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 Old Friends.

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Number of posts : 157
Registration date : 2006-12-31

Old Friends. Empty
PostSubject: Old Friends.   Old Friends. EmptyFebruary 17th 2007, 4:49 pm

[The is a sound of a phone ringing, than a voice we now every well].
Tails: “Hello, hey man what’s up?”
[The person on the other line is someone else who we know every well.]
Hart: “Hey Tails, I’m right out side of your house, let me the fuck in.”
Tails: “Why the hell are you right out side my house?”
Hart: “I’ll tell you if you let me in”
[color=red]Tails: “Fine, I’m coming out know.”
[Tails hangs up the phone, and walks to a button, and presses it, than opens the front door.]
Hart: “Hey my brother from another mother.”
Tails: “What’s sup?”
Hart: “Are we just going to sit out here, or are we going to go in a party.”
[Tails looks at Hart.]
Tails: “That’s why you came over.”
Hart: “Well and to see my best partner Tails.”
Tails: “Yeah, whatever.”
[Both men walk in to the house.]
Tails: “what anything to drink?”
[Hart is already at Tails refrigerator, grabbing something to drink.]
Hart: “Nope already got myself a drink, made it less work for you.”
Tails: “Yeah ok, I’m still mad at the fact you made me pay for that damn dinner.”
Hart: “Hey next time it’s on me.”
Tails: “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
[They both go and sit down on Tail’s living room, and sits down.]
Tails: “This is going to be a fuck up night.”
Hart: “Maybe, hey some of my old friends are in town to, do you mind if they come over, and party?”
Tails: “How many?”
Hart: “About around four.”
[color:dbc1=red:dbc1]Tails: “I guess they can.”
Hart: “Good cause they were on there way over here anyways.”
[Tails just sits there looking at Hart.]
Tails: “Well we should talk about are match, till they get here.”
Hart: “You bet your ass we should.”
Tails: “Who else are we fighting this week?”
Hart: “Were fighting those fags Bobby and TM…or should I say Revenge Inc.”
[color=red]Tails: “O yeah I almost forgot for the AWB tag titles. This is going to be easy.”
Hart: “Tails, come on, any tag team in the WWA, AWB, will be easy for us to beat. Look were The Hart Attacks. Let alone that name will beat the team for us.”
Tails: “Yeah, but what I meant is after the beating we will give Bobby on Break Down, he’s no going to be at the AWB match. Well he might have the balls to come, but even if he dose it will just be the same as the results on Break Down us winning, and him and his team losing.”
Hart: “Yeah that true, but I still say are name can beat him for us.”
Tails: “Hart you do know are name cant fight right.”
Hart: “I know but it’s better than Revenge Inc.”
[Tails just shakes his head.]
Tails: “Yeah you have a point there.”
Hart: “I always have a point.”
Tails: “Sure you do. But Bobby you say that I beat you in the tournament match, than you go on to say I’m to bitch to fight you in a banner making match thing. What the hell is wrong with you man? What bright idea of a match are you going to make next? How to dress up a doll. Wait no I know for a fact that you would beat me at that. Bobby it doesn’t matter what kind of match I fight you in, I will always beat you ass in every single on of theme. Beside the dressing a doll match.”
[Hart starts to laugh.]
Hart: “Dressing a doll match, that to funny.”
[Tails just nod’s his head.]
Tails: “Yeah. But Bobby once again you stole your promo. When are you going to do one of your own. To me that just shows you know you cant beat me, and Hart.”
Hart: “Even if he stole the best promo in town, he still wouldn’t be able to be us. Because I make the best promo’s in town.”
Tails: “Yeah Hart, whatever you say. But for real Bobby, start writing your own promo’s than come talk to me, because for now I don’t think I have to say much more.”
[Than Hart cell starts to ring.]
Hart: “Hello, you are! Ok just call me when your out front.”
[Hart hangs up.]
Tails: “Who the hell was that?”
Hart: “My buddy’s.”
Tails: “OK. But now onto The Man. Man you think all because you were on a two win winning streak that your one of the best in the WWA. Well I got news for you, you don’t come the best just by winning two matches. When you start to win more matches, titles, and tournaments, than maybe you’ll be on your way. All you are right now is a show opener. Well not this time, you’re a main event, but this will be your last one for a long, long time. TM do you really think you and Bobby are a good team? I hope not , cause you two sucks.
[Hart phone rings again.]
Hart: “Yo, ok were coming out right now.”
[Hart hangs up his phone.]
Hart: “There here.”
Tails: “So go and let them in.”
[Hart goes to the door, and lets his friends in.]
Hart: “Hey what’s sup.”
[All of his friends say hi.]
Hart: “Come on I’ll show you Tails.”
[Hart brings his friends to the living room]
Hart: “Tails these are some of my boys.”
[Tails shakes all of there hands, and they all say hey.]
Hart: “Pool Party!”
Tails: “Hell yeah, we going to have a party now.”
[color=blue]Guy 1: “Hey where the drinks?”
Tails: “I’ll get theme you all go to the pool.”
[Tails goes to the kitchen, and grabs some bars, while Hart, and his friends go to the pool.]
= = = = = = = = END = = = = =
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