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 The Truth about "WWA"

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Freddy B

The Truth about "WWA" Empty
PostSubject: The Truth about "WWA"   The Truth about "WWA" EmptyMarch 6th 2007, 12:12 am

It’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in wrestling.

My last wrestling match lasted a couple of seconds because we weren’t sure I could perform.

New York Vengeance is the Pay-Per-View that changed the way I felt about wrestling.

New York Vengeance had a lot of good matches but after the Pay-Per-View I remember thinking, “I‘m done”

I had no reason to stay in the JWF so I told Joe and he released me from my contract immediately.

Of course being the business man that he is he did not mention my departure from the company.

For months I continued to watch JWF and I even kept watching when they changed the name to the WWA for no reason at all, besides the fact that Joe Santiago just wanted more respect from his roster.

I don’t blame him for changing the name, He is the greatest ever! But for some reason people felt that the only reason he was so good was because it was his wrestling.

Something they didn’t understand was the JWF wasn’t a name of a wrestling, The JWF was a way of life for originals like me!

JWF wasn’t a fed dedicated to Joe Santiago, Joe Wrestling Federation was the style of wrestling that Joe Santiago himself felt was the best, and leave it to a bunch of assholes to actually make him doubt his wrestling ability by criticizing the name of his creation instead of saying wow this place kicks some serious ass!

I bled for the JWF and honestly it was a slap to the fucking face to see that the name was changed!

Why did Freddy Blue Finger return to the JWF?

Yeah I said JWF, I refuse to call the JWF, WWA.

I might get into trouble for speaking my opinion but the fact is I’m not one of the WWA wrestlers who really don’t even know Joe Santiago, I’m Freddy Fucking Blue Finger and I can’t be fired!

I made a deal with Joe about 5 years ago that no matter what I say he wont fire me!

So I’m not worried about pissing of Joe!

But like I was saying, You can call it WWA but the fact remains this is the JWF rebirth!

I am the JWF Rebirth! I know a lot of wrestlers were afraid to speak what they feel about the WWA.

Hot Stuff Steven is WWA, Freddy Blue Finger is JWF, We will have a winner this Wednesday in the biggest “WWA” match in history!

I have a few goals before War Games.

Goal number one, Beat Hot Stuff Steven on Anarchy Wednesday!

If I can win the “WWA Championship” I would be the leader of the War Zone locker room.

Goal number two Kill the WWA name cover and return the legacy of the JWF to wrestling before the “WWA” disrespects the War Games Pay-Per-View!

Goal Three, Takeover War Zone, because no offense to Breakdown, War Zone has all the JWF blood in it!

Drake Daniels you can switch shows with me or you can get your ass kicked and get thrown on top of Breakdown!

The fact of the matter is this, JWF will live again.

I will slap some taste into the mouth of anyone who disagrees with me, WWA Sucks!

That’s right, I wont sugar coat the way I truly feel!

WWA sucks, I hate it, plain and simple.

I love the wrestlers, don’t get me wrong.

Johnny Stylez I always said was the future of the JWF.

Crimson Skull will eventually get back the rhythm he once had and when he does he will be one of the most dangerous wrestler in the JWF.

Joe Santiago still has all the skill in the world and will continue to go strong for another ten years at least.

I had really high hopes for Kaos and still do, the best thing Kaos did was take a break.

Kaos was my second favorite wrestler before leaving and I always felt he was one of the perfect wrestlers.

He has a ton of charisma and some of the greatest in ring moves I’ve ever seen and I lost a bunch of respect for the guy when he came back as a clown.

Since I’m back in the JWF it’s time for some things to change and it’s really time for some people to wake up and smell the JWF coffee.

Now I’m going to talk about the root of all evil!

The person I feel, is the face of the WWA.

The person who represents WWA.

The person you exemplifies WWA.

Hot Stuff Steven!

Since Joe Santiago would rather team up with you then destroy you Hot Stuff Steven, WWA, It will be my job on AWB anarchy Wednesday to get the job done.

Hot stuff Steven, you can get it done in the ring, no doubt, But the fact remains you have yet to be challenged in a match.

I sat back and watched you beat up wrestlers who did not deserve to be in the same ring as you.

Let’s start with a man named Beast.

I saw you come to life when you were feuding with Beast.

Your best stuff came when you were fighting against Beast.

The fact is Hot Stuff Steven, you did beat Beast, but Beast really wasn’t that good!

He had a small portion of charisma, he could fight good, he had an undefeated gimmick going, and he had a catch phrase!

That’s all!

So you went into Attitude Adjustment and beat Beast, big whoop!

Stylez beat Beast but the fact was he got thrown off a bridge a week earlier and actually still almost won the match!

After you beat Beast Hot Stuff, and you should really listen because this is a Hot Stuff History lesson, You had a shot at the Undisputed WWA Championship, it was the match that turned the WWA championship into the Undisputed championship because all the invasion belts were going to be unified into one.

You lost Steven, you know why you lost?

Because you were in the ring with Joe Santiago!

The man you will never be able to beat!

The man who was trained by me!

Then Porter MaCleod takes over War Zone and in the main event, that King Clown should have won, Hot Stuff wins the match and becomes WWA champion.

I died a little bit inside that night!

It was the night that I knew the JWF was pretty much dead.

Then for some weird ass reason you didn’t fight the next week on War Zone, which honestly confused the hell out of me considering you just won the WWA Championship.

I was not going to watch WWA anymore after that until I found out who you would be fighting a week later!

Hot Stuff Steven versus Kaos!

Then Beast came out during the match and then the Blood Brothers came out and it really took all the focus off the fact that Kaos beat Steven and really should have won the WWA championship!

The next day or two after that War Zone Porter MaCleod was fired, I have a few theories why but I don’t want to cause some controversy.

I could say that I bet Hot Stuff Steven was mad at what happened on War Zone and he pulled the right strings to get Porter Fired, but I’m going to go the high road and say that Porter got fired because of Porter.

I don’t believe that at all, but that’s what I will say to make more people happy.

The firing of Porter led to Anarchy War Zone which is really stupid but I watched anyway, because I knew that as soon as Kaos got his Title shot he would beat Hot Stuff.

The first Anarchy War Zone saw the fake “Beast” teaming with Hot Stuff Steven against Barelai and Kaos.

At the end of the match I saw Kaos and Barelai be crucified on a steel cage and I turned off my TV and said I would never watch WWA War Zone again.

I heard a weird ass rumor about Gerald Richman coming to the WWA, so I once again got hooked back into watching.

Gerald Richman walked into the WWA and beat up Kaos and stole his Title shot, I’m assuming this was all written by Hot Stuff Steven who, Not many people know this, took control of War Zone when it was Anarchy.

Richman won and went to Boston Bash where he lost to Hot Stuff Steven because of all the interference in the world!

I didn’t watch a couple War Zones after Boston Bash because I had a few offers to join other wrestling’s and a few offers to own a wrestling.

I declined because I was so over wrestling that I knew I would be able to perform or book a good match.

I watched When Joe Santiago was scheduled to show up on War Zone because the plan was he was going to kick Hot Stuff Steven’s ass.

The Storyline saw Hot Stuff telling Maria Leslee that Joe cheated on her and when Joe found out he was going to attack Steven.

Joe walked to the ring and him and Steven teamed up instead.

I laughed my ass off when I saw that.

A bunch of no names, and no offense to them, came in and beat up Joe and Steven.

The New DX is a great Storyline but to have Steven in it is a joke.

I immediately called some of the backstage WWA people to find out what the hell happened with the Storyline where Joe Santiago attacks Steven.

They told me that there was a fight backstage between Hot Stuff and some other wrestlers and Joe Santiago took the side of Hot stuff and after that Joe decided he didn’t want to fight Steven he wanted to team with him.

What the fuck do you say to that?

The fact is I have to beat Steven.

I have to win this Wednesday.

Because If I don’t

If I fail

I fail the JWF

And Failure

Is far from an option

The Hot Stuff Era has ended

The old school era

The JWF era

The Freddy Blue Finger Era

Has returned!

I wont hand Hot Stuff the belt back the way Joe Santiago is telling me too if I win.

I wont forfeit the WWA championship when I win it.

You have better luck of ripping the belt out of my cold dead Blue Fingers.

If you attempt to steal this belt from me you'll get a fuck you from me and I'll spit in your face the next time I see you.

You know who you are!

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