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 Let The Anarchy Begin

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Hallow Wicked
Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 71
Registration date : 2006-12-18

Let The Anarchy Begin Empty
PostSubject: Let The Anarchy Begin   Let The Anarchy Begin EmptyMarch 12th 2007, 9:12 am

The scene opens with Hallow Wicked standing in his dungeon. You see Mylez Manson sitting at a table with a light on, writing. Hallow is sitting and staring at a cross that sits in the center of the dungeon. Hallow is watching it as if it holds the future. He stands up and walks to it. He is holding a red container in his hand.

"Before I get started on my bashing of my opponents, I am going to give this room some light."

Hallow walks over to the cross, pores gasoline on it, and lights a match. He throws the match on the cross and the cross immediately goes up in flames.

"Now, I shall start with my good friend Kaos. Kaos, you have been three things. A clown, a Shadow Walker, and a Emo kid that needs to get laid. Your last gimmick was the clown, and for some reason, and a good reason, you threw that gimmick away. Now, you are back to the old Kaos, bitching about how nothing makes since to you anymore and that you are going to make everyone suffer. Kaos, you make me suffer just by me having to listen to you bitch and moan constantly. Kaos, I need to buy you a book. It is called 'Suicide: Getting it Right the First Time.' Honestly, how fucking stupid do you have to be to fail at killing yourself?"

Hallow lifts his arm and shows it to the camera.

"Look Kaos, it's veins, HIT THEM! You'll die, I swear! You are the type I hate the most! You don't value what you have! If you make it to face me, I will be more than happy to put you out of your misery you self loathing pussy! You are the type I loathe! You take your life for granted, carving at yourself to find the answers. Well Kaos, I have your answer, and the answer is that your question is a fable! Your whole existence is nothing but a story that will fade into the darkness once i end your pathetic life!"

Hallow walks back over to his chair and sits down. The ash from the cross is landing in his hair.

"Crimson Skull! The Reaper! Well Skull, when I look at you, all I see is a pussy who is running in fear. You cant's defeat me Skull, SO STOP PRETENDING! After I kill you with my bare hands, I will throw you in the closet and let the souls that you hold rape you and humiliate you as you do them by keeping them there! I will watch as my brother Barelai beats you like the little bitch that you are, and once he is done with you Skull, I will show you what Hell is really like, for I will make you my slave! I had to watch you Skull! Watch you walk around and pretend that you have evil in you and that the Devil fears you! SPARE US SKULL! The only thing that fears you is the next person that has to look in that ugly face of yours, but for you to say that people fear your ability, that is just straight up bullshit!"

"Now, on to my first round oppnent, Frank Hart! Well Frank Hart, I must say that I am suprised you can come up with anything to say. I mean, you are too busy concentrating on Tails's tail that I am suprised you did anything! You and Talis are fucking ridiculous. You want to tlak about original wrestlers Hart, what is so original about the last name BITCH! You see, you need to remove your head from between Tails's legs and GET A DAMN CLUE! You are about as useful as Joe Sanitago at a bar fight!"

Hallow laughs.

"Now onto the butch Tails. I call him butch because Hart is obviously the bitch in that relationship. Oh wait, Tails! You are the guy who tried to bang the Trannie wasn't you! You see Tails, you are nothing to me, because you will always live in your brothers shadow. Unlike you, I don't have to deal with that because I ended my brother's life! So Talis, you need to stop wacking off to your brother's short pornos and kick his ass so you can prove that you are not under him, but you are above him!"

Hallow takes his hand and knocks the ass off of his shoulder.

"Mr. Erotica, I don't even have to diss you because you are a walking embarassment to the JWF! I have said it once, and I will say it again that you are nothing but a paper champion! You see Stylez, you can diss Barelai all you want, that's fine. The fact is that Barelai was better than you. He was the better rper and the better person because, unlike you Stylez, he can take a joke! Look at your fucking gimmick Stylez. You remind me of a straighter version of Goldust, but I dont even think you are straight! You write your little porn, which put me to sleep might I add, and then you act like you are the best that this place has. Well my friend, you are most certainly not! Bash me all you want Stylez, because you will never win the word battle, or the ring battle! You are nothing to me but a rip off of a Danielle Steele novel you bitchy little puss! Dish out the fuck you's all you want faggot, because when you step foot in the ring with me, all those words will come back to haunt you Stylez!"

"Christian Faith? I don't know who the kid, nor do I care! All I know is that he is going to be my dinner come tournament time!"

Hallow sits back down and reaches to his left and picks up a pitcher filled with blood. He pours himself a glass and takes a drink. He looks back at the camera.

"Now onto this so called 'Thriller.' You know, everytime I see that, I picture a dumbass Puerto Rican with big Dumbo ears doing the dance in the Michael Jackson video. Joe, you thought is was funny to bring family into the mix, so I figured I would do the same. You know why I dont respect you Joe? I don't respect you because of your sister spreading the AIDS virus to the JWF locker room. I also don't like you because you are nothing but a Johnny Stlez rip off! You are doing the short little pornos with that whore Maria Leslie! You need to stop ripping the people on this fed and think of your own shit bitch! I am sick of listening to you talk about how you are the best! Stop talking and show that you are the best by doing something, because so far, you have showed me shit! I know I am not the best, but you are not either. As a matter of fact you and Stylez are a lot alike! You two have the two biggest egos in this company! Another thing Joe! If you were to slap Barelai, it would be an honer to watch him take the hand you slapped him with, rip it off, and beat you to fucking death with it! You can also come back with words, but like Stylez needs to learn, you two pussies can't outsmart the smartass! You will never win the word battle, nor the ring battle. You can stop bashing me Joe, because you will never, EVER win that battle! I know, you might fire me for bringing your sister up, but that is like you isn't Joe. You dish, but once somebody gives you a taste of your own medecine, you get pissed and they are either fired or banned. I am sick of watching people beat you Joe, but you somehow come out on top. It is ridiculous! At AWB Joe, it will be the first meeting, that is if you make it, that you and I will have, and I will show you how dark and how sick I really am!"

Hallow stands and kicks the cross. The cross falls to the ground causing the flames to shoot up. The ashes rise from the cross and fall on the camera.

"Hallow Be Thy Name, and Anarchy Be Thy Life!"

Camera fades
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