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 A Walk on the Animal Side

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Bryan Stinberg
Bryan Stinberg

Number of posts : 16
Age : 34
Registration date : 2006-12-31

A Walk on the Animal Side Empty
PostSubject: A Walk on the Animal Side   A Walk on the Animal Side EmptyJanuary 1st 2007, 9:08 pm

]-Scene-[ The scene opens up in a very exclusive backstage interview with WWA's newest star Bryan Stinberg. He is shown next to the WWA interviewer holding his RACWA World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder with that cocky smile on his face. ]-Scene-[
A Walk on the Animal Side ChristianChampion
}{ WWA Interviewer }{
"Bryan, first off let me welcome you to the WWA its truly an honor to have you on this show."
]-Scene-[ Bryan than covered the microphone before the interviewer could say anymore, rudly cutting him off. ]-Scene-[
}{ Bryan Stinberg }{
"Look kid, just cut to the chase we all know what this interview is about already."
}{ WWA Interviewer }{
[i]"Um, okay well... We have just heard you announce moments ago that you have accepted the open challenge given out by Hot Stuff Steven and he was just out in the ring replying to your early promo."
}{ Bryan Stinberg }{
"Yeah, quite frankly I'm not to happy with the nerve this guy had of calling me, of all people, a rookie. I'm far from being a rookie kid, I'm an icon, a living legend, one of the greatest to ever live. I've seen many of these punks in the past and trust me they don't stand a chance against me."
}{ WWA Interviewer }{
"Well Hot Stuff Steven is one of the best in the WWA, he is the King of the WWA. He has proved himself over and over again that he is the best, do you think you stand a chance?"
}{ Bryan Stinberg }{
"Wow, wow, wow, did I just hear you correctly? Did you just ask me if I think I have a chance?! What kid of dumbass question is that! Of course I stand a fucking chance! He doesn't scare me a damn bit, I can't end my career and never will. I love to take risk and if he really wants a risk how about he meets me in a Hardcore Match and maybe we'll see who's the one taking risk! I'm willing to take a ride on the animal side Steven, I'm willing to place my career on the line in order to prove to you and the rest of the WWA that I am the real 'King of WWA' because thats the kind of guy I am!"
]-Scene-[ Bryan tossed the microphone at the WWA Interviewer, who stumbled a bit trying to catch it, as Bryan walked away as the scene faded away. ]-Scene-[
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