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 The End is Hart's Time!

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

The End is Hart's Time! Empty
PostSubject: The End is Hart's Time!   The End is Hart's Time! EmptyDecember 14th 2006, 2:54 pm

ooc: Sorry 4 the coding, cant seem to get it right.

[We join Hart sitting at a table. There is a pretty big line inside the Concord, New Hampshire Mall, as fans of wrestling and JWF wait their turn to meet Hart.]

[color=purple]Agent Brown: Staying true to what you said. I see.

[color:a57d=yellow:a57d]Hart: Its because of these people I will be the new JWF champion. Each one of them, each of them believes I can win sunday. That belt will be as much theres as it will be mine.

[A young fan makes his way up to the table timidly, he tried to reach up over the table to hand Hart a piece of paper but was not tall enough. Hart waves off the Malls event security, and picks the young boy up and sits him down on the table.]

[color=red]Hart: Whats your name little boy??

Boy: Its Carmine Ginobli, and I already know who you are...?

Hart: Yeah, who am I??

Boy: Youre, youre, youre like superman, yeah youre that guy who was flying in the air, and into a table.?

[Hart chuckled at the young boy.]

[color:a57d=yellow:a57d]Hart: I dont know about being a superman, but Im your guy

Boy: Your amazing Mister. Think I could get you to sign this piece of paper??

[Hart looked down at the paper, and smiled.]

[color=yellow]Hart: I can do one better, here you go kid.

[He signs a 8x10 photo of himself. He then handed the photo to the young boy who looked like he was about to piss his pants with joy. The look on the little boys face, warmed his heart. As the young boy was about to hop off the table, Hart holds out his arm.]

Hart: Whoa there young buck. There is still one more thing I want to give to you

[Brown pulls out a Polaroid camera. Hart poses with the boy. Brown hands the photo back to the boy.]

Hart: There you are

[He puts the little boy on the ground as he runs off to his folks. The boys father held out his arm to shake Hart's hand.]

Father of boy: Thank you, you have really made his day...

Hart: No problem, It was my pleasure

[Little did they know they made Harts day as well. He then sits back behind the table as he waves to the boys folks.]

Brown: Youve really come a long way since coming to the JWF. I remember when you couldnt stand kids.

Hart: What can I say, Finally getting my chance at the title means a lot to me, and it will do a lot for me. It really has opened up my eyes to the wrestling world, gave me a whole different perspective to it all

[He signs different pictures for different fans, as he keeps talking to Brown.]

Brown: How so?

Hart: Before I was just looking out for my self, thats all that mattered to me. I would have never been caught dead in a mall signing autographs. After a match I couldnt wait to get the hell out of town, I was living everyday match by match with no purpose or goals ahead of me. But now that Im here in the JWF, I have a purpose, I have bigger goals pictured for the future, I live to entertain each one of these people, and JWF folks really isnt a bad place, it kind of grows on yeah

Brown: I told you it wasnt that bad, but Im glad you have finally gotten your priorities straight. I couldnt be more happy for you.

[Hart smiled as he signed photos for all types of fans, from the young to the old, from the Led Zeppelin fans, to the Jay-Z fans.]

Hart: There you go grandma.

[Hart went to put his pen away. He started to stand up when he saw yet another fan...Hart being the good sport reached out his hand to grab what they wanted him to sign, but what he got was a handshake. He looked up and there stood Wrtstlng insider Ian Wright.]

Hart: Ian, whats going on? I assume you dont want an autograph do you?

Ian: Haha,, I was wondering maybe we could go out and grab some lunch, give me a chance to meet the new star of JWF

Hart: A lunch date? What the hell, I can go for some lunch

[Hart and Ian make their way to the food court. After walking around the food court about two times, they finally decided on Subway. The two order their food, and take a seat at one of the tables in the food court.]

Hart: So Im guessing this isnt just a free lunch

Ian: Well lately you have been a pretty hard person to get a hold of, with your title match and you running out of the press conference, I figured this would be the only way I could grab a few words from ypu.

Hart: Only had this match for about 48 hours now and I have been doing nothing but promoting it ever since, Im doing what I promised everyone I would do and that is to put the division back on the map[color:a57d=yellow:a57d]

Ian: Looks like you have done a wonderful job so far, but you cant be too busy with promoting with your first title match

Hart: Ah, good point. I do have Joe, and the others to worry about. Well I am prepping for the match every chance I can get. Just the other night I studied there last promos they did, so I could get a feel for them, and to see how much they lives up to there names

[color=red][Hart takes quick bite of his salad.]

Ian: What were some of your thoughts after viewing the video??

[color=yellow]Hart: A few things came up, I jotted down some things. I picked up a few things; For example in Joe's promo he tried to mock me and sing a song, which was nice, but seeing I done that, made me think he wasnt that much of an original guy, it just showed pure unprofessionalism. it was just ridiculous. He is a grown man playing fourth grade games. With promos like that no one believes a god damn word that comes out of that kids mouth, hes like a blue bottle fly theyll feed on any shit given to them. And of course he had to toss in his title runs...which I already new he would, does his title promo's ever change?

Ian: So you think this match is going to be a cake walk.

Hart: Now dont go around putting words in my mouth, I never said this chamber would be a cake walk, in fact I think it will be the total opposite. Joe has won some big matches in his stint in pro wrestling. He has won heavyweight titles, all different titles, the boy is a hall of famer, he has talent just like every man in this chamber, will besides the jobbers of the Invasion

Ian: So any given night someone could beat you in the chamber

[color:a57d=yellow:a57d]Hart: They could try. The talent is there to give me a run, but not a lot of them have the will to go full force. This past week on Breakdown, Joeput me through hell and back, he used his whole arsenal of moves but none of them could keep me down, none of them could defeat me. Thats the same type of thing each of my opponents will get from me, and I hate to say it but there going to have to kill me and my HEART to win

[The two finish up their lunch, get up and toss away there wrappers and trays away.]

[color:a57d=red:a57d]Hart: thanks again for lunch Ian. I had a good time

Ian: No problem, it was my pleasure, we should do it again.?

[Hart nods his head, as the two began to walk out towards the parking lot.]

Hart: "Imagine, a brawler... In a brawl...There's what this match truly is. Thus far the Invasion cats involed in this chamber has let me down to say the least, You see I thought they would at least throw out a promo before this weekend, and there is still time, but unfourntaly time for them has ran out. This match was one that could have been interesting, But know the only thing Interesting in our match will be Me finally grabing the worlds biggest championship.[color:a57d=red:a57d]

[color=yellow]But Joe isnt the only cat in this chamber there is also Von Vicious. And I'm sure Von's looking forward to getting a nice blind punch in on me. Can't say I blame you, If i heard someone who was killing me verbally, I would look for a sucker punch myself. Von im only allowing this match to continue for two reasons. One, To finally get my name heard, and two, to win the match and get some sort of celebrity built up while being champion, Your gonna need some new stuff then showing old prono flicks of yourself to come out of the chamber champion

Steven The boy fresh out of rehab...He got some fire...I can't say I'll go into a brawl with any less attitude as I have anything else in this screwed up world. But fresh out of rehab and fresh off getting your ass kicked by Beast, that boy doesnt stand a chance! I got critics questioning me, along with my so called peers of this federation. Steven Im going to introduced you to the atmosphere I always try to construct around myself. Boy can that sell some shirts

I don't walk on egg shells, I lay beside them. I fear no surpent, or any manner of being that took it's legs. Why do I say such things

Cuz No hardcore match can prepare you for the type of fighter I am, I've stood up from more expertly executed front suplexes and back, that you call an assassination. I call it, an attempt. You're about to find out why everyone will admit I have skills, but no one thinks it apply to them. You need that motivation to face the man known as HART

]"See I can make everyone watching at home jump back, Joe, Von, Steven say what you have to say. I know I will not be a bit scared. I have gave my own Vegas casino odds right off my lips. Now Its your turn

[color:a57d=red:a57d]Joe if your expecting the same old "dark match" Hart to walk down to the ring when my music hits. Sorry, he won't. Not that I'm psycho or anything, I'm just a marketing device. I'm the man who's sacrificed everything for so long to be nowhere. I forsake a good name, to wear one of humiliation. There's pieces of Cards everywhere, and no matter where you step, the shards will linger in your flesh. I am Hart, just some word in the English language. Fear not, have not. my friend!"

[Hart then flips open his cell phone and dails a number...]

a females voice: Hello?

Hart: “Hey mom it’s me

Harts mother: What are you doing calling so early?

I guess I just forgot about the time difference, it’s not that early though. Got to get your day started early right[color:a57d=red:a57d]

[color=purple]mom: I know I always told you that, but not this early!

Will I’m sorry, guess I was just too excited about my match coming up

mom: Yeah I heard about that good luck with that!

Thanks, so how are things going back at home?”

mom: given you only call one a month everything is going good why’s that?

[Hart hears some noise in the background. It sounded like another voice, ace who is now confused asking who was calling. That must been his dad, well things sound like they’re good give Hart nothing to worry about especially before the big match.]

Is that dad, put him on, I’d love to talk to him

mom: No your father isn’t here.

Stop kidding around, I heard him in the background

mother: Oh that was nothing.

I swear I heard another voice

[i]Mom: It’s just my son, don’t make a big deal out of it, just go back to bed
….. What were you saying dear?

Who’s over there mom?”

Mother: There’s a lot that has happened since you and your brothers left home, that we probably need to talk about.

What do you mean?”

Mother: Well your father kind of moved out for a little bit and.

“You’ve said enough, uh I’ve got a busy week I’ll phone you later bye.”

[Hart hangs the phone up and opens the door to his rental car, where he leans on the door before entering]

[color:a57d=red:a57d]Just the picture i need to have in my head..."
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