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 Thanks for holding my title #1

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Thanks for holding my title #1 Empty
PostSubject: Thanks for holding my title #1   Thanks for holding my title #1 EmptyApril 21st 2007, 3:31 pm


[He was eager, and ready to jump the gun to attain what had been sought after for a long time now. There wasn't any more time to sit and wait. He was ready to make the most of this opportunity given forth to him. He had developed himself for this exact moment, practice upon practice, to be ready when it was time.]

[There wasn't sweat on his palms. He had been in this situation before, and he knew what he was going to say and do. He was certain as shit, that he would be successful. Besides, his opponent weren't as focused as he was. And he has been as successful as anyone can claim against his foe…He was prime, and ready to go. Ready to take back his World Title]

[But then there were the doubts.]

[He wouldn't be human without them, as much as he believed he wasn't. This was going to be bigger than anything before. This was IT. This was the moment he'd been waiting months for. It was achieving, or failing. And failure wasn't an option.]

[But it was. He knew what could happen. He knew how dangerous his opponent is. Doubts settled in, clouding every thought. He truly was nervous, though he'd never tell you if you asked.]


[Sun poured through the cracks of the drawn shades, illuminating certain parts of the room. The alarm buzzed in sequence, awakening Stylez from his dream engulfed slumber. His eyes opening in to horizontal slits, he reached over and slapped the off button.]

:: Fucking early:
[He proclaimed, as he pushed himself up to his knees, as if doing a half push up in the bed. Looking to his right, he found Jada, lying beside him, peacefully sleeping.
That had been the first rude awakening.]

[Slightly in shock, and wondering how much he had drank last night, he pulled himself from atop the bed, and dragged himself to the bathroom. Flicking the light switch up, he stood before the toilet, pissing away the remnants of last night.]

[After finishing, and giving himself a couple shakes, he stepped in front of the mirror. Bending down to the faucet, he turned the switch and began to gather a puddle of water between his hands; splashing the cool water against his face. After turning off the faucet, Galen looked back up in to the mirror, his eyes widening in shock at what he saw.]

[Before him, was the reflection of himself almost two years ago. The bags beneath his eyes had vanished, and his skin looked less worn. He looked like he was still fresh to the game.]

[He looked successful.]

[He placed both hands on the edges of the sink, holding himself up as he continued to stare in disbelief. Cowering his head down, and holding his eyes shut, he concentrated on what he just saw.]

::The fuck? I'm losing it.::
[He said aloud, as he looked back up at himself in the mirror, seeing the exact same thing he had moments before.]

[It had been a long time since he had seen himself like this. He had grown accustomed to the nappy beard and hair style in dire need of a cut. Before him were a respective looking man, tight fade, and slick line up. Absolutely no facial hair sprouted from his mug.
Rubbing his hands along his face, he felt his smooth skin, and close shaven hair cut. His build was back to its lean, muscular look; rather than that of a depleted-looking coke addict.]

::Damn man.::
[Stylez said, again out loud. Shaking his head in disbelief again, he walked out of the bathroom and in to the bedroom. Once he got in, Jada began to stir beneath the covers, and began muttering to Johnny.]

"Baby, you got to go to the gym so early?"
[She said, her words muffled from beneath the covers.]

[Awkwardly, Stylez paused, and looked back at her through the darkened room.]
::Um... Yeah... I have to get in a quick workout. I'll be back in a couple hours.::
[He replied, as he strode to his closet, flicking on the light switch beside the doors. Inside the closet hung many crème colored, pin stripe suits. Numerous pairs of designer jeans, and dress shirts. A rack of expensive ties and shirts. Clothing he had worn what seemed like lifetimes ago.]

[For the first time in a long time, Stylez felt like he was himself.]

[He felt like a...]

[What was the word he was looking for?]



‘The smell was putrid and fierce, yet still awoke the old demons that lay within me; hidden for ages before. I had hidden myself as of late, becoming a shell of myself as of late. There had been mumbles that I was something of the past. Sitting behind the shadows, biding my time, I knew the truth. I knew the game plan the entire time.
But they were partially correct. There wasn't the same determination within, as there had once been. My motivation had been shot, and I had been fueling myself on frustration. What was once my ownership had changed hands to those around me? I was a shadow in the eyes of others. Coming and going, never actually placing my mind in the business.
I searched and searched for motivation, only to find disappointment to overwhelm me.]

[There wasn't room for failure anymore.]

[You've heard the comments about me. You've heard about underachievement, and lack of dedication.]

[This time I look within, searching for a sole reason to present my best.]

[This time, I actually found what was inside of me. Rather than bottling it up, and spewing it towards some unrecognizable newbie; I'm speaking with my heart. My soul.
Call it corny, but it makes me as dangerous as I was two years ago.]

[The thoughts of walking away, have frequently crossed my mind, dwelling deep within. But pushing them aside, I've decided to stride back to the top.]

[The smell I spoke about earlier was sweat and blood. Remnants left from my reign at the top. Aluminum folding chairs scattered the area, as I placed myself upon one. Head down; eyes closed, I placed my head din my hands. A legacy clouded my name. A legacy that quite possibly could be forgotten.]

[The is no need to reminisce. What I did before, could've been a fluke. Actually, I wish it had never happened. I lost my dignity along with my belt to Crimson Skull. I lost my pride to him as will.]

[What else is there to lose?]

[I can't think of anything.]

[Maybe I should have been that good guy. The guy that the fans chant for when they feel like they're at their lowest. Maybe I should've been a face, aligning myself with the likes of the heros.]

[But then I'd be just like them.]

[I built something so amazing, and sacred, that others wished they could claim it as their own. I've been a teacher and a mentor.]

[But reminiscing isn't what's going to put me where I need to be.
My name is Johnny Stylez. You know who I am. Everyone knows who I am.
It's time to become KING, again.]

[It's a reunion.]

[Not so much.]

::People’s Choice will decide my future. I've told you where my comeback to the top would end. I've laced fire in to everyone who has stepped up before me, Laced fire to become the number one contender, I laced fire into being a 3 time World Champion, only to be given the brunt side of a Wargames lose. But that didn't upset me. I was the better man, it just didn't work out to how I'd like. You Skull, can hold onto that victory.::

::You earned it, for the time being!::

::But then again, I've held the big one. I've run with it, and was unstoppable. I've made something out of those few who were nothing. They've watched and learned from the likes of me, becoming amazing themselves.::

::So what makes you think I won't win this time around?::

::I've lusted for this chance again. I've been fucked over by you and your dead lackeys for that fucking title. I've allowed you, Skull, to watch my every move, and adapt from it. You're what you are because of me. You are successful because of ME.::

::I gave up my Kingdom out of stupidity. I want that fucking thing back, and I'll go through any mother fucker to do it. I can taste it, boys. I can smell the faintness of success. It's like the scent of blood; encouraging, and frenzying me. I've been waiting a long time to step back to the top of the mountain.::

::I'm not letting you fucking stop me!::

::I'm finishing the last chapter of my legacy. Hall of Fame bound, I'll be wearing that World title when I retire. I just hope you don't take it personally.::

::It's just business.::

::I will be the fucking KING.::
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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Thanks for holding my title #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thanks for holding my title #1   Thanks for holding my title #1 EmptyApril 21st 2007, 3:32 pm

::And there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop me! What you thought I would back down because the match is a chamber of horrors match? Get bent my friend! Because the way I see it, is this match is a disadvantage to you as it is to me!::
::Sure, the last time we inside a structure you left with the World title, But Kaos isn’t in this one, So unlike Wargames, you have to cover me, you have to make me submit, you have to get the victory over me! ALONE!::
:: Which thus far has been a up hill battle for yea!::
::Did you think that bitch more you pulled last week, was gonna give you the upper hand going into the Chamber of Horrors match?::
::All that did was motivate me some more!::
::Lets get one thing straight Bra, There is only one thing that stands between two men at the People’s Choice. One thing defines one man and defines what one man wants to be. Championship gold is what this is all about. Not respect and not anything else. This is for all the bragging rights. This is for everything we’ve both dreamed of.::

::It’s the Legend vs. Crimson Skull. It’s The Entity against The Insane Killer.::

::A Legend Killer? Not a chance.::

::Skull, don’t make this match anything else. Don’t try and force the thought of respect down my throat. Don’t try and gag me with words of you wanting this one chance to face my Legacy. This is about championship gold and that’s all it will ever be about. It was great you got on up on me when you pinned Kaos and walked out of Wargames the champion.::

::But in this Chamber, You’re going to be the victim of MY LEGACY!::

::You’re going to be the victim of a man who puts the asses in the seats and the one who keeps you employed. You’re going to be the victim of the one who has done it all and beaten them all. The list ranges from Hallow Wicked to Joe Santiago jr. to Joe Santiago Sr. to yourself (on numerous times may I add) to just about everyone who has crossed paths with me. You’re about to be the victim of the man who when was champion had JWF sitting comfortable in the promise land.::

::Skull, are you ready?::

::This match is not going to be for the faint at heart. You see, there is more to this match than you understand. When I get past you, everyone else is cake because I’ve beaten them all. I even beaten you more times then I can remember.::

:: And your name still keeps getting paired to mine? Conspiracy? I think so!::

::Are you ready?::

::This is what I live for. I live for people like you to try and take what I’ve earned. I want you to give me a challenge Skull. I want you to bring your best. And when I bring my best, it will always trump you.::


::Believe in destiny and believe in hope. Believe this is a Legend vs. Legend match. You’re not a legend and you never will be. You’re nowhere near my league or anywhere above it, as you might want to claim. You’re the thing on the bottom of my shoe that’s bugging the shit outta me. You’re the pounding ache in my hand right now. I want to get rid of you but I have to wait. Tomorrow night is when I get rid of the pain. Tomorrow night is when I take out Skull and get back what is mine.::

:: You’re the last thing in the way on my way to achieving immortality here in JWF. Skull, bring the talk of you being the future of this company. Talk about you wiping out this Legacy and becoming a legend yourself. You’ll never be a legend while I’m still breathing.::

::You’ll be another piece of shit. You’ll be another tag line. You’ll be wanting to destroy this JWF Classic.::
::I see myself crashing down to my knees with the weight of gravity. I see those set before me as tools trying to finish me off for what I have started. I have engraved my name into their lives and now It’s time to end this three month long feud once and for all!::
:: Should I fear you this time around Skull? What’s different this time around? Nothing! A name to carry is all but nothing as to where I should be trembling. Why should I fear this flake? He will dissolve like the flurry of snow that I’ve seen before. There is no flake in which I’ve watched that’s tattooed this world and that’s left me guessing as to how I should remove it::
:: I’ve watched you do every possible thing. I know you better then anyone else bra. Our battle for the World title will be nothing more then epic. Play your cards Skull, hide them from every player such as myself, but understand that I am the eye in the sky::
:: This battle will only be epic because you will lay down before me. This is not some fucking poker game. You aren’t losing chips…. YOU’RE NAME, PRIDE, AND HONOR ARE WHAT YOU’RE PUSHING! So, push aside the deck of cards and come with a body you call yours as I can end our battle and take back what is mine!::
::Thanks for holding my title for me, Bra::
---End Feed--
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