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 Where is the War Games Gatorade?

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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2006-10-11

Where is the War Games Gatorade? Empty
PostSubject: Where is the War Games Gatorade?   Where is the War Games Gatorade? EmptyMarch 19th 2007, 10:14 pm

Jazmin Santiago is at her house in Seattle
Washington. She is having a War Games celebration party, because she
knows that she will beat The Man at War Games this Sunday on
Pay-Per-View. Jazz has invited almost everyone in the JWF to her super
Party! She is talking to War Zone general Manager Freddy Blue finger,
who picked her to represent him at War Games.

Jazmin Santiago - Freddy you have nothing to worry
about, The Man will be treated like a small child when he steps into
the ring with me.

Freddy Blue Finger - I know Jazz, but Boofalanie
Jones always has a back up plan. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had more
then just The Man ready to fight you this Sunday.

Jazmin Santiago - So whoever he does have as a back up plan, you don’t think I can beat them?

Freddy Blue Finger - I’m not saying that, but it would be difficult to overcome two people.

Jazmin Santiago - Not for me, I will dish out as
many beating as I can in this match. Arm of Pain for everyone! I don’t
care how many Steroids The Man took to get that big. It doesn’t matter
if he brings his ugly ass man of a sister with him. War Games will be
won by me this Sunday and that is all that matters!

Freddy Blue Finger - I like that attitude Jazz, I hope you get the win, for all of War Zone!

Jazmin Santiago - Trust me a I will.

Freddy Blue Finger - Three cheers for Jazz!

(Everyone cheers)

After the party the maids clean up the house and Jazz went to bed.
The next day Jazmin Santiago went to the JWF Studio in Seattle. Their
she met up with her brother, and JWF Heavyweight Champion, “The
Thriller” Joe Santiago. They discussed possible parodies to do, to make
fun of The Man, until they came up with something perfect!

Playing the Role of The Man - The WOMan - Jazmin Santiago

Playing the Role of Cutie Pie - UGLY GUY - Joe Santiago

Jazmin Santiago is dressed in a huge muscle suit, and in her hand has a
bottle of steroids, she is making fun of The Man. Joe Santiago is
dressed in a tube top and has pimples all over his face, he is also
wearing a blond wig he is making fun of Cutie Pie.

The WOMan - I’m HUGE! I guess hard work does pay off!

(The WOMan is screaming for no reason at all)

UGLY GUY - I’m so Hot! Everyone wants to have sex with me, Hey WOMan? Have you seen my Herpes Cream?

The WOMan - NO! But who drank all the god damn GATORADE! FUCK! I want some damn Gatorade!

(The WOMan takes the Gatorade pitcher and launches it into the wall)

(The WOMan grabs a member of the gym and throws him through the Gatorade table)

UGLY GUY - Clam down, There is another Gatorade table right next to you.

(The WOMan looks at the other Gatorade Table)

The WOMan - Oh, Thanks. I’m going to go and takes
these Steroids with some Gatorade, I mean, Take my medicine with
Gatorade! I mean, My medicine is in the steroid bottle because, it’s
the only bottle I could find, but I never used Steroids, I only was
holding the bottle for a friend. But nobody I know uses Steroids, I

(The WOMan gets frustrated attempting to explain himself and begins to cry)

(In a squeaky girly voice)

The WOMan - I DON’T USE STEROIDS! Really! I worked out and in a week I got this big and I have mood swings easily, that’s all!

UGLY GUY - It’s okay WOMan. I know you don’t use Steroids.

The WOMan - I Don’t!

Wrestling Fan - Hey, you’re the WOMan! Can I have your autograph?

The WOMan - Really?

Wrestling Fan - Yeah, you are good know, especially since you used Steroids.

UGLY GUY - Shhhh


(The WOMan Grabs the fan and rips him in half)

(The WOMan screams and grabs a gym trainer and throws him through the other Gatorade table)

The WOMan - My Fucking Gatorade! What the fuck!

(The WOMan begins to foam at the mouth)

UGLY GUY - Oh My God!

(The WOMan grabs his sister and throws her through the window of the gym)

The WOMan - SHIT!

(Animal control storms into the Gym and tells The WOMan to calm down)


Animal Control - If you don’t calm down, we’ll have to shoot you with this elephant tranquilizer dart!


Animal Control - Sir, if you just remain calm we can give you some Gatorade.

The WOMan - Really?

Animal Control - Take him out

(The hit him with the elephant tranquilizer dart)

(The WOMan begins to stagger)

Animal Control - How is he still standing?


Animal Control - Shoot him again!

(They shoot The WOMan with another elephant tranquilizer dart)

(The WOMan hit’s the ground, every few seconds he twitches)

(Animal Control carries him off)

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