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 Used, Abused, and Buried Alive

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

Used, Abused, and Buried Alive Empty
PostSubject: Used, Abused, and Buried Alive   Used, Abused, and Buried Alive EmptyNovember 28th 2006, 6:49 am

“And so forth came the knights
War, Famine, Pestilence, Death
Looking over the barren wastelands
Nothing was left”

A camera flickers on to show a land of fire. Jagged mountains surround a deep gorge, where flames are shooting up as if reaching for the sky. As the camera scans down you see someone standing in the center of the pit. Black wings protrude from his back. His skin is as pale as that of death and he seems to glow. He stands with his head down, and the wings folded in on their back. Out of nowhere you hear a deep, guttural voice.

“My son I am happy to once again gaze upon the face that I have missed. You are most welcome to my kingdom, but it is not your time. You are not ready to descend; you have a task to finish. You are going to amount to more, look inside, and find the flame. Allow it to engulf you and cleanse everything within you. Let it take the weaknesses that have plagued you. You shall create a vortex into which everyone who crosses you shall perish. Kaos you are a knight of the apocalypse. You are the one above many. You shall show them all it is your time. You will take hold of the world and crush it in your mighty grasp.”

Kaos looks up into the black sky and shouts.

“I have failed. I have shown that I am worthless. I cannot even take out a fucking burn victim. I am nothing more than an imperfection on life. I have lost and I now see that no matter how much I fucking pretend, I will never amount to anything more than someone who can accomplish not even the smallest goals.”

Tears roll from his eyes and he falls to his knees. His coal black wings open and cover his shoulders. Suddenly the voice appears again, more stern than the last time.

“Stand, my son.”

Kaos continues to sulk in a heap of self- pity. He cries heavily. His entire body seems to be made of stone. He acts as if the voice is not even directing its voice to him, but to someone else in the room. The voice grows angrier and seems to be losing patience.


The fires shoot higher and the entire place seems to shake as if suffering a minor earthquake. Kaos stands slowly and wipes the tears from his eyes.

“Yes father, you are right. I must return and reveal my wrath to the populous. I must show that I am not a joke. I am Kaos and I am to be feared. I must live.”

Suddenly, the wings upon his back seem to be ripped from him, leaving only bloody stumps upon his shoulder blades. Kaos screams and falls to his knees once more. He reaches behind himself to feel for the wings. The voice speaks for the final time.

“You must let them all see what you are and what you can do. YOU MUST RISE!”

With that flames engulf the entire pit and the camera goes to static. The camera comes back on to show the graveyard from the main event match on Warzone. Rain is pouring heavy upon the area and lighting flashes to show the world in daylight. The camera zooms in on the grave. The dirt has become mud and a tombstone has been placed at the top, with the name “Kaos” written on it. The camera scans from the tombstone to the grave. The voice from early is distantly hear as an echo saying “YOU MUST RISE!”

A hand just forth from the grave and twists is a painful manner. The hand grabs at the solid Earth and begins to pulls forth slowly. Another hand burst forth from the mud and begins clutching for the Earth. Slowly a head appears and then a body. Finally, the legs are visible. Kaos is covered in thick mud and is gasping for air. He begins to gag spitting up mud and then he vomits. Blood pours from his mouth and he falls over onto his side, continuing to breathe heavy. He lays there and allows the rain to wash over him. Eventually he rolls over on his back and the camera zooms in upon his face. A smile goes across his face and a bright, ghostly x is noticeable between his eyes. In the center of his forehead an anarchy A glows. The camera fades.

[Later in the night]

The camera flickers to a static and a large bonfire is seen outside the Gregory Hills Sanitarium. All of the graves seen early have been filled back up. The building glows red from the flames. Shadows dance across the landscape, creating ghastly images. As the camera goes closer to the fire in the distance you notice someone sitting upon the steps of the sanitarium. In a brief moment, you see it is Kaos. He sits, still caked from mud and dried blood under his mouth and upon his clothes. His hair is tangled and his eyes are bloodshot. He holds a mirror staring down into it as if another world can be seen in his reflection. He continues to stare into the mirror and begins to speak.

“Thank you. Thank you, Skull. You have freed me. You have made me realize that what I am and who I was should be buried. That person is better off within a grave and until I allow that person to perish, I cannot rise to my full potential. I am holding my own self back. My eyes are open now and I can finally see.”

He stares into the mirror for only a second more, before he lays it aside. He pulls a pail of water from beside the steps and begins to wash the dirt from his face. The water drips off of his smooth skin. It is as if the water is rejuvenating him. He stops and once again picks up the mirror.

“I understand now more than ever what needs to be done for me to allow my power to be seen. I must not hold back and as long as I have this past. This face. I know I am going to fail. I have been reborn and now it is time for you to see what you have done you fucking bastard. I hope you and your beautiful cunt of a girlfriend enjoy what you have created, because you are at the top of my list. I shall rain torment and suffering upon you and teach that you shouldn’t try to kill what is already dead.”

With that he slams the glass down on the ground and looks into the shattered pieces. He picks one of the pieces up and begins to run it down his face. The blood pours from the wound. Kaos stops and looks at the blood on his hand and dripping onto the ground. He reaches down and picks up a handful of the glass and begins raking it across his face.

“I must rid myself of my own existence. I must be the first victim. I MUST BE THE FIRST TO SUFFER!”

He stands and rushes over to the fire. His face is grotesque, with a crimson mask. He turns towars the camera. The blood is a waterfall falling from him. His eyes show the dementia growing in him. He smiles, the blood falling into his mouth. He screams into the camera spitting blood drops on the lens.

“I will not fail anymore. I WILL NOT FAIL!”

With that he reaches into the fire and pulls out a large metal mask and quickly places it onto his face. Smoke rolls from the mask and the smell of burnt flesh is stomach-turning. Kaos reacts in excruciating pain, twisting his body in different ways before falling to his knees. He clutches the mask upon his face and screams in agony.

Soon, Kaos just sits there breathing heavy. He looks down at his hands through the eyeholes of the mask. They are burnt badly. He reaches up and feels the mask, it is warm now. He slowly gets up and turns towards the camera.

The mask is made of what looks like black metal as dark as the deepest parts of Hell. Slits go across the mouth and up the cheeks, which makes Kaos’s face somewhat visible. A large, bright red X is between his eyes and above the X, in the center of his forehead is a bright red anarchy A. The mask allows the flames to dance upon it reflecting into the camera. Kaos, in a voice seeming to not be his own, speaks.

“Now, everyone shall see the true Kaos. Kaos has risen and everyone will have their halos fall around their necks and choke them. Their wings will snap in my grasp and everyone shall suffer…….”

With that Kaos thrusts his head forehead smashing the lens of the camera and causing it to go into static.
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