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 The Return...

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Barelai Von'Vicious
Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 79
Age : 37
Registration date : 2006-12-05

The Return... Empty
PostSubject: The Return...   The Return... EmptyJanuary 28th 2007, 8:02 am

The Camera flickers on to see a small dark room aluminated in what appears to be hundreds and hundreds of candles. It circles around to examine the room as if tryin to see what story will be told or what story has already lived. The camera continues to rotate until it reaches to opposite direction it was facing upon going on air. A man made pine box, looking to be full of splinters, shaved and shaped in the form of a coffin sits directly in front of the wall.

The camera man begins to make his way to the casket, but it quickly startled by the rattling and dragging of chains in the distance. Not wantin to get caught by whatever or whoever it is making there way here, the camera man hides under a clothed over table with his camera in hand. He adjusts the cloth in a certain position so he can see both the door and the pine box.

While the camera watches on, awaiting the arrival of the unknown beast, the breathing of the camera man becomes very heavy. The sounds of his fearful breathing carry through-out the room as he realizes he needs to calm himself in order not to reveal his presence.

The chains in the distance suddenly stop, which calms the camera man. He begins to recollect himself and climbs out from under the table to re-examine the room. He walks up to the pine box casket to notice there is an engraving.

"R.I.P. My Beloved Marie"

The camera man realizes that it speaks of the infamous Bloody Marie in which Crimson Skull murdered a few days back. With great hesitance, he begins to lift the lid of the casket for unknown reasons. As he slowly pulls the lid up, he is knocked back from the stinch of the decaying body, and the top closes with great force creating a loud echo thoughout the entire room.

Upon the echo, The chains draggin and rattling are heard again, but with a quicker pace. The camera man, still out of it from the horrid smell of the decaying human life form tries to make it to his feet to go back to his hiding spot.

After he reaches his feet after a few moments, The door is quickly kicked in and Barelai Von'Vicious locks his black evil eyes on the camera mans. He runs towards the camera man and flings him across the room.

Barelai Von'Vicious: GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!!!!

Barelai starts to walk towards the camera man, but realizes that the lid was lifted and runs back over this his precious, dead Marie. He falls to his knees and begins sobbing in grief.

Barelai: My sweet, lovely Marie. What have I done to deserve the loss of the one I love most? What did you do to deserve to have your life taken away? Why did Crimson Skull do this? Why did my King cause me despair?

He stops speaking and begins to sob even louder yelling the words "WHY?" Every so often. While this is happening, the camera man begins to recollect himself again and arises to his feet.

The camera man looks onto Barelai with compassion and begins to walk towards the Monster to try to comfort him. Once he makes his way over, Barelai lets out a deafening yell which causes the window to burst open and gusts of wind to enter the room blowing out some candles, and knocking some over with their flame still ignited. Flames begin to engulf the cloth that covers the table as Barelai begins to let out another earth shattering yell. Another gust of wind, this one much strong and harder than the last one, sweeps through the room and knocks over the pine box coffin of Marie's.

The wind blows the flames over and causes the coffin to be engulfed. The camera man throws his camera to the side and tries to reason with Barelai:

Camera man: Barelai! Snap out of it! We gotta get out of here! Barela! Barelai!?!?!?

Barelai lays face down on the ground, ignoring the cries of the camera man and continues to sob. After a few more cries from the camera man, Barelai looks with tears strolling down his face and mask.

Barelai: Without her......Live, I shall do no more!

The entire room is now engulfed in flames as the camera man grows tired of tryin to plead with Barelai and runs for his life to the building exit. He flings open the doors and runs to get help. He hears the yells and screams and cries of Barelai. He stops and turns to face the building upon hearing the moans of Barelai.

He begins to turn around to walk away, when a voice coming from the nothingness is heard.

"The beast lives out of the raging storm in the dead of night The ravenous, blood-sick creatures searches for it's sacrifice. Through the hideous darkness, it lurches, driven by death itself. Only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to the darkness from which it came."

He stops and slowly turns around to look onto the building once more. He notices that the flames are no more. The no more. The building stands intact like it had never been on fire. With a frightened look on his face, he turns to run towards his van to get another camera.

He grabs his camera and focuses on the structure of the rundown building. He switches his view over to the door to see a man wearing a suit of white, completed with a white top hat exit while twirling around a white walking cane.

The man walks down the steps of the abondoned dwelling, and walks towards the camera man. As he gets closer, it becomes clear that this is a familiar face. He finally makes it to the camera man and begins to speak.

"Welcome me back! In case you have forgotten, I am now and was the once handler of the monster, Barelai Von'Vicious! I am back to guide my monster to the title, which he deserves more than any other man. I am, Myles Manson! And the man behind you, is The Demisinator, The NEW Barelai Von'Vicious!"

The camera turns around to see Barelai standing behind him just like Myles Manson promised.

Myles Manson: Do not fear young one. Barelai will not cause you harm....yet! For you see, the ones who really want to harm Barelai are a list of 3 men. Those 3 are Steven Daunhauer, Beast, and his former "King" Crimson Skull. Thats right! All 3 of these men have caused Barelai alot more pain than usual in the past few days. Steven Daunhauer and Beast crucifying him, and Crimson Skull mudering-in cold blood I might add-the only person besides me who has ever cared about Barelai.

Myles pauses and takes notice of the tear stains that cover Barelai's mask. Then continues.

Myles Manson: I knew that Crimson Skull would betray Barelai. That is why we formed the plan of him "murdering" me and throwing me in that closet. It was all but an illusion Skull. Nothing but a plan, that you fell right into. You care about no one but yourself, and Barelai was nothing more than your "problem solver". For your deeds, you will pay in due time.

Myles pauses once again to give the audience time to soak in what they just heard, then continues.

Myles Manson: But first, Steven Daunhauer....You will meet my monster this Sunday for the WWA Championship title. You have done nothing, but anger the true beast of this federation. You will feel the pain of the true champ...the monster...the demisinator...Barelai Von'Vicious!

Myles stops and looks at Barelai as if he is asking if he has anything he wants to add to what was just said. Barelai looks to the ground, and in a soft voice begins to speak.

Barelai: 1 by 1, the three of you will endure the pain that you have caused me. I dedicate my career to the lovely Marie...I dedicate my title win this Sunday to my love Marie.....I dedicate the fall of you Marie.....

Barelai stops and begins sobbing once again. He fights back the tears as Myles is patting and rubbing on his back and continues.

Barelai: You 3 will feel my pain....and you 3 will die by my hands.

Barelai stops speaking and walks away, leaving Myles to finish up.

Myles Manson: We have been promising an Era of the Beast for a while now. This Sunday, that time comes. Get ready Hot Stuff, Beast, and Crimson Skull. You have all just been put on notice, by the monster himself, Barelai Von'Vicious! And this time, we mean buisness!

Myles rushes off to catch up with Barelai. The camera watches them both walk into the great beyond for a few moments, then fades.
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