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 Title Savings Match finally got some Style!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Title Savings Match finally got some Style! Empty
PostSubject: Title Savings Match finally got some Style!   Title Savings Match finally got some Style! EmptyMarch 28th 2007, 6:42 pm

[In his illustrious career, there are times when Johnny Stylez faces an opponent who loves to be belittled and insulted. These type wrestlers almost have a fetish about being embarrassed and whittled down to size. It is strange but it happens. Its one thing for a no-talent to face SBK and try their best to defeat him to no avail it’s still another for an opponent to seemingly get enjoyment out of being verbally taken down and knocked out for the count.]

[When someone of little talent who has seen some success in places runs up against a superstar the likes of Johnny Stylez they are overwhelmed at times and after their loss, they disappear or radically change themselves. This week we are seeing a similar circumstance. The question should be asked. I am the fire that fuels this federation! Gas Prices are at their highest but in terms of fuel, SBK is worth every penny he is being paid. Proof of that can be seen in the ratings and “interest” in Anarchy since this match was booked.]

[It had been only ten minutes since the last shot was fired, yet it felt like hours within the club. Two bodies laid spread out on the floor, blood beginning to form a large puddle around each body. One body, was of a middle-aged Italian man, wearing a white button up shirt, and black dress jeans. His shoes rounded out the look, being shiny leather, the tip rounding out in almost the shape of a platypus' mouth. A gold Rolex glistened on his wrist, and a couple gold chains topped out his look, now resting on his lifeless chest. The bullet hole in the center of his chest, was more than enough proof this man was dead.]

[About twenty feet from the Italian, laid one of my bodyguards. Jose was on his stomach, face down to the floor. His gun was still clenched in his fist. A couple cops stood above the bodies, the blood stained area having already been closed off.]

[Still holding my drink, I paced back in forth, my head spinning. It wasn't death that scared me. Jose had been a good man, don't get me wrong; it was a shame he had been killed in my club, but I had put it in writing before he joined my team. The biggest concern on my mind was how I was going to clean the floor up after this? Or more importantly, who was the Italian laying dead on the club floor?]

[Before I could even begin to ponder any of these questions, I was tapped on the shoulder. Almost instinctively, I whirled around to look down on a female, dressed in a suit. Her badge clipped to her left breast, I wasn't able to make out the name beneath.]

"Mr. Stylez, I presume?"

[She said sternly. I could tell she carried herself highly; especially being the lone woman in a field dominated by men.]

::Depends who's asking.::

[I replied, taking another sip from my glass, never venturing my eyes away from hers.]

::Yes, I'm Johnny Stylez. What can I do for you Detective?::

"Is there a place we can discuss this in private? I have a couple questions for you."

[She asked. She adjusted her suit coat, and straightened up a bit more, then looked back in to my eyes. As if looking for the slightest sign that I was lying.]

::Sure, this way.::

[I said, as I motioned her in to the V.I.P. Lounge. Before even getting to the doors, I saw one of my waitresses being interviewed by an officer. I motioned for her attention, and then requested another whiskey on the rocks. She nodded and continued with the officer.
I led the detective in to the lounge, and showed her the booth she could conduct her interview in. She agreed, and slid in to one side of the booth, as I slid in to the other.]

::Can I get you something to drink?::

"No thanks, I don't drink. I'm not sure if you understand this, Mr. Stylez, but this is a serious matter. There are two dead men lying out there on that dance floor, yet we have no motive, reasoning, or anything. So you tell me, Mr. Stylez, what am I supposed to think about this place you're running?"

[She said, in an almost accusing tone.]

::Well detective, I DID see those two men on the dance floor. In fact, one of them was an employee of mine; a damn good one at that. So if you're wondering if I had anything to do with it, I'd expect you to clear the slightest thought from your head. So shall we continue this redundant process, or can I go home to my lady?::

"SO you don't know the Italian gentleman who is laying dead no more than seventy-five feet from us? Just coincidence that he came in to YOUR club, and ended up in a gun fight; killing your bouncer, before getting himself killed?" She said

[God this bitch just didn't get it. I hated ignorant people, cops were the worst.]

::I guess, Detective, I haven't made myself clear enough for you. I DO NOT know that man out there. I don't care to know him, no would I ever have wanted to know him. So unless I'm stuttering, or for some reason you can't understand me; I had nothing to do with this. This is going to be bad enough press time as it is. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a family to go home to, and I got a few matches to prep for!::

[I then stood up from the table, and escorted the detective out. Yet, before she left, she managed to drive me up a wall for the final time that night. Handing me her business card, she spun around to look directly through me.]

"If you remember anything you might've forgot tonight; call me and let me know."

::Yeah, will do.::

[I said rolling my eyes, and shutting the door in her face.]

[What a fucking bitch. I could feel my eyes widen, doubling in size as I heard that voice in the back of my head. The silence broken by shadow of myself. The one I could never allow to take over myself again. Or else I would no longer be with Traci, wrestling, or anything going good in my life.]

Traci: Miss me much?

::No, not at all. You know I always seem to stabilize myself when you're gone.::

Traci: With what? The painkillers and liquor? The pussy and cocaine? I'm not stupid Johnny, I am still a part of YOU. So easily you forget the doors I can open for you."

::You know as well as I do, those aren't doors I need open. I've re-sparked my wrestling career since the lose last Sunday. I don't NEED you. Understand that.::

Traci: "Ignorance is bliss Johnny. You know as well as I do, that with the situation about to explode upon you, you'll need as much of my help as possible. So let's make this easier on the both of us. Listen to me, and take the advice."

::Fuck you. I don't need you at all.::

[I closed off all my thoughts and cleared my mind. Walking back to my office, I finished the last of my drink, and slammed the door behind me.]

[Peace. Love. Happiness.]

[The fuck if I ever see it.]

::Here’s the thing I don’t get, DXlatin and King Of DX are wanting to push this “Original DX Bullshit” gimmick when there’s a backlash to it right now. There’s allot of us cats backstage that think it’s not a draw NOR is it remotely entertaining. Just look at Joe and I. We put that shit on blast and it was dead as quickly as it started! And if these two don’t get the hint there careers will be short lived!::

::For Faith. This is the moment of truth. This is where we prove who has the bigger dick. Metaphorically of course. I mean he is the BIG star, the legacy who finally came to the JWF, but the cat hasn’t done a damn thing! He hasn’t won a match, and he aint gonna win this one!::

::I watched your ass get pummeled by My girl Williams two weeks back. I watched you lose at Wargames. Now, we've built this thing up, this here title savings match, until it can't be built any longer. This is the moment where you, Faith accepts your crushing defeat. Accepts the fact that he no longer is the great Legacy, every made him up to be! I hope you realize your situation Faith. It'll be less crushing if you accept the defeat as it is now. My favorite part though, is the fact that you know already how I feel about your prized legacy.::

::Faith you’re a fucking joke, Your supposed to be this legacy, but your on the same level as King of DX…::

::I look forward to that one. Faith’s a cat who THINKS he’s allot better than his ass is. He’s not a main Eventer and his backstage attitude and ego just proves how much of an idiot he really is. He needs to learn some class but it looks like I’ll have to settle for doling out to him the End Result!::

::Exit this DX bullshit, Enter the light. You know fine fans of the Joe’s Wrestling Federation. I’m as sick as the folks are of these “DX posers” shoving their lifestyle down your throats. Some of these cats are not even getting boo’d anymore much less cheered. I can’t blame you guys. King Of DX the usual loud mouth bragging bitch with all this bullshit spamming, is all but quiet when it’s time to go to work right? Why is that? Because this isn’t his week. I guess its not anyone’s night since I’m taking this match to the bank!::

::These cats are a bunch of idiots. But it’s cool fine fans, You’ll get to see there ass put out to pasture Thursday night when AWB hit’s the air, I’m looking forward to it and I’m very happy to be part of all that going on around here.::

::I thought I’d take it easy on ol’ Jay Storm, DXlatin, KOD, and Faith. Neither have laid a glove on me as the saying goes and I’ll be honest in saying I’m “confident” of the win but you know what that happens when you’re BUSTING ASS for a victory. These cats should playing the role of not to get pinned. "Who’s gonna lose?", is now what this match is about! How bad are cats gonna get beat by Stylez? This match is supposed to be a main event? This shit is a joke! This shit is a spearing match at best for me!::

::Jay Storm? The most feared man in our game? This cat is forgetting something. You are acting as if I'm worried about you being part of this match! Most feared, get the fuck over yourself, you haven’t done a damn thing for me to fear you! What you had a decent run in a low budget federation that had nothing but Jobbers in it, now you think your something BIG? Get the fuck over self son! You don’t even have a win over on the 24/7 board, and you think your better then the likes of me? Get the fuck out of here! You act As if you're going to come and take everything I've built away from me. How could you? You can't even fulfill your own legacy. You like what I did there? Yeah, me too. You singing here didn't turn heads, nor did it spark any kind of excitement. When you came here, you were simply outshined.::

::Face it bra, Im everything you wished to be!::

::Especially successful. Im gonna drop your ass with the end result, who knows, maybe it‘ll knock some since in to yea. I'm tired of your overly hyped ass. You haven’t even came at me with any bullshit yet…Could it be, the great Jay Storm scared? I think so!::

::Storm, Get on your fucking knees and bow, son. I'm about to make you my bitch. You have a rude awakening coming son!::

::This match is going to be a squash. I've come too far to turn back now. Hell will freeze over before you have a chance at beating me, hell if any of you cats have a chance to beat me. It just wont be done!::

::You three don't deserve my respect.::

::But I don't need to waste my time on such petty matters any longer. I'm on the road to receive the grand prize. I'm about to capture the Title Savings contract. Why?::

::Because you fucks don’t stand a chance.::

::I don't need to reiterate myself on my importance. Every mother fucker out there knows how necessary I am. It's just how the cards were dealt. I was given the high hand You DX bitches. You should prepare to fold. I won't only break bones and records.::

::I'm gonna be breaking your fucking spirits!::

::You two won't know what to say. DXlatin, you better worry about me and not pay to much attention to you little boy toy King Of DX! You two can fight somewhere else, Because tomorrow night is my chance, You two can play spank my ass for the rights to use the DX name, I don’t give a rats ass!::

::I've prepared myself to finally step to the boundaries. I'm not being held back any longer. I've put my sweat and blood in to this place, and it's time for my name to be remembered. I already know I'm Hall of Fame.::

::That is simply inevitable.::

::This is where champions are made. Where the dignity, and respect is put on the line. I've been waiting your three fucks. Not much talk, and there will defiantly be little action. You three haven't been stable for some time now. You three haven’t been able to string together a pair of wins or promos in a long time. This isn't the bush leagues DXlatin, KOD, Jay Storm, Faith!::

::This is the real deal. You three had your chance. You three fucking blew it. No surprise there!::

::I live at a level where you three can't touch. I'm tired of dicking around with jobbers. I made my point, and I'll make it again. This match, is about your survival. I can't imagine how you three are going to look after this, but I'll apologize now. No hard feelings. I'm just doing what I do best.::

::Beating mediocre chumps like you three!::

::I'm looking forward to this Kids. After I beat you three, I'll move onto becoming the three time world champion.::

::This shit is already foretold. But when you grow old, you can read your old scrap books, and always remember, that you three could never compare to Johnny Stylez.::



::I should be. NO ONE will ever compare::.

---End Feed---
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