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 Lights out on the past #2

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Lights out on the past #2 Empty
PostSubject: Lights out on the past #2   Lights out on the past #2 EmptyMarch 23rd 2007, 9:32 pm

Experience Hart live in Philly!

"Now my life has turned
Another corner
I think it's only best
That I should warn you
Dream it while you can
Maybe someday
I'll make you understand"

I love this. The setting around me, it makes me feel at ease. Good things have happened ever since I caught a flight back home from AWB. I stand and look around the gym where it all began. My mentors gym, and now mines. Soon, it’ll be my children’s.

They will inherit a big part of my history. It’s not much, even with the refurbishment, but if it wasn’t for this place there would be no Hart. There would be no Frank or Heart Attacks. Without this place, I would be dead…

I sigh, as I sit on the edge of the apron of the gym’s ring while I favor my knee. God, how it still screams its own pain from that battle. It’s funny really. I have a match, and it’s this pain that reminds me of the sacrifice I have made to get here. It is this sacrifice that, no matter or not that I lost to Skull at AWB I still get called upon to bring a fight that only I can into this Title Savings match

I touch my knee and it burns. I have to wear this brace constantly. I have to fight through the pain… constantly. I can’t go under the knife. Not now. Time waits for no man, but in this instance I will see to it that he does this one time.

I have bigger things than that on my mind. There are things that mean more to me than even my wrestling career. My family. The reason I fight through the pain. The reason I am the man that I am today.

I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for it…

The silence is deafening, but it is somehow comforting. With all the things that have been going on lately, the quiet makes it alright. But the one thing that seemingly solves all my problems is hearing the door open and close upstairs, and those footsteps coming down the stairs…which can only mean one thing – Finally the Fuck up of the JWF has decided to join’s been quite a while since the two of us have been anywhere near a ring together...Will call it last Warzone, but for us, that’s ever!

I pick up my head and see Tails walking towards me – not quite the one he had when we met, but were are a pretty good damn team.

Hart: At this point in any normal situation there would be the sound of two hands coming together in an obnoxious slow clap. One that wouldn’t catch on and become a roar of support and do you know why? It’s quite simple really, in the recent promo of Booby Ocean. He decided that it would be cool to reminisce and reach for the higher ups for the extra help to win this title savings match. To bad even he cant help your ass in this match Ocean!

Tails: Dang bra, I fly all the way here to Philly, Hours on a plane, and to my surprise your not even in the hotel!

Hart: Sorry bra, I couldn’t sleep much. I guess I have a lot on the mind. This always seemed to be a place where I could come to clear my head, and believe me, living up the stairs of this place; there were a lot of those nights.

Tails: Yea, Why is it when wrestlers, Boxers, and other fighters have to clear there heads, they do it all in a run down, roach motel of a gym?

Hart: Talk all you want kid, but this here is where the Triple Crown champion was born!

Tails: Hey Im just pointing out the obvious!

Hart: Yea whatever…If you don’t mind Ill like to continue on my Rant here! You now I am trying to become the Title Savings Contract holder

Tails: And I the new IC champion…But by all means, don’t let me entrupt! God forbid if someone entrupt the great Hart!

Hart shakes his head

Hart: This place proves that I don’t need a whole lot of fancy accomplishments to know I have the heart and desire to make it big in this business. You seem to allude that a couple of titles here and there really matter. Sure they do to a point, but there not the be all and end all. Case and point look at other pro wrestlers, Shawn Michaels is probably one of the best ever, and how many world titles and belts has he had – by comparison to many others not that many, and yet he revolutionized this sport. That’s something I’m planning on doing as well. You see Ocean, you seem to forget that I have accomplished just about as much title wins and ratings as you probably have your whole stint in this game, in a much shorter time span. That must annoy you right, I mean after all I’m just the trendsetter.

Tails: Hey great call comparing yourself to Shawn Michaels…

Hart: I know

Tails shakes his head, as Hart goes on

Hart: In case you haven’t been able to tell, nothing pisses me off more then guys who think that by prying to the lord above that it will get them a Win! And they think that hard work and dedication has nothing to do with it! Do you think that’s going to make you a big man or really send a message to folks around here other then you all ready tossing the towel in this title savings ladder match. You can pretend that by doing those little things that you are gaining momentum but if you ask me your not gaining anything. In fact it seems like your losing, your losing your own self worth. After all what kind of guy that tries to intimidate others by tapping into the whole religion side of things can really be called a true competitor? Wow you’ve proved you’re a real bad ass promo thief turned Holy man, Hell I bet you ripped off a priest for that one didn’t yea?


Hart: Please, if your gonna stick around, mind keeping your comments till Im done?

Tails: You invited me here!

Hart: That was a mistake

Tails: Hey fuck off!

Hart: you know you love it!

Tails: I guess I do…Man don’t we sound like a couple of fags!

Hart: Hey you’re the one with the pretty manicure and bleach blond hair!

Tails: Hey! Aint nothing wrong with that!
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Lights out on the past #2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights out on the past #2   Lights out on the past #2 EmptyMarch 23rd 2007, 9:33 pm

Hart begins to laugh to himself…picking up with his rp

Hart: You feel that things are being turned against you don’t yea Booby, that were all out to get yea, damn man wake up, not everything is a conspiracy. I mean your so focused on being the Revolution of religion, but All your doing is playing into some kind of propaganda to try and make your pointless cause seems at least a little bit valid but it’s a pointless struggle because your going against something that isn’t even really there. I mean do you really think that your put into this Ladder match because it’s trying to hold you back… boo hoo, quit your prying!

Tails: Don’t you mean crying?

Hart: I said what I said!

Moving on…

Hart: In the end there will be a winner and it will be because that person deserved it more, all it will be is a coincidence that the winner will be a member of the Heart Attacks and the winners name will be Frank Hart. The fact is Ocean, this is your shot, the shot you want to prove everyone wrong, but it’s unfortunate for you that your hope won’t come true. The only person you’ll have to blame is yourself, for your over looking many key details. You can say that I have a big room for improvement and maybe I do, but unlike you, I continue to learn and I will only get better, that must be scary for you to see, after all your peaking and I’m already as good if not better then you at this juncture and you yourself said I have room to grow and improve. I’ve said all along my future is so bright I have to wear shades.

Tails: I got mine!

Tails puts on shades

Hart: Soon enough Latin, Ocean, Faith when all the smoke clears and the dust settles and it’s time to crown the Title Savings contract, the world will need to look no further then me. This is my time, my chance and I’m focused on my goal, take a look at my record I have only tripped up twice and each time I have come back better and more skilled then before, as I said yesterday, some learn from there mistakes and others don’t clearly you haven’t even learned to notice when you’ve made mistakes. Let me be the first to say I have noticed them all, I’ve seen that line you’ve disrupted in the figurative sand. Those lines tell a story and your careless walking and ramblings have disrupted that it’s only a matter of time till you walk right up and get picked off by the danger that you couldn’t see coming because you were over confident and looking to far ahead to see the signs of in pending doom that were right in front of your face. Worried about King Of DX and paying me, the biggest threat in this ladder match no mind!

You’ve been warned Latin. In this ladder match you will fail and I will succeed where you and the others shall fail. For you see we all put up this guard of canvas if you will, and as others shoot mindlessly the point just hit and stain but leave no true damage. However I have spoken the truth which is a very sharp thing to deal will, combine that with your mistakes that you have made without knowing it and well, canvas even of the strongest material, that can’t easily be ripped, only needs one small tear for the integrity to be ruined and then it tears very easily – your canvas is painted, hole filled already and torn in spots thus you and your guard sorta speak are going to crumble under the pressure.

Tails: Deep

Hart: Latin you ‘marky mark look a like‘, it’s only a matter of time before that pressure rips that canvas wide open and you fail, I’ll be right there to see that and if it comes down to it, I would love to be the one in the ring who rips your dream from your hands, crushes it into dust and proves that the future is now and I am the only true worthy person to be crowned the holder of the Title savings contract, How’s that for a headline?

Tails: Triple Crown Champion and newest Title savings contract holder…That’s a mouth full!

Hart: Latin, Ocean, and Faith, try and tell me I’m a failure … go on try… you can’t. The only one, who will fail to catch the true dream, is you Faith. And clearly your not one that deals with loss well, but I’m sure you’ll get used to it. After all you’ll lose this ladder match, and you’ve already lost to Williams. So ya I’d say your used to failing.

Tails: Its true, When you think about it failing fits Faith … now who’s the failure bitches!?

Hart: Where you see in me as being worried, is drastically miss interpreted, I’m not worried about this tournament at all, if anything I’m excited and most of all prepared, I’m not look to far to the future like you as taking your eyes of the prize in each match, which would be the win, can be the biggest mistake of all, you Faith continue to look only to winning, I look to win every match, to prove that I belong and that I am on my way to being a big player here in the JWF. This is my one shot to prove that I’m more then just some lackey and that I am exactly what I said I am, the future of this business. I’m not going to be stupid and talk only about the potential wins I’m going to work my way rung by rung through everyone proving them all wrong and in the end, when we do meet I will be prepared. Because I’m not just looking at this ladder match as just another match, I’m looking at this as if it was for the World Championship title. I’m not going to under estimate anything Faith, Ocean, Latin.

Faith when Im done straight murking you, and handing your ass another lose. You will learn that I am one of the best up and comers this business have ever seen. In the end when the blood has dried, our bodies lay broken and battered. I’m predicting that I will have the Contract in my hand as the ring announcer announces the new title savings king, Frank Hart. Then maybe just maybe you’ll realize everything I have said thus far wasn’t just to make me sound better then I am, everything I spoke of was the truth. You want me to prove I’m not a failure, well I’ll prove that when we meet in that tournament, and when I defeat you for like the seventh time…

Tails: Damn Seven?

Hart: Something like that…

Tails: He loves getting his ass kicked

Hart: He never learns!

Tails: I see you covered all three of them, and pretty much got this match rapped up, So why don’t we hit the town!

Hart: Yea, I guess…

Tails: Lets go bra!

The two make there way out of the gym, as Hart stops and takes a quick look at where he came from. Before shutting the lights out on his past and looking forward in becoming the Title Savings Contract holder!
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Lights out on the past #2
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