Tournament match in an attempt to win it and shut the haters up, before much of the heighten emotional backstage toll took hold. But being a pro Stylez would not no-show but would he remain with JWF? In his entire main event career he's never failed to appear. Something very few on Stylez's level can say. In fact its possible Stylez may indeed may not be making his final JWF appearance at the Anarchy tournament...The B-teamers have all been heard from now it's time for the main eventers to come to town. The ones who do not need hype to get an audience. "The Strike-Back Kid" Johnny Stylez is looking to get this monkey of his back, and shut everyone the hell up!]

[Stylez is seen standing at a cliffs edge, looking over at the water and the sunrise. Feeling groggy as hell…Not a big fan of day light savings time! Never the less, Stylez is standing there shirtless, but with one in hand. As he begins to speak.]

::Finally the secrecy and my lips being sealed comes to an end. An end. An end. Yes an...END. The end of Joe Santiago’s reign. Ahhhh but he is not champion. You, yourself watch and think this. But He is champion though in his own eyes. He is the self proclaimed Living Legend of the JWF…The Thriller…But wait, This kid is now claming to have been resurrected along with the name of the JWF, But wasn’t it his idea to drop the JWF, and welcome in the scum’s of the WWA? Wasn’t it Joe who sold out to the big corporations and change the name to the WWA? And Im the so called “Sell-out” Face it folks if it wasn’t for Fingers, demanding and pretty much making Joe look like a bigger bitch then he already is, we would still be wrestling under the WWA banner! So don’t let all this “I AM MR. JWF” talk fool you folks at home, Joe is just like all the rest of the scum bags in cooperate America! He is just doing what he is forced to do, What other cats want him to do, not what he wants to do!::

::Its funny though, how Joe claimed Im biting his style, How Im trying my hardest to be just like him…And I say its all straight Bullshit! The proof is in the pudding, Don’t believe me? Check it, who was the first cat to get a damn blow job on camera? ME…Who was the first cat throwing out soft porn? ME again…Who was the first cat entertaining folks with a good soap opera before I layed into my foes? ME…Who was the cat sitting in controversy? ME…Then after Joe caught wind, and saw what I was doing was something BIG, a trend of sorts, This fucker jumped right on the bandwagon! This fucker made every fucking promo right from me! Fucking on camera, Jacked from me, Good love scenes, From me to…But yet Im the fucker who is the Wanna be…This son of a bitch has to get it right, ALL Joe Santiago is…another rip off from Good ol‘ ME! This cat swears he is all original, when he straight Jacked a dying stable, and made it his own…Joe has to realize he aint got shit over my head, Hell all his promo did was open my damn eyes! Im done reliving the glory teams of the WWE! Go find some other bitches to be your fucking lackey! Because Im done playing the role of Back-up! ::

[Stylez opens the DX shirt and tosses it off the cliff]

::But Ill give the cat his due, The man stepping his game up like he should be, to bad it aint gonna help him. I mean right out of the shoot from what I've heard on Ol Joe Santiago since he's hit the AWB is that he says he's the biggest name in the Tourney. I'll debate that issue and be proven right. Are you the current WORLD champion Mr. Santiago? Nope. Are you the Current UNDISPUTED champion Mr. Santiago? Nope. So far you lose this little debate on YOU claiming you're the biggest name in the AWB. Shit man, you haven't done a damn thing in JWF but live off your fathers legacy! You lose Santiago. Step your game all you want cause you know better than anyone else in the Tourney that when I'm on, I'm on and when I'm in it...I'm in it to win it! 7 others are just playing for second. So Santiago, They tell me you've said you built me? A load of shit. No-one built anything for me. I threw my name in the hat and I'm gonna bust my ass just like everyone else except the only difference is I'm willing to outWORK, and outSHINE every other cat in the match including you ol pal. You throw out a decent promo, maybe your best, To bad it just aint good enough!::

::See Santiago, I draw money! You can try to deny it all you want, But You know it and I know you know it so don't act coy on this one. Something was said by you Santiago about not being able to carry my ass any more, When you get tired of me, your gonna toss me to the side? Try it bra, Ill make you scream “I QUIT” again! When will you learn Playa, Nobody's holding S-Bee ME back and nobody's holding you back either Mr. Wanna be Stylez, Except maybe your ball and chain, Maria!!!!::

::I normally don’t sink as low as attack a mans personal life, Its not my style…I got standers! Normally Ill come out here, throw some jokes out there, and get my point across and move on, But Joe Its already gotten personal with the bullshit you thrown out there with you banning Jada…Homeboy your so fucked up you don’t even realize who your fucking and who your not….My sloppy second hoe you fucked was none other then Liz! And bra, Im glad you had a damn good time with what was my sloppy seconds! But the fact is I cut the hoe lose right after I took that screw job you dished out! But Maria on the other hand, Miss Slutty Two-shits. I call her Slutty cause well, we all know about her time backstage romping from everyone from Cameraman’s bed to anyone who would give her the time of day! Hell Im sure she has been around more times then Cutie Pie herself. Oh yea Joe, I took it that far! The woman hops from bed to bed so much, Maury Povich would have a week's worth of paternity test shows if SHE ever became pregnant lining up the potentials fathers, Maury? You got my number if you ever put that show together.::

::See you Joe, you play with fucking fire your gonna get fucking burned! I didn’t want to bring it to that level, but you made me bra!::

::You're hungry Santiago? Eat a fucking Snickers and take the loss you got coming to you. Nobody's buying your "You already won” talk. I'll give you your due. That's I'll give you what you're due. You step up your game and I'm supposed to be shocked, shit man, I've called for it for MONTHS when I carried you in that Best our Of Seven Series…Run your mouth about handing me the title? Who are you kidding bra! That series I took, You can sit there and run your mouth about giving me the fucking win, but In fact I would have taken it anyways! Lets do the homework bra, The first match, I lost because I wasn’t on my game and you were the better man, but the next two in that series was nothing more then a shit show of dirty politics! And Joe realizes it to…He was only up three none, because he pulled a god damn trump card, The same shit he pulled against me when I went face to face with Beast! Don’t believe me? Look at the verbal assault I dished out to Beast and Joe himself! If you ask me, “He’s already won” That's the kind of talk from the usual opponent of mine who knows he can't hang! As far as Im concern the bitch should start packing his bags, because he’s looking at a first round lose!::

::Joe your promo was impressive to say the least, You're Stepping it up! But don't ask for a pat on the back for it! You cats in the Tourney, you included Santiago got to enjoy March Madness with visions of Tourney Wins dancing in your head. Because come AWB, The dreams are over for all you cats! Santiago let it be clear, I take you more serious than these other guys do. Why? Cause I've got the experience. While I'm taking you more seriously than any cat in the Tourney cause I don't underestimate any opponent. I'm sure all those cats are throwing up at the thought that all that planning on spending the Tourney winning purse that's now down the drain.::

::See right here Joe, I'm proving I'll unload on you as much as those who they consider the favorites to win it. I don't underestimate you son but you ain't winning now that I've thrown my hat in the ring. Once the tape hits air and word gets out "I'm in it to win it" Santiago knows he's lost and if he don't know it come BELL time then he'll be just as blindsided by Good ol Stylez as ol folks in the BIG EAST betting against Georgetown was…::


::This first round match comes down to who “deserves” it more. I won’t back down and says generalized shit like “may the best man win”. Too much trash talk behind the scenes has been said by Santiago and I! This week is my chance to prove to everyone, that I aint some fly by night mid carder! I won’t “generalize” and “beat around the bush”. I’m confident I’m better than you, Santiago and I’m confident I’ll OUTwork and OUTshine the Thriller come Anarchy!::

[Stylez walks along the cliff side]

::Santiago you my friend are toast against me. I can say that now and he can back down and admit defeat and play it humble but the TRUTH is, he has used politics to gain his position and wins over me! Santiago, Bra you walk that fine line of his company’s UPSIDE and it’s downside. That’s what this week is about, pointing out the flaws and exposing the opposition’s weaknesses en route to earning a Tournament win. I’ve done just that to you Santiago.::

::I guess this shit is starting to be overkill. The fact is Santiago talked a bunch of turkey on shit he doesn't even get or understand. Tossin shit up against a wall and seeing if any sticks, well the cat must have had too much Chinese food courtesy of the Who-Flung-Poo Buffet. Because his shit did nothing to stop me from moving on to the next round!::

::Santiago, this week and every week leading straight into War Games, you and everyone else will find out that NO ONE can hang with me in the game we play..::

[Stylez shakes his head as he moves on to other cats in this shin dig!]

::Enough of me straight Murking Joe, lets move on to the other cats in this shit! You know I was gonna stand here the first chance I got and put my Bra in his place, talk for days on end on what he's doing or saying that's so stupid, I mean his lackluster, horse shit of a tourney promo was a BIG DISSAPOINTMENT! but nah man not even going there, he's dug his own grave with that week shit. (And he wonders why he cant beat VIP or NOS! what a curtain Jacker!) He makes this too easy. This Tourney wasn't built for me to win, but really if you look at things in JWF, when I'm on my game to a man, this roster will tell you any match I'm the favorite and that's the TRUTH. Tails has done fucked himself, by posting shit! He would have been better of not showing at all…The kid didn’t even mention his first round foe. BIG MISTAKE!:;

::I guess living in my shadow is becoming to much for yea, Hey not everyone can be as good as me, right? it’s the story of your life, Tails! Im telling you the boy has been screwed up his whole life, hell if it wasn’t for Ron and I busting his balls he would never be where he is today. He would have never became a pro wrestler the boy would have end up owning his very own Barbie hair salon. Him joining a gang was the biggest surprise to all of us, when we got the phone call of him being beaten up by a reveal gang We thought he was a victim of a gay bashing. Yea I know what you all are saying, “But Stylez, He’s your brother…” Only by birth folks, not by choice, The kid is a fruit cake, when we were growing up, he couldn’t do anything right. I was the MVP in every sport I played while Tails didn’t know the difference from a football and a baseball, or a touchdown to a home run. See Bra, I don’t take it easy on anyone, family or not. This is a big chance for me, and Tails will, The boy is a joke, always has been since we were little. All he is going to be is my damn spearing partner, all this tournament is going to show is everything I did to the kid when we were little, its going to show the ways I picked on him, the ways I beat the shit out of him, the ways I embarrassed him, and the ways I showed the boy tuff love. I remember every time we ragged on him about his girly run, or the way he talked or just ragged on him for anything he would run out here by the cliffs and hide from us, he would use this place to try to prove a point, never did work. He just look like a pissed off one year old, almost the same way he looked with that weak promo!::
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

man, this wasa tuff one! Empty
PostSubject: Re: man, this wasa tuff one!   man, this wasa tuff one! EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 6:30 am

::Consider this match a lesson. Pay some dues. Pay some respect. PAY HOMAGE to the BEST DAMN Sports entertainer in JWF today! Just so no-one says I didn’t say ANYTHING positive about your weak-ass attempt against us Tails. Stop embarrassing yourself by trying to come out and look like you can hang with Joe an I and the rest of the big dogs in a war of words. Hell man, you can’t even hang when you’re making things up in your head that never were said or happened lately. As for Christian Faith? I look forward to giving him a whipping and beating him for the 1.2.3! It’s not that Stylez will have never looked so good because the competition is just plain baddddddddd!::
[Stylez leans over the edge, and smiles before moving onto Christian Faith]
::Christian Faith, Here is a guy were all supposed to be in love with, He’s supposed to be the biggest thing to come to the JWF since…Will since ME! He has been rumored of being the best wrestler in this game today…You wanna know what I think? I think he’s a walking piece of shit! Everything he proclaims he has done is nothing but Bullshit! I m sure right now your setting there thinking to your self, Who is this guy? What does he do? What makes him so damn special? Why does this guy insist on trying to down play my words before I even say them? Faith your going into a dance where everyone is doing the Waltz, the same Waltz that I mastered before you and any other jock on the roster even understood what a collar-and-elbow tie up was! And Im sure you still have no idea! I'm Stylez, I'm a brawler. I'm a guy that can't escape a name I've already earned. I'm the guy who can't stop this no matter how much it hurts. Faith your best years are behind yea, Stop trying to relive your glory days, and go find a comfortable spot for your retirement::
[Stylez takes a seat on the edge…Still clearing his thoughts with his foes this week, thus far he taken care of three, and he still has four more to go! Man to win this tournament, you need to have a ton of HEART! Heh, Heart…Looks like we got our next victim!]
::Hart, you made some good one liners in your chance at swaying the votes, But to bad none of it was Original! You took the same old beaten path everyone else has taken going against me…Guess some folks just don’t know how to dig up dirt! Hart is a cat who smiles to your face and slashes and burns behind your back. It’s real shitty. I thought he was a stand up guy. Maybe he’s a real-life jealous piece of shit! It‘s kind of crazy though, For what was YEARS ol Hart and I got along just fine. Talked a lot backstage, shared a lot of the same views on the business and just in general got along fine. Then almost to the moment I‘m finally officially booked against the cat. He shuts it down. We hardly converse at all since this tourney was made. Now that just may be the‘ most 1-in-a-million of co-incidences but I don‘t know. It sucks that he‘d change on a dime just cause I was booked against him and all that but I don‘t know what the deal is with him. I‘d say that he‘s about to hit the ol bail trail from JWF but he just signed a new contract so that‘s good. Maybe he‘s just depressed that someone outworked him on his own BRAND! Get the fuck over it Hart, Because your one and done son!::
::That’s the trick to all this shit right now. Nobody outWORKS, or outSHINES this Badd Dude. That’s no act. That’s not tired same ol same ol. I’ve got a track record that backs it up.::
[Stylez begins to make his way back towards the house]
::Now lets move onto Skull…This makes what? Round four? You see Skull, if you make it to me come the tourney, you’ll be seeing a Johnny Stylez you've never encountered. You've seen me at my worst, you've seen me as a shard of what I once was. I was something amazing, running JWF for the longest time. I've been looking for that determination, and drive for so long, my mind running blank. That illustrious light I was following seemed to dim, leaving me in the darkness and cold. I can relive those days.
I don't need to look through an old picture album to try to psyche myself up for this. I need to look at you and know you're my enemy. I've been standing on the edge of JWF, teetering between failure and success. Fuck, I watched myself hanging on to that edge with my hands, my grip slowly loosening. But there WAS something I was missing.
It was that push to be better. I needed to experience defeat to need to win again. You're right though Skull with what you said last week, I was caught up in this business; Pussy, drugs, alcohol. I had a problem. But Now you have a problem. I'm tired of losing. I'm tired of being laughed at when I lose to guys last week. I was so used to being the best, I thought I was untouchable. But it took that knife in the back to realize I was slacking. The KNIFE OF THE JWF! You think I'm going to continue to allow myself this downfall? No, I am going to be the man to finally break this streak. Let you know what it's like to face the REAL Johnny Stylez. I've got that push and drive, I'm now David against Goliath. It's amazing how the tables have turned so fast, but it's life. I've got a group of men and women behind me who can vouch I'm great, as I can do the same for them. I'm a Saint, and the current UNDISPUTED CHAMPION. Be ready Skull, for what you can get the chance to witness. Time to cross you off this list I've began to build up. Just so I can prove, once again, why I'm Legendary.::
[Stylez picks up a few pieces of trash as he makes his way closer to the house. He crosses Skull off his imaginary list, and moves onto Wicked!]
::Well Mr. Wicked, it seems we meet again, will that is if you can make it to my level of the tournament…But there is a difference this time; no titles being decided. There isn't a UNDISPUTES Championship hanging above our heads, that’s not till War Games… No my friend, this is about respect. This is about bragging rights. You see Wicked, I have a couple things to get off my chest. I know I should've won the last time we faced. I was genuinely better than you. I put on a great performance, only to be snubbed out by a shitty decision. Well my friend, you've enlightened me. You made me better. So I can't really complain now can I Wicked? You beat me for your chance at War Games, but this week, you will realize You don't belong there. You belong within the division of the rest of the curtain hackers, You are strictly mid card material, just like your retarded brother Von was! My friend, I single handedly will murk you out. Just as I did to Dominic last week. I once again proved why I'm the best. You got lucky once by defeating me. I won't allow it again. I can't lose another match to such sub par talent as yourself. It disgusts me. That's why it won't happen. That's why I'm going to win this match, and continue to win until I'm back to the top of my level. So Wicked, realize that you are merely another stepping stone to me becoming the best wrestler on the AWB, and the best going into War Games. When there's something I want, I promise you I won't stop until I get it. So here's a fuck you Wicked!::
[Johnny gets to his back door, and takes a look around.]
::Kaos…Heh, I guess I wont wait your time, no need for you to get verbally assaulted twice this week, But know this Kaos, you may have dropped the clown gimmick, but your still a fucking poser in my eyes!::
[Stylez enters the house, closing the door behind him]
---End Feed--
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man, this wasa tuff one!
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