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 Fucking Hippies!

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Ron Smith
Ron Smith

Number of posts : 17
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-02-03

Fucking Hippies! Empty
PostSubject: Fucking Hippies!   Fucking Hippies! EmptyApril 4th 2007, 12:01 am

Ron Smith: “Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for coming out to listen to my promo tonight. You could be anywhere in the world, but you're here with me, and I appreciate that. My name is Ron “Motherfucking” Smith and I am the greatest King Of Flames champion there ever was! May I add Im the only black champion, and Im the greatest…fluke? I think not! Another reason why Us brotha’s are better then you Crackas!”

“What people, particularly those that love to criticize but don't know shit themselves. What they fail to realize is that this business, is a tough business. We all can't be the best. We all can't proclaim to be the greatest thing to ever get into wrestling boots. Truly, none of us can. However, self-proclaim is a wonderful thing. Therefore, I wanna be known as the self-proclaimed greatest of all time. Or quite simply, The GOAT.”

“With that bold statement being said by yours truly. Many must be wondering, who would be so arrogant to make such a statement. Let's get things straightened out. I am not arrogant, I am not cocky, I am confident in my abilities in the squared circle. That's it, plain and simple. Maybe that's why some love me and maybe that's why some may despise me. I can't control how should everyone feel about me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions about a certain someone. Doesn't mean their opinions are right though. After all, how can anyone hate me!”

“I know some in the industry have joked that I am the "Mack of the midcard." I gotta admit I found that hilarious when I first heard that. However, you cannot be serious if some actually believe that shit. Count the amount of ways, the amount of times I have proved people wrong. I know, you all have officially lost count. I don't give a damn. I wouldn't call myself being still in the midcard when I have beaten the midcard multiple times I have faced them. I'm a main Eventer DAMN IT, And Im sick and tired of motherfuckers, holding me back! Im aint gonna lay down for no craka asses! FUCK THE MAN!”

“You think I'm coming up short bitches against a guy who has less brain cells then a mother fucking Goldfish? Fuck that shit! Just try me and I will promise ya, you will forever regret, the day you pissed off an angry Ron Smith. Guaranteed.”

“Don't know if anyone is a fan of The Contender here. But the there for dead finale to that show, is a lot similar to the current situation of my match tomorrow night. There was the favorite to win, the one with the most experience and the one that all the people that picked to win the thing, Steve Forbes. He represents This Joke of a Honkey Stoner. Then there was a man that was a underdog in every fight he was in, he had all the heart in the world and everybody pretty much counted him out before he stepped in the ring, his name was Grady Brewer and he represents a comparison of yours truly.”

“Guess who ended up winning the thing? Grady Brewer did. He shocked the world and was able to beat Forbes in a Split Decision. I DAMN WILL KNOW ILL BEAT THIS CRAKA’S ASS Tomorrow night with my finisher. Stoner is the crowed Favorite to win among most people's opinions. Good for him. Is he gonna win though? He has top notch skills in the squared circle. But can’t see straight to cap on it!”

“However, the man doesn't impress me. He doesn't offer anything new I haven't seen in the ring before. He’s as played out as Last years Wresltmania! I'm gonna do to Stoner what I have been doing for weeks, for months, for years in this Motherfucking GAME. I'm gonna exploit his weaknesses. Yes as hard as it may sound, he does have weaknesses. And when I exploit them! Throw the honkey a Blunt, and he’ll forget all about this jump off!”

The scene is a hotel room in Honduras, where I can be seen sleeping over my blankets on the bed. All of a sudden, I awaken from my deep sleep in a deep sweat. Even feel this shiver go down my spine and go throughout my chiseled body. I look to my side and see that nobody is there.

Ron Smith: “It was like I was expecting to see some beautiful female laying next to me. But that wasn't the case, I have been of late, turning away any woman that wants to get close to me, even if that female just wants to hit me up with one night of passion. There is more to me than just being an womanizer. I'm a man with feelings, deep feelings. People just see me as an egotistical jackass. That ain't the real me, that ain't the real Ron Smith. People once close to me, believed they knew exactly what I was all about. They don't know a damn thing. Some believed I grew up with a silver spoon and being all spoilt and shit. What people don't know is my childhood can only be described in one simple word..... "Tragic." Because it was exactly that.”

I get up on my side on the bed, look on top of the nightstand and grab my wallet. Now being paranoid as I sometimes am. I check to see how much money is in my wallet. And while grabbing it out, a miniature picture fell out of my wallet and on that picture, was myself at ten years old and my momma. During happier times.

Ron Smith: “I do miss my momma..... I kiss the way she used to cook for me whenever she knew exactly when I was hungry or getting hungry..... I miss the way she used to sit me down and tell me everything is gonna be alright. But then there was a time in our lives, where the bad times got a little bit too much for the both of us. To pay off the bills, my momma had to sell drugs to junkies and low life's for numerous years. And at one point to my dismay, she ended up going out with one of them. And I was obviously not fond of their relationship. Then I pretty much said to her, either choose me or fucked up drug junkie loser boyfriend. And she chose him over me. I moved out onto the streets. Then a few years later, her and the boyfriend got raided by the police. Now both of them are in prison for five years, eighteen months on good behavior. I haven't called or visited her. Maybe that could actually be a factor into why I can't get to close to any female. Because my relationship with my own momma is fucked up.”

I stare at the picture for a few moments then I place it back in my wallet, I get up from the bed, grab the nearest alcoholic drink which happens to be Wild Turkey Bourbon. And start drinking the bottle like a damn fish. Then I start thinking about all my romantic relationships I have had and wonder, "what could have been"
Ron Smith: “There has been times where I thought I was in love..... There were times where I just wanted to hold my girl, my boo, my shawty and squeeze her tightly and never let her go..... But hey, there were times when I wanted to express my love for her, by simply fucking her brains out. I'm not sure how to explain it, but at one time. I had a deep passion for all the females, almost any female that is slightly attractive in some way. I definitely acted like a pig at one time. But I have changed my ways. I treat women with dignity and respect, other than some of the real slutty, trashy ones of course. That's beside the point. The point is, I just don't treat women like sexual objects. I treat them as human beings, as equals. I don't look down on them or think of them as something less than man. Hell no. I know better than that. The fact is, I am gonna take time and not just dive into a relationship for the sake of it. I do indeed need a girl but not that bad. I have a career to focus on..…”

I look down on the floor and notice the pig sty that I have it in. Numerous possessions such as magazines, clothes, food and other things are spread out all over the floor. I start cleaning it up and packing the stuff away, then I notice an JWF magazine on the ground with the typical White Junkie on the cover promoting his 4/20 SECRET project, There he was Stoner….This kid should have been on the cover of High times never mind MY magazine!

Ron Smith: “Stoner..... The fluke on the roster, the most obnoxious guy on the roster. He is quite delusional when it comes to his beliefs and his mindset. He thinks that I am an arrogant jerk off and he is all humble. I guess he doesn't realize he has one massive head when it comes to praising himself about how good he is and what he has accomplished in his career. It the lose of Brain Cells I know! Don't worry people, after I give him the fight of his career, he will become extremely humble. That's a promise. The wicked Stoner..... The don mega of Mary J..... He has no idea, what he is in store for tomorrow night. No idea whatsoever.”

I skim through the article on the man himself in that very magazine. I shake my head in disgust as I read through some of the parts of the article, where he was running his mouth about all his accomplishments and how he is the best in the business today by far, that dented my ego a bit reading that as well as his thoughts on certain JWF wrestlers, including myself. I put it back down from where I got it from, the floor. I walk over to one of my luggage bags and I pull out from the bag, a DVD that I got my personal assistant Wendell to get me..... The Best Of Stoner DVD..... I take it out of it's case, put it in the DVD player and press play on the DVD remote. A small video package comes up on the screen of all of Stoner’s achievements, most impressive victories and his ever so dominating wrestling style against his opponents as I look on with amazement.

Ron Smith: “This man's style is a mix of a brawler and also not afraid to take high risks to get the job done. I gotta find a way during our match to put him off his game, I need to be on top of my game and I need to make sure that this joke of a hippie isn't on top of his. And I believe I can do just that. What this craka Stoner doesn't know is that, even though people know me to take a lot of high risks like I am a damn flying saucer waiting for some southern redneck to spot me and take a picture. I can also outwrestle anyone in this damn company. I am a former Olympic Freestyle wrestler. Sure, I didn't win the gold, in fact I didn't even make it past the first round. But if he believes I can't outwrestle his obese ass than well he's got another thing to worry about.”

After watching this DVD for a few minutes, the first match comes on, which happens to be a match that I must say is indeed one of my favorite Stoner’s matches to date. Stoner capturing the IC title. I quickly scramble to find a scrap of paper and a pen. Once I do, I start writing a few notes on this clown Stoner when it comes to his wrestling style, any particular strength or weakness of his that I should be aware about. As I continue to observe and take in every detail that I can, to prepare for possibly the defining match of my career to date.

Ron Smith: “Time has come for me to rebut Stoner’s attempt to verbally beat me down in his so called promo if you can call it that. More like a SMOKING SESSION! He preaches about my damn beliefs about the system, Fuck! Who hasn’t went that road, It doesn’t work! I proved that with the skirt wearing cocksucker Porter! You wanna talk about the things you have seen throughout your lifetime you Motherfucking Honkey, seeing all that no man should ever see. Thugs, drug dealers, pimps, gangs and criminals. Yeah, like we should believe someone that loves to kill there short term memory that should be hurdle up in his mother basement rather then in a ring. Has got it all figured out, He has me down to a tee! Yeah, that makes sense.”

“That makes about as much sense as Kevin Federline bringing out a rap album. You wanna run your intoxicating mouth, That's okay, you have earned the right to run your mouth. After all, you are the motherfucken IC champion. But Why isn’t this a title for title match? Ill tell you why, Because of the cocksuckers in the front office be trying to hold back the Blackman.....The man aint out to get anyone? I think I proved that it is! You think your really hot shit, Frying your blunts up, getting high on my time…It’s bout Time for someone to step up and take you down a peg. And you know what? I believe I am the man to do just that. I bet you think you deserve this here title, you deserve it, you don't deserve shit! You gotta earn your shit around here! Get ready Stoner, I have a feeling. Tomorrow night. Is a night you’re short trum memory will never forget..... As it will be known as the day Ron Smith whooped The Hippie known as Stoner’s fat cracka ass all over AWB. See you soon, CRAKA!”


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