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 Dallas McWade

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Dallas McWade
Mid Carder
Mid Carder
Dallas McWade

Number of posts : 33
Age : 39
Registration date : 2007-03-16

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Dallas McWade Empty
PostSubject: Dallas McWade   Dallas McWade EmptyMarch 16th 2007, 12:59 am

Character Name: “The Texas Bad Ass” Dallas McWade

Character Age/Birthday: 21, 3/16/85

Character Height: 260

Character's Weight: 6’2”

Character's Home (Town, Country, Etc.): Dallas, Texas

Entrance Music: CKY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings

Alignment (Heel, Face, Neutral): Heel, that the fans love

Wrestling Style (High Flying, Power, etc.): Power

Wrestler's Picture base: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Finisher Name (Just ONE Finisher please): Skull Crusher

Finisher Description: Stone Cold Stunner

Specialty Move: Texas Pride

Specialty Move Description: Rock Bottom

Background Story: Dallas McWade grew up in Dallas, Texas. Dallas
traveled around after turning 18 and wrestled at many promotions in
his, already, three year career. Now Dallas will attempt to become one
of the best wrestlers in this fed.

15-30 Moves Your Character Does:


- Neckbreaker

- Backbreaker

- Spinebuster

- Old School Piledriver

- Ankle Lock

- Back Body Drop

- Back Suplex

- Bear Hug

- Big Boot

- Bodyslam

- (Boston) Crab

- Camel Clutch

- Chokeslam

- Cobra Clutch

- Crossface

- Death Valley Driver

- Double Backbreaker

- Double Underhook Powerbomb

- Fallaway Slam

- Figure Four Leg Lock

- Fist Drop

- Flying Clothesline

- Frog Splash

- German Suplex

- Half Crab

- Jackhammer

- Leg Drop

- (Lou) Thesz Press

- Pedigree

- Powerbomb

- Powerslam

- Pump Handle Slam

- Running Powerslam

- Scorpion Death Lock [Sharpshooter]

- Shoulder Breaker

- Sit-Down Powerbomb

- Sleeper Hold

- Snap DDT

- Snap Suplex

- Spear


- Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker

- Tombstone Piledriver

- Top-Rope Piledriver

- Vertical Suplex

Sample RP:

OOC - This is not my best, I wrote this in 5 minutes. Also all of it is in character.

Dallas McWade is sitting on the deck of his house. It’s a rainy day in
Dallas and the football season ended in a horrible way. Dallas McWade
is drinking beer and by the looks of the cans around him, he has been
for a few hours. Dallas begins to daze off but then begins to talk.

Dallas McWade - If you don’t know who I am, I’m the Texas Bad Ass! I’m
the man who will walk into JWF and dominate! I’m Dallas McWade!

{Dallas McWade drinks some of his beer and then continues}

Dallas McWade - I have seen the best wrestlers in my 3 year career and
have fought beat the best in the world! JWF needs a talent like me,
because the Bottom line is they don’t have anyone who deserves to call
themselves a World Champion! Dallas McWade will give JWF a star like no
other because when it comes to stars, JWF has none!

Dallas McWade watches as his best friend Walt Havaak walks up and takes
a seat next to him Walt Havaak grabs a beer from the cooler and cracks
it open. Dallas McWade looks at Walt and begins to laugh. Walt Havaak
was a former World Champion wrestler, but now wrestles at smaller
promotions. Walt Havaak had become a mentor to Dallas McWade after
Dallas’s Father passed away. Walt Havaak and Dallas McWade senior where
tag-team partners for a long time and won many tag-team titles around
the world.

Dallas McWade - What’s up?

Walt Havaak - Nothing, I’m booked for some Texas wrestling promotion today and decided to stop by and check in on you.

Dallas McWade -I’m trying to sign a contract with Badlands Pro Wrestling.

Walt Havaak - Maybe you could bring me with you as your manager?

Dallas McWade - You know you’re my best friend and your like a Father
to me, but I’m going to do this on my own. I need to show the world
that Dallas McWade is the best and that I’m JWF World Champion material.

Walt Havaak - That’s fine, I know for a fact that you will do great in JWF. If they don’t sign you they’re crazy!

Dallas McWade - I know, JWF needs The Texas Bad Ass! I would bring more excitement to JWF then anyone in JWF history.

Walt Havaak - I agree, JWF management is going to hate you though.

(Walt and Dallas both laugh)

Dallas McWade - Don’t they all? I mean god damn, If I had one-hundred
dollars for all the wars with management I’ve had, I could retire
already. I guess there is something about me that the powers that be
don’t like.

Walt Havaak - I think it’s the fact that you don’t hide the way you
feel. You’re the kind of guy that will say what he feels and not even
sugar coat it. But that is what makes you so unique, especially as a

(Dallas looks at his watch)

Dallas McWade - God Damn, I have a JWF interview scheduled in an hour. I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.

Walt Havaak - Okay man.

Dallas McWade gets up and walks inside the house. Seconds later Dallas comes back out and grabs one more beer.

Dallas McWade - One for the road!

to be Continued…
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