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Number of posts : 2
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-11-14

ChaosBedlam Empty
PostSubject: ChaosBedlam   ChaosBedlam EmptyNovember 14th 2007, 3:36 pm

(Original Wrestlers only)

* Wrestler Name: Bedlam

* Nickname: 'The Future's Messenger'

* Age: Unknown

* Hometown: Unknown

* House (WHERE HE LIVES): Various hotels across america

* Weight: 410 lbs

* Height: 6"10

* Favorite Specialty Match: First Blood

* Entrance Music: None...just eerie monk-like drones

* Alignment (face/heel): Heel

* Years Wrestling: 6

* Quote: Optional:

* Finisher: Chaos Theory

* Finisher Description: Brainbuster

* Bio/Backround: Unknown...he was visciously maimed in a factory fire during his youth, and has been fighting mixed martial arts style matches in recent years to get his life back on track...

* Attire: Black cloak. Wrestles completely decked out in black (black trousers, boots, vest, and black mask) With flame red eyes.

* Fighting style: Brawler

* Move List:

1. Chokeslam
2. Big Boot
3. Choke Toss
4. Powerbomb
5. Headbutt
6. Clothesline from Hell
7. Big Claw
8. Gorilla Press
9. Bear Hug
10. Spinebuster
11. Spear
12. Atomic Drop
13. Eye Rake
14. Shoulder Charge
15. Powerslam
16. Throat Jab
17. Club to Face
18. Backbreaker
19. Torture Rack
20. Leg Sweep
21. Uppercut
22. Double handed Chokeslam
23. Top rope Clothesline
24. Neckbreaker
25. Knee to Face

Picture Base for Wrestler Box and Signature - None yet

Career Accomplishments - None - has wrestled many years but has never stayed in one place to win a title.

Entrance - The arena lights shut off and the drones of monk-like sounds play...there is a crash of thunder and a whole lot of smoke...a figure in a black cloak appears in the ring when the lights come back on...
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