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 I simple interview

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Lower Mid Card
Lower Mid Card

Number of posts : 20
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-03-12

I simple interview Empty
PostSubject: I simple interview   I simple interview EmptyApril 3rd 2007, 7:54 pm

We fade in to a single shot of a door, located in a hallway of some sort. The doorway has a nameplate on it that reads "Jhonny Fourtune" on it. A hand reaches from off-screen and knocks quickly on the door. The camera pulls back to reveal JWF Interviewer Linda Myles, holding a microphone. She sighs deeply, indicating that she's been here, knocking for a while, to no avail. She looks to the camera, rolling her eyes.

Linda: (muttering.) Who does this guy think he is?

Finally, she turns to the door and raps very hard and distinctly on it one last time. Hastily, the door opens just a bit, and Fourtune's manager, Brittney Fame sticks her head out. She speaks, with a very feathery southern accent.

Brittney: (Annoyed) May I help you?

Linda, not appreciating the tone, crosses her arms.

Linda: Yeah, actually. I was hoping I could get a word in with your man in there.

Brittney: (Blinks a few times.) You mean my client?

Linda: Yes. Your.... client. Ya know.... Jhonny Fourtune?

Brittney steps out into the hallway now, pulling the door shut behind her. She's wearing a glittering, very short, red dress, and black stillettos, that make her stand a good five inches taller than Linda.

Brittney: (Smiling snobbily.) I, ah... know what my client's name is, thanks much darlin'. May I ask what this is in regards to?

Linda: I was hoping I could get his thoughts on his upcoming rematch with Stylez at Anarchy Wrestling Brand.

Brittney suddenly lets out a long, and very airy sounding giggle, and begins fanning herself with her hand. The whole reaction has a very put on and disrespectful feel to it. Finally, after a moment, she stops and looks at Linda, with an expression that says she could break out laughing in the interviewer's face again at any moment.

Brittney: Now, see, this is exactly what I find so incredibly endearing about you silly lil' interviewer types. You always ask the most vague, goofy, airy-headed, dimwitted questions you can possibly come up with. I find it adorable. (Her smile fades.) My client... Fourtune... the Savior of this here lil' watering hole of a federation.... doesn't find it nearly as amusin' as I do. That's why he doesn't allow just any ol' little buxom bimbo like yourself conduct interviews with him. Jhonny... Mr. Fourtune prefers specific questions, questions that'll actually allow him to convey his message and give the viewers exactly what they want. Only the privileged are allowed to ask him anything. That's why he only allows myself to interview him.

Linda looks confused and quite insulted.

Linda: He only lets his... manager interview him?

Brittney: Pardon moi, darlin'? Manager? Is that what ya'll think I am? Honey, I am much more than just Mr. Fourtune's manager. I am an exceptionally successful publicist, and Mr. Fourtune happens to be my pet project. Mr. Fourtune is an extraordinarily gifted wrestler, and an unparalleled athlete. Couple that with the publicity I could throw his way... he's completely unstoppable. Not that he really NEEDS my publicity of course. His actions in the ring speak loud enough for him. But, I figure I'm just here to spread the word faster. Mark my words, hon... Fourtune's time is comin' and it is comin' very very soon.

Linda: (A little incredulous) His time is coming, huh?

Brittney: There an echo in here? Or are ya'll just deaf! You heard me. Fourtune's time is coming soon.

Linda: And will we get to hear from Jhonny Fourtune himself before his time comes, by any chance, or will you always be there to do all his talking for him.

Brittney's smile has vanished completely, and she is looking at Linda now, her impatience growing by the second.

Brittney: Hon, you'd best watch the way your talkin' presently. Mr. Fourtune will speak with the public when and only when he is ready. Mr. Fourtune does NOT cater to the masses. THEY cater to HIM. When he's ready, he'll allow me to interview him publically.

Linda: Well, perhaps when you interview him, you can ask him what it feels like to be such a big blowhard outside the ring, and be such a pushover during his debut match IN the ring.

Without warning, Brittney suddenly lashes out and slaps Linda very hard across the face with such force that the interviewer drops her microphone and falls to the ground. Brittney stands over her, venom in her eyes.

Brittney: (Through clenched teeth.) You... do... NOT... talk about Mr. Fourtune that way!

A moment goes by, as Linda looks up at Brittney, holding her cheek, a look of shock on her face. Slowly Brittney regains her composure. She straightens her dress, and clears her throat.

Brittney: Now see what ya'll made me do? You'd just better be happy that it was me you were talking to, and not Mr. Fourtune. If you'd talked to him like that, he'd woulda done more than grazed ya with a little ol' slap like that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the interview that I'll be conducting on Mr. Fourtune.... when HE's ready for it. Hugs and kisses, darlin.

And with that, Brittney reenters Fourtune's room, leaving a stunned Linda Myles on her knees as we fade to black...
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