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 The Past is a Scar Upon My Wrist.............

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Neutral

The Past is a Scar Upon My Wrist............. Empty
PostSubject: The Past is a Scar Upon My Wrist.............   The Past is a Scar Upon My Wrist............. EmptyNovember 18th 2006, 10:24 pm

A camera flickers on to show Kaos curled in a fetal position in the Gregory Hills Sanitarium room he knows as his home. Tears are running from his eyes and he is soaked with sweat. He flinches as if in an immense pain. His entire body is twitching and sounds of torment pass his lips. The camera fades to show a scene depicting Kaos as young child sitting on a ruffled bed in the room.

He stares down at his arms, scarred even though they shouldn’t be. He puts his hands over his eyes and begins to cry without holding back. Suddenly a voice speaks to him. He stops crying and wipes his eyes. He is frightened, but in the back of his mind wishes it was someone to take him out of this world. A madman who would take his life without remorse, plunging him into the hell he has suffered every day for the last 3 years.

“Who……who is that?”

He stutters out the question looking around the room, trying to find anything out of place. Yet, he finds nothing. He grows into a rage with each passing second. He stands from the bed and begins to scream out his demands.

“I said, who the fuck is there!?”

Suddenly a voice startles him and he collapses back onto the bed.

“Hello, young Kristofer. Why are you crying?

Kaos looks around the room again and tears begin to well back up in his eyes.

“Fuck you! Whoever you are! I am crying because it is all I can do.”
“That is not true. You have all the control in the world. This world is your canvas, you paint what you want. You simply need to stop your crying and do more to change the course of your own life.”

“If I want your fucking help I would have asked for it. I don’t need advice from some fucking voice.”

“You need help from whatever offers it, Kris. I am your only friend. I am the only voice you have heard in years and you know that. It is time you take control. What good have the tears done. They haven’t!”

Kaos stands up once more and rakes the stuff from a nightstand beside the bed into the floor. He then turns around and punces the wall and begins to scream for help.

“No one is going to come, Kris. It is you and I for the moment. I know you have looked upon your scars with disgust but they are a part of you. They help to fuel your hate for the world. They are what help you to live each and every miserable day of your pathetic life.”

“Shut up! Shut the fuck up! I cant take this anymore. I just want to perish. I want to leave all of this behind me…..”

“You can, Kris. Simply put it all deep down inside of you. Every time you hurt, cut it out of yourself. Let the poison drain from your body in each drop of your precious blood. I gave you that gift in the courtyard for a reason.”

Kaos looks at the bear laying on his bed. He reaches for it and pulls the razor blade from the stuffing. Blood has stained the blade, as well as the bear.

“Yes that is all you need in this life, Kris. You don’t need the fake love of relatives or the need of a friendship. You have the power. USE IT!”

Kaos begins to run the blade across his wrist violently. Blood pours from the wound and the world begins to go black. The door to his room flings open and in rushes two male orderlies screaming for help as they see him covered in blood and beginning to slip into death. Kaos falls into the abyss that he would know for the rest of his life.

Kaos wakes with a scream. His chest heaves with each heavy breathe he takes. He turns his hands over to reveal the old scars upon his wrists. He begins to cry bringing his knees up to his chest. Through the crying he begins to speak.

“I am weak. I cannot take this anymore. I need closure and that closure is coming tomorrow. My opponents all represent different parts of my existence. They are all parts of this fucking world that have made me who I am today. A loathing bastard. A sick demented shell.”

Kaos wipes his eyes and throws his head backwards into the wall. The moonlight streams across his face leaving an eerie shadow.

“King Ron you are everyone who has ever said they are better than me. That they are the “kings” and I am the lowly pauper destined to lick their shoes. A puppet for them to watch. You are going to be shown what it feels like to be a pauper as I cut my strings and wrap them around your neck. Feeling your breathe slow to a infinite stop. It is time for you to see how the desolate live. And Pine you have always acted like you hurt inside. That you ache with every breathe. You need to be shown that in reality you know no more pain than anyone. You are all those people who have ever acted sick and gotten the attention leaving the rest of us in the background drowning in our own miseries without anyone. I will never understand how someone like you could even fathom pain. You make me fucking sick.”

Kaos stands up and slowly walks through the room door and out through the hallway. Passing the reciption desk he remembers his parents standing there committing him saying “They just don’t know what to do with him.” He clenches his fists and walks out the large wooden doors. He stops and looks at the roof of the building.

“Crimson Skull, what is there to say? I loathe you for ever coming into my life. How could you do such shit to me as you have done? You call yourself a fucking teacher. Saying that you have more to teach me and that you have taught me so much. You havent done anything for me other than tell me how much the world hates me. You have put these scars on my wrists. You have made me search for ways to take the suffering out of my life. It was all you! I am done with this game. Tomorrow all of this is going to end. I will no longer be your “student” I will be your fucking death wish. You claim you are already dead. You don’t know death you red bastard. I have seen death more than you ever will. You will look into the eyes of all that you have created and a whimper will leave your lips. Your heart will race and you will pray for death. This is the time for me to take back my life and take others. I am ready Skull. I am more than fucking ready. But the question is, are you?”

Kaos turns to walk down the path. Thunder is heard in the distance and he stops at the gates and looks into the camera. Sadness and hate are visible in his eyes. Lightning flashes, revealing a ghostly image of Crimson Skull, with his hand on Kaos’s shoulder. Kaos smiles and walks through the gate. The camera flickers off as thunder booms for the second time.
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