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 My Reign is Imminent

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 36
Registration date : 2006-11-13

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Alignment: Neutral

My Reign is Imminent Empty
PostSubject: My Reign is Imminent   My Reign is Imminent EmptyMay 5th 2007, 5:15 pm

“And he sayeth unto the people talks of chaos….”

The camera flickers on to show a desolate wasteland of existence. A city looms over the horizon as the sun glimmers and shines from the glass and metallic surfaces. Scattered garbage is caught by the wind and thrown into a magnificent vortex across the streets. No movement is seen. Shadows are becoming denser and the darkness is enveloping the World in one final hush. The silence is sensational and the colors are melting away.

The camera panes around as you hear a voice come into action. It is like the whisper of a child at first and grows into a bang.

“I look around at this pathetic World and I am filled with a disgust that is unimaginable. I thirst for something more. I long for something greater. This World of dirt and broken faith offers me nothing. It is time for the World to see that I am not someone worthless of their praise. It is time for everyone to bow before me and present their offerings in hope that I accept their pity pleas and allow them to keep their own lives. I own them. I am the blood coursing through each and every vein. I am the nerves that are severed upon the path of a razor. I am the beat of a heart or the contraction of a lung. I am life and I am death. I will show everyone just exactly what happens when you know nothing in a World of everything. Life is replaceable. Love is replaceable. Hate is imminent. I am descending not from the Heavens, but from the shadows. Feel my wrath and scream my name. The end is truly here and my throne awaits me on the path of the celestial moon. Breathe into me creation and existence. Breathe into me life. Chaos tips your tongue and taints your words. You are mine. Everyone will suffer.”

The camera had continued to pane around the town, as if searching for something. Finally once the words have been concluded the camera stops. It points towards the horizon and you see a silhouette standing upon it. The camera stays focused on the unmoving dark splotch within the last rays of beauty escaping the sun.

“The wait is over and the chaos begins…..”

The camera slowly zooms in on the individual to show that it is Kaos. He does not wear a shirt and his skin is glistening. His muscles seem to be in the utmost perfection and the tattoo on his chest and stomach glows red with the souls of the damned. His eyes are fixated in one direction and they too glow like hot embers. A crooked smile is painted upon the canvas of his face. His hair falls onto the sides of his face and seems to be as gentle as the breeze itself. He has his hands firmly placed at his sides and he begins to chuckle with anxiousness.

As the camera stays upon him another individual shows up beside of him. The man is dressed in the finest metallic armor that gleams as the last bit of sunlight strikes it. However, his pants resemble that of Kaos’s. His eyes burn as intense as Kaos’s and his hair is a deep brown. It falls long after his shoulders and he has the face of a champion. He looks straight ahead and begins to speak. His voice is gentle, yet demanding and strong; filled with passion.

“I am Appoloin. I am the Angel that watches over the pit of Hell. I am the destroyer. The World is at the brink and the time is nil. I am no longer commanded and I now command. Towers will fall and the stars and moon will plummet onto the surface of this miserable waste of a planet.”

The “Angel” does not speak any longer and the camera stays focused on the both of them. Suddenly, another individual appears on the opposite side of Kaos. He wears no armor and his chest is bare. The muscles jut from his body and he seems more or less an imaginary being. He also has the piercing eyes, but he has a burr cut and has a long scar running from his right eye down to his neck. He begins to speak in a whisper carried by the wind.

“I am Xaphan. I am a member of the Holy Demon Ranks. I was cast from the Heavens and now I will show the World what it is like to feel your flesh burn and your soul melt into an abyss so hot and fiery that souls scream for eternity. I will watch as you cry onto your Lord and Savior. I will laugh and mock you as you take your last breath and I will pray for you soul not to be saved but to be tortured and cast aside as nothing more than reusable parts. I will make sure my name is written in blood. I vow this. I vow that chaos descends.”

He stops talking and Kaos looks at them both. He then steps forward to show his leadership and tosses his hair back out of his face. He stares overhead into the stars and then back at the camera.


Kaos has broken into panting for his breath and sweat drips from his body. As he summons the apocalypse the two Angels behind him begin to grow wings. They are as white as the new fallen snow and nothing on the Earth could be purer. The Angel’s fly high into the sky and stop and look back down. Kaos turns to look at the horizon. Suddenly hundreds of winged Angel’s fly up into the sky and it seems as though there is never going to be an end to the amount. They begin to fly over the city leaving. One flies too close to the camera knocking it to the ground. It goes to black.
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 36
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

My Reign is Imminent Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Reign is Imminent   My Reign is Imminent EmptyMay 5th 2007, 5:16 pm

“Doubt me……..”

The camera comes back and you see the destruction that was left by the Angels. The buildings are toppled off of their foundations and left as rubble. Some have caught flame and are burning ever so slowly in the night. Bodies lie in the street. The slaughter is a perfect portrait. Individuals are no longer recognizable. Their bodies are contorted in hideous fashions and they are drained of their souls. Blood has filled the sewers and it flows in the street as water from a midnight rain.

The camera scans the area to show Kaos still standing on the horizon. He had not moved, but watched as others accomplished what he had set out to do so many times before. He looks over the destruction and the chaos with glee. It is as a picture perfect Christmas for a beggar with all the trimmings. He has his hands locked behind him and he stands with his chest out and a smile so wondrous that it lights up the night sky. He steps forward and begins to ascend onto the battle scene.

He walks to the nearest fallen body. It is or was a man with a fancy haircut. His suit is stained with his own guts and his tie has cut deep within his throat. His eyes are blank and his mouth is gapped open. Kaos leans over him and looks down into his eyes. He reaches down and grasps the corpse by the jaw causing his mouth to open even wider. Kaos opens his mouth and as he does a dark matter comes from within the man. It flows from his mouth as insects and goes into Kaos. It only lasts a second before the darkness is no more. Kaos closes his mouth and licks his lips. He grasps the mans lower part of his mouth and jerks quickly ripping it away. Kaos tosses this aside and looks now at the man in even worse shape. He begins to laugh.

“I guess you weren’t as tainted as you look fine sir. Maybe you should have fucked your secretary a few more times or stayed up late at night touching your pre teen daughter once or twice extra. Maybe you should have just beaten your wife and slandered your mother more.”

Kaos straightens up and continues is path of death. He steps over some bodies and others he does the same as he did with the first corpse. Eventually he comes to an individual dressed in priest garb. Blood stains his mouth he seems to be unable to move his legs. He is barely hanging on. Kaos bends down over him and looks him in the eyes. The Priest speaks in garbled language that is very weak.

“My son, help me. Evil has came over this World and everyone is in danger. The Angel’s are in rebellion. You must help me. I do not wish to die. I have a family. I ……”

He stops talking long enough to cough up blood. He starts to speak once more, but Kaos places a finger softly on his lips. Kaos then proceeds to caress the Priests face ever so gently.

“Father do not worry. This World is in my hands. Everything will be alright. I will look after your family for you. They are in good hands.”

The Priests eyes grow wide and his voice is a reflection of fear.

“Oh father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name….”

Kaos slaps the man roughly across the face sending him over onto his stomach on the ground. He has a look of pure hate on his face and he crawls over onto the Priest grasping a large clump of his hair into his hands, he pulls the Priest’s head back to show a large cut beginning to pour blood across his face. The Priest is even weaker. Kaos leans near his ear and whispers into it.

“Do you really think old man that he will save you now? Do you think that he has the want or the precious time to save YOUR life or anyone else’s? He is quite the busy man, Father. He does not have time for someone as corrupt as you.”

Kaos stops talking long enough to catch a slight glimpse of confusion from the Priest. Kaos begins to laugh and slams the Priests head into the ground. Blood pours from his nose.

“DO you really think I don’t know, Father? I am everything and nothing. I am the space between. I walk the shadows. I see all. You are not a holy man. You are a bastard. I watched as you molested those boys in your altar. My heart heavy and the tears streaming down my cheeks. I saw you neglect your family for God. I watched as you turned this religion into your own personal excuse for everything. God does not care for you, but Father I do care for you.”

Kaos lets go of the Priest’s hair and his head falls against the ground. Kaos stands up and looks down over the Priest. He kicks him hard in the side causing him to turn back onto his back. He looks up at Kaos with tears in his eyes. Kaos smiles at him and speaks.

“Forsake your religion. Ride the wings of chaos with me and my brethren, Father. Take my hand and let us lead the World as we see fit. Our time, Father, is fate. It is destiny.”

The Priest stares into Kaos’s eyes and in an almost inaudible tone he speaks.


Kaos looks at the Priest with a cocky gleam in his eyes.

“The Devil, Father? The DEVIL! The Devil has nothing on me! I am Kaos!”

Kaos raises his foot high into the air and lets it come crashing down onto the Priest’s head. A sick crunch is heard and the Priest is still. Blood splatters upon Kaos and the Priest’s brains ooze from his skull. Kaos looks upon this and is silent until he hears a quite whimper from an alleyway nearest him. He looks up to see a young woman. She is trying to pull herself into the alleyway. Kaos smiles and walks over toward her.

The woman looks back and sees him walking towards her. She lets out an ear piercing scream and tries to move quicker. Kaos reaches her and grabs her ankle jerking her backwards towards him. He picks her up and slams her hard into the brick wall. He head hits the wall and she becomes limp for a moment before once again trying to attack. Kaos looks at her and laughs.

“Do you really think that you can escape me? You are delirious my beauty.”

She stops struggling and begins to beg to Kaos.

“Pleas don’t kill me. Please. I don’t want to die”

Tears are falling from her eyes and spit is clinging to her lips. A large cut across her forehead has dried blood crusted to it and her blonde hair is tipped red from her own blood. Kaos reaches up and pushes her hair from her face and runs his finger over her lips.

“Oh don’t worry these last moments of your PRECIOUS life will not long be forgotten.”

The woman looks at Kaos, confused. Kaos reaches down and rips her shirt open revealing her bra. The woman tries again to struggle and Kaos backhands her hard knocking her to the ground. She is too weak to move. Kaos reaches down and unbuttons his pants, unzipping them.

“Everyone wants sexual endeavors and excitement. I don’t understand the point.”

The woman tries to pull herself away. Kaos grabs her pant leg and jerks her back, pulling her pants off of her. He then lays down on top of her and moves her hair away from her ear and leans in very close to her.

“Well I guess if that is what it takes then I guess that is what has to happen.”

The woman lets out a scream and the camera moves to show their shadows cast on the nearby brick wall. The woman is crying out in anguish and Kaos is laughing. The shadows tell the story. The camera watches the whole event in the shadows until it is over. You see the shadow of Kaos stand up and the camera points back towards them.

The woman lies upon the ground crying and Kaos now has sweat all over him. He looks down at the woman and finishes buttoning his pants.

“I hope that was as good for you as it was for me you stupid insignificant bitch.”

The woman does not move. She has her face covered by her arms and her back heaves from her sobs. Kaos walks over to her and flips her over to look into her face. Her eyes are bloodshot and puffy from the crying and she looks worse than before. A large bruise has formed from the initial strike that Kaos landed upon her. Kaos leans down and kisses her gently on her lips. When his lips touch hers she begins to seize. Her body shakes violently and Kaos rises up watching intently.

Her body continues to shake and tremor and then it is still. She does not move. Suddenly, the dark matter begins to pour from her mouth and cover her body, which catches afire. It becomes ash in a matter of seconds and Kaos looks at the pile of ash that was once someone. He opens his mouth and blows sending the ashes scattering into the night sky. Kaos watches as they float off and a tear appears in his eyes.

He falls against the building and slides down it to the ground. He begins to cry heavily. He covers his face with his hands and lets out a scream. He drops his hands down beside him and reaches into his pocket. He pulls something out and looks at it; a razor. He twists it in his hands and then looks up at where the ash was and out into the street where the bodies lie. He then looks back down at the razor.

“This is not what I wanted.”

He then takes the razor and runs it across one wrist, then the other. Blood pours immediately from them. He just puts his hands in his lap and the blood soaks his pants and begins to trace down the alleyway towards the rest of the spilled blood.

He continues to cry, but not as heavy. The blood continues to pour and his eyes get heavy. They begin to close. He keeps opening them, until finally he can no longer do so. His head droops down onto his chest and it is over. Slowly the camera moves away from him. It begins to move upwards into the sky. It shows the destruction and the chaos in the streets. Then in the lone alleyway, Kaos has perished at his own hands. A voice begins to speak.

“The end is near, but what end. Could it be the end of a soul? The end of a reign? Could it be nothing more than an end to a tale that is long forever told? The end is always here. There is never a beginning, just an end.”

The camera fades to black.
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 36
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

My Reign is Imminent Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Reign is Imminent   My Reign is Imminent EmptyMay 5th 2007, 5:17 pm

“The Realization…….”

Kaos quickly rises up with the crack of thunder outside the window of his room at Gregory Hills. His breathing is quickened and tears from a nightmare flow down his cheeks. He touches his wrists and then his chest, and then sighs.

“It wasn’t real.”

He throws his feet over the side of the bed and rubs his eyes. He stands up and moves over to the window to look out into the World that he so longed to forever destroy. He watches the rain fall and traces it with his finger as it slides down the window. Lighting flashes and his eyes catch a glimpse of something within the yard. It flashes again and he automatically recognizes the shape of people and those people resemble the two Angels that were at his side in his nightmare. They both stare at the window, which is where he stands, with smiles on their faces.

Kaos backs away from the window and turns to run, but is knocked hard to the ground. The two Angels, Xaphan and Appoloin, stand in the room with him. They look just as they did in his nightmare, except blood covers them both. Appoloin steps forward and picks Kaos up from the ground and shoves him against the wall and gets up into his face.


Xaphan steps up and takes Kaos from the hands of Appoloin.


Kaos begins to cry and Appoloin strikes him hard across the face. He falls to his knees and then Xaphan kicks him roughly across the face, knocking him the rest of the way to the ground. Kaos continues to cry, covering his face and looking away from the Angels. Appoloin picks him up and slams him against the wall once more. Blood is pouring from his mouth from the two shots.

“You do not become something you are not. You are not weak. You are not the worthless piece of shit that this World has made you out to be. You are the ruler and you shall inherit all. You can accomplish all with the slightest whim. You are the one and only true Fallen Angel.”

Xaphan steps up and places his hand on Kaos’s shoulder.

“You are much more worthy than everyone that graces then fucked planet known as Earth. No one can take your place, Master.”

Kaos stops crying and looks into the face of the Angels. They back off of him and bow before him. Kaos watches as they bow. A look of shock and confusion is on his face. Lighting flashes and the lights of the building flicker off. When they return the Angels are no where to be found. Kaos falls against the wall and keeps his eyes where the Angels once were. He shakes his head and looks at the ground.

“I am the only true Fallen Angel. I am worthy.”

He gets up from leaning on the wall and steps to the center of the room.

“I am the alpha and the omega. This World is mine.”

He looks at the camera. The blood ceasing to flow from his mouth and his eyes as they were in the nightmare. A smile twists its way onto his face.

“Everyone will suffer…..”

He lets out a scream and it is as if the World shakes from the sound of his voice. He tosses his head back and horns begin to grow from his forehead. They are large and black with red rings around them and at the very tips are glowing white halos. They are smaller than traditional halos. Suddenly, Kaos lurches forward and wings sprout from his back, but the wings are much different than ever before. The bone structure of the wings looks to be made of the finest indestructible metal and the wings are not feathers, but fire. They burn like a thousand suns. Kaos straightens his body up to show what he has become.

The smile is still on his face and the camera zooms in on this. You see the large horns and his eyes have a scene in them. As the camera gets closer you see Kaos standing above many fallen bodies, some of them recognizable, others are not. The camera gets as close to his eyes as possible and then begins to static. It then cuts out to black.
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