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 The Next Step of the Impact.

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Main Event

Number of posts : 84
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-03-09

The Next Step of the Impact. Empty
PostSubject: The Next Step of the Impact.   The Next Step of the Impact. EmptyMarch 28th 2007, 11:08 pm

The scene fades in focusing on a Black door that is entitled Jay Storm. The door is closed, but the camera man soon opens it. Inside Jay Storm is sitting on a dark leather couch watching Styles last match.He looks up from the TV seeing the camera men. He then grabs the remote, and turns the TV off.

STORM: I have to say, Styles is quite an impressive man. He was the #1 pick in the draft pick, and 2 time JWF Champion. I say that is pretty impressive dont you.

The camera men nod as they zoom in.

STORM: its really to bad he is gonna get his ass whiped on AWB this Thursday. I mean he has ran through some mean people. I admit. He has defeated the best, and most of all was part of the best stable around. The New DX, but you also have to admit that Styles your turn is over. Your reign is over. You have won your fair share of important matches. Now it is my turn. This match may be the most important of my career. As a matter of fact it is. I mean I have never thought of a match so important, and on top of that. Yours truly is 15- 1 in tables matches. I dont need to make that 15- 2.Better yet I dont want to make that 15- 2.

Storm looks around the room. He spots a toilet plundger, and picks it up.

STORM: Here Styles go stick this up your ass. You would be lookin better. Now on to another opponent I have never faced. Faith. Do you truely want me to belive you have faith. I mean for a guy Identical to King Of Dumbass i am sure that lowered your faith. I man come on. You really dont impress me.I mean to have faught in 100 wrestling federations you think your name would be in the Wrestling History books right next to the Thriller Joe Santiago. Well looks like it isnt cause I got the book right here.

He rumages around under the couch, and pulls aout a big book entitled: WRESTLING HISTORY BOOK he then opens it directly to the C's, and begins to read outloud.

STORM:Cali Crip, Carnival Countess. Hell why dont I just skip to the CH's Chip Beater..... Nope no Christian Faith. Sorry. You tried, but apparently not hard enough. Now I know you retired for about a couple weeks. Then you stepped back in the ring. Is that because you have so much love for the game or is it because you needed friends. Yea, I know its difficult for a douche bag to make friends, but hang in there. We will soon see your true limits when you enter the ring with 3 of the damn best wrestlers in this buisness, and FYI my royal Queen Of DX you arent one of them. As a matter of fact I name you the royal dumbass of this buisness. You are the worst wrestler that ever set foot in a ring. I have never heard losing 3 matches in 1 night, and it was at the Grandest Stage Of JWF War Games. Oh, man that has to do wonders with your career, but unlike Faith you did make 1 book.

He reaches under his bed, and pulls out another bigger book entitled WORLDS WORST WRESTLERS. He then opes it to K, and searches....... He then looks puzzled as the name is not there. He then looks at the Q's, and there it is. Queen Of DX.

STORM: No you royal dumbass this is not a typo. It was listed, and published that you are the Official Queen Of DX. Now you will like this part Queen cause now I am talking about you crush. The one, and only DXLatin. The man who makes people Rated Thuganomics. The DR. Of Thuganomics. Or a man I like to call The Wangsta from the hood. Latin do you really think you deserve to be champion. I mean you lost the first title savings match why do you deserve to win this one. Cause you worked your ass off. Did you work your ass of to come up with your name. Where you like. HUH? what is the most original name I can think of. I got it!! RIC FLAIR!!! Wait no thats taken . How about DX!! No, how about Latin!! Nah to plain. How about DXLatin. Then you stuck with it huh. I mean i admit. You can make it into the History Books. But not with the Gangsta look. The nerd inside you is just gonna burst ut one day, and your gonna say Geewilakers. I have been wasting my life. So just wise up now Latin, and dont step in the ring with me again.

He then gets up, and walks out into the Hallway. He is walking down the hall as David Stone Hilm runs up.

Stoner: DUDE!!! The DX's have finally craked.


Stoner: They are going at each other right now.

The two men begin to run down the hall making a few turns,as they come to DXLatin's locker room. Special K is there trying to hold Latin back, and Drake is there holding The Queen Of Dumbass back. Storm laughs as DXLatin breaks loose from K's grip, and hits QODX right in her face.

STORM: Latin you shouldnt hit girls!!

He, and Stoner burst out laughing.

Latin then comes with a combo left, and right,and then a massive upercut.The Queen faints, and Latin walks away from the scene.Storm then goes over to The Queen.

STORM: YOU GO KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!!!!!! Just like you are going to on AWB this Thursday. GET READY FOR THE STORM!!!!

Storm then continues his little walk untill he comes across Fortune.

STORM: Hey, Fortune you see The DX VS DX Match.

Fortune: At War Games?

STORM: No just now.

Fortune: Oh, No.

STORM: Well you just missed the queen faint after a killer combo from Latin.

Fortune: Are you serious!!

STORM: Yea. Serious as hell.

Fortune: I wonder if Latin knows what tha combo feels like.

STORM: Oh, he will soon enough. When I kick his crokked teeth out in this title savings match he will see.He is gonna be the new Chris Beniot. He is gonna be rated STORM after this one. GET READY FOR THE STORM Latin.No one escapes.

Storm then walks away. He walks all the way back to his locker room, and sits on the couch again.

STORM: All of you guys in this match. Get Ready For the Storm. Cause I am gonna go hard on you guys. There is no escape when I put you all through tables. When I beat you all in my favorite match.You guys are about to feel the second step of my impact. Let the bodies hit the floor.Oh, and Styles. You wont looks so good after this one. Faith you wont have so much Faith after this one. QUeen you will RETIRE after this one, and Latin you will be rated Huganomics after this one.(OOC: Credit to Stoner. Good Joke)All of you... heed my warning, and GET READY FOR THE STORM!!!!

Storm turns the TV on, just in time to see Styles hit a devistating move.

STORM:OHHHHHHHH That guy is getting his ASS KICKED!!!!!

Scene Fades to outside the arena. Michelle Jackson is standing in the rain sitting on a Black, and red Corvette. She is holding a magezine. It says JWF Magizene.

Michell: I just recently got this published. It has the thriller Joe Santiago on the cover, and it talks a little about the news here. No I got a couple of things added into there such as.

She opens the Magezine, and flips around.

Michelle: Here we go. She begins the read.

The Next Step of the Impact. 77
King OfDX GAY?

Wrestler King Of DX is directly on the Bad Side Of JWF Legend, and Breakdown manager Boofa. He got there when he siad some things to vulgur for ths magizene. UPDATE: It turns out it was actually JWF Superstar Greg Rex spreading the rumors, and now we have reasons to belive he is on the bad side. We will soon find out. UPDATE: Jay Storm is gonna beat the holy hell out of The King OfDX come AWB this Thursday. He is gonna slam The King's dumbass through 2 tables, and then laugh in his or her Herpie infected face.
She then flips to another page.

The Next Step of the Impact. 05
Is Styles Still Gonna Be Lookin So Good
JWF Wrestler, and Future Hall Of Famer Styles has been booked in a match at the Peoples Choice Pay Per View for the Title against Crimson Skull. The people will choose either a Barbwire Flaming Table Match, A Buried Alive Match, or a Chambers of Horror match. After this epic battle takes place Will Styles look, or feel as good as he does right now. UPDATE: We have just got exclusive newz that Styles will compete in the Titles savings match on AWB this Thursday.UPDAE: Jay Storm is going to lay the SMACKDOWN On Styles putting him in a very ockward position in this match with Crimson Skull. Will Styles look so good after this battle. UPDATE: Styles Wont looks so good when Storm beats the Style right out of him.

She turns the page again.

The Next Step of the Impact. Cenavsy2j3
The Thuganomics Makeover.

We have just recieved a interview with the doctor of Thuganomis himself. When asks what he plans to do in his Tag Team match on Breakdown he says he plans to give himself a makeover, and kick more ass then ever before. We will see on breakdown. UPDATE: Before Breakdown He has been booked in AWB match the Main Event. We have all seen what he can do. Will he be getting this makeover early.UPDATE: He will be set to get a makeover, but not the one he hoped. Jay Storm has reported that The Doctor of Thuganomics will be beaten to a bloody pulp. That will be his only makeover, and he can bank on that.

She turns the page.

The Next Step of the Impact. 38
A Loss Of Faith

Coming into this AWB match will Christian Faith belive in himself as much as fans belive in him. UPDATE: Faith has no Faith says Jay Storm. Nobody has faih coming up against Storm, and he will prove it.UPDATE: Storm is to have said some really vulgur things to Faith Via TV lets see how Faith will respond.
She then turns to the last page.

The Next Step of the Impact. 39
Storm's Impact.

We just recieved word Superstar Jay Storm has said he is getting ready to make an impact in this company. He has started with Prince of Persia. Who will be his next victim. UPDATE: Jay Storm is indeed going to be fighting in the AWB Main Event. This is going to be a slobber knocker.

Michelle: And there you have it. There is only one real victor of this match, and his car, and his girl are standing right here. Get Ready For The Storm!!!!!
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