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 Till the last pulse of blood escapes this Hart

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Till the last pulse of blood escapes this Hart Empty
PostSubject: Till the last pulse of blood escapes this Hart   Till the last pulse of blood escapes this Hart EmptyMarch 19th 2007, 10:15 am

[The camera fades in to show the familiar shack. You see that the old sign that once hung on the shack has been put up once more. It reads in blood scrawled letters “The Mortuary.” The chilly night air sends shivers up your spine, for the surroundings are eerily quiet. The camera begins to walk upon the deck to the shack, it looks into the room and it is pitch black. The camera then turns around and stumbles, Crimson Skull is standing on the steps. The camera steps out of Skull’s way as he makes his way up the steps and into the dark room, the camera then looks at the ground and reveals that Skull is dragging a bloody body bag. Once Skull has dragged the body bag inside, the light is flipped on. The camera slowly makes its way into the room, following Skull. Skull looks at the camera and gives an evil grin, he then bends down and lifts the body bag up and hoists it over his shoulder. He walks into another room and over towards what appears to be a closet. Skull opens the door to the closet and the camera is blinded by a bright green light. Once the camera’s focus is back, you can see Skull’s outline standing in front of the closet. He takes the body off of his shoulder and holds it before him for a moment before eventually tossing it into the vortex. The camera comes in over Skull’s shoulder as it shows the body bag floating farther and farther away, slowly. A shrill shriek is heard from within the closet as the rotting corpse of a woman begins floating towards the body bag, which is soon followed by several corpses. As more corpses gather, they begin to tear into the bag, tearing the body within to shreds, tearing limb from limb and doing as they please with whatever they detach from the body. Suddenly a hand reaches out and grips Skull’s arm. Skull doesn’t flinch, he merely pulls what has him closer, it appears to be another corpse, only half of its head is missing. Skull then releases the corpse and boots it viciously in the head, shattering the remnants of its skull. He then grips the door and slams it shut. Skull turns around and walks away from the camera into another half of the room. The camera shows Skull standing before a painting of him, Tamara, Barelai, and Marie. The camera comes closer to Skull as it gets a side profile of Skull, Skull begins to speak.]

“Appreciation….so, the fans would appreciate a match between me and Hart for the Anarchy World Championship…I guess, that gives me some appreciation as well. I would enjoy kicking Hart’s ass as a warm up for War Games as well as for Breakdown. Even though Hart is nowhere near as good as my opponent on Breakdown, or any one of my opponents at War Games, he will do good as a punching bag. Nevertheless, throwing in the title makes it worth the poor challenge of facing Hart. I will climb the ladder after I have demolished Hart in the ring, and claim the Anarchy World Championship. I will bring glory to that title that has been removed since Hart won it. I will make that title worth something, for as long as Hart holds it, it will remain a third rate title. The Anarchy brand has been a third rate show in the past, up until I started appearing on it. But now, the brand has a smart GM who knows how to book a show. And he was even smarter to book me in the main event for his title.”

[Skull steps closer to the painting, placing his hand on it and running his hand over it slowly. He continues.]

“Hart, I pity you. I honestly do, one man can only try so many times to beat something before he realizes he is never going to beat it. I am that something, Hart. I beat you last week in the tournament, and I am going to beat you again this week. This will make the third strike for you Hart. And once again, I will beat you for the title. But there is only so much that I can say about someone who means so little. And Hart, there isn’t much to say about you. Honestly, do you think that you holding that title is an accomplishment? You hold about the same claim to fame as Stylez does. Stylez was handed the title, and you were pretty much handed the title as welll. I mean look at the competition you went through. I don’t think you could even call it competition it was that pathetic of a tournament. Hart, you are a joke that is being told way too much. You holding that title, is a joke, you claiming to be something great is a joke. Basically, everything about you is a joke, and I am going to deliver the punch line to you face to face. But I am going to make it a mission for this match that you do not walk away from the ring you will have to be carried out on a stretcher. For the closer it gets to War Games, the more pumped I am getting and I am getting hungrier with each passing moment for gold and glory. Your title will be a mere appetizer. I will dine upon the richest delicacies this fed has to offer when I am declared the winner at War Games. Come this Sunday, I will be holding two World titles. And the irony of the situation is great, in order to win both those titles, I will dethrone two jokes of champions such as you and Stylez. Because you see, both of you equal the same in talent and are both pathetic champions. It is almost as if you were the same person, only under different names.”

[Skull begins laughing as he steps away from the painting.]

“But this game isn’t about name calling, it is about so much more. But I am sure, that it will come to down to name calling once you begin your cameo. Isn’t it sad that name calling is the only way you can get ahead of someone? You see, Hart I destroy punks like you on a daily basis. You walk into the situation on your high horse, feeling all high and mighty. When the only thing you are holding onto is your ego and your arrogance. But you will soon learn that neither of those two qualities can help you against me. Because all of you approach is psychological, to where you make yourself believe you are better than everyone, and when it comes down to offense, you luck out. But the difference between you and I is this, Hart. I will break a man mentally, destroy him psychologically before he physically faces me. That way, his arrogance and his ego have already let him down. All he is left with is his wit and his talent, something which you have neither of. Then, once I have broken him mentally, I continue my onslaught with the brutal physicality I am capable of. Then, I toy with my opponent until he can withstand no more, and is no longer able to continue. This Wednesday will be the most difficult test you have been put through in your life yet, Hart. And it will be the biggest match of your career thus far. It is sad that you will fail in both aspects, but that is the key to learning, you learn by your mistakes, and in this case, your mistake will be stepping into the ring with me. You may call yourself a God, and you may call yourself an Entity. But I will show you that you are neither, Hart. I will show you that you can bleed, I will show you that you are not the legend you claim to be. You may become a legend one day, Hart. But it won’t be for your victories, as I have said before, you will be known as the man that ALMOST beat Crimson Skull. The man that couldn’t get the job done no matter how hard he tried or how hard he cried. And claim to be all the shit that you want, Hart. Because claims to fame are all you will hold over yourself. You won’t be the entity that you hope to be, I don’t think you even know what the word means. You just spew the same shit out of your mouth day in and day out, hoping to make yourself look good. You try to say that I am the one that holds a few things over to make myself look great, but it is only to give you the same torture that everyone has to go through listening to you. You can dish it out, but when it comes to your turn to listen, you can’t take it. And go on and on all you want about being a Triple Crown Champion, I have some news for you junior, been there done that. The next Four Crown Champion won’t be Frank Hart, it is going to be Crimson Skull, and it is going to be on this Wednesday. But besides all that, the thing I find the most amusing is the fact that you say I am nowhere near your league, and not above it either. The amusing part to it is the fact that you can’t beat me, no matter who you call in or how lucky you get. So, keep on feeding yourself the lies that keep you going, and keep on telling yourself that you mean something, because on Wednesday I am going to show you exactly what you are. An over rated punk ass bitch. Do me favor in the mean time though, shine that belt up real nice for me. Call yourself a God, an Entity, call yourself whatever you feel like. But one thing is for damn sure, and that is Crimson Skull is coming to Anarchy Wednesday. Are you ready to face the Reaper, Hart?”

[Skull’s laughter is booming throughout the room, echoing off the walls. The camera focuses in on Skull’s face as the camera begins to lose signal. It shorts out for a brief moment, and once it returns to its signal, Skull is nowhere to be found. His laughter is still echoing, as the camera zooms in on the painting. It shows the Crimson Dynasty standing behind Skull, and one by one they all disappear, until Skull is left alone.]
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