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 Playing the role of manager

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Playing the role of manager Empty
PostSubject: Playing the role of manager   Playing the role of manager EmptyApril 17th 2007, 8:26 pm

[Dark, damp, and unrelenting; rain poured from the sky, drenching any and everything beneath it. My hair was drenched, as water beaeded down my forehead, getting in to my eyes and mouth. The leather coat I was wearing shielding me most of my upper body from the rain, but wasn't able to keep myself completely dry.]

[My shoes were drenched, as well with my pants. On my back sat a black backpack, which was taking the brunt of the storm. Luckily for me, I had bought it waterproof. Everything in there was of great importance today.

A pinch of Skoal in my lip, I was spitting out the access with every thirty to forty steps. Finally reaching a run down building along the side of the street, I popped in and set my bag down.]

[Unzipping it, and pulling out a separate pair of black jeans, and black long sleeved shirt, I quickly undressed. Throwing a Kevlar vest on over my white beater, I threw on the black long sleeved shirt. There was a mask inside, which I stuffed in the black trench coat which coated the bottom of the bag. Finally, pulling out a pair of silenced 9mm's, I stuck them behind my back, fitting snugly in to the waistline of the jeans.]

[I had thought long and hard about this situation with Igor. I hadn't seen him for nearly two weeks, since the grueling beating I took from his meatheads, but he had been calling my cell phone constantly. Finally agreeing to his terms brought me to my current endeavor. I had to pay a visit to one of his competitors. I might've forgot to mention, but Igor didn't trust me. I was to record the entire ordeal on a slim cam he had given me.]

[I was about to star in a snuff film.]

[Throwing the soaked clothing I had just removed, I threw it in to a corner of the building, and left. Breaking in to a slow sprint, I reached the destination. A thirty-floor hotel, and of course, he was on the 29th floor.

Walking in through the front door, I made my way past the front desk. Being as polite as I knew how, I smiled to the hot chick working the counter. I'd probably be down to try and fuck her later, but I could only be focused on one thing right now.]

[I made it to the stairs and worked my way up.]

[5th floor.]

[12th floor.]

[What felt like ages went by, and I was only at the 21st floor. Eight more to go, then it'd be time to even the score with Igor. He had said there would be two guys outside. One inside. Easy enough, I had done worse.

Finally, I reached the twenty-ninth floor, and stopped before opening the door. Catching my breathe, I pulled a pack of smokes from my pocket and lit one up. Carefully dragging in the nicotine, I exhaled slowly, calming myself before my adrenaline was about to take over. Tossing the half smoked cigarette to the coement floor, I snuffed it out with the toe of my boot. Opening the door, I walked through pulling the mask from my pocket, and sliding it on to my head.]

[But to my suprise, as I approached the room I was lookin for, a massacre appeared before me. Both guards who were once guarding the door to the room, were slumped over against the wall, their eyes still open, but lifeless stares on their face. They hadn't seen their untimely death coming. Both were sporting a bullet directly between their eyes, and a pair of double tap shots to the chest.]

[There were few guys who could do this quality of elimination. Obviously it hadn't been me, as I walked to the two corpses with caution. As I peered in tot he door slowly, I saw a pair of legs sticking out from behind a wall of the room, a puddle of blood pooling around them.]

[I could hear voices in the room, muffled, but I was still somewhat able to make out what they were saying.]

"I don't need to know you." I heard someone say. It must've been the owner of all this handiwork. He sounded calm at the moment, so I could only guess that he wasn't the one looking down the barrel of a cocked gun.]

[I heard the other voice begging for his life. It was surely Martin.]

[Walking deeper in tot he room, I was able to put faces with the voices. At least the face of Martin, who was still pleading for the man to spare his life. God, that was all to common. If only the victim knew there wasn't the slightest chance, they could've at least gone down with dignity.]

[I began to laugh.]

::This was supposed to be my job.::

[I said to the man, grinning through my black ski mask, both 9mm's drawn.]

"I know. Why do you think I'm here?" Replied the other assassin. He wore the same get up as me, and revealed the same shit eating grin behind his mask.]

::Hired for the same job? I think I could've done it a little cleaner.::

[I replied, still staring this man down.]

"No, you've been sloppy as of late. I came to help. I don't work for Igor, I'm giving you a chance to walk away free. Besides, I've been holding this piece of shit here for you to finish." He said, still holding the gun between Martin's eyes.]

[He had been right, as much as my confidence tried to shake it off. I had left some sloppy scenes, making it the talk around the circle of hit men. Don't get the wrong impression; it's not like assassins sit around at a fitness club discussing gossip. Word gets around about who's done what and how. Right now, I was sitting at the bottom of the pecking order for hire.]

[As I walked closer to Martin, for was still, sure as shit, pleading for his life. He had thrown out cars, women, drugs, none of it was working. As the other guy withdrew his gun, he removed his mask at the same time. Tucking his gun in to his waistline, he walked by me, giving me a pat on the back.]

"Finish this up, man." Tails said, as he smiled and walked out of the room. I was still in shock as the hammer still rested on the drug lords bridge of his nose.]

[Smiling, I looked back down at Martin.]

::Give me one second.::

[I said as I pulled the camera from my back pocket.]

::Igor sent me to give you his regards.::

[I said, as I turned on the camera and used my left hand to film this man's death.]

[I was pretty sure Martin was about to say "Fuck Igor", but I ended up pulling the trigger before he finished. I watched as the camera caught the man's brains blowing out the back of his head, splattering the bed and walls. As his body slumped to the floor, I shut the panel of the camera and stuck it back in to my pocket.]

::Fucking playing second fiddle is a theme of the week!::

[I muttered as I walked out of the room, shaking my head in disbelief. ]

::I could feed you with bullshit and tell you I wanted this to happen. For no reason would I want to take the week off, only to be given the role of playing manager against my foe this sunday night.::

::Im sure everyone wants me to be embarrassing everyone involed with this match, but Im not gonna do it..Nope, Im here to watch the back of Skull, and to make sure he walks out of Warzone tonight the victor and thats what I plan on doing.::

::But let's be honest my friends. We're both looking for the same thing. We want to be at the top, and there can only be one. So that leaves the all of us jockeying. We both also want to get the upper hand going into the chambers of horror match this sunday night...And That's fine, I can deal with that. But whatever advantge Im looking to gain will happen after the match, when your still the Champion...Not before our duringing...For once Skull you can count on me to watch your back, But lets not try to make it a habbit ay.::

::But I aint gonna lay down if you try anything funny my friend! Nope not at all...I aint your bitch, so dont get it twisted!::

::It's how it is. You think I'm not coming at this with fire, our if you think im going out there tonight looking to fuck you over? Fuck that, and Fuck you if you believe it. Im pretty much taking it easy on this one! If I wasnt all three of yeas...Hollywood Joe included would have recived a verbal bashing like nothing before::

::I've never been out worked.::

::Think of me as the insurance plan, I'm just there to make sure you make it into People's choice, if its at a 100 percent great, if not Ill tkae you as you come, but you will be going into the chamber as world champion! Thats for damn sure bra.::

::But thats sunday, tonight my friend I'll be more then happy to shake your hand and atch you back, Thanks for asking, Jackass!::

::I'll give you the opportunity to spotlight for a mere couple minutes. Other than that, it's back to the top for me. I'll enjoy watching you get that win tonight!::

::But Sunday, I'll show you who's still better.::

::Even playing the role of manager. You’re gonna get me in the best form, the rarest of forms. I’m leaving successful in my one goal, Bank on it son!::

::But hey, Who knows, I may end up cashing this contract in at the end of the night, our I may not...What? You thought I wasnt gonna leave you with some doubt Skull....::
::f u c k o u t t a h e r e::
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