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 Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors...............

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors............... Empty
PostSubject: Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors...............   Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors............... EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 8:20 am

The camera flickers on to show an open field among trees of death. Their limbs flutter in the wind like skeleton fingers in search of flesh. The wind howls, sending a certain feeling of darkness over the area. The moon shines bright lighting up the place. You see seven crosses lined up in a circular formation. The wood they are constructed of seems to be old and splintering. It seems to almost be nothing more than dust. The wind causes them to sway slightly. A small fire is built in the center of the circle and someone stands over the fire looking down into it.

As the camera zooms in you see through the crackling flames who the individual is, Kaos. The shadows dance upon his face and chest, as if it is a magnificent ball of sorts. He stares into the fire, unblinking and focused. He is wearing his old clothing, the black straight jacket type shirt with the chains criss-crossing upon it and the pants that are black as well with chains. His arms are crossed as he stares. The camera zooms in as close as possible to his face and you see the fire in his eyes. It begins to twist into a morbid swirling of colors. His eyes become a pool of wonderment and a smile crosses his face.

Slowly he begins to move his hands into the fire. He flinches at first, but the agonized look soon fades. He begins to manipulate his hands inside the flames. The fire begins to transform. The flames slow and freeze. The camera zooms out to show that the trees are frozen in place as well, from the breeze. Kaos, however, continues to move about in the flames. He stops and looks at his hands inside the “frozen” fire.

Suddenly, his eyes burst forth into flames and he throws his head back. Fire begins to pour from his mouth like a liquid. He lets out an ear piercing, anguished scream and almost instantly pulls his hands out of the solid fire. He begins to point at each of the crosses, fire flowing from each fingertip. Names are placed upon the crosses using the fire and they glow as the wood burns.

The world seems to go back into play as the trees bend over from the wind and fire once more pulsates. Kaos puts his hands on his knees and bends over, panting for his breath. He rises up and pushes his hair back. He then proceeds to remove his shirt. You see the large cross tattoo on his chest and stomach glow bright from the light of the fire. He looks around at each of the crosses and disgust forms on his face. He reaches up and rubs his forehead, as he shakes his head slowly.

He drops his hands down to his sides and places his hands in his pockets. He smoothly, almost as if he is gliding, walks over to the cross nearest him. He looks at the name burning upon it: “Hallow Wicked.” He looks at the name and a cocky smile curls at the sides of his lips.

“I have seen many individuals, full of stupidity and are worthless, wastes of life. I have seen those so stupid that they should have been eradicated in the womb. These individuals simply feed off of everything around them. They leech off of those that are pathetic enough to be carriers for them. I have seen so many and am not surprised to see one among the ranks of the JWF.

Wicked, you are that leech. The parasite that has such an insatiable thirst that he must go week to week, sucking the life out of those around him. I mean, how exactly did you come here? I can tell you how, on the backs of your brother and his fucking Lord. You would have been nothing had you not lived off of them for so long. You would have been nothing here! You would have been equivalent to every sniveling person that cannot go past a rookie status.

You attempt to ascend the ranks based on this complete horror factor and I must say that most have a right to fear you, but I know the truth behind you. I know that you are nothing and will never be anything. You might as well hold up in a cave somewhere and live off the blood of cows for the rest of your days. You will accomplish just as much, as if you were to stay among the World.

I am not even going to waste another moment of my breath upon you.”

Kaos places one hand upon the name on the cross and it ceases to burn and goes black. Kaos then pushes the cross over. It hits the ground with a thud and dust flies into the air. After a moment it catches afire and burns quickly into ash. The ash still holds the form of a cross upon the ground.

Kaos looks at the ash as it is blown slightly by the wind and then turns his attention onto the cross that was beside of it. He reaches up and runs his hand across the name that burns upon it. He silently says the name and pulls his hand away. He looks up into the Heavens and sees a shooting star. He points up at the star and it explodes into many pieces, each of which forms a new sparkling star. He smiles and then waves his hand, causing the newly formed stars to become shooting stars. They streak across the sky and are definitely a sight to behold.

He looks back onto the cross and turns his arms over to examine the multiple scars upon them. He takes each hand and runs his fingers over the opposite arms scars. He cringes with each touch. He stops and lets out a frustrated sigh before speaking.

“Now I must move onto another individual who I have come into contact with. Skull, you and I have had so many battles that I feel as though there is nothing really to say about you. You are the bastard that has made me what I am today and I can say that I loathe you each and every minute of my damned life for it. As I stare into the cracked, gloom filled mirror each day and see the scars, I just want to rip out your throat and see your blood spill onto the floor. I want to feel the warmth of it as it splashes onto my skin. I want to see you beg as your last breath flows from those tainted lungs of yours.

I know you do not see me as a threat, nor do I see you as one. However, I think you should never underestimate anyone. I have beaten you more times than you most likely remember. Each victory was like a cold drink of water from the fountain of life. It was invigorating, to say the least. I want this to just be one more drink. I do not fear you. You are nothing, just like your protégé, Wicked. You had to have a fucking army on me to even amount to my power, Skull. You cannot handle me on your own. You may have been my mentor at one point. My teacher in life. The one individual I had to confide in. The tides have turned and I am now the TEACHER! I am the God that you shall pray to.

You have lost your way and I do not honestly believe that you can find the path once more. I see you as nothing more than a lonely, burnt man who had nothing better to do than corrupt the mind of a child. I will corrupt your mind now Skull. I will reach inside that scarred, hideous face of yours and pull yours brains from within. I will show you just exactly who I am and what I can do. You might as well hide away in that closet of yours, just like you always did!”

Kaos stops and breathes deep, exhaling. Sweat has perspired on his face and body. He slicks his hair back once more and looks into the Heavens.

“But you know Skull; they have always said keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This idea intrigues me very much. My mind is a tomb of wonderment as to what such an existence of two individuals such as yourself and I could possibly do. We have each destroyed the very foundation of which this World is built and reconstructed it to fit our own benefits, but what if we both had a hand in the rebirth of the World. No one would stand in our wake. No one could conquer such a being as us. We would be much more than Legion. We would not be many, but few. We would show the World exactly what happens when the powers of Heaven and Hell and everything in between begins to blur into one form.”

Kaos has a maniacal look upon his face and begins to pace in front of the cross as he says all this. His hair is matted to his face and he has quit bothering to remove it. He looks into the camera and the maniacal look fades, leaving a look of puzzlement. He grabs hold of each side of his head and closes his eyes tight before reopening them. He looks back into the camera and fury flashes in his eyes. He turns his hand towards the cross with Skull’s name upon it and the cross is thrown high into the air and explodes sending shards of wood raining down over the area. As he collects himself, he moves on to the next cross.

Upon inspecting the name on the cross, Kaos scoffs. He begins to laugh heavily and holds onto his stomach as he does so. He stops and wipes away fictitious tears from his eyes.

“Johnny Stylez, the resident trend setter. The one and only! I have never seen someone with such an ego. It honestly overshadows what little talent that you may even possess. You have said on one or more occasion that you have been doing this for many years, yet from what you show, it is like you have just stepped into the ring for your first time. You continuously harass and ridicule me over my loss to the one known as The Man, but I must say that the loss was not necessarily a bad thing, but an AWAKENING! It showed me that I have slipped farther into this downward spiral of my life and I just have to climb back out.

Also, you have begun to mock the Klown era of Kaos and you are rightful to do so, but Stylez you aren’t looking at the big picture. Even as the Klown I was more a champion than you are now or will ever be. I should have had that title around my waste long ago. I would rather see anyone in this World a champion than yourself. You waste everyone’s time and have tainted that belt with the shit that oozes from every pore on your fucking punk ass body. You would have never even seen victory had you not got in good with those higher up. You think you are worth while, Stylez. No! You are simply a filler until the truthful King comes to his throne and Stylez, the King has arrive with scepter and crown in hand. You might as well step down peacefully, unless of course you enjoy the taste of your own blood. I only showed you a miniscule piece of what I am capable of. I wanted nothing more than to cut your throat to silence you and you mindless, pornographic drivel, but of course that would have caused problems, now wouldn’t it?

I will never see you as a champion Stylez. I will always see you as the guy with friends that can make him a champion. You have no style and you know that. You just have the ability to drone on and on without any real coherent or reasonable thoughts. You want everyone to believe you are the greatest, but we all know you are barely scraping the surface of a mid carder. You should have stuck with those in your league. You cannot handle what the “big boys” dish out.”
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors............... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors...............   Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors............... EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 8:21 am

Kaos turns his hand to point at the cross and it blasts backwards through the trees surrounding the opening. Out of nowhere a large explosions occurs in the forest, on the path of the cross. Kaos smiles and looks over at the cross that is sitting directly beside of Stylez’s. He runs one finger over the name on the cross making it glow bright: Joe Santiago. Kaos pulls his hand back and puts his hands in his pockets turning to face the fire in the center. He stares into it as he had earlier and seems to become fixated once more, but snaps back and begins to talk.

“Joe “The Thriller” Santiago, my God what is there to say about someone who says it all about themselves? I have never heard anyone give themselves so much glory. You continuously run your mouth about your talent, your physical intimacies, your wondrous lifestyle.........”

Kaos stops and shakes his head, pushing his hair back out of his eyes.

“You are becoming worse than Stylez for the intimacies within your promos. I can understand how a man would want to flaunt such ventures, but you are simply hiding the fact that you have no talent. You veer everyone’s attention to sexual indulgences and this causes them to be blind of the fact that you are unworthy for many a victory that you receive.

I have never actually faced off with you in a ring. I have never even had the chance to face off against you at any point in time, until now. You know I have sat back and watched as you tyrannically rule over everyone here. You claim fairness, but what is fairness other than one man’s thought of what is right. Who is to say you are being a fair man? To some maybe, to others you are a bitch. Granted you devote the majority of your time now to your career as a wrestler, rather than as a governor of this place, but still I must say whenever you win it becomes a matter of did you deserve it or did you just let yourself win to make yourself and everyone around you gain respect for the almighty Santiago!

I will not let you go any further in this competition than the second round Joe. You think you have won this tournament. A man who runs his mouth early on is just trying to impress everyone, until that is they lose viciously at the hands of their opponent. This is what is going to happen to you Joe. I have waited a long time to be able to wrap my hands around your neck and choke the breath from you. I want to feel your throat cave in and see blood spew from that cocky mouth of yours. I want you to say that I am the best and that I am the one to destroy the infamous JOE SANTIAGO! I will not simply run my mouth Joe. I will prove to you that I am not someone to mess with. You have awoken a beast that lives only to suffer. I will make you suffer Joe. I will make everyone suffer. I promise this. Forgets your prayers Santiago. Forget your tricks and your jokes. Forget your hidden ways for a victory. I will overcome you and you will bow at my feet. I will be your God, Joe. ME! Kaos! You will never be the same again after this match and I will guarantee that much.”

Kaos reaches forward and touches the cross on the name. The cross goes up in flames and quickly burns leaving ash upon the ground. Kaos then turns to see three more crosses side by side. He looks at the names upon each of them: Tails, Christian Faith, and Fank Hart. Kaos looks at the crosses for moments before he speaks.

“You know I have to say I do not know much about any of these guys. They are truly nothing to me. They are not even a part of this place. I mean as far as I can remember the only thing I remember you, Tails, is that fucked up team you had: “Tailin with The Man.” That was just something to be looked at as a comedic reference. It was a joke and that is what you will always live on in my mind for. Yes, I may have become a clown for a particular amount of time, but I was no joke. Tails you are more of a joke than there will ever be.”

Kaos begins to rub his chin in a thinking manner and suddenly smiles.

“Wait, Tails you and Hart have a team now am I correct? The Heart Attacks! I must say that would be fine if it were not for the poster I seen of the both of you. You on one side, Hart on the other, and a large heart in the dead center. That should say enough about both Hart and Tails. There careers are as queer as they are, or even more so. I don’t even know who the fuck this Faith guy is. I mean is he some kind of religious individual. When I seen him appear and use the word “cats” to descried people, I automatically realized, this guy is fucked.

There is nothing else to say about these individuals. They are all jokes. They are worth less than anyone in this place. If anyone should be cutting their wrists, it should be these guys. They should rid the World of disgrace and indignity. I am just speechless on how these guys are even still here.”

Kaos laughs and just throws his hands at the crosses nonchalantly and they catch fire and burn to ash. He then looks around to see every cross has been destroyed. He looks back into the fire and watches the flames jump. He chuckles slightly and whispers something under his breath. He then steps forward into the fire.

It engulfs his body and it disappears almost instantly. Everything is calm, but suddenly the fire begins to spread out hastily in every direction. The entire place goes up in flames. The cameraman tries to outrun the fire, but it is much to quick and the flames catch him and he is decimated in seconds. The camera shows a last image of the flames coming towards it before the screen goes into static.

The screen stays in static, but then an image appears showing an aerial view of the area. The fire has completely destroyed everything and you see it has formed a design. A figure of a man with large angelic like wings and underneath the figure is written: “Everyone will suffer….”

The fire continues to move out past the trees towards the homes of those nearby and whatever lies past them. It seems out of control and burns without remorse. You hear Kaos’s laughter as the screen goes to black.
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Eyes of fire and a tongue of razors...............
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