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 OH, Harsh indeed

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 84
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-03-09

OH, Harsh indeed Empty
PostSubject: OH, Harsh indeed   OH, Harsh indeed EmptyApril 1st 2007, 9:21 am

The scene fades in as you see Jay Storm walking down a long narrow hallway. The walls are painted white with little red lines on them. Suddenly a bell rings a people fill the hall. Sweat is running down Storm's face as he looks up at the clock. It is 4:45 PM. He is 1 hour late. He begins to walk faster hoping that Sidney wont leave. She promised him a good time. She promised him a relief of all this stress. He turns the corner looking around at the people walking past him. They seem to be pointing at him. Laughing, and making him feel guiltier then he already is. Making him feel sorry for what he was about to do to Michelle. In all the time they had been together. All the things she had sacrificed to be with him. How could he? Well he didnt know the ansewer to that question. He just hoped she would understand. He finally comes to room 593, and knocks on the door. A beautiful blond haired woman peeks out. She looks around, and waves Jay in. You notice she is wearing a short black top with nothing, but black, and pink panties on. Storm walks in the room, and the woman peeks around again before closing the door.


Michelle: YOU DID WHAT!

Storm is in his Black, and Red Corvette, and is talking on his cell phone. He has giant sized butterfly's in his stomach.

STORM: I'm sorry, but I couldnt resist.

Michelle: You couldnt resist huh. Well RESIST THIS!!

All Storm could hear is the dial tone as Michelle had just hung up on him. He sighs, and continues to drive as his his cell phone rings, and his face lights up thinking it is Michelle.

STORM: Hello?

An unknown voice is heard on the phone

Voice: Jay? Did you enjoy our time together.

STORM: Sydney? Why are you calling me?

Sydney: I wanted to know what you thought.

STORM:Yes, Yes it was very good, but Michelle is pissed at me seeing you so I cant talk.

Sydney: Why is she s jealous. I mean I didnt think she would be so clueless. I was bound to show back in your life sometime.

STORM: Yea, but she trusted me, and I let her down.

Sydney:Pish Pash, That girl never cared for you. She just wanted your money, and your publicity.

STORM: Do you truely belive that Syd. I mean you are just jealous she beat the hell out of you 4 years ago.

Sydney: Jealous. Whatever. That Bitch is just dirt on the shoulder of you, and you need to brush her off.

STORM:I dont think I will take that into consideration.

Sydney: Suit yourself, but feel free to drop by if you need any more advise. My office is always open to you. Drop on by if you have anymore worries.

STORM: I did forget to ask you one question.

Sydney: Shoot.

STORM:What if I really hurt Scarlett badley. I mean I never want to hurt a girl expecially to the point that they need the hospital.

Sydney: What you dont understand is that Scarlett is not a girl. She is a wrestler. She takes the pain of men day by day, and just because you are big dosent mean you can hurt her. She is undefeated remember, and JWF's Most Popular Bitch. She is awsome. My role model if you ask me. Which you did.

STORM: Alright chick. I will think about that, but right now I got to go.

Sydney: To see about your skank. I understand. Toodles!!


He hangs up the phone, and concentrates on the road. After a while he pulls up to a old brick house. He parks across the street, and runs across it almost getting run over by a Taxi.


Storm ignores him, and runs up the driveway, and to the front door of the house.He banges so hard on the door that some of the light white paint on his knuckles.A few seconds later a teenage boy about 16 opens the door. He has a black shirt on that says


He also has a black hat that says


He looks at Storm, and attemps to shut the dor, but Storm proved to be to strong for him s he crashes through the door, and begins to go on the steps. The kid who had fallen to the ground from the impact of the door tackles Storm on the stairs.


STORM; Shut up runt this is between me, and your sister.

Kid: Well, I know what she wants, and its not YOU!!!

STORM: Well I want you to get the HELL OFF ME!!

Storm raises up catupaulting the kid off o him, and down the stairs. He then rns up stairs. He turns a corner, and runs right into a pink door that says.


He reads it, and then bursts in the room. As he enters you see Michelle Jackson ( Or Ms. Jackson in her Wrestling dayz) Sitting there on her pink bed reading a magizene.


He points to the door, and She shrugs.

Michelle: You did fuck that dick having bitch didnt you.

STORM: NO!! I got some advise from her. She is a psychaiatrist.

Michelle: SO!! I dont give a damn if she was a fucking doctor you visited her without telling me.

STORM: What is the big deal! It was professional.

Michelle: Oh really. Was she in that pretty black top with the matching black, and pink panties.

Storm nods,and Michelle throws her pillow at him.

Michelle: You son of a BITCH!! She is like a spider. She locates her prey,and she gets thm tangled in her web. That is what her web is.

STORM: Well how was I supposed to know.

Michelle: Because she has tried to get you before. Reason I kicked her ass then.

Storm points to the magizne.

STORM: Whats that your reading.

Michelle: Oh, right change the subject. Well if you must know It is a new JWF Mag. issue. Here is a little treat I added just for Scarlet. You GEEK!!

OH, Harsh indeed 22


JWF Superstar Jay Storm has been reported to be one of the nerdiest kids in his high school in Dallas, TX. It is said he had the highest Test scores. Is this guy bluffing us out on this wjole GET RWADY FOR THE STORM Bid. UPDATE: Jay Storm is a joke. from cheating on his girlfriend to hitting the hard books he is not who we thought he was. DOWN WITH STORM. DOWN WITH STORM!!!

Storm reads shokingly, and then balls it up in a ball.

STORM:I never cheated!!

Michelle almost crying turns away from Storm.

Michelle: Feels that way to me. NO GET OUT!!!!!


Michelle: NOW!!

Storm exits the room, and goes down stairs where the Ki is still on the floor. Storm then walks past his house, and up the block As he is walking he begins to speak.

STORM: Scarlett you dont know how much trouble you have caused. I mean you along with your YV Title has possibly seperted me from the girl I love. The girl that means more than me then some peice of gold. I know you know what that feels like. But I want you to know that no matter how much I hurt inside I will step in that ring a proud man, and exit Champion. I will beat the holy hell out of you, and claim my prize. One of the most honered prizes in this company. I will become TV Champion. You know Scarlett I dont get enough credit from JWF Superstars like you. I deserve just as much respect if not more than you do.Now I know you are Champion, and all ( At the Moment), and have a streak going for you ( At the Moment) But that still dosent mean I cant lay your bitch ass right there in the midle of the ring. Whatever you have faught before is nothing compared to me. I am gonna make you feel as if you have beed overdosed on Marijuana. I am gonna make you feel like you fealt watching your dead lover die. I am gonna Kill the streak, and the spirt of Scarlett Williams. Just like you may have killed my relationship.


Storms phone rings.

STORM: Hello.

Voice: Hello this is 911 Do you know a Michelle Jackson


Voice: ou might wanna get here quick
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 84
Age : 37
Registration date : 2007-03-09

OH, Harsh indeed Empty
PostSubject: Lost Ones   OH, Harsh indeed EmptyApril 2nd 2007, 1:23 pm

Everyday somebody loses the one they love. The lose one that they care for. Everyday some unfortunate soul is hurt by the harsh results of life. Will it ever stop. Will the pain ever heal. Who knows. Some say that one day the being doing this to human life will come, and explain it to us. Some say that it will always go on for that is how it is supposed to be. As for me.... I think that when ones life starts it must have an end. Storm pulls up in the Hospital Parking lot, and gets out of the car. He is mumbling something to himself, as he walks in the building, and up to the front desk.

STORM: I am looking for a Michelle Jackson.

The clerk is looking down, but then turns up at the sound of his voice.

Clerk: Room 911. Ohhh how unfortunate.

Storm begins to walk away, but the lady stops him.

Clerk: Arent you Jay Storm. That one wrestler that is going to get his ass handed to him by the lovely Scarlett Willams

STORM: I dont think so lady.

Clerk: Oh, you must not be him.

STORM: Oh, I am him all right. But Scarlett wont be beating my ass. She will be suffering.

Clerk: From what dear. Oh, Ms. Williams dosent have cancer does she.

STORM: No lady, but she will feal like it at the end of War Games.

Clerk: I doubt that.

STORM: Keep on doubting it, but you will see. I am making an impact.

He walks away as the lady rolls her eyes, and runs down the hall to room 911. It takes a while as he started on floor 1, and he had to go to floor 900, but he figured he needed the workout to get ready for the upcoming challenge. He figured he would pass time by doing a promo.

STORM:Scarlett Williams. Am I a joke to you. You think I am funny.You think I whine. Well I have one of the largest fan bases in the JWF coming, and 23rd place. Now I know you come in lie 10th place behind Styles, and Kaos, ad Joe Santiago, but It dosent matter. I am on my way to becoming TV Champion. In this company it takes lots to acomplish what you have, and quite frankly I thimk I have the potential to do it.

Every step rage is enjected within his mind as he gets angrier, and angrier.

STORM: This nice guy aint working out for me. I am just gonna straight up say that you are a slut. A dumb bitch that I admitt tries to act smart. You are stuck up, and you get on my damn nerves. Dont you know that people just cater to you cause you have money, and a title. Well On war games less, and less people will cater to the one known as Scarlett Williams. Cause she would have never been existed. She would never go down in history. SOon Scarlett Williams will grow old, and who will be there to pick up the peices. Nobody. Like I said nobody will remember. The dead shattered career of Scarlett Williams will be crushed beneathed the foot of the one who speaks now. For it is a prophesy that one lady. Will lose faith. Against a man. Who gains it. That prophesy begins at WAR GAMES!!!

He is finally there as he goes down the hall 908 909 910 911.There is a woman in the room straightning the bed. She looks up

Nurse: Can I help you.

STORM: I am looking for Michelle Jackson

Nurse: Oh, I am so sorry. She Is Gone.

Like I said. Some times it hurts to find them gone. It happens to everybody. No matter how they left. No matter why they left it will be a while until we visit them. Or maybe move in. And when we do eventually. Its not just a cheap visit. Its a lifetime reuninon. For all those who left you. And soon. When the time is just right. The ones you left will visit you

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