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 Revenge INC say what?

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Revenge INC say what? Empty
PostSubject: Revenge INC say what?   Revenge INC say what? EmptyFebruary 20th 2007, 4:57 pm

[The scene opens in an old back alley, all around us we see the usual types of things we may find in a metropolitan alley. Towards one side, we see a few dumpsters, with black trash bags piled up beside it. The pungent odor of decaying food matter and other garbage hangs heavy in the air. Steam is rising from the steel sewer grates. To one side, we see a fairly steady row of dented, steel garbage cans. In the distance we can see a cardboard box, which has become a makeshift home for one of the city's many homeless. The camera pans around, all across the red bricks of the buildings. We arrive at the opposite side and we see Johnny Stylez walking towards the camera. Stylez leans on the nearby fire escape. With the remise of Vodka on his breath]


::I am not resorting to childish name calling. But Revenge INC. doesn't see the fans as intelligently as I do. I watched TM’s last promo, while it was fairly creative. He has no interest in talking about wrestling, but I am wrestling. Wrestling is bruises, broken bones, pulled tendons, it's pain and it's hurt. Wrestling is the NEW DX! There's nothing about Revenge INC. that screams wrestling. To turn an old phrase . .::


::Revenge INC are eloquent, refined . . . but they aint anything special.::

[Johnny continues a casual stroll down the alley. As his cell phone once again rings, He pulls it out of his jacket, and spotted the number on the ID. He shakes his head, knowing he should answer this call, answer Liz’s calls and bring them back together, But after the night Johnny just had a the local strip…talking to Liz was the last thing he wanted to do!]

::Revenge INC are nothing more then a bunch of flaky actors, who happens to be a decent athlete. Well Folks, The New DX are more than a bunch of decent athletes. When that bell rings, you better be idling at 4000 R.P.M. You don't deserve to be in the same ring ad the World Champion…The Undisputed Champion…The Anarchy Champion…And the greatest Wrestlers of all time. Revenge Inc. You fuckers are treating it like a carnival sideshow, you're nothing but a bunch of carnival sideshows. You cats can go ahead and pretend to be a dumbass all you want. While you're doing that . . . I'll be in the gym, and watching tapes.::

[Johnny walks out of the ally way and right out front of “Sleepless Nights” a high class strip club…]

::TM…got talent, but his head's so far up his ass he could eat himself full of shit. He ain't in this because he's got respect for the business, or because he wants to be a champion, he's just another self glorifying cocksmacker. He's in this shit because he wants to be 'famous', and there's no room for that kind of shit here, he needs to go be a backup dancer and fuck some famous singer, that's the equivalent of what he is right now, and it doesn't involve ME having to work with him.::

::TM…the guy's a fucking joke, he wants to be famous or whatever the fuck it is he says, when the bottom line is that he's going about it the wrong way. You don't act like you have a chance in hell against the greatest stable ever put together in some attempt to make a name for yourself, shit, he thinks he's earned his spot here? I haven't seen shit from this jack hole except him beating off to his sisters sex tape! Yeah he's doing a bang up job on that prestige there...fuckin curtain Jacker!::

::The kid's not worth the Charmin ultra soft he wipes his ass with, and he expects to come into MY ring, MY empire and beat the new DX? He's out of his god damned mind. Just because he wants to be "famous" he wants forty year old fatties to throw their sail sized panties at him? Fuck him and the horse he rode in on, I'm not having it, and come Anarchy I'm gonna pop the little shit right in the jaw, pick him right the fuck back up, and do it again for good measure.::

::Shit, I've seen this cat get beaten more times than he's beaten his dick in a lustful night of loneliness, His best bet at this rate would be the just roll out of the ring at the start of the match and just take a seat and watch. Otherwise DX is gonna perform a straight murking all over Revenge INC!::

[A banging looking female walks over to Johnny as he stands at the curb, smoking a cigarette.]

Female Stripper: Hey Stylez…Where’d you go? I was saving a very private dance for you in the VIP room…

[He look her up, head to toe! God damn, I bet you poor fools were as lucky as Stylez right bout now!]

:::Hey sweetie, I just had to handle something. Why don’t you go set up the room, get the mood flowing.::

Female Stripper: Sure thing baby…But Don’t take to long…

::Trust me, the last thing I want to do, Is keep a fine looking piece of ass like yourself waiting!::

[She gave him a soft kiss before making her way into the club.]

::Damn its good being me! Lets keep this flowing, I got enjoyment to get to…:::

:: I don't sweat the team of Revenge INC, they could be good, hell some of them could be great, but I'm as close to perfect as it fucking gets! But then again, maybe Im giving to much credit to them, I mean there team is made up out of The WOman who cant get out of the image of shooting off hand rockets of his sisters sex tape, You got Bobby Ocean who can’t come up with his own promos, so instead he’s off jacking other cats work! And then you got Rocketfucker, and Greg Rex, who are flaky at best! But of course this whole team idea was The WOman idea….You Make your fucking bed and lay in it The Woman!::

:: I'm gonna take great pleasure in showing these kids why the New DX are the prince, the sultan, the king....THE FUCKING TITANS of THE WWA. Revenge INC wants some attention, wants to pull that bitch move they pulled at the end of WARZONE...these cats need to shut the fuck up! A bunch of Mickey Mouse club looking mother fuckers! Stop worrying about your fifteen minutes, cause after Anarchy, if they don't tick their last tock, it'll be sure fucking close to it. Just shut your damn mouth and be ready to fight. This isn't a fucking game, this is some serious shit you are in here buddy, a eight man tag match with KINGS of the WWA? TM Call your mommy right now and tell her that her special little man is gonna be looking like three miles of pompous ass kicking when we get done with ya.::

::What the fuck y'all smoking?::

:;None of you stand a chance, ya never did, you never will, I've got so much STYLE now you guys aren't even a challenge for me...::

::No one is anymore…::

::But, find comfort in this Revenge INC...all of you, you will be famous after Anarchy::

::I'm gonna make you all famous.::

::Bow to your GOD…::

---End Feed---
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