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 The King of JWF! Prt. 1

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Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

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Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

The King of JWF! Prt. 1 Empty
PostSubject: The King of JWF! Prt. 1   The King of JWF! Prt. 1 EmptyOctober 29th 2006, 11:52 pm

[The Road to a championship starts for Johnny Nitro. The competition for the 10 man rumble critics are saying is VERY lackluster. While there is little question that Johnny will prevail over the said-to-be “lackluster” competition, Pro Wrestling Magazine reporter Dave Gray flew to Philly on the eve of the Warzone itself to get an industry-wide interview with this superstar and one of the top-performer in this business.]

::Nitro: Here’s the thing with this shit. I could have put ink to paper for a sweet-ass deal with some chump-change marks that wanted to throw millions just to sniff some jocks and book some matches but my heart isn’t in that. It’s with JWF.::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: If this interview is going to be loaded with tid-bits and quotes like that you’ve just brought me 2,000 more subscribers.

[The two shake hands as they resume their conversation that you are “eavesdropping on“.]

[b]:: You can use whatever the fuck you want to of whatever I say. I really don’t give a damn. Right now for me there is a fuckton going on in my life.::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: I love the info Johnny but seriously, if you could watch the language it would be better on the direct quotes.


::: You know me in real life this is just who I fucking am and how I talk when the bright lights of the camera are NOT on me. You know when I can say whatever I want to say.::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: And this is your forum. Make no mistake about it. The WM is a newsletter that treats TRUE wrestling fans like they should be treated. They understand that wrestling is a work and this business is not a true sport. They understand many of the ins and outs of the business.


::: I know it, that’s why many in this game have a “love-hate” relationship with you. I personally get along fine with you but again that’s because I don’t get much heat from cats and critics like you because I bust ass every time out and it shows.::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: You’re one of the FEW, who I can admit to that I’ve never seen put out a poor match or performance and I’ve never seen you politic a win to get out of working to earn it.

[Nitro nods]

::: I’m just gonna eat humble pie on that one. ::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: You aren’t known to get cocky and arrogant for those of us who know you.

[Dave shuffles through some papers as Johnny gets up from his chair to make himself a drink. The view outside the penthouse suite is that of Downtown Philly on a Sunny morning. Sunday morning to be precise.]

::: Here’s what I wonder, Dave. Those cats I’m in there with for the championship rumble match, to a man should already have realized they REALLY don’t deserve to be in this spot. I just hope those cats have the self-respect to be happy just being in a match today of this magnitude.::

[Gray looks over the complete list of the Ten Wrestlers].

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: I had a feeling this would come up. After all I’ve spent the last two weeks on my web-site pretty much ripping your opponents and criticizing JWF for not booking it’s big names in this match with the exception of you.

::: I know, I know, D. I can’t really say anything to defend JWF. But hey the result would have been the same who ever is in the ring with your boy!::

[Johnny shakes his head looking down.]

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: Clearly there are some big name wrestlers in the rumble and by the time they get to You they’ll be blown up [[NOTE: “blown up” in wrestling terms means ’tired’]] by the time they are finished wrestling you in this match. And let’s not forget t mention that you are also apart of a eight-man tag-team match. And so far you’re the only one hyping this match proving that no one is even CLOSE to carrying a big time match. Besides you!

[Johnny shrugs.]

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: Maybe they know you, and they know you’d give it your very best to earn every victory.

[Johnny smirks].

::: This ain’t “GI-JOE” so I won’t be saying and “Knowing is half-the-battle”. But in this case most cats already know who will come out of Warzone with the W.::

[Gray is furiously taking notes as the audio recorder picks up what is being said as you continue to ‘eavesdrop’ on this conversation.]

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: What I don’t understand Stylez is how JWF can stand by and let your opponents continue to look foolish by talking about how they are gonna beat certain names in the federation that aren’t even in the match itself. And how they are the true next big things to ever happen to JWF. After Halloween Hell, some of the commentators for the rumble are thinking bout other folks.

[Johnny shakes his head in agreement.]

::: I know Bra. It’s some funny ass sh*t though. I don’t fault JWF, I fault dumbasses like Santiago who claims to be the big thing around here, and how he’ll take out anyone and everyone! When there are only ten cats in the damn thing! And then there is the others who sit back and continue to have egg on there face by not even cutting a damn promo!::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: You don’t think the other eight are asleep at the wheel do you?

::: F*ck NO! If anything there playing it smart, If you don’t cut a decent promo, then you won’t look like a damn fool after your ass has been defeated.…::

[Johnny rolls his eyes.]

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: You're on record as saying JWF is one of the fairest and best companies you’ve ever competed for....

::: And I stand by...unless I get to the arena come Warzone and hear one of the Downsiders I’m booked against is going to main event some time soon, I’ll know this place is going south in a hurry and it’s best to jump off the train and opt out ASAP.::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: So the headline could very well read “Nitro opts out of JWF after Rumble”.

[Nitro gives a big smile].

Nitro:: The chances of that are the same as someone else winning the US championship!::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: You’re right. Never mind.

:: to keep it real, I look forward to getting the TWO big wins this week, and getting the chance to send my stock in the JWF through the roof, not to mention becoming the US champion…::

Wrestling Magazine Dave Gray: I can‘t say I blame you.

:: Of course you don’t. Who the hell is buying ANY load of sh*t the other cats in the Rumble are bringing or will be bringing especially those boys who are planning to put out tired-ass cookie cutter sad ass sh*t?!? But you know what Bra, I think your time for asking the likes of me questions are over! Now if you would please grab that pen there, and get ready to start writing because Im bout to shred these fools….::

[Dave grabs his note pad and pen as he waits for Nitro to start.]

::This week, I show everyone that fear does not exists because some say that I should fear the top guns in the rumble. Then, I have to question their statement. Why should I shudder at fighting these fools? I have proven time and time again that I can defeat anyone. Just Last week, I took Chris BLUEballs out of the match over in GWE, and I followed it up by pinning pretty much brining the fight to the other homeboys in the four-way dance. They pose no threat. Nobody in this promotion poses a threat...not to me. I have been through worse. I have been in every type of match possible. I have been in a double jeopardy match. I have been in a ladder match. I have been in countless triple threat, fatal fourway, and singles matches. So, when Im asked about my Tag match and the rumble match this week. I shove it off because this is NOTHING compared to what I've been through in the past. NOTHING!::

::In wrestling, we all search for the weaknesses of our opponents, we try to target that to take them down. I don't do that--I always attack the strengths...but folks in the rumble are just like me, will besides Ranger fag toy, and Chris BLUEballs…But folks like Santiago is alot like me--we're so well balanced, it's hard to exactly find a weakness or a strong point. The only thing I can honestly think of his determination--which is quite similar to my own. However...there is a difference in weaknesses between us, and this I know...::

:::And that's because I'm my greatest weakness, I'm the very reason I could lose this coming match.::

::I wish it wasn't true, I wish I could really go into that match without a worry in the world...but I've made that impossible for myself. There's a part of me hoping like hell that some sort of voice will come into my mind and give me the advice I need to go into Global with my head held high, to actually be able to defeat Edgerton with a clear and sound mind...::

::...but when you're fighting two battles at once, it's hard to keep a sound mind.::

::Then there's another part, a part of me saying to just give up trying. A part of me saying that all this, all my efforts...are all just a lost cause. My past is once again holding me down, trying to assure me that by losing one of my dreams oh so long ago, it'll be impossible for me to accomplish another when, in fact, I already have...and Jada is my proof.::

::Speaking of Santiago, there isn't much I can really say about you. Besides your name is plastered every more then Paris Hilton’s Porno! I don't really know what you're capable of. I do know that you can give me a challenge this coming War zone then many in this federation. I know this will be one of the most difficult matches I've had in awhile.::

::I know that you won't disappoint me, Santiago, at least I hope you don’t. no one likes an easy win!::

::You’ve got me interested in our match, Santiago, I really am. I'm wondering just exactly how it's going to go down, what moves you're going to use to wear me down and how I'll be able to counter your in-ring strategy. How I'll be able to wear you down in return until I'm finally able to toss your limp ass out my ring!.::

::Heck you’re the only fool Im truly worried about. It's going to be difficult, and I would hope so. An easy win is generally unrewarding, fighting for what you want always gives you a better feeling when you accomplish it. And if you don't, at least you can proudly say that you gave it your all.::

::I'm giving you my all, homeboy. I'm going to show you how I wrestle, why I wrestle, who I am, and just why I am the NEXT US CHAMPION! I'm expecting that you're going to do the same, I'm expecting an all out war in that ring from everyone. I'd expect no less from someone like you, you know. Someone who's made it this far, wrestled this well for this long... I suppose I should be honored.:: be honest, Santiago? I don't care that you have such accomplishments--so did GWE when I beat him, and look what happened to that federation.::

::I'm not doubting you, Santiago, nor am I comparing you to any other would-be contender in this Rumble::

::I'm just hoping that I'm not over-estimating you. I don't want to go into a match expecting a battle royal and only receiving a meager kindergarten brawl. I mean, who knows? Perhaps you'll even teach me something in that ring. Maybe you'll influence me for the better.::

::Yeah, that’ll be the day!::

::There's alot of 'maybes' going into this match up, alot of 'ifs' and 'ands', and alot of 'buts', too. Maybe you're going to win, maybe I'M going to win. Maybe Ranger “Play with my balls” will win. If either of us do, what then? You'll be nothing more then a fluke loss, possibly sending me on a downward spiral after my hot streak...or I'll be the rising star who just bounced off a washed up has-been who could never win the big one!::

:: It's a shame really that you are still chasing that BIG win. When you don't belong there. Heck lets be honest, you don’t even belong in the same sentence as me! You are strictly mid card material.::

::I single handedly murk you this week! Just as I did to Homeboy’s over at GWE. last week. I once again proved why I'm the best. I proved why I belong ahead of you, and any other who thinks there better then me!::
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