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 Coming out of the Closet

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Barelai Von'Vicious
Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 79
Age : 37
Registration date : 2006-12-05

Coming out of the Closet Empty
PostSubject: Coming out of the Closet   Coming out of the Closet EmptyDecember 18th 2006, 11:47 am

The scene opens on a faded black door with a brass door knob. The camera zooms out to catch that the door is vibrating due to a hard loud pounding on its other side and an emanating green light coming from all cracks in and around the door. The pounds get harder and harder and more frequent. After a few minutes of the repetive pounds they just stop. The camera begins to zoom in thinkin that the danger is over and nothing is comin out when all the sudden the door flys off its hinges and busts against the camera. The camera starts to scramble as it looks up at a gigantic cloaked individual with shackel cuffs attachted to his wrists with 1 foot long chains hangin off each cuff blocking the intense green light that emanates from beyond. He makes his way slowly out as we here chains dragging the ground from the shackel cuffs attached to his ankles with the 1 feet long chains dragging behind him. He stands over the fallen camera man and glances down. He then slowly reaches for the camera as the video finally dies. Seconds later screams are heard then all footage is lost.

Minutes after, another camera arrives on the scene only to see Myles standing dead in his tracks as the cloaked figure comes for him. The mysterious being makes his way very slowly to Myles as Myles pleads.


The strange individual then grabs Myles by the throat and slams him to the ground. He then walks over to Myles' head and wraps his right arm chain around his neck lifting him dead in the air. Myles gags and shivers for several minutes before going limp and lifeles. The murderer then spins around and flings Myles several feet making a sudden stop when he hits the wall.

An unknown cloaked lady then walks from the shadows and examines Myles, confirmin that his life is no more. The enormous skyscraper of a human being then walks over to the body of Myles Manson and drags him by the ankles to the green light behind the door way. The lady follows the dark figure closely. They then both lift Myles up and toss him inside letting the green light engulf his body. They then fetch the door and put it back up on its hinges and close it.

Crimson Skull comes out of nowhere and laughs dementedly.

Crimson Skull: Myles Manson...Welcome to my closet where you shall live....never more!

The hooded lady then uncloaks herself revealing that she is indeed The Crimson Princess, Allison Marie Rosenburg. As she makes her way over to Crimson they are joined by Tamara. Crimson looks upon the dark force with amazement.

Crimson: Destorying the weak link in the relationship was brillaint my son. I must admit I had my doubts, but you will make the perfect knight for The Crimson Dynasty. I give to you my daughters hand. From now on she will be your new manager and together you both will shine far, maybe even one day you shall wear the Crimson Crown.

Crimson takes his daughter by the hand and marches over to the cloaked being and places her hand in his. She rubs up against the giant, then lifts herself upon to the beast sticking her head up in his cloak, and seemingly kisses him. Tamara then calls for Marie to the other side of the room. Crimson then begins to speak.

Crimson Skull: Uncloak thyself and reveal thy face.....Sir Knight of the Crimson Crown....

The hooded figure then lifts his black glove covered hands up to his head and slowly pulls the cloak back revealing that its Barelai Von'Vicious. He then unrobes himself showing off his new leather sleeveless shirt with matching pants and the same steel toed boots that he has been wearing as of late.

Marie makes her way back over to Barelai and wraps her hands around his waist. As she is wrapped around him be begins to address his public.

Barelai: With the rid of the waste that was Myles Manson, I am able to continue on my rampage of pain. I have you, Crimson Skull, to thank. As a part of that thank you, I greatly accept the position as Knight to your crown. Any foes of the crown shall...and will feel my pain! Starting with the waste of sanity that is Joe Santiago! I officially challenge you "Thriller" to a chained fury match! I assure you Santiago....YOU...........WILL.............................FEEEEL.....................MYYYYYYYYYYY

The crown members begin to laugh hysterically and welcome Barelai into the Dynasty. Barelai picks Marie up and demasks himself and begings kissing her. Crimson and Tamara look on with awe and happiness that their child has found a evil monster who will treat her wrong at all times. Marie climbs down and gallopes over to her parental figures.

Bloody Marie: Mommy! Daddy! Barelai and I are going to go take care of some buisness that he needs to attend to. Dont worry we will be sure to make you both proud! I love you both!

Marie kisses both Tamara and Crimson, then runs over and jumps into the arms of Barelai. They then exit the building goin upon whatever journey they are focusing on. Upon their exit, Crimson and Tamara walk off into the shadows of the darkness continuing the plans on their soon to be wedding. After a few seconds of lookin around in the silence, The camera then slowly begins to fade.
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