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 Time For Round Two..(PPV #1)

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Number of posts : 157
Registration date : 2006-12-31

Time For Round Two..(PPV #1) Empty
PostSubject: Time For Round Two..(PPV #1)   Time For Round Two..(PPV #1) EmptyMarch 6th 2007, 12:44 am

[size=12] [center][The cameras come on, in Tails house. You hear some guys talking, with a rap song playing. It sounds like the song playing is “Welcome to Detroit City” By Trick Trick. Than you see Tails walking down a hallway towards the cameras. He has the biggest smile on his face.]
Tails: “Ok, so your might be thinking why is ‘Welcome to Detroit’ playing right now, why there are guys laughing in the other room, and why the hell am I walking down the hall with a big ass smile on my face? Easy, well for me it is, but for the rest of you, it might not. I just love being a ass.”
[Just than Hart comes out of the room.]
Hart: “Tails your one smart mother fucker you know that?”
Tails: “I know I am.”
Hart: “When you said the next time you and Nos fight, you will have some special guest with us. I didn’t know it will be these guys.”
Tails: “I told you they were going to be special guest.”
Hart: “Yeah but I didn’t think this special, how the hell did you get in touch with these guys?”
Tails: “Well tell you the truth I didn’t.”
Hart: “What!”
Tails: “Yeah they called me after my match with Nos.”
Hart: “Ok.”
Tails: “This is going to be great, when everyone see’s the guest I have this week.”
Hart: “We should go get some drinks for them.”
Tails: “Yeah Lets go do that.”
[Both of them walks to the kitchen, and grabs drinks, and walks to the hallway.]
Hart: “This is going to be good.”
[Tails walks in the room, and Hart follows behind him.]
Tails: “OK my guest here to day is TRICK TRICK, and Bizarre from the D12!”
Tails: “Let me introduce you to these two guys right here. Here we got Trick Trick, the underground rapper of Detroit.”
Trick Trick: “What up?”
Tails: “Than we have bizarre the fat guy who wears the shower cap.”
Bizarre: “The crazy cat of D12 .”
Tails: “And rest in peace the freestyle king Proof.”
[All of the man just sit in silent for a minute.]
Hart: “The great Proof.”
Tails: “Hell yeah.”
Hart: “Yeah he was, and still is.”
Trick Trick: “Yeah he is. But enough of that sad shit, lets get to why me, and Bizarre are here.”
Tails: “Yeah. See Nos, and all the fans out there, after the match with me, and Nos, Trick Trick called me, and told me when I get my title rematch, that him, and Bizarre wanted to come and have a little chat with me, and tell me all some things about Nos.”
Trick Trick: “Me and Bizarre have something’s to say about this chump Nos.”
[Tails phone starts to ring.]
Tails: “Hello…Well it’s cool with me if you do, I have some people over, but I don’t think they will mind you guys come over, so yeah come on over.”
Hart: “Who was that?”
Tails: “My brother Stylez, and Joe are coming over.”
Hart: “Ok.”
Tails: “But for now lets talk with Trick Trick, and Bizarre.”
Trick Trick: “Nos you say your all tuff, you say your all hood, and gangster and stuff like that. But the truth is, your just a bitch.”
Bizarre: “Hell yeah, Nos I hope you didn’t think me and Trick Trick forgot about that night. The night were me, Eminem, D12, and Trick Trick chased you out of Detroit.
Tails: Speaking of Eminem, were is he?”
Bizarre: “He said he might swing by later, but he doesn’t know.”
Tails: “Good I want to meat that guy.”
Hart: “Yeah me too.”
Trick Trick: “Yeah he’s a funny as dude.”
Bizarre: “Hell yeah, he’s one funny white guy.”
Tails: “Wait what’s that’s mean?”
Bizarre: “Nothing, just fucking around with you.”
[They start to laugh.]
Tails: “Ok.”
Trick Trick: “So Nos I bet your shitting your pants right now. You thought that night was never going to come up again, well you should of thought about that before you jump my boy Tails.”
Bizarre: “Pay backs a bitch I guess.”
Trick Trick: “I watch the little promos you did the last time you and Tails fought, and both of them made me sick. You say you’re a man, that your so tuff ,that there’s no one out there who can beat you. What happen on that night were we chased you? Yeah when we got to you, you got on your knees and beg, beg! For us not to hurt you. You were crying, cause Eminem was about to beat the shit out of you with the bat in his hands.
Bizarre: “He even tried to kiss his feet.”
Tails: “WOW, and this guy things he’s big.”
Trick Trick: “This guy is shit, he never was, and he never will be. You should of seen his face on that night, he was crying.”
Bizarre: “And don’t forget about us spitting on him.”
Tails: “You spitted on him, and he just sat there.”
Trick Trick: “Yeah that’s the funny part of it. He just sat there and did nothing. That’s all he is, nothing. Nos my boy Tails here, he had you beat, but you had to run and ask your boy V.I.P for help, cause you couldn’t do the job yours self.”
Bizarre: “But before that Nos, and his punk ass group, jumped Tails cousin Debo. Nos should have been a man about it, and went to Tails.”
Tails: “The only reason he pick that night to jump him, was because he knew I was out of town, doing some stuff for the WWA. Wait why were you all chasing Nos?”
Trick Trick: “Because he jump one of my boys, with his little 88’s or whatever that damn group is called.”
Tails: “So wait every time he try’s to beat up someone he needs other people to help him.”
Bizarre: “Yeah, that’s why we had are boy Proof take care of him, but I guess he thinks just because he famous, that he has money, and people watching his back. That he can just walk back in Detroit. Tell you right now that’s not going to happen.”
Trick Trick: “Now he thinks he can use my song, as his theme song. He thinks he’s cool with us. This guy doesn’t learn dose he? This guys needs his people with him at all times, cause he knows what happen when he try’s to walk around Detroit with out them.”
Bizarre: “If we see his ass in Detroit again I don’t care if his boys are with him or not, we will beat the shit out of him, and anyone else who try’s to stop us. .”
Tails: “Damn Nos, your one stupid guy. Trick what do you think about his little raps he try’s to do.
Trick Trick: “RAPS! You call those raps? This guy sucks so bad, he should have been on the White Rapper show.”
Bizarre: “He even tried to join D12. But as you can see he didn’t make it, cause he sucks. His raps sounds just like me taking a shit. That’s all he is, is shit. Tails this guy beat you the first time because he jump you, but this time, when you two face off in a ladder match, he wont be able to, cause looks who here.”
[Bizarre points to the door way, and you see Stylez, and the DX members.]
Stylez: “Fucking A! Its Trick Trick, and Bizarre.”
Trick Trick: “And its Stylez, and The New DX.”
Joe: “Hey Tails, what’s going on here?”
Tails: “Trick, and Bizarre are talking about the old days with Nos. There telling us the old days with Nos. You should of heard the shit they said.”
[A guy pokes his head threw the door, and it no other than Eminem.]
Eminem: “You Trick, Bizarre we got to be off this.”
Trick Trick: “Lets go, well Tails were off this.”
Bizarre: “Yeah Tails, we have work to.”
Tails: “Yeah I know, I’ll get at you all later or something.”
[Trick, and Bizarre gets up, and walk out the door.]
Joe: “So Tails what’s up.”
Tails: “Nothing just been doing this promo for the PPV match.”
Stylez: “Always working hard.”
Joe: “That’s why he one of the best.”
[The cameras fellow Eminem, Trick Trick, and Bizarre, when Eminem stops and says.]
Eminem: “Now doesn’t that whiteboy look like someone we know .”
[Trick Trick, and Bizarre just looks at him.]
[Than all three man keeps walking, as the cameras goes back to The New Dx.]
Tails: “Nos you have my IC title, you had to jump me with your little buddy V.I.P to get it from me. If it wasn’t for your buddy you wouldn’t be having that title.”
Joe: “Don’t sweat it, you’ll get him this time.”
Tails: “But still I don’t like having my cousin getting jump, and me losing to the guy who did it, to me that just make me look bad.”
Stylez: “Yeah, and you never did like making the family look bad.”
Tails: “Your damn right, me making them look bad, makes me look bad.”
Joe: “Wow that touches the hart.”
[They start to laugh.]
Tails: “See I did do something stupid last week, I went after Nos family, something he wanted me to do.”
Stylez: “Anyone would of done the same thing.”
Tails: “Yeah that’s true. Nos look at what I did to your little buddy V.I.P last week. I destroyed him. I showed him what happens when you jump me, I showed him what happens after I get up, I showed him why you don’t jump me, and just walk away. Now it’s time to show you Nos, what happens.”
Hart: “You destroyed V.I.P last week, I can only dream of what your going to do to Nos, this week on the PPV, with the ladder.”
Tails: “That ladder, and me are going to end Nos’s career.”
Joe: “I don’t think it will be that bad.”
Tails: “Well maybe not that, but it will be a bloody match.”
Joe: “That’s a lot better.”
Tails: “Nos you came in the WWA acting all tuff, saying you can take on anyone, and two weeks ago you might think you did that, but the truth is you didn’t. All you showed was that you cant fight your own battle. And me having Trick, and Bizarre over, that doesn’t help you ether. Them bringing the past back.”
Stylez: “Let me have this fool, I will give him a ass beating for you Tails.”
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Number of posts : 157
Registration date : 2006-12-31

Time For Round Two..(PPV #1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time For Round Two..(PPV #1)   Time For Round Two..(PPV #1) EmptyMarch 6th 2007, 12:47 am

[color=red]Tails: “Na I don’t need help, I don’t want to look like Nos, a bitch who needs people with him, just to go beat someone up. Nos this time I’m going into that ring, and I’m bringing the best of me with me. I don’t need it, but I’m going to make sure you don’t get right back up after the ass beating I’m going to give you. Your not going to forget about this match anytime soon.”
Stylez: “That IC title should be with you right now.”
Tails: “Hey I cant complain, you win some you lose some right?”
Stylez: “Well not me, I’m not a loser.”
[Tails just sits there, looking at Styles, while Stylez, and Joe have smiles on there face.]
Tails: “Yeah I almost forgot. Nos you been in this fed for to long, and I’m going to make sure you don’t get any father. I will bring you to a stop in your tracks. Cause see this time I can use a ladder, not that I need a weapons to beat your ass, but once again, its something I will use to stop you were your at.”
Stylez: “Joe you must just like seeing these kinds of matches come together.”
Joe: “Yeah I do, that’s why I like to book them.”
Tails: “This Saturday I will be walking into that ring with Nos again, this time the IC title will be hung above us, and the only way to get it, is by using a ladder to get it. And the one question I keep asking my self is, how dose one get ready for a match like this?”
Stylez: “You work your ass off, that’s how you get ready for a match like this.”
Tails: “And I’ve learned that there is no way to prepare for a cage match. There’s no way to prepare for the pain that will be inflicted. All you can do, it just deal with it. Having your head slammed in against the steal, you deal with it. Having blood pour down your face. You deal with it. I know for a fact that I can with stand the pain that I will go through. Nos, you can throw me off the ladder, into the. It won’t matter because nothing, and I mean nothing that you can dish out will keep me down long enough to get out of the cage. Nothing you can do to me that will make me want to quit. I’ve lived on the street when I was young. I’ve been beaten as a child and there is NOTHING you can do to me Nos that will break me. This is going to be a blood bath for a match. Wait, actually, this won’t be a match, this will be an all out fight. I have everything to lose in this match and everything to gain. On one hand, I could lose the IC title to you again. But on the other hand, I could win, get my IC title back, earning respect more than what I have now.”
Tails: “Nos, you cried, bitched and moaned when Trick, Trick Trick, and D12 chased you. But Saturday night, There’s going to be no crying bitching or moaning because the right man will win and once and for all we see just who is better between the two of us. No more game, no more being a little baby Nos. We will settle this so I can move on away from you and on to bigger and better things. Nos this you better come up with a better game plan, a better plane than just having one for your boys come to the ring, and having him hit me from behind, because tomorrow night I’m coming at you full force.
Stylez: “Damn bro, you really want this guy laying in his own bath of blood.”
Tails: “And that’s what is going to happen.”
Joe: “Damn you guys are on crazy family.”
Tails: “Nos, You are a nothing, a nobody. Hell, you not even that good. Your whole career was nothing but luck. And all that luck lead you to an inflated Ego. Well Nos, Prepare for your Ego to be popped. Expect a major dent in your career. Tails has just become your worse nightmare. We will go to hell and back Nos. I will rip your flesh and taste your blood. I will make you bleed and scream. I will break your bones and make you beg for mercy. The end of Nos will be this Saturday at Battlefield formation. There’s no getting ready for the pain I will inflict on you. The only think you can do Nos, is accept it and deal with it because I’m coming for you and I’m there’s no stopping me. Nos I will leave you in the middle of the ring, with nothing. I will be walking out with the IC title, and your blood on my hands. You will be leaving in a ambulance, just a bloody guy, nothing more than that.”
Hart: “Wow, I’m speechless.”
Joe: “Tails, you really want this guy to get seriously injured.”
Tails: “I’m going to make sure he dose. I’m going to show what happen when you push Tails to far. There only so much a person can take before he snaps, and start to take out people. And lets just say I snap, and Nos, your going to be the first I take out.”
Stylez: “Damn!”
Joe: “You’re a god damn psycho, I should of knew it when you did that thing with Cutie pie, just to join the new DX.”
Tails: “That was nothing, but it did give me nightmares. Nos talking about nightmares, your going to be having nightmares for weeks after this Sunday, all you going to see is you laying in a bath full of your own blood. Nos two weeks ago you got lucky, begging luck I guess, but this time is going to be different. When I‘m on top of the ladder taking my IC title down, I will sit there, and just look at you, laying in your own blood.”
Hart: “I want to see this match, right now.”
Stylez: “We should take this to the party room.”
Tails: “Hell yeah, that room is made fun, I even have a striper pool in it.”
Joe: “You’re a god damn psycho, I should of knew it when you did that thing with Cutie pie, just to join the new DX.”
Tails: “That was nothing, but it did give me nightmares. Nos talking about nightmares, your going to be having nightmares for weeks after this Sunday, all you going to see is you laying in a bath full of your own blood. Nos two weeks ago you got lucky, begging luck I guess, but this time is going to be different. When I‘m on top of the ladder taking my IC title down, I will sit there, and just look at you, laying in your own blood.”
Hart: “I want to see this match, right now.”
Stylez: “We should take this to the party room.”
Tails: “Hell yeah, that room is made fun, I even have a striper pool in it.”
Tails: “That was nothing, but it did give me nightmares. Nos talking about nightmares, your going to be having nightmares for weeks after this Sunday, all you going to see is you laying in a bath full of your own blood. Nos two weeks ago you got lucky, begging luck I guess, but this time is going to be different. When I‘m on top of the ladder taking my IC title down, I will sit there, and just look at you, laying in your own blood.”
Hart: “I want to see this match, right now.”
Stylez: “We should take this to the party room.”
Tails: “Hell yeah, that room is made fun, I even have a striper pool in it.”
Stylez: “We should take this to the party room.”
Tails: “Hell yeah, that room is made fun, I even have a striper pool in it.”
[All of the men get up and start to walk to the party room when the front door bell rings. Joe, and Harts keeps walking to the party room, while Tails, and Stylez walks to the living room.]
Stylez: “See bro I called a couple of stripers over for us.”
Tails: “Sweet, but you know Joe cant be around that shit.”
Stylez: Don’t worry I got that handle.”
Tails: “Ok.”
[Tails goes gets the front door, while Styles goes to the party room.]
Stylez: “Joe look it’s Will Smith!”
Joe: “Where?!”
Stylez: “Out there.”
[Joe gets up, and goes outside to go look for Will.]
Stylez: “That will keep him busy for a while, but let me just lock the door.”
[Just when Stylez looks the door, Tails walks in with the stripers.]
Tails: “Party Time.”
[About 10 minutes go by, when Ron Smith walks into the house, than he follows the music, and walks into the party room. And see‘s the stripers dancing.]
[color:5739=limegreen:5739]Ron Smith: "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = END = = = = = = = = =
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