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The Enig

Violator Empty
PostSubject: Violator   Violator EmptyJune 3rd 2007, 2:09 pm

* Wrestler Name: Violator

* Nickname: The Enigma, The Last Free Man

* Age: Unknown

* Hometown:Chicago

* House (WHERE HE LIVES): Apartment (But it changes from time to time.)

* Weight:267lbs

* Height: 6 7"

* Favorite Specialty Match: Stairway to Hell (Hell in the Cell Match where cage is covered in barbwire and weapons are stuck to them, on each side of the ring there are ladders and the only way to win the match is to grab and ladder and climb through a hole at the top of the cage. The only problem is that the whole is also covered in barbwire so you must sacrifice your body to become the victor)

* Entrance Music: "Suffer" by Staind

* Alignment (face/heel): Face

* Years Wrestling: Unknown

* Quote: Optional: Welcome to Judgment Day

* Finisher: Judgment Day

* Finisher Description: Violator grabs opponent in a reverse DDT position, lifts their body and spins dropping them into a Stone Cold Stunner.

* Bio/Backround: Will be divulged through the course of roleplays

* Attire: A pair of black wrestling pants with "Violator" in red lettering across each side surrounded by lightening. Black wrestling boots with two yin and yang symbols encrusted with a white tiger and a black dragon

* Fighting style: All-Arounder

* Move List:

1)Super Kick
3)Frog Splash
4)Death Valley Driver
5)Powerbomb into Snap DDT
6)Full Nelson into SIt Down Powerbomb
7)Texas Cloverleaf
9)Top Rope Frontwards Flipping DDT
10)Crippler Crossface
11)Tombstone Sit dowm Piledriver
12)German Suplex Trio
13)Shooting Star Press
14)Power Clothesline
15) Kiss the Dragon (Jumping Spin Kick)
16)450 Splash
17)Karate Kick Combination
18)Infinite (Powerbomb into Rock Bottom)
19)Elevated Exploder Suplex
20)Snap DDT Trio
21)Leg Lariat
22)Top Rope Brain Buster Suplex
23)Scissors Kick
24)Frontwards Flip to the outside from the inside
25) T-Bone Suplex

Picture Base for Wrestler Box and Signature - Violator Violator

Career Accomplishments -None
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