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 And Doth Sayeth the Lord...Thy Will Shalt be Done.

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

And Doth Sayeth the Lord...Thy Will Shalt be Done. Empty
PostSubject: And Doth Sayeth the Lord...Thy Will Shalt be Done.   And Doth Sayeth the Lord...Thy Will Shalt be Done. EmptyDecember 12th 2006, 10:22 pm

[Crimson Skull and Tamara are sitting inside the Mortuary talking and laughing about the way they tricked Pine and Kaos on Warzone. Crimson Skull speaks.]

“Well, Mr. Pine, what did I tell you? You have got yourself in too deep. You dove into the deep end of the pool without your floaties. Whether it is your evil twin or whatever the hell you are doing these days, you are no match for the Crimson King. Whenever you and Kaos burned me alive, I realized during my reawakening that I underestimated your stupidity and your will to get your ass beat again. Without Kaos at your side, you are nothing Pine. On Breakdown we shall have a No-DQ match, and I will beat you within an inch of your life like I did on Warzone. Bring in as many imposters as you want Pine, but no matter who you bring in to face me, you will always fall short. You say for me to prove to you how evil I am, I certainly will in weeks to come. Now that you bear a scar for the rest of your life, it will be a slight reminder of how evil I am. But you have yet to see the full extent of my evil. So I guess it is time we take a little trip for Pine to see what he is dealing with.”

[Skull and Tamara get up and walk outside of the Mortuary and the camera follows, they are soon walking in a park full of young couples and children playing at a swing set, where their mothers are watching close by. People avoid Skull and Tamara and scurry to the opposite side of the street. Skull stops behind the children and mothers at the swing sets, unnoticed. A red ball comes bouncing over to Skull, as he squats down on his haunches and picks the ball up in one of his massive hands. A little boy comes skipping over and asks Skull for the ball back. Skull is surprised that the child is unafraid. He speaks to the child.]

“Well, hello there little fellow, why didn’t you just scream and run away because I look different?”

[the boy answers.]

“Because my mommy says that I shouldn’t judge people by the way they act, it is the Lord’s job to judge, and I should treat everybody the same no matter what, can I have my ball back Mister?”

[Skull laughs a dry laugh.]

“Why sure you can. But first let me ask you this. Has your mommy ever told you not to talk to strangers?”

[the boy starts giving frantic looks behind him to see if his mother is watching him, but she is talking to a man in a jogging suit.]

“Yes she has Mister, but can I please have my ball back, I’m playing with some of my friends.”

[Skull laughs again.]

“Yes you can my young friend.” He hands the child the ball. “But first let me show you something.”

[Skull pulls his mask up as the camera goes around the back of Skull, we can’t see his face, but the child does, and the child goes completely white with fear and opens his mouth to scream but nothing comes out of his mouth but a dry gasp. Some of the child’s hair starts going white and he finally screams. His mother comes running over, but Skull and Tamara have disappeared. The wind howls as the mother is holding her son in her arms, the boy only keeps repeating “he had no face” and when the wind howls, you can hear Skull laughing.]

[the camera then opens to have Tamara walking alone down the city streets. She is scantily dressed and many men have their eyes upon her. A moment or two later a car with three young college boys pull up.]

[they whistle] “Hey baby, what’s shaking?”

[Tamara stops and looks at them.]

“Hey boys, what’s up?”

“Where you heading beautiful?”

“Oh, I am just walking to my lonely hotel room. Where you boys heading?”

“Well we could keep you company if you want. Hop in, all three of us can show you a real good time.”


[Tamara directs the boys to the hotel and takes them up to her room. While in the room, they start undressing as she smiles devilishly. The boys start crowding around her as they here the locks on the door lock into place. The boys pay no mind to the locks and begin to try and undress Tamara before they hear a low, dreadful voice.]

“It is a sin to go to bed with another man’s woman.”

[the boys turn around and see Crimson Skull coming at them with a tire iron. He takes all of them out in a matter of seconds and leaves them a bloody mess. He pulls three sets of rope and handcuffs out of his bag and hand cuffs the boys and ties a rope around their wastes. He takes ice cold water and pours on them before hoisting them over the railing and tying them there with the rope. The boys are 10 feet off the ground and in their undergarments and are freezing in the cold winter weather. But they will be ashamed when they awake from the beating they just received. On each of their backs C.S. is carved.]

[the camera opens up to a new scene, where children are playing in a daycare playground. Skull and Tamara walk idly by as Skull laughs softly.]

“You think I won’t? But I will. Pine, hell hath no fury like what I will unleash on you and your counterparts. You will feel the wrath of the Crimson King, and you will know what the ice cold grip of death’s own hands feel like, when I place them around you wasteful neck. But you said prove to you that I am evil, and I shall. The Crimson King is back. Are you ready?”

[Skull and Tamara laugh as Skull points to the sky and then at the children in the playground, a flurry of lightning bolts come crashing down as you hear children screaming and their screams cut short as you can hear the sound of something sizzling and sirens wailing in the distance, followed by the workers of the daycare screaming in agony. Yet again Skull and Tamara are gone, but with the wind you hear both of their satanic laughter.]
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