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 Droppin U like a bad habit!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Droppin U like a bad habit! Empty
PostSubject: Droppin U like a bad habit!   Droppin U like a bad habit! EmptyMarch 27th 2007, 8:23 pm

Experience Heart!

Hart: If you can take somebody’s best shot, does that make you a better person or just lucky? That’s a question that I have been pondering lately as I prepare for my return to the AWB ring. It has always been about striking first and asking questions after the thought.”

In one of his more stranger thinking positions, The JWF Heavyweight Champion Hart finds himself hanging upside down from a pull-up bar, dressed without a tee and sweatpants while some of the students walked by and nodded at the man impersonating a bat before their very eyes.

Hart: The first lesson is to accept defeat. If you cannot wrap your mind around this concept, you will be doomed to fail. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? Last Week I lost to Crimson Skull, He was the better man, and he is walking around with the AWB title…Simple mistakes if fixed would have had me winning last week, but as you all can see I fixed them, and I am the current Heavyweight Champion!”

The slow-rushing sound of blood moving towards Hart’s brain gives him a small bit of glee as he raises up with nothing but his abdominal muscles before moving back.

Hart: “No matter the conflict, there is always a winner and a loser. There are some winners that find gratification in winning and continue to win to further that gratification. On the other hand, there are some that think that they have lost this time around only to win a bigger challenge. The one thing that I readily accept is the fact that I crave knowledge, whether I win or whether I lose.”

Hart decides to repeat this small exercise over and over again until he screams in anguish. The few remaining students rush back to check on Hart. Frank sits up once more to unhook himself from the bar before landing on his feet. Hart slowly nods in appreciation for the assistance but waves them away. One student decides to stay and looks at the bar. Hart takes the anklets off and hands them to the student. He bows before he places them on his own ankles.

Hart: This is an exercise that helps the physical being as well as the mental. How far are your limits Tails? What are you willing to do when you reach your limit? Do you quit or do you learn from it?”

Tails gives the young student a boost up and soon locks himself into position.

Hart: The master has limitations, so does the student. The difference is the master uses those limitations to show the student’s infinite possibilities. That’s probably why we call those masters by another name – teachers…But enough of this teaching stuff, this week is about Me vs. Tails…Tails’ chance at making things right, his chance to show the world just how good he really is…”

“It’s to bad he is use to riding my coattails, to do something on his own!”

He walks away from the students

Hart: “What's it like? What's it like to know that you can do anything without My name running through your head Tails? It must be quite unproductive. I wouldn't know, I've never been outmatched. But it is quite clear that you don't stand a chance. Sure you beat me a few times for the IC title, but when it came down to it, to where it mattered, you chocked! And for the last month you‘ve been doing nothing but get your ass handed to yea by VIP and Nasty Nos, where I was carrying you ass. You wanna know something T?”

“Im tired of carrying you on my back! Hell the Heart Attacks were never a team, it was about me and how good I was! Im the whole reason we were the AWB tag-team champions, But Im done playing patty cake, in case you haven’t noticed I moved on to bigger and better things!”

Hart smiles

Hart: “How do you expect to win matches when you cant even put together a damn sentence. Hibly-hopah…Trying to comprehend the shit that comes out of your mouth is like understanding Boomhaur’s drunken rants! It just doesn’t make any sense!”

“The same tired shit of "I can beat you." You are nothing more than an over rated prick." Isn’t gonna be able to help you out this week. To be honest I don't know how he gets so many people to like him, it's astonishing.”

He tosses a few bottles of water to his class, One of his students runs over…

Hart’s Student: I don’t know why your so worried about Tails, This man doesn't respect you he never did, He sees you as nothing more than a paper champion pushover. You can beat this asshole, you can put on a show the likes of which he could only use as an excuse for a wet dream. You can make an example out him Hart old boy. You can show everyone by dancing all over T’s face. The man doesn't have a clue what he is in for. You are wrestling royalty, you are a prince, this man is nothing more than a clown. You have more than what it takes to prove yourself worthy Frank, all you have to do is go out there and do it. This man can't hold a candle to you. Don't let him underestimate you, do not let him disrespect you. This man is just a former IC champion, a title he couldn’t even win back from VIP, he has the skill, he has the ability, but even on his best day he cannot compare to a man as focused as you. You have the potential to do whatever you want Frankie, but you can't allow yourself to be intimidated, you can't allow yourself to have any shred of doubt, get it out of your fucking skull for once in your life, and be the prince you were born to become. This man has no doubt, in his mind he's already won. In his mind he's already looking towards Breakdown. He has no doubt in his mind, but his downfall will be his overconfidence. You know what you can do Frank, you know that you can beat this man, but you have to believe it for God sakes man get that doubt out of your head. What are you worried about? Losing? If you lose so what? Is it the end of the world? No it isn't, look at last Sunday, you went out there and you put on one of the best matches in JWF history! And became the new champion, but because of that match people know you are one of the best, they know that you truly are a prince. You truly are royalty, and you have more than enough potential to go out there and dominate the likes of which some would picture as unbeatable champions. But you must erase the doubt Frank, be the prince, don't be the wrestler be the prince. You cannot lose, failure is not an have to punch and punch till you can't punch anymore!!

Hart: Yeah...yeah...Tails, my former Buddy has no idea what he's in for...This coming AWB I will go out to the ring and do what I do best, I will do what I've done since day one, and that's continue paving the road of legend. I will be legendary and Anarchy, Tails will be laying flat on his back, realizing that he was never...NEVER worthy of holding the most prestigious title in our company. He will look the future square in the face and Tails will be laid out as a thing of the past. I am the future and sooner or later, I will make that fact known throughout the world. I will establish myself, and no matter who dares oppose me they will know why I am the prince, I will get my respect the old fashioned way, by beating the shit out of every opponent that faces me. By beating the respect into them. I am the titan, I am the prince…”

He patted the student on the back

Hart: “I know you to will Tails, Whatever your thinking about pulling I already know! You can't win. You stepped up your game to be the man. You needed to prove yourself. Sure you've had success in the Midcarder level, but your nowhere near being ready to face the big boys. MY talent is sub par. You can't take me down when Im on this HIGH. I've seen many just like you. I've been just like you. I've watched rookies come at me for years. Trying to take down my name, and bring up their own.”

“Riding my dick. To boost up there stock!”

Hart: “Look Tails, I'm giving you material. I'm giving you something to use against me. Or attempt at least. Instead of the same bullshit you threw at me. The same as everyone else. I bet you enjoy watching my matches. It gives you someone to look up to. You see, I gave you a reason to come at me. You need this match to gain respect. I take this match for a tune up. Same bullshit, different day. I'm every thing you're looking to be. Nothing about you makes you different from the jobbers of this place. You expect for everyone to respect you as soon as you step foot in to MY ring? Who the fuck are you!?! A nobody, exactly. I had heard good things about you, heard you were pretty good. I can't see it.”

“Tell me this how does someone go from selling our company secrets to being a thorn in the champions side? This shit doesn’t make since Bra, Hell the whole reason you didn’t get the boot T, was because I stuck my head out for you…”

Hart: “You’re the benedict Arnold of the JWF!”

His class starts to chuckle

Hart: “Tails, we all know you needed me to give you material. Well here it is, use it all. It still aint gonna help yea! I know how to win T, I know how to talk. I can walk and chew bubble gum too. Imagine that. Can you? Doubt it.. I dropped you like a bad habit, I ended the Hart Attacks, just like I started them, and there was a reason why I dropped yea!”

Hart‘s Class: “You can't cut it!”

Hart: I gave you your chance. This is where I end it!”
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Droppin U like a bad habit!
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