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 Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks Empty
PostSubject: Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks   Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks EmptyFebruary 17th 2007, 3:21 pm

“He’s here.”
“There he is.”
“Is that really him?”
“He looks taller on the TV.”
[The swirling sound of a thousand whispers burns the back of my ears and leaves me wondering just who all of these people are. Turning both left and right, faces I’ve never seen before offer a friendly smile or raise their glass in my direction. All kitted out in sharply pressed tuxedos and ravishing evening dresses, it’s clear that this entire audience is here to see me.]
[Pawing lazily at my chin, I check to see if I’ve grown a beard. No. Glancing over my shoulder, I look for the wooden cross. No. I’m still Frank Hart…The Anarchy Champion!]
Hart’s thoughts: So, why are these people making me out to be Jesus? I didn’t mind, of course. In fact, despite the lack of beard, I somewhat agreed with them.”
[It was the same back in high school. The popular kids can’t catch a breath without being asked what they’re doing over the weekend. I remember the way in which little Bobby Ford used to cling to my trouser leg and hang on my every word – simply because I was the only guy on the rugby team that would tolerate a midget with a mild case of acne and jam jar glasses….]
----Flash Back----
Bobby: “Doing anything exciting over the weekend, F.H.?”
[he’d ask, both of his eyes lighting up like the 5th of November.]
[Nobody other than Bobby called me ‘FH’ though. He’d coined that one, for sure. It was his way of crossing the boundary between the geek world and that of the cool kids. In actual fact, I hated the nickname. He added the tag at the end of every sentence, unnecessarily most of the time. Still, I didn’t have the heart to tell him.]
[Back then, those crooked little jam jar spectacles had viewed me as a God. These days, it wasn’t just Bobby Ford looking at me like that.]
[I stared out at the room of suits once more. Their eyes all twinkled wondrously and I could sense that even the merest hint of a glance from my direction would send most of them into perspiration overdrive.]
[I sat down at the table in front of me and pulled the menu close to my face. No sooner had my backside cushioned itself against the leather than three chirpy waiters sprung to my side all beaming from ear-to-ear.]
“Waiters: Ready to order yet, sir?”
[the three voices chanted as one.]
Waiters: “The Chef recommends the Lobster ravioli in tomato cream sauce!”
Hart’s thoughts: “Whatever happened to beef burger and fries?”
[The four waiters looked on eagerly, almost climaxing every time my bottom lip moved to say something. I kept this cat and mouse game going for around thirty seconds, teasing them into a false sense of security. I had to play tricks like this from time to time to reserve some sort of sanity for myself.]
Hart: “I’ll just have the duck, please,”
[No sooner had the words trickled from my tongue than the waiters sprang into action. The first three darted back off to the kitchen, giggling as they did so, while the more senior official bowed gracefully and thanked me for selecting their venue to dine in. As they turned away from me, I noticed the manner in which they fluttered like Angels ready to serve my every whim and need.]
[I raised my head upward once more and glanced around the room. All eyes still lingered in my direction.]
Hart: “Tails, Partna”
[Taking a sip of my cold water, while looking across to my tag-team partna.]
Hart: “Do you ever wonder what it’d be like if Jesus did in fact come back again? What sort of reception do you think he’d get?”
Tails: “What the hell kind of question is that? I thought we agreed no more celebrating drinking episodes, I don’t need you standing at a roofs edge again!”
[He said, while shaking his head]
Tails: “Sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on up there in that head of yours?”
[A part of me wanted to tell tails that everyone in the room was looking at us as if we were the second coming. A part of me wanted to tell him that I pretty much had the power to proclaim National holidays in my name if I saw fit. But for some reason, I chose not to get into it…With his simple mind He wouldn’t caught on anyways…]
Hart: “People keep asking me in the street about whether or not I’m fully prepared for what is undoubtedly a massive tag-team match this coming Anarchy. The skeptics point to the fact that I’ve not wrestled that will in the last six weeks and also question how long my body can hold up under the pressure of a brutal war, that is the Anarchy Rules!”
“I’m not too concerned with my physical state though. I know that these legs will hold up quite nicely.”
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks   Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks EmptyFebruary 17th 2007, 3:22 pm

[I take a sip of my water, to keep the mouth moist as I contuie to rant and rave!]
Hart: “In preparation for this battle, I’ve been trying to ensure that I’m in the right state of mind going into this match. I know that Revenge Inc is just as much a Hardcore team as me and tails – and that therefore makes them a formidable opponents. However, history points out that I’ve never lost in a match involving Anarchy Rules. History points out that I’ve never looked in any real danger in match involving Anarchy Rules!”
“So, why has Bobby Ocean managed to get under my skin so much?”
“Maybe it’s the fact that the kid rips off promo‘s. Or maybe it’s the fact that the kids eyes are bigger then his skills. Our maybe its because he really thinks he can come close to defeating the Hart Attacks! Ah but Close isn’t quite good enough in this game though!”
“Still, I saw the look in his eye during the his honestly put together promo…Don’t get used to those, its only a matter of time before he finds another poor sap to rip off.”
“But non the less, There’s a burning hatred stirring up deep within Revenge Inc. and they both want my head on a silver platter. I’ve played the role of The Man’s and Bobby Ocean’s chief tormentor for oh so long now. Will at least since last weeks tournament.”
Tails: And you call that a long time?
Hart: Hey stay out of this…This is my rant, go do your own!”
[Hart waves to a group of fans who cant seem but get enough of the Heart Attacks]
Hart: “That won’t change by the time Anarchy rolls around too. For me, this match is about finding myself and seeing whether or not I really am as good as the public says I am. I’ve traveled down many long and winding roads on my journey to find out what I’m really made of and Anarchy could well mark the finding of the Holy Grail itself.”
“Will I be remembered as the man that decimated Revenge INC?”
Tails: Most likely…
Hart: “Will we be remembered as the greatest tag-team of them all?”
Tails: I think we already are…
Hart: “Or will I be remembered as a team that fall short of there task at the final hurdle?”
Tails: Oh god I hope not, I cant take any more disappointments.
Hart: “It’s time to answer all these questions and many more. I won’t be distracted on my path to greatness any longer. The head of Revenge INC will fall and with it comes another step towards immortality.”
Tails: Amen to that brother.
[Hart shoots tails a stern look.]
Tails: What? I cant help that your taking this match almost to serious…I mean how hard can a team made up of a Promo thief, and A guy who got a push by smacking off to his sister’s sex tape?
[Hart shakes his head]
Tails: Shake your head all you want, but you know Im right.
Hart: “Maybe so, But This will not be a typical Anarchy Tag match-up. This will not be about the show. This will not be about impressing the crowd. This will be about pain. This will be about suffering. This will be about making them bleed and finally shutting them the fuck up. And I am going to hurt you Bobby O. I am going to destroy you, The Man, And I am going to enjoy it. And when you both look up at me, half-unconscious, blood dripping into your eyes, I am going to smile.”
Tails: That’s just sick!

Hart: “And when that blood stings your eyes so much you have to close them, I am going to laugh. And when the injuries that you have sustained have caused you to lose consciousness, I am going to continue to inflict you with pain. To finally show you how the big boys do it on Anarchy!”
Tails: Man, And they call me the FREAK of our team.

Hart: “Revenge INC…Your screams will be like music to me. Your blood will be as welcoming as water in a desert. Your broken bones will sound like fireworks on New Years Eve. And I won't stop. Remember Kids, this is not about winning. This is about hurting the two of you. This is about humiliating you both, and sending you both back to the midcarder levels…Its where you two belong!”
Tails: I am speechless…and that’s a first
Hart: And to think this promo is just half way done!
Tails: Half way done? What more can you say to these fools?
[Just then there food comes flowing out from the kitchen. Tons of food all around, Hart can’t believe it…He just wanted the Duck and ended up getting everything on the menu…]
Tails: Oh boy, I hope your hungry…
Hart: Im as hungry as the next superstar!”
Tails: Why don’t I think your not talking about the dinner?
Hart: “The Man...Bobby Ocean… This is the moment of truth. This is where we prove who has the bigger dick. Metaphorically of course.”
Tails: Whoa, Playa, I aint comparing my junk to there’s…I don’t swing that way bro….no matter what the rumors are…Im straighter then a Route 66!
Hart: What?
Tails: Never mind…
[Hart shakes his head]
Hart: “Moving on….Revenge INC. I watched both your asses get pummeled in the Anarchy tournament, last week. I watched you both lose. Now, we've built this thing up, until it can't be built any longer. This is the moment where Revenge INC accepts there crushing defeat. Accepts the fact that there no longer considered the best tag-team!”
Tails: Thought I told you we wont stop…Thought I told you we wont stop…
Hart: Your rapping now?
Tails: Just keeping it real!
Hart: Back to my point…I hope you two realize your situation. It'll be less crushing if you accept the defeat as it is now. You may have build a great thing, revenge INC that is… But I'm on the verge of tearing it down. A classic battle of good against evil. You just don't see the light of this situation yet.”
Tails: Pull your head outta your asses
Hart: “When we win, It'll just be another WIN to add to are shelf. There is little importance to it. And I've proven that with my disregard to everything you both stand for.”
Tails: We promised you a war.
Hart: “A war that none of Revenge INC would forget. A time when no one could walk around, without the fear of men like myself and Tails breathing down their necks. Don't you understand why we were brought to Anarchy? Why we were brought down to Anarchy? Your ratings would be falling if we weren’t here, and they needed someone to step up and carry this shitholes on there back. The Heart Attacks were the man for the job. Regretfully, We had to take the job. We don't gain any pride by beating around rookies, and washed up veterans. Fuck, We don't even have the desire to do this anymore. But this is to prove a point.”
Tails: This is to show you who the Real Stars of Anarchy are!
Hart: “Where the fuck is the respect? Where is fear that The Heart Attacks name should invoke? Once the big dogs resigned, you young bucks decided it was your time. You thought without any sort of regards to the greats who have passed through here. This isn't about a Tag-team Championship to me. This is about retaining are name. This is about being the Legend we are dubbed to be.”
Tails: You fuckers don’t got nothing on us!
Hart: “Talk this match up as high as you like, you're both still in the development leagues of the WWA. I'm finishing what I already started. Mashing your faces in to pulp.”
Tails: were the real fucking deal.
Hart: “So here's a toast to you Revenge INC. And here's another to your last night as a team.”
Tails: YEAH BOY!
Hart: “You make a bad hype man, you know that.”
Tails: At least I try…You don’t even want to say anything in my rants!
Hart: "Ill make it up to yea"
Tails: How the hell do you plan on doing that?
Hart: “Easy, Im gonna let you pay for dinner…”
Tails: Pay for….You mean all this?
Hart: “I knew you would be thrilled…Now eat up you don’t want this food to go to waist.”
Tails: You’re an ass.
Hart: “I do my best…”
*** Static ***
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Dinner w/ The Hart Attacks
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