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 You damn Drunk!

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Number of posts : 157
Registration date : 2006-12-31

You damn Drunk! Empty
PostSubject: You damn Drunk!   You damn Drunk! EmptyMarch 28th 2007, 9:28 pm

I stand here looking at my reflection threw the mirror. As I look at myself I think, think about how far I have got life, what I had to do to get it, and how much I won from doing all of this. Now I’ve come back to my home, Breakdown! To fight my old partner Frank Hart.

I look threw the mirror thinking about the sacrifices I made to get this far. How I how to do everything myself to get this far, no body help me, nobody trained me, and no one gave a damn thing.

I got this far by myself, and I’ll be damn if I need anyone now. Its funny how people say ‘Do you remember me, I’m the one who did this for you back than.’ See those are the people that say the most funniest things, just to get on the good side of you.

But than sometime those people wont stop, they will just keep coming back with something else to say. Than you just flip on them. Than you just yell at them, or even sometimes just beat the shit out of them. Than after you let out all your anger, you just walk away and feel good about your self.

And that’s what brings me to my point here. Hart this whole time as we were a ‘team’ I just held in all my anger, and this week not once, but twice I will let out all the anger I let in, will be unleashed on you.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Tails: "Hey! Mr. Back stabbing' son of a bitch. You're living' in a world that'll soon be dying', I know, and so dose every one else. Even after the energy I lost at War Games, I’m still coming back for more.

I am realizing. That everybody's lost their simple ways, and now that it's here. I see it oh so clearly. I've come face to face with the enemy. Oh the enemy!

Did you honestly think you could bluff me? Maybe even scare me a little? You were more than off on that assumption my friend, I've already told you that there's nothing you can say that I haven't heard before. Hart, your are extremely unoriginal. You sit there and talk about what’s my limits? I’ll tell you, I don’t got limits, I don’t stop till I get what I want, that’s my limit!

There's not a doubt in my mind that I’m going to methodically cripple you inside the ring and leave you for dead. I’m walking out of AWB with a win over the champ, and there's just nothing you can do about it. And by the way, I don't just think you're nothing...I know it.

You call yourself an "act of god". That's funny. See, I was under the understanding that when the god that you Christians worship actually puts forth someone onto this earth to complete their actions in his name...they're usually blessed with some sort of unnatural talent. Other than having a stronger than normal jaw bone, I don't see anything special about you at all. You sit there and feebly attempt to insult my intelligence. Come one old partner is this the best you got on me? Damn, and I thought you suck doing your promos as a team, but I guess you just suck period!

It's true though...sadly. You suck, and you wear heart, but that's something you wear with pride. Loner, they your going to be fun to tear apart. Stubborn and bullheaded, but you never do go down easy. You rush into things headfirst without logic or plan, relying simply on brute strength. It takes more than muscle to be a great champ. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link...What are you going to do when when your old partner Tails beats the hell out of you? Your heartbeat racing through your ears. Thoughts of me destroying . That weight drops in your stomach and your feet start to feel heavy. You get light headed and break out into cold sweats. Here I come, do you see it?


The only thing you're trying to do right now is stay conscious. While you're watching me come in for the strike, what are you going to do buddy, times is ticking away. You got lucky the first time, but will you get lucky the second? I don’t see that happening.

Its just like you say Hart, last week you lose to Skull, than you go on and win the title, well guess what its about to happen again. But this time it’s going to be losing to you, than coming back to strike you, and walk away with a victory.

Hart you want to run your little mouth, how about I tell everyone about your little problem you have after the cameras goes to black, after the show’s are over, and the fans are home. What do you do? You drink your ass off. There not a damn time I seen you sober. Well maybe once and a while, but not that many. But you say I’m the problem, come talk to me when your sober. And you say I‘m the drunk Boomhaur. You’re a funny guy Frank.”

I laugh.

Tails: “I can just see it know. Frank Hart in those classes, him sitting in a circle with other alcoholics, and after everyone else talks it will be your turn, you will stand up and say… ‘Hi my name is Frank Hart, and I’m a alcoholic.’”

I bust out laughing again.

Tails: “Than you go on in your promo teaching students how to wrestle, tell me Hart, what do you think the students are going to do right after you go to the class drunk? I’ll tell you, there going to go out and say… ‘Hey if Frank Hart can get drunk so can we.’. Than there going to go and get drunk. You’re a bad influent on kids.

Hart how come in your promo you say you never been out matched, but in the begging of the promo you say how Crimson Skull beat you last week. To me that says you got out matched.

You talk about how I’m your shadow, boy it was your damn idea to make the damn team. Come on Hart, stop your damn lying, can you speak the damn truth for once. Yeah I did get my ass kick by Nos, and V.I.P, a couple of times. And I’m a damn man to say that, but lets not forget the fact that you never got to beat Joe Santiago, and you never will be able to. Hart you know anything you say about me, I will just come back a strike twice as harder.

Hart you want to know why people like me? I’ll tell you, because no matter what happens to me I get right back up, dust my self off, and try again. If you don’t know what that’s called I’ll tell you, its call HART! You should try it some time, and not just getting shit faced in the dark, like you always are.

You call your self a princes, come on man who are you fooling? Prince the singer is more of a man than you are. You don’t see him running around with harts on him, you damn homo. You also call your self the titian, I guess there going to make another movie for, remember the titian part 2. But its going to be about you, and the end of you, cause on AWB its going to be the end for you!

Come on Hart you need to do homework more often. If you done your homework you would of said how I’m on a long as losing streak, but no your just a drunk, who got a big break. You’re a kid who just got a lucky damn break. That’s it! Your nothing more, and you never will be anything more.

And that’s it!

Camera fades to black.
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