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 Its the eye of the tiger, its the thrill of the fight..

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Its the eye of the tiger, its the thrill of the fight.. Empty
PostSubject: Its the eye of the tiger, its the thrill of the fight..   Its the eye of the tiger, its the thrill of the fight.. EmptyDecember 19th 2006, 7:28 am

[Crimson Skull and Tamara are standing before the closet door. It has just been put back up on the hinges where the new Barelai Von’Vicious has broken it down in his new found powers. Skull speaks.]

“I will be back in a short moment. It is time to find the priest.”

[Skull kisses Tamara as he opens and closes the door behind him. Tamara pulls out a chair and sits down in it, as she speaks.]

“Tomorrow night, there will be a bachelor party and a wedding party on Warzone. All are welcome to join, but Notty and Kaos, we dare you to interfere. I-”

[Before she finishes this sentence the door to the closet busts open and Skull throws the priest into the room. The priest looks battered and bruised, his left eye is swollen together and his lips are swollen. He has cuts all over his face. There are ten to be exact from fingernails that have been scraped across his face. Skull walks over and gets a rope and ties it to the priest’s feet. Skull tosses one end of the rope over a rafter and starts hoisting the priest upside down. As he slowly does this he begins to speak.]

“Notty Pine, you seem to be getting a clue now. When you came into this federation as a jobber, you set your standards high and you went for me. That was a mistake you will never soon forget. Not only did your wife realize, but your stepdaughter did as well. What they realized was that you are a poor pitiful excuse of a man. And they didn’t need someone like you protecting them they needed a monster. But through your insecurities, you tried not believing it. Because you see Mr. Pine, I attempted giving Tamara back to you but you had taken a brief hiatus, so she then realized you didn’t care for her. And then she told me of how your stepdaughter was forced to be put in Social Services’ care because of your drinking.”

[At this point the priest is off the floor enough to where the tips of his fingers scrape the ground. Skull ties a knot in the rope to hold the priest in place.]

“But you sit and complain because everything you put before me, I end up turning against you. That is simple, I warned you what I was capable of in the beginning, but your foolish, drunken pride got the best of you yet again.”

[Skull walks over to behind a table and puts a box up on the table. He pulls out razor wire and begins wrapping it around his gloves, he chuckles as he shows Tamara, she gets up and laughs as well but she exits the room. Skull pulls the chair that Tamara was sitting in over to where the priest is hung upside down. He continues.]

“And here we are at the end of the road, Mr. Pine. You got on a one-way bus ride on the Highway to Hell, but it was too much for you, just as I thought it would be.”

[Skull picks up the knife that is lying in the floor. He rips open the priest’s shirt and begins to carve something in his abdomen. He continues.]
“Now, back to business. It seems that I have a tag team match with Beast and Hot Stuff Steven, who are supposed to be mortal enemies. I know who the trader is that Beast speaks of, and so does Steven, but I will never tell. It is so blatantly obvious, that it is right in front of all of your faces. Am I the only one who knows what is going on?”

[The priest seemingly dead, is still unconscious. Tamara walks in with a large cup, she sits it on the ground just below the priests head, and the blood has trickled down from his stomach and is dripping off of the priest’s forehead into the glass. Skull cracks his knuckles as he continues.]

“Steven, you think you can impress me with your training montage? The only reason you do your speaking in your training, is because it is the only idea that you have. You are correct that you have snuck your way to the top. But as long as I am still here, you will never become champion again. You want to teach me some respect? I beg you to try, the last time someone promised me that, well; let’s just say they’re no longer with us. I have claimed more victims than cancer, boy. And you will learn soon that you don’t mess with the Reaper.”

[Skull in his best sarcastic impression of Hot Stuff Steven, he begins to box the priest’s back with the gloves covered in razor wire, but this doesn’t stop him from talking, the priest awakens at this and it is hard to hear Skull speak over the screaming of the priest. Blood starts pouring into the glass.]

“Beast, your only claim to fame is your precious streak. Well, streaks are like records, they are made to be broken. I guarantee you this, to the both of you; you will not walk out of that ring tag team champions. I promise you that. Whenever the smoke has cleared, and the bell rings, I will be hovering over the once dominant Beast. You will then be able to add one loss to your illustrious career record, and it will all be thanks to me, the Crimson King. And Steven, you say that you are going to finish something you started? This story is far from over, and as long as you are in the ring with me, the only thing you will be finishing is your last meal before the match. The Crimson Dynasty ascends, Are you ready?”

[Skull removes the razor wire and picks up the glass over filled with blood. He then takes a drink from the glass and lets the priest down. He lifts the priest’s head up and spits his own blood into his face. Skull throws the priest’s head back down and it makes a hollow thud on the ground. You see now that Skull has carved a cross on the priest’s stomach, and it is upside down from where the priest was upside down. Skull begins to laugh as a bright light shines on him. Skull turns and looks into the light seemingly scared as the camera shows Tamara holding a large spotlight. They both begin to laugh at the mockery they just made and they exit the room. The camera shows the outside of the Mortuary and Skull and Tamara are walking out of it the last thing that is heard before the camera cuts out is:]

“Let’s go walk some shadows, shall we my Queen?”

[the two laugh into the night.]
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