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 Lets Start War Games #1

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Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Lets Start War Games #1 Empty
PostSubject: Lets Start War Games #1   Lets Start War Games #1 EmptyMarch 21st 2007, 6:26 pm

Experience Hart!

Hart: I’m sure your all wondering what happened with that phone call that I made last week to my partna, simply put I’ll get to that later for as important as it is to me, it has no merit on the Title Savings Match this week, so I’ll get into that at a later point, when I’m ready to.
Hart rubs his chin as he stands there with all three of his titles laying on the coffee table.

Hart: Failure is something that I refuse to have attached to me in any way shape or form and yet it still clings to me like the smell of TM, clings to your clothes when you walk past him in the hallway, I mean really can’t anyone else smell that? – No don’t answer it’s a rhetorical question, for god sakes. Of course everyone else can smell that, it simply stinks up the place, it’s no wonder that Booby Ocean gets along so well with him, I mean one just physically stinks and the other well he both literally & figuratively stinks up the ring. Ya I know how can a guy both be literal and figurative, I’m not sure but I’m sure it’s the same way a guy can both suck and blow when it comes down to skill in the ring. I’m talking about Booby Ocean for those of you that can’t keep up.

Hart starts to shine his US championship

Hart: See Booby seems to be a unique wrestler who thinks that all the tough talk in the world will actually make him a bad ass or at the very most a better wrestler. What he seems to fail to realize is the fact that you large framed and can talk tough doesn’t indeed make you a threat. All it does is make you delusional, I mean really Ocean do you ever listen to yourself when you talk? You talk a lot and yet say nothing of importance or ever speak the truth, the only person who even seems to buy into is your running buddy and even then I hear he’s only around cause you pay him. Getting back on track though, as I was saying you had the gull to sit there last week and say that you, you deserved to be in this Title Savings Match… what fucking memo did I miss that said the guy with quite possibly the worst win loss record I’ve ever seen gets a shot to be top dog? What’s even more mind boggling is how you think it should just be handed to you, because of who you are… THE FUCK? Seriously – it should be handed to you, as if I mean really who the hell are you?

Shakes his head

Hart: Again rhetorical question there me big, strong, and also dumb. So don’t answer with Booby Ocean, Don’t answer at all because I’m going to tell you exactly who you are. Your just another guy who think wow I’m build like a truck, maybe if I talk tough I’ll get somewhere, but see you couldn’t be further from the truth the only thing it will ever get you is an ass kicking at the hands of a talented wrestler. Like myself or well basically anyone else because you’re lacking a lot in that ring, to the point where it’s almost remedial. It never stops amazing me as I see the results from week to week at how despite you having an overall career record of what? Something like Two Six and none. That you believe you are the greatest wrestler in the JWF, I find that quite stupid to say the least. I mean how in the world do you think a record like that means you should be in a world title match at War Games, and not just this Title Savings match.

Looks around, at everything around him

Hart: Perhaps what you should be asking is how did I get so lucky to get into this title savings match. I mean that’s the real question, because incase you haven’t figured it out from most of your matches you get your ass kicked, especially when it comes down to a time to either put up or shut up. No matter how many times it comes to that point Ocean the same thing happens to you time and time again you get shut up. That fact will be no difference come this Sunday when we step into that ring at War Games! That match will mark just another time where you big mouth and purely tunneled vision of I’ll smash you will blow up in your face. You can think that just because your bigger then I am or just because you talk a tough game… or so you think. That it will put you over the top but it won’t, it’s like the old saying goes, those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Hart grabs his AWB tag-team title…The same title he won against the team of revenge INC. Who members were Ocean and TM!

Hart: Repeat it you shall Booby – because it’s obvious you haven’t learned from your mistakes in the past. Unlike myself who has had faults but as with anything it’s what you learn from the faults that makes you a true force. Something you clearly don’t understand, well one of the many things you don’t understand. The point is Ocean for as big and tough as you think you are, that doesn’t mean anything when you step foot in this ring and face someone who actually knows what there doing. I will just be another on the list of people that beat you, in another important situation because you bought into your self-created hype. Let that be a lesson to you Ocean don’t talk a big game unless you can back it up, and clearly you are yet to do that, and there is no way in hell that your going to start backing it up in a match against me. You may look at me and say pfft no problem but mark my words, size doesn’t matter in this ring. The only thing that matter is HEART and determination. I have both… combine that with something else your missing like oh I don’t know. Drive and ability and you’ll soon see what we all see when we look at you that you have nothing. Nothing at all… Nothing at all to offer to the wrestling world except a cheap laugh at your antics, and occasionally funny one-liners. Which Im sure are pity rips offs from others!

Amazing isn’t it that for as much as you have always talked, you’ve been proven wrong in the end and it seems as if that will happen once again, no in fact I know that will happen once again because unlike you I learn from my mistakes and don’t repeat them. You just continue blindly down the same path and continually when it’s all on the line end up fucking it up. Just face the cold hard facts Ocean your not up to par with anyone in this happenstance tournament and when you combine that with the fact that your up against me, while I’m as driven as I am, then you have no chance in hell. So say the same old tired things this week about how your better then me and everyone else … blow the smoke out your ass like you always do, the wrestling world will ignore you and you’ll walk out of the War Games with nothing to show, but another lose… just like you walk out of every other high stakes match, another failed attempt in vein to show you can actually amount to something. That’s all that’s left for you to do Booby is, except what fate has brought you – your going to win the Title Savings match, sure ya ok… whatever you say big boy. Go put that crown next to your Tag Team Title. – Oh wait you don’t have one of those do you?

Hart smiles as he tosses the AWB tag title back on the table

Hart: Why is that Ocean? After all you’re the big shot the guy that everything should be handed to right? Then why do you have nothing oh that’s right because you simply suck. There’s nothing more needed to be said at this point is there Booby? Nope nothing, except you better be ready otherwise despite you being bigger then me, I’m going to wrestle circles around you. Power game or not man, it’s well known that a great little man, can beat a sub par big man any day of the week, and I’ll prove that, I’ll only need one mistake on your part, one simple slip up, and it will be all over I’ll take advantage and win. Your hopes and dreams of winning the tournament will be done the second you make a mistake, and after watching your matches I’ll have plenty of opportunities. Ending your hope will happen with one mistake … you slip up and it’s over and done with. In the end of our match I’ll get my hand raised and be declared the winner. Since everyone knows, pure talent beats raw power, and brains beats brawn, so I win, hands down. That or just look at your record either way that story will have the same lesson and the same ending. For those who work for things will get what they deserve, those who demand get nothing but another harsh lesson.

This Title Savings match may mean a chance circumstance but for you- there is no chance left, there is no way you’ll be getting that contract. Take that to the bank… pretend it doesn’t matter, call me a liar, do with it what you will but when I not only out wrestle and embarrass you on Sunday you will understand exactly why my future is so bright, I have to wear shades.

Wow… seriously – I can’t believe people still think I’m a failure at things … look at that guy. You want an example of a failure look no further than Ocean.

Because that – That’s a failure.

Labels may be everywhere but failure isn’t one that suit’s me … if your going to label me then do it correctly.


Hart smirks
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Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Lets Start War Games #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lets Start War Games #1   Lets Start War Games #1 EmptyMarch 21st 2007, 6:26 pm

Hart: That’s right, I am the sleeper of the JWF, I mean who the hell has been paying attention to me? No one! Went into the first Anarchy tournament and won it…Became the AWB champion…Went back the following week and killed Revenge INC. And became the AWB Tag-team champion, then two weeks ago, I defeated the Warrior Chance and became the US Champion! And Im still ranked at midcarder…Sleeper…you bet your ass!

Hart shakes his head

Hart: Christian Faith, Looks like we get yet another chance to go head to head…Man haven’t you gotten enough ass kicking’s by me? I see you Living up in that nice house of yours, with a full bar and all of the accommodations that come with it. You think I respect you because of your life? You don't know what respect is son!

Don't make me laugh Faith. I may not have all of the material components around me that you do, but that's just my point. You've grown soft. You've forgotten what it's like to scrap for food, if you ever really knew that feeling in the first place. Have you ever gone to sleep wondering if you'd even wake up to see another day? Wondered if tomorrow was really going to be any different? No, of course you haven't. You’re the great Christian Faith! The man who sent fair into everyone he stepped up against! Everyone except ME!

He shrugs

Hart: Maybe you forgot that ride you took off that there cage back in the SWF? Hell maybe its all a blur…But eighter way I own your ass, and always will! It's time for this shit to come to an end. You think you're just going to step into the ring with me and I'm just going to bend over and let you rape me? Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY alive has ever defeated ME when there was something riding on the line! They've defeated my tag-team partners, they've even won by disqualification... but no one alive has ever beaten me. What makes you so sure that you'll be the first? Because in your own twisted fantasy world, you believe that you're something greater than what you really are? Because your Havana Cabana girlfriend tells you so? It's cool though Faith, go ahead and do the typical Promo for War Games, go ahead and crack jokes and go waste your time hanging out and spending time with your friends. Look around and really realize what you have to lose. You have everything that goes along with being "A Legend" to lose. Once the gravity of the situation finally sinks in, I'm sure you'll come back at me with your half-witted one liners that seems to get under everyone else's skin. But what's new from you eh? Talk your shit Faith, I have no problem showing everyone how big of a joke you really are.

A smile

Hart: What's running through your mind I wonder? Can you feel everything crumbling down around you? I hope so. I hope that you look over your shoulder everywhere you go. I hope that I follow you in thought everywhere, to the point where you feel my fiery hot breath on the back of your neck. Twisting reality until you see my merciless eyes on everyone's face, from your girlfriend to every fan in the audience. Tearing your mind apart until reality and fantasy begin to mix together and begin to crumble that shell that you wear.

Ahh, I can almost see it now. You, sitting at home, listening to my words cut through your lies like a sword. Smoking a menthol cigarette to calm your nerves, while you tremble in fear. Your hoe of a wife rubbing your arm, trying to build your ego back up with the many lies of the past that you've spewed out. Cold sweat running down your forehead... that is until the cameras come on. You may be shaken on the inside, but you're not one to show it. You throw on that thick mask that's defended your fear for so long. You stick that patented 'Legend Brand Cigar' in your mouth, you smile your typical 'I'm better than you' smile, and you play to the audience. How's it feel to be nothing more than a con? Nothing more than a joke that no one can say to your face.

This is shit I've been doing to you for years, and I only get better at it every week. You're just another self-proclaimed legend that's about to once again get defeated by HART. Think you will pull an upset? what makes you so special?

Hart pauses for a second

Hart: NOTHING! Hell your about to get your ass handed to yea by Scarlett Williams! How bout you actually win a match before you step up to me! But, you're 'The GREAT CHRISTAIN FAITH’ aren't you? I don't suppose you'd let something like that hold you down. So now you swallow your fear and replace it with rage, which is where I feel you are in your constantly changing array of moods. The rage that burns so strongly that it makes your skin feel hot to the touch. That rage of being the kid that every bully picked on throughout school... but now it's graduation day, and you're the one with the sniper. Thinking back on every wrong doing that ever happened to you, and drawing the strength from those memories to pull that trigger over, and over again. A piece of your soul leaving in every shot and slowly draining you of your essence until you're really nothing more than the shell you were in the first place. Any way you look at it, I'd say you're fucked.

I can see every possible angle you could ever come at me with. Rage, respect, arrogance, ego-trip, god complex... I could go on all day. You're just too predictable Faith. And do you know why? It's because you fail to realize that you're NOT better than everyone else. You may be one of the elite, you wouldn't have this Title Savings chance if you weren't... but you're certainly not the biggest fish in this pond. An eye for an eye Faith, isn't that how you worked it out with The other fuckers in the SWF? Well, I think it's time I repay you the favor. After I'm finished beating the Title savings contract from your hands and sending you crashing down with a DDT off the ladder, I'm going to humiliate you, but I'm going to do it a little differently than you can think of. I'm going to take my shiny new contract, and mash it into your skull until the case is permanently stained with a tint of red. Don't worry, you're blood will remain eternal long after your memory is gone.

And your memory will fade away. The cracks in your facade are visible now. I'm just going to chip off a few small pieces, your broken pride will finish the job for me. If you ever swallow your pride and come to grips with how things really work, than you might be able to make a come back. Who knows, it seems like a long shot I know, but you could even get that hunger that you've never felt. Learn how to twist it and use it to your advantage. Than, maybe you'll realize why I live alone in a small apartment. Why I drive a beaten down car, why I train every day, and why I'm going to destroy you at Happenstance. I found that hunger, and I'm not going to lose it for anyone, or anything. I turn that hunger into my ally and use it to my advantage in the ring. It's my heart and soul that drives me above anything you could ever dream of accomplishing. One day you may find what you've been missing, and I'll be more than happy to give you a friendly boot toward the right direction. Because at War Games, you're going to find out the hard way that you just don't have what it takes to stop me!

Hart takes a sip of his drink, to stay lose as he goes on

Hart: You would think you would already have realized this back in the SWF…Oh will…

A smile

Hart: Moving on to the up and coming star of DXLATIN! This is a guy who has been making some big noise as of late, I mean he goes around demanding matches, demanding shots, pretty much goes around demanding everything he should have! Like this shot at this title savings contract, let me get something through your head once and for all Latin. No one cares about what you’ve done, have done, or any of your past accolades. No one cares if you want to but fuck King Of DX. No one cares. You barely got by Storm, and you can’t come to grips with that. Hell, A wins a win, worry less about King of DX and start worrying about this title savings shot!

What your need to start to realize is that You’re not as good as you say you are! Your not as good me, so now you must look down the barrel of a loaded gun, choke on your own spit, and become another victim of a tragic requiem of the JWF SLEEPER!

See DXLATIN I’m not out for your respect. I could care less if you respected me or not. There’s an entire locker room of people who don’t respect me. There are millions and millions of people out there who don’t respect me. I could care the fuck less. I’m not out to shake your hand and offer you pity. I don’t care if you’ve lived in shitty conditions or not. I can care less about why you call yourself DXLATIN! So what if it’s the gayest in ring names since WWE'S GILberg! You know nothing about me, so don’t even try to come at me!

All Your promos have been nothing but hysterical.

You know, I’ve heard about a million people call me a so-called Fluke or not even acknowledge my name as that. See, Latin, you should understand one thing. You’re a pauper to God, you call him by his correct name. You’re like the Roman, a man in a cesspool of nobodies. You’re nothing, Latin. Yeah, I tell everyone this but for you it’s true. Listen to you Latin, you think you’re better than you really are. You, yourself, have an ego and you hate to admit it! Your nothing but a Markey Mark look a like!

You’re not ready for this spotlight.

Hart smiles as his face shins with gold, beaming off three of his titles!

Hart: You’ve fallen deep into your own hype it’s unreal. Tell me that my one liners or my threats don’t hurt you and then rewind your own promo and watch it again Latin. Tell me that I’m not as good as I say I am and look at where I am and where you’re not. Try and expose me as a joke but you’ll be just a lonely soul having a good time exposing yourself as the real joke. Try and tell me I’m stuck thinking I’m above myself in a twisted little world and then look at yourself in the mirror, Latin. You’ll realize you’re exactly what you hate and this will be your downfall. See I told you, You’re not ready.

Shakes his head

Hart: The only thing that will get removed is your existence come War Games. I show you that the classics never die and not even I can change the past. The past will be three seconds before my hand is raised in victory with the Title contract blowing in the wind. The past will be your head ricocheting off the mat and my cold eyes staring at your decayed body. The past can’t change what you really are Latin!

He thinks to himself about how much Latin isn’t ready.

Hart: When this match is over, and when your body drops to the matt, Your whole existence will not make a sound, because in reality, you don’t make a sound. You tip toe through everything, making your record sound loud. You’ve never faced anything as loud as yours truly. You’ve beaten people who were on their last limb or people who swim in that cesspool of jobbers you have plunged yourself in. You won’t make a sound and people won’t remember who the fuck you are.

I’ll tell you this right now, Latin. You bring everything you got. Bring the chisel to chip away at my ‘cracked façade’. Bring these thoughts of changing me. The only thing that will change at War Games is you. You will change into something you do not want to be. You should know this by now Latin. If you know anything about me then you know you’re not going to win this mind fuck session. Because I’ve already been in there Latin. I was in there Monday and when you speak about calling out King of DX, instead of addressing the Title savings match, I’m in there. War Games will be your resting place. I’ll even bring you a pillow. Not to sleep on it though. You’ll be biting it while I proverbially rape you to become the newest holder of the Title savings contract!

Hart gets up

Hart: Intensity, Desire, and Heart is what makes me the victor of this epic ladder match!

* Done *
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