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 On a break? Time for a CD rp

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

On a break? Time for a CD rp Empty
PostSubject: On a break? Time for a CD rp   On a break? Time for a CD rp EmptyApril 10th 2007, 2:21 pm

ooc - I know about the break but im bord and wanted to get something out there to keep Stylez fresh]

[The scene opens with Stylez is seen walking out of a Cuban gym where he trains for this week off, he loves to travel and what better place then Cuba. He carries his gym bag filled with the essentials outside and over to his black pick up truck. He tosses the bag in the back. An unknown voice calls out to Alex. It is definitely that of an uneducated person by the apparent overabundance of slang]

Unknown man: Look at what da money tide rolled in… what’s a punk bitch like yo doin back here, homeboy?

[Stylez and the camera turn to look at this thuggish looking spanish guy. Alex smirks, apparently knowing who he is. He crosses his arms over his chest confidently as he holds his ground]

::Ah Colo, Still hoping to one day be someone’s prison bitch eh Jesus? When are you going to grow up and see that you wasted your entire life on pot and whores?::

Jesus: When yo punk ass bitch is ten feet under! You know why I’m here. Cus of yo snitchin self Jose is servin twenny yeas in the pent! and you kno how tuff it is in the Cuban prision system

[Stylez laughs and takes a step toward Jesus, that cocky and arrogant look in his eyes]

::That’s not my fault now is it? I didn’t make him take a gun and shoot me in the back… It was his decision not mine. So why don’t you take your little “thug life” persona and get the hell out of here. I think there may be some old ladies you could beat up down fifth street. That’s more like your style.::

[Jesus takes a step forward and gets chest to chest with Stylez]

Jesus: Yo think im playin with ya bitch ass johnnyboy?

[Stylez does not move or budge at all. His confident stare turns into a cold glare as he stays firm]

::Oh I know your serious Jesus. But you forgot one thing…::

[And without another word Stylez turns around and punches the guy who was about to lunge on top of him from behind. The guy drops to the ground and isn’t moving. Stylez then quickly turns around and takes a swing at Jesus]

::I’m not stupid enough to think that you would come alone!::

[He misses the first punch, but Jesus manages to catch Stylez with a quick hook to the cheek sending Stylez against his truck. Jesus then pushes his elbow against Johnny's throat as he begins punching his gut. Stylez grunts and grabs Jesus, throwing him down to the ground before mounting and pummeling his face with punches.]

::Who in the hell do you think you are? Coming here and causing trouble like this? I will make you wish you were never born you punk! Im bigger then Castro around here!::

[Stylez keeps punching Jesus before a car pulls up. Out comes three more thuggish looking guys. Johnny tries to stand up but before he can they shove him down to the ground. Giving Stylez no time to react two of them hold him on the ground while the third begins kicking Stylez in the ribs.]

Random thug 1: Yeah yeah break his damn ribs! Eassie!

Random thug 2: Show that bitch what we came hea foe!

[And out of nowhere comes a Heavy set Cuba guy with a baseball bat. He bashes the guy kicking Stylez in the gut sending him to the ground, hunched over. The two that were holding Alex down reach down to pull out their knives but before they can they get smacked in the face by the bat, knocking them out cold. Johnny is rolling on the ground coughing.]

Cuban guy: Come on pappi they didn’t do too much damage to ya did they? Heh come on I’ll get ya home.

[The Cuban guy helps Stylez to his feet and helps him to his truck. Johnny then hands the guy the keys and they drive off. We rejoin them in Stylez's hotel. SBK is holding a bag of ice over his midsection, sitting on his couch as the white guy comes around and sits down on the opposite side of the couch bringing two beers with him. He tosses one to Johnny whom grins and puts the bag of ice off to the side]

::Thanks Nando.::

Nando: Heh no prob Pappi… but what were you thanking me for, the beer or the fact that I just saved your ass?

[SBK laughs and rubs his midsection before speaking]

::Well hell its MY beer! What the heck do ya think I am thanking you for man?::

[Nando smirks before speaking again]

Nando: Well maybe the fact that I brought you a nice cold one? I could have given you the piss warm one.

[sbk raises an eyebrow before shrugging]

::Then I would have to kick your ass for that Nando. You don’t have that bat anymore.::

[Nando groans a bit as he pops the top on the beer and takes a nice long swig. sbk on the other hand looks at the beer before putting it down on the table unopened]

Nando: What’s the matter? You not thirsty? and where is Jada? Havent seen her for a while?

[Stylez shrugs]

::Im not in the mood to drink, Me and Jada are having some trouble, but its mostly a misunderstanding and a whole lot of stress.::

[Nando smirks and takes another drink of the beer]

Nando: I herd her father was in the ER. But dont worry pappi, these things blow over, you two are made for each other. Say Pappi, what were those guys punking on you for anyway? Are they still upset about what happened to Jose?”

[SBK nods before standing up. He speaks as he walks around the couch and into the kitchen]

::Apparently it is my fault that the bastard shot me in the back…Three years ago... go figure.::

[SBK then grabs a bottled water out of the fridge and walks back over to the couch. He plops down acting as if his midsection isn’t bothering him anymore. Nando just shakes his head]

Nando: I don’t know what in the hell got into Jose anyway… you and him were so tight in high school. What happened between you two?

[SBK opens the water and takes a swig of it before letting out a sigh. He puts the water down and hunches over thinking about how to respond]

::Jose got jealous of me. He saw that after school I was going places and he was destined to never achieve greater things than working at a local gas station. Its sad really…::

Nando: Sad world man… Look at this country, Castro has things running at top speed, this country has loved its rich but hates it poor. but at least you’re here, and your just as Big as Castro himself.

[SBK picks up the water and grins. He reclines on the couch again and speaks nonchalantly]

::Yeah, Im just socking up the cuban sun, until I finally get back into the ring, and this break with the JWF is over and work starts flowing me another title shot you know.::

Nando: I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You’re the greatest wrestler to ever vist cuba.

[Nando takes another long drink of the beer. He then burps and then hits his chest with his fist]

[SBK nods as he finishes his water]

::Yep that’s what I think… what do YOU think?::

[Nando stands up before answering]

Nando: I think its time for another beer.

[SBK laughs and just shakes his head as Nando goes off to get a beer]

::Damn boy are you going to drink ALL of my beer up before I get a chance to celebrate another title run!::

[And with that being said the camera fades to black as SBK stands up to join Nando in the kitchen.]
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