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 A Wicked Demise

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Number of posts : 138
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-13

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Alignment: Neutral

A Wicked Demise Empty
PostSubject: A Wicked Demise   A Wicked Demise EmptyMarch 21st 2007, 1:01 am

The camera flickers on to show the outside of the Gregory Hills sanitarium. The rain is coming down in a torrent and the lightning cracks the sky open with a flash. The thunder booms as if the Angel’s are screaming their war cries. The camera zooms in on the building, which seems to abandoned, because no light or signs of life can be seen. The camera moves around the area showing the parts of the building that are severely damaged from an event of past epic proportions. The ground is cracked and the grass has grown to be many lengths high. A single, lone tree stands in the center of the yard, bare of all leaves and seeming to twist and contort horrendously.

As the camera panes around, the lightning lights the area and you see a silhouette standing upon the edge of the roof. The camera zooms in on them. Their hair is soaked and matted to their face as they look over the World. They show no movement and stand rigid. They wear no shirt and a large tattoo adorns their chest, leading down to their stomach. As the camera moves closer you immediately know that it is Kaos. He seems to be in a deep trance as he stares over the World that has forsaken him so many times.

Slowly, he looks away, reaching up to push his hair from his face. The rain has mixed well with his tears. His eyes are bloodshot and seem to show agony in its purest form. He looks up into the Heavens, allowing the rain to pelt his face. He closes his eyes and takes it in, the rain being soothing in its on way. He looks back over the land and a smile appears at the corner of his lips. He shakes his head and lets out a deafening burst of laughter. He clutches his stomach and bends over, seeming to almost fall from the roof at times.

“You know what I have done since I have been here is blame myself for all of this World’s flaws, but I do not hold that title alone. Individuals, such as you Wicked, claim that I am nothing more than an “EMO” child. That I cut for attention. It is all the same slanders. You are not original, for I have heard it multiple times. However, your story is flawed. I do not ask for pity, nor do I enjoy such. I do not want these worthless people that plague this World to look upon me with an ounce or remorse. Idon’t want their apologies for my life or for the way I have had to struggle. All I want from this World, is much the same as you. I want…..”

He stops and pulls something from his pocket. The lighting comes and it sparkles with the light; a razor blade. Kaos smiles at the camera.

“Look, I am getting more attention from the huddled masses, who have an ability to pity, but not change. Look at me, Wicked. I am no better than the pathetic child you “bravely” slaughtered. Pity me World! PITY ME!”

Kaos reaches up and runs the razor roughly across his neck. Blood I instantly flows heavy, drenching his body crimson. Kaos brings his hand down and tosses his head back allowing the blood flow to increase. He looks back at the camera.

“See Wicked, you are weaker than I. As I stand her and life seeps from me, I know you thirst for what you see. That is the difference between us. You make think I long for a wondrously happy existence, but I do not. I want nothing more than to see everyone suffer, even I. You, on the other hand, are forced into submission by your constant need of blood. You rely on the World, whereas I have no ties. Without them you die. You are even more pathetic than you have claimed me to be.”

Kaos begins to cough and blood pours from his mouth suddenly. He reaches up and wipes the blood from his mouth. He smiles and the blood has stained his mouth red. You can tell he is becoming weaker, for his skin is paling and he seems to be teetering upon his feet.

“You see Wicked, you may be evil. You may be able to take from me my life. You may be able to end my “so-called-flame,” but Wicked you forget your place. In this World you are no better than a beggar, who goes door to door asking for another cup of blood to hold him over. I am the one who walked the Shadows. I am the one that had the ability to condemn. You may be able to kill with simplicity, but I could banish. I could kill and condemn. You do not have that ability!”

Kaos begins to laugh once more and blood pours from his mouth. He slowly falls backwards onto the rooftop, as his strength has been completely depleted. The camera waits a second and when you do not see Kaos come back into focus, it races for the inside of the building. Once inside you see the camera jump as the cameraman runs up the stairs to the roof. It bursts through the door that leads to the roof and you see Kaos, still laughing and with his chin on his chest, slumped against one of the large square structures upon the roof. The camera zooms in on him.

He looks into the camera, with a crooked smile that descends more into madness with each moment. His face is splattered with blood and his body is nothing more than a red canvas. The camera moves to show Kaos in his entirety and you see he is holding something in his right hand. The camera zooms in slightly to show that it is a handgun. Kaos coughs and the camera moves back to his face.

“Wicked, this World is full of be who pretend to be something they are not. You and everyone else in this World are no more real than a wish. We all show the World an image, but in seclusion, when we are but around ourselves, is when we are true. Only when no one is watching. Only when no one can see us for whom we really are. I have watched so many nights as the World spins and everyone moves rapidly. I see fathers who rape their daughters, only to go out and be praised for their abilities in being a father. I see wives who brag about their husbands and then go home to a drunkard and become punching bags. I have watched Holy men, preach, and then sin without sorrow. And now Wicked, I have watched you try to become much like your mentor, Skull and try to be something that you have always longed to be; a monster. You adorn the fangs and taste the blood, but you are no more a monster than those sleeping in their homes as we speak. You just want pity Wicked. It is not I who wants the pity. It is you, for I do not pretend to be someone I am not. You just want the attention of this World and the fear that comes with it. You want to go down in history for people’s fear of you. You want to be remembered. I want to be forgotten. This Wednesday, Wicked, you will fade into the books. I will tower over you and your name will be forgotten. You are nothing, Wicked. Never forget that. You are nothing!”

Kaos, with what strength he has left, raises the gun and places it in his mouth. He pulls the trigger and as you hear the blast time seems to freeze. Kaos’s face is flinched and tears hang to the corners of his eyes. The World is for once silent. The camera goes into static and images begin to fade in.

The images range from people laughing to those with tears streaming down their faces. Some have looks of screams and agonies. Others are in horror. They are of every race and every age and gender. The images flash for only a brief second apiece and then are non-existent. Then as the last one begins to come into focus you see that it is off Hallow Wicked. He stands over someone who he has just feasted upon. Blood has stained his teeth and drips down the sides of his mouth. He has a smile that sends shivers down your back and his eyes are of ice.

Slowly, another image begins to overcome this one. It is of Wicked bowing to Crimson Skull and his shadow being caste over Wicked. Then this image fades slowly and the screen goes to black as the resounding of the gun blast returns.

The camera suddenly comes back with a picture. It shows the front of the Gregory Hills Sanitarium once more and then it panes around and back up to the roof. Kaos stands on the edge of the roof like before, still drenched from the downpour. It is as though time had jumped backwards and nothing had occurred.

The camera zooms in on Kaos. A smile is etched across his face. The lightning comes and when it does an image of Wicked overtakes Kaos for a brief second. When all of the light from the streak is gone Kaos is once again himself, with the eerie smile. He chuckles to himself and pushes his hair out of his face. He then looks deep into the camera.

“Hallow be thy name.............”

Kaos begins to laugh and the camera moves away from him back towards the ground. Suddenly, an ear piercing scream is heard and the camera goes back to where Kaos had been. He is no longer there. The camera moves quickly to find him, but he is nowhere to be found.

As the camera turns around Kaos’s face comes into view. He screams and the screen goes into static. Within the static, at an almost audible whisper, you hear:

“Everyone will suffer………..”

Then an image appears in the static of Kaos holding the head of Wicked, blooding dripping from what looks to be part of his spinal cord. Then the screen goes to black.
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