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 This Black man is the king of Flames

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Ron Smith
Ron Smith

Number of posts : 17
Age : 36
Registration date : 2007-02-03

This Black man is the king of Flames Empty
PostSubject: This Black man is the king of Flames   This Black man is the king of Flames EmptyMarch 28th 2007, 7:11 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen..... This is a Smithversal Production..... Sexyback!

Ron: It starts..... The day of hopefully, the beginning of my reign on top of the food chain. The night of hopefully, silencing all my critics and haters once and for all. I was once touted as the future of this business, but I'm sick of waiting for the future. I want to be the business today. I cannot wait ideally back while others get all the glory and recognition. The time has finally come, for yours truly, to step right up to the plate and get ready to hit the Grand Slam winning home run to win the game. And keep this here KOF championship! That is what I wanna do and Ill be damned if some craka is gonna stop me. Don't care what anybody else has to say. Don't care if you are my boss or some damn road agent looking for something to do beside sitting on your ass. I'm going to make this happen. Im gonna be the best KOF champion there ever was…”

Ron: “It's not about selling merchandise, signing autographs, kissing babies and all the other stuff that comes with being a huge JWF superstar, that’s for The MAN, and the Craka’s to do, Im to busy keeping my title and spreading the word of Black Power!”

Ron: “Respect or no respect. Doesn't change the situation by any means. I still have a task that I need to complete and I have put it off for way too long. Been sidetracked on other things. Such as wrestling with a almost un touched record, focusing on my rap career and even my inevitable career in Hollywood suckas. That's all on the backburner now. I only have one thing that my mind is set to, that being the King Of Flames Championship. I will do everything in my power, to make sure that's the way it goes down.”

Ron: “And what makes things a lot sweeter. Is that this challenge is even more difficult than I thought it would be. Even with this Craka no-showing all around! About a year ago, I knew this was something I wanted to do and after many, many months of going for it all, I have failed, multiple times. But hey, the average person would have given up by now. But I am not no average person. I'm RON “MOTHERFUCKING“ SMITH. Extraordinaire and then some at what I do. Whether people like it or not. Just speaking the truth.”

Ron: “The time is drawing ever so near. What people don't know about me, is that on the eve of a big title defense. I do feel the butterflies in my stomach. Just because I'm confident, doesn't mean I am not a tad nervous about what goes down. I prepare for the worst case scenario. I know it's a bad thing to look through things that way. But after my troublesome years of growing up. I have always had that mind set. Can't think any other way, no matter how hard I try.”

Ron: “Then again, the time has come for me to put my hands up. Time for me to finally get off my ass and do something about this KING OF FLAMES situation. Everyone wants to see this craka the new KOF champion, to bad it aint happen, Im gonna smack this cocksucker like he was my bitch!”

Ron: “This Craka knows what he has to do, I know what I have to do. In the end, it is gonna come down to who wants it most and quite frankly, nobody wants it more than me. I would bet my life on that. Plus, that is what a fortune teller once told me..…”

March 28th, 1998 (Trip to the past!)

The scene is Tweed Mall, a shopping centre on the Gold Coast, Australia. This story centers around a young Ron Smith with a group of his childhood friends. They start talking about things that would love to do and things they think none of them will ever do. Then they all spot a sign, an advertised sign that states,

"Sasha: The Fortune Teller..... Here Today..... One Day Only!"

The childhood friends of Ron, now knowing of something hilarious going on that day, dare young Ron, to go see Sasha and have his fortune read to him. He immediately tries to get out of it by asking his boys to think of another dare. But they are sticking to their guns, and putting the pressure on for Ron to go see her. After minutes of pushing and enticing, Ron eventually succumbs and agrees to do this dare. He then the small stall where Sasha is with the boys laughing hysterically at the fact, Ron is going through with this.

Ron then sees Sasha, a woman from the looks of things is in her mid thirties, sporting all black clothes with a red scarf around her neck. As Ron looks at her, he sits right across from her and her crystal ball.

Sasha: Your name is Ron Smith correct?
Ron Smith: Yes it is. I wonder which one of the boys put you up to this?
Sasha: None of the boys put me up to this. You did?
Ron Smith: Don't trip I haven't even paid you.
Sasha: Yes you did. I received $50 to have your fortune read and you already gave it to me.
Ron Smith: You must be hallucinating. I haven't paid you a friggin' dime.
Sasha: Check your wallet Smith.

Ron then in confusion, pulls out his wallet and looks to see how much money he has in it.

Sasha: How much money do you have in it?
Ron Smith: $150.
Sasha: How much did you have before you came to the mall?
Ron Smith: $200.

Then within a instant he said that. Ron realized he is missing $50, the same $50 Sasha claims that she had already received from him.

Ron Smith: Holy shit!
Sasha: Should we get started?
Ron Smith: Did you just pickpocket $50 from me?
Sasha: How could I? I never even touched you. Now let's begin.
Ron Smith: Alright let's get this over with.

Sasha then starts stroking her hands along the crystal ball with her eyes closed. She then starts humming strange noises from her mouth with Ron just looking on in confusion.

Sasha: I see that you have been through some tough times in your life so far.
Ron Smith: And you can tell that by rubbing a crystal ball? Screw that. You can just tell that from my fake, imitation pimp gear that I am wearing.
Sasha: I notice that indeed, you have been through hard times. And that you in fact, currently hate your life and everything in it. You feel like the entire world hates you.
Ron Smith: Well who could blame me? I am a young black kid that is barely able to afford his own food, clothes and shelter.
Sasha: I know you hate life. But there will be a tragedy that occurs, that will change your life forever. It will change your whole perspective on life.
Ron Smith: I highly doubt that. Nothing worse can happen in my life. Keep going.
Sasha: After this certain tragedy, you will then realise what you wanna do with your life. You will become a..... Professional wrestler.
Ron Smith: Professional wrestler? You must be trippin'. Aren't you?
Sasha: I know what I see..... And I see you have a bright future ahead of you in professional wrestling. In fact, I see you accomplishing so much as a professional wrestler.
Ron Smith: Really? Like what?
Sasha: You will supposedly win many championships in some company that will be known for taking no limits.
Ron Smith: A company that takes no limits? Sounds pretty gay.
Sasha: Does it sound gay that around ten years from now you will win the company's King Of Flames championship
Ron Smith: Let me get this straight for a minute shawty..... You mean to tell me..... That as a professional wrestler, I will become a Champion? And hold it for a long time?
Sasha: Yes Smith. Your destiny has been set. Your big shot will come against Wicked!
Ron Smith: Wicked? Sounds like some goomba bitch that gets whacked in one of those Godfather movies. This doesn't sound like something I would do down the road. Never thought about getting involved in the professional wrestling industry. Very intriguing stuff. What's gonna happen after that? Will I hold it for years? Will I be known as the greatest ever by my peers? What's gonna happen.
Sasha: That will remain a mystery.
Ron Smith: What! After what you have told me, about what's gonna happen down the line to me. You can't even answer my question.
Sasha: The reason I cannot answer your question is I can only go so far into the future of a certain individual. After you winning the KOF Title. The rest of your future is a blur. Because the future in the distance has not been determined yet. And when it does, I am sure the powers above will lead us to what it is we are meant to do next.
Young Ron Smith: What the fuck are you on about? I knew psychics were mental but, damn!
Sasha: Listen, you wanted to know your fortune. And I gave it to you. I told you what the near future holds for you. The rest is up to you and what you do. After all, the powers above have our paths determined already, it's just all about us working it out for ourselves.
Ron Smith: Again, more pointless random gibberish on your behalf.
Sasha: Looks like our time is up Ron. I would like to thank you for coming to see me. We will meet again in the future.
Ron Smith: Don't bet on it chickenhead.

Then Ron gets up from his position and begins to walk away and just as he is about to exit, he turns around getting ready to say something else to Sasha, but to his confusion. She has just vanished. With only her crystal ball still in it's same position. Ron then looks to see if there is another way out of the stall, but there isn't. In sort of a expression that shows confusion and freakiness. Smith quickly exits the stall and quickly rushes away from the scene and out of the mall.

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