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 Leader of the pack...The #2 pick, but the #1 man in the JWF

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Leader of the pack...The #2 pick, but the #1 man in the JWF Empty
PostSubject: Leader of the pack...The #2 pick, but the #1 man in the JWF   Leader of the pack...The #2 pick, but the #1 man in the JWF EmptyMarch 28th 2007, 8:17 am

[The camera fades in on the JWF World title lying on a table. The name plate reads CRIMSON SKULL in big bold letters. A hand is placed over the title as it runs over it smoothly and picks it up. The camera zooms out and you see Crimson Skull holding the title in both of his hands, the belt straps dangling to the sides. A smile stretches across his face, and is visible through the mask while he adores the title. He looks up at the camera and speaks.]

“I am a man of my word, and I promised that Stylez would not walk out that arena as the champion. In keeping my word, I won the title, thus making me a two time World champion and adding to my other belt.”

[Skull reaches over and picks up the Anarchy World title.]

“And that made me the first man in this federation to hold two of the brand’s top titles. I am the top of my game and at the head of the pack here in the JWF. And this time, Johnny Stylez, you’re not going to have your little buddies help you. Because I am going to be holding this title longer than you ever imagined holding onto it. Number one reason why, there is no one on this roster that comes close to either me or Johnny Stylez. Hallow Wicked, you had your shot at War Games, but you blew it. You wasn’t even focused on the match, I was surprised you actually showed for it. Don’t worry though, you’ll make it to this rank someday. I figured that the draft would have separated me and Stylez, I have said it before and I will say it again, there is only so much you can say about one person. But, it makes no difference that you are here on this show Stylez, because this is my new era. Sunday night began the road of my legacy as champion, and this is going to be a long road to travel for anybody. The only person I can truly see taking this World Championship from me would be Barelai Von’Vicious. But he is no longer with us here in the JWF. To say that things are going to be easy for me is far from the truth. I am going to have Stylez taking try after try to take this title from me. I must say that Stylez did earn my respect at War Games, I saw him at his best and he showed he truly has hart for this business. He has achieved what few men in this business ever have, and that is my respect.”

[Skull examines his titles closely and begins walking through his shack. He walks into another room, which you can see the rotting corpse of Father Odarian in the corner. Skull stops as he looks over at the cadaver. Skull laughs to himself as he continues to walk on. He walks through another room and into the main room where Skull usually does his promos. He lays both of his belts on the table on the side of the room and he sits down in the chair behind the table.]

“And in the wake of War Games, tomorrow night on War Zone I will be facing two of my opponents from War Games. Stylez, the man I took the title from, and Hallow Wicked, the man I pinned for the title. I have beaten both of you in singles matches and other matches numerous times. So adding another victory to my list and another loss to theirs will be all that will happen in that main event tomorrow night. Stylez you can ramble on all you want to about how you have a man tore to pieces before the time he gets to the ring. Tell me something that you haven’t told me before. You think that you are this ominous being that scares the shit out of anyone who faces you. I don’t see where you get that or how you can get that idea out of anything. The only negative feeling I have when I step in the ring with you is how badly you’re going to get beaten this time or what you are willing to do to get the controversial win. Your entire career has been shrouded in a shadow of controversy, as it has lain in the shadow of your enormous ego. But as I have said before, all you have going for you anymore is your ego. You’re supposed to be a grown man, but you don’t act a day older than 16. Some high school drama queen that refuses to let go of his childish days, and his days of womanizing. Don’t worry Stylez, one of these days you will realize that Wrestling is more important to your ego than Pussy is. You see, fucking every pretty face coming and going, gets tiring and pretty soon you’re going to catch something, if you haven’t already, and then you’re pretty much done for life. In the wrestling ring, you can beat star after star and just climb the ranks to the top and stay there, and there’s nothing to stop or slow you down besides injury. But while out, your legacy continues and you’re still talked about long after you’re gone. You see, unlike you Stylez, I am going to be talked about long before and long after you will be. People are going to remember Crimson Skull as one of the best World champion and they are going to remember me doing the most evil deeds and having one of the most storied careers. You Stylez, are going to remembered as the pretty-faced fly boy that never knew when to quit fucking. I’m damn well surprised you haven’t brought a girl to the ring and fucked her while you wrestled.”

[Skull shakes his head and chuckles to himself. Skull continues.]

“I am going to stop at that point, and leave you with that regarding the sex issue. I have said more than need be said about it. But, moving right along, I realize that you don’t have the same drive you used to back in the old JWF days Stylez. You’re getting there, but you just can’t seem to reach it. Maybe there is something holding you back? You don’t have the title anymore, you don’t have any stablemates anymore. Something must be going on inside that head of yours to tell you you’re not doing something quite right like you used to. Maybe that something that’s holding you back wasn’t in the same place you were when you had so much glory in the past. You were the best U.S. champion there was, back a few months ago. Of course, you didn’t have that much competition at that level. Maybe that something holding you back is actually someone. And maybe that someone is me. I mean, look at it, you held that U.S. title for so long many people thought you were going to die with it attached around your waist. But let’s think of who didn’t challenge you for that title. Men like me, Kaos, Barelai. The list goes on. But it seemed that almost within a few short days, I had surpassed you, and became a main event level star while you were holding up the mid carder level. Maybe that’s why you kept that title so long, is because I didn’t challenge you for it. You have to admit, I saw the fear in your eyes when I stood in that ring across from you. Not many people can withstand the thought of standing in the same ring as Death himself. And Stylez, you proved that you were one of those people who just weren’t made of what it took. You cracked just like hundreds have before you, but don’t worry you won’t be the last. Just the biggest name that cracked under the pressure. It must hurt knowing that your ego has just been a let down. A man bragging on how he is the best at everything he does, this time he just wasn’t good enough. It must hurt knowing that there is someone better than you out there. And it must really hurt knowing that it is a man you hate. Just picture me holding the title you held for so long Stylez. Does it make you think you need to step up your game? Hopefully you will, I must say I am disappointed in you. I must have beaten something else besides your ego at War Games. I just might have beat your pride. It’s a pity, that a man that was apparently “just soooooooooo good” just wasn’t good enough.”

[Skull chuckles as he shakes his head. He begins looking at his belts once more.]

“Now, it is my turn to be at the top. It is my time to remove the tainting that were upon these titles and prove that they still have worth. And the first stop in doing so is facing Stylez and Wicked. And I must admit, I haven’t said much about Wicked in the past short while. And it is simply because I worry not about him. He is in way too far over his head. He has the same survival percentage of a newborn infant being thrown into the deep end of a pool. The fearsome vampire who was so evil that is was supposed to strike fear into anyone who heard his name. But, to your dismay, it simply brought laughter to mine. You were so much more evil than I, but not one time did you prove that you were even in my league. Sure, you killed a few vampires here and there and a few civilians. But that is my daily routine, someone pays the price every day that I breathe. I’ve taken priests hostage, tortured them day after day, I’ve slain a playground full of children. I have done just about every evil deed there is to be done, and then some. Now it would be nearly impossible to best me in something evil. But, you can go on and bring entertainment to me in your attempts to be whatever the hell you’re trying to be. I would say that you are trying to be just like me, but you are doing a piss poor job at it. There is only one Crimson Skull. Only one that is great enough to be called the Crimson King. Only one that is evil enough to be called the Crimson Ghost. And only one that is worthy enough to become a Five Crown Champion, and a multi time World champion. That one is me, and you all have already learned that first hand. I am only beating a dead horse if I were to try and convince you of my greatness, for you have already felt the smiteful hand that I bring down upon my opponents. You might say school’s in session, and there are two boys about to learn a dreadful lesson. You don’t fuck with the reaper. And you damn well don’t step into the ring with Crimson Skull. Any questions class? I might have one for you, and that question is…”

[Skull leans in close as the camera zooms in. Thunder claps loudly in the distance. The camera is set upon Skull’s black eyes.]

“Are you ready?”

[Skull’s evil laughter can be heard as thunder claps again and the camera begins to static and lose signal. The last image that is seen is Skull holding both of his titles in his hands.]

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Leader of the pack...The #2 pick, but the #1 man in the JWF
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