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 The Rocket (vs) The Rocket

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Joe Santiago
Main Event
Main Event
Joe Santiago

Number of posts : 1526
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-10-08

Wrestler Info
Record: 43-07-01
Alignment: Face

The Rocket (vs) The Rocket Empty
PostSubject: The Rocket (vs) The Rocket   The Rocket (vs) The Rocket EmptyJanuary 28th 2007, 6:28 am

This match was "The Rocket" Gerald Richman versus Chevy and his Bat that he called The Rocket

Gerald Richman v.s. Chevy Hook
“The Rocket v.s. The Rocket”
Rocket on a Pole Match
Central Clash

Richie: What A Night this Has Been, And It’s Only Going To Get Better.

Hardagen: You Are Absolutly Right!

[Mushroomhead begins to play
Gerald Richman Walks Out
The Fans Boo Gerald Richman]

Hardagen: Man, Do You Hear This Crowd? I Havent Heard Something Like This Since The Return Of Brick!

Richie: No Kiding, This Will be A Classic. “The Rocket” Gerald Richman Fights Chevy With His Rocket.

Hardagen: Thats Right, And It Will be In A Bat Tied To A Pole Match.

Richie: Gerald Richman Is Taking His Time To Piss Off The Fans.

[Richman Reaches The Bottom of The Ring
Crowd Goes Nuts But Richman Doesn’t No Why
Chevy Runs Up Behind Richman And Knocks Him Out With The Rocket]

Richie: OH MY GOD!

Hardagen: Before The Match, What A Great Move On Chevy’s Part.

Richie: You Idiot, Gerald Richman Could Be Hurt!

Hardagen: So What.

[Chevy Drags Richman Into The Ring
He Starts To Beat Him With The Bat
Richman Is Helpless]

Richie: Is This Even Legal?

Hardagen: Everything Is Legal In The HWF!

Richie: Get Some Damn Security Out Here.

Hardagen: Dont Listen To This Pissant. Why Are You Rutting For The Bad Guy?

Richie: Because He Is A Human To!

[The Ref Takes Away The Bat
Chevy Looks Pissed Of
Chevy Leaves Richman In The Ring
Chevy Grabs The Ring Bell Before They Can Ring It]

Richie: What The Hell is He Going To Do With That Ring Bell?!

Hardagen: Chevy is A Genius, He Thinks Up Everything.

[Chevy Waits For Richman To Get Up
He Rams Him With The Ring Bell]

Richie: OH MY GOD!

Hardagen: Yes! Yes!

[Chevy Lifts Richmans Head Up to the Crowd
It Is Busted Open
The Crowd Goes Insane
Chevy Throws Richmans Head On the Ground]

Richie: Chevy is Climbing The Top Rope.

Hardagen: Oh My God He Is Going To Kill Him.

[Chevy Is On The Top Rope
He Shows Of The Ring Bell To The Crowd
The Crowd Goes Nuts]

Richie: No Chevy Dont Do This!

[Chevy Jumps Off The Top Rope And Nails Richman In the Throat.
Richman Starts To Cough Intensly]

Richie: OH MY GOD! They Can’t Allow This Match to Go On!

Hardagen: Shrue They Can!

[The Officals Run out To the Ring
They Try To Strap Gerald Richman to A Strecher
Richman Refuses
Chevy grabs The Mic]

Chevy: Look At Him, he Doesn’t Want To Go, if He Wants To Get His Ass Kicked Let Him.

Offical: He Can’t Fight Chevy!

Chevy: Let Me Ask Him Then!

[Chevy Grabs Richman By His Hair]

Chevy: Richman! Can You Hear Me? Do You Still Want To Fight?

Richman: ... YES! ...

[Crowd Goes Insane]

Richie: Oh My God!

Hardagen: This Is Unbelieveable!

Chevy: As Of Right Now This Match Has Offically Starte...

[Gerald Richman Runs And Clothslines Chevy Before he Could Finsh His Sentence]

Richie: Here We Go!

[Chevy Gets Up
Gerald Richman Jabs Him
Chevy Throws A Right and Connects
Richman Goes Down]

Hardagen: Pow Right in The Kisser.

[Chevy Trys To Run And Grab The Bat
Richman Stands Up and Grabs Chevy
Richman Dilvers A German Suplex]

Richie: Damn That Sucks.

[Chevy Gets Up And Clothlines Richman
Chevy Mounts Richman And Starts To Attack him]

Hardagen: Damn!

Richie: Stop Him!

[Richman Counters
He Grabs Chevy Delivers A Spin Buster
Chevy Looks Knocked Out
Richman Picks Him Up And Conects With A Brain Buster]

Hardagen: NO! Chevy Get Up You Pussy!

Richie: Serves Him Right!

[Richman Grabs Chevy And Puts Him In A Camel Clutch]

Hardagen: No! No! No!

Richie: Make Him Tap Richman!

Hardagen: You Trader, He Is The JWF Champion! We Want Chevy To Win!

Richie: Not Me, I’m All For The Rocket!

[Chevy doesnt tap And Grabs The Ropes
Richman Lets Go
Chevy Trips Richman Into The Ropes
Richamn Is Hanging On The Top Rope
Chevy Runs To The Other side And Back
Chevy Jumps Over The Rope And Grabs Richmans Head]

Richie: The Gillotine!

Hardagen: Thank God!

Richie: Richman’s Neck Can’t Be All that Good, Remeber When Chevy Nails Him With The Bell In The Neck.

Hardagen: And Now This, There is A God!

[Chevy Slaps Richman From The Outside
Richman Jumps Through The Ropes And Spears Chevy
Richman Attacks Chevy.]


Hardagen: You Over Exacderate Things!

[Chevy Pokes Richman In The Eye
Chevy Throws Richman in The Ring And Grabs A Table]

Richie: Chevy’s Got A Table!

Hardagen: When You Give A Weapon To A Killer, you Better Run!

[Chevy Throws The Table Into The Ring
He Grabs Some Lighter Fluid]

Hardagen: Do You Know The Damage He Can Do With That?

Richie: I Know!

[Chevy Grabs The Lighter Fluid And Sprays It On The Table
Chevy Pulls Out The Lighter
He Lights The Table On Fire]

Hardagen: YES!

[Chevy Goes To Grab Richman
Richman Low Blows Chevy
Richamn Sets Chevy Up For A Powerbomb And Connects On The Flamming Table]

Richie: OH MY GOD!


[Richman Goes Outside to Grab A Steel Chair
Chevy Is Crawling To The Ring Where Hardagen Gives Him The Slegde Hammer]

Richie: What Are You Doing?!

Hardagen: It’s Time For A New Era, Richman Fall Today!

[Chevy Gets Ready To Hit Richman
Richman Gets Ready To Hit Chevy.
Richamn And Chevt Hit Each Other And Go Down]

Hardagen: NO!

Richie: OH MY GOD


[The Referee Starts To Count

Hardagen: No It Cant End Like This!

Richie: Yes Richman Needs To Finish Chevy Off!

[Ref Continues

Hardagen: Richamn Doesn’t Even Have A Fininshing Move!

[Referee Continues
Chevy Gets Up To His Knees
He Crawls For The Corner
He Climb The Turnbukle]

Hardgan: Yes!

Richie: Don’t Let Him Get A Hold Of The Rocket!

[Chevy Unties the Bat]

Hardagen: IT’S UNTIED!

[Gerald Richman Runs Up To The Turnbukle
He Delivers A Rocket Buster To Chevy]

[Hardagen And Richie And Up]



[Richman Covers Chevy
Ref Counts 1... 2... 3...]


Hardagen: NO!

[Fans start To Boo
They Satrt To Throw Stuff At Geral Richman]

He Has Overcomed The Odds! Gerald Richman Got Hit By The Ring Bell, He
Got Busted Open, He Got Thrashed Threw Out The Whole Match, And He
Found Away To Win! I Can’t Believe It!

Hardagen: WHAT THE HELL?! He Is The Bad Guy!

Richie: It Was Still A Great Match.

Hardagen: These Fans Are Going to Riot!

Match Ends
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The Rocket (vs) The Rocket
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