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 Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future Empty
PostSubject: Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future   Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future EmptyApril 22nd 2007, 5:47 am

The scene opens upon a vast open land, mountainous in the distance, but lava flows like placid streams cutting through the land. Flames burst up from the mountains and short flares burst up from the streams of lava. The camera looks to the sky and sees that the skyline is made up entirely of black and crimson clouds.
It is within his kingdom that the downfall of mankind shall begin
As the camera is taking in the surroundings, it notices a mountain that is surrounded by a moat of lava. The only difference is the mountain is in the shape of a large skull. The type of rock and soil makes the formation a darkish orange-red tint. At the edge of the skyline where it seems that the sky meets the earth, we see a large black storm cloud being to creep towards the skull mountain, enveloping the area in shadows as the cloud casts over. The cloud is so large that the entire area is cast into shadow as thunder begins to clap overhead. The cameraman franticly looks to the sky as the cloud brightens with green lightning. When the cloud is illuminated by lightning, we see that it is swirling within its ominous mass.
As the camera is taking in the surroundings, it notices a mountain that is surrounded by a moat of lava. The only difference is the mountain is in the shape of a large skull. The type of rock and soil makes the formation a darkish orange-red tint. At the edge of the skyline where it seems that the sky meets the earth, we see a large black storm cloud being to creep towards the skull mountain, enveloping the area in shadows as the cloud casts over. The cloud is so large that the entire area is cast into shadow as thunder begins to clap overhead. The cameraman franticly looks to the sky as the cloud brightens with green lightning. When the cloud is illuminated by lightning, we see that it is swirling within its ominous mass.
Within his chamber he shall send his minions to feed on the souls of the innocent
Thunder claps the loudest it has since it began. The cameraman is startled as he stops to search the sky for warning of a lightning bolt. He waits for seems like an eternity before he continues on. Once he takes his first step, a massive green lightning bolt tears through the clouds overhead and sporadically zigzags through the sky before striking the top of the skull, causing a river of what would seem to be blood to flow freely about. The cameraman is knocked to the ground with fear as rain begins to torrent down relentlessly upon the surroundings.
The storm is the sign of his coming. First the thunder to announce his arrival, then the rain to wash his path clean and last, the lightning.
The cameraman damns his luck as he sprints towards the skull formation. Once at the edge of the moat, he observes that the river of blood is filling into the moat with the lava, mixing into some sort of thickened liquid. The moat rises until it is level with the ground and begins to spew over. The cameraman backs away to avoid the blood/lava. He then notices a bubble forming in the center of the moat, right in front of the doorway to the skull. The bubble pops as two horns rise from the fathoms, soon followed by the sinister face of Crimson Skull. His body begins to rise slowly after the head has protruded. Soon, Skull is standing atop the moat, the blood slowly dripping off of his body. He tilts his head slowly to each side, stretching out his neck muscles. The cameraman finds a place to duck down to where Skull cannot see him. Skull then starts slowly raising his arms to the skies as the cloud begins to swirl fast, directly above the skull formation. The moat begins to boil as Barelai, Tamara, and Wicked arise from the moat. They come to the sides of Skull, once they are all near him, Skull leads them into the skull formation.
His dynasty shall rule the Earth once more to ensure that his wrath is wrought.
When the cameraman can no longer see any of them he begins to creep forward, getting near the skull formation so he can spy on what they are doing. The closer he gets, the more the camera is shaking from his fear. The storm seems to have subsided for the time being, but lightning still brightens up the scene ever so prominently. He gets right outside the formation and peaks around the corner to check for the Dynasty’s presence. He sees that the coast is clear and curiosity pushes him farther into the cave. There is a doorway several feet back in the cave as the cameraman flips on a flash light, allowing him to see inside this doorway. The doorway leads to a stairway, which he slowly climbs down. The slow drip of water and wind funneling through the stairway adds a sense of eeriness about this place. He descends farther and farther until a light is seen flickering at the end of the stairs. He clicks off the flashlight and continues down these stairs, slowly and quietly.
The gates of hell will open in the face of his foes.
The closer he gets, a low, booming voice can be heard echoing off the walls. Soon, we can see a room past the doorway that is lit by several candles along the walls of the room. We can also see Crimson Skull sitting atop a high throne, made up of human skull’s that are attached to one another, he is wearing a dark red robe as he speaks to his dynasty. Barelai, Tamara, and Wicked are all kneeling before him. The cameraman is still shrouded in darkness in the stairway and we can hear Skull’s voice.
From atop his high throne of fallen foes, he commences his minions and decides the fate of our world.
“My minions, at last we are at peace and are all accounted for. It shall not be long before Marie shows herself to us, and when she returns, my son shall arrive with her. It is without a doubt, she is watching over him in his Trials as to why she is absent at this present time. But do not be worried, all is well.
Barelai will soon dethrone the tyrant that is Joe Santiago. And we shall rule this federation. He needs not my help in order to do that, the newly arisen monster Barelai Von’Vicious is far more powerful than anyone could understand, especially a man with the shallow intelligence of Joe Santiago. He thinks that I need Barelai to fight my battles for me, but he will find out in due time the real truth. The exodus you have withstood is the hardest trial you will face in your life, my son. But it is not without reward that you will find. Tomorrow night, you will dethrone he who is all that we despise and with that victory you shall bring complete control to our dynasty.
Let us not forget, that our brother Hallow Wicked is not the only one that must face an admirable trial tomorrow night. He needn’t worry as much, for this victory should come quick and easy for him, he will show the world his born-again powers and put those in his path, in their graves.
Now, my minion, go forth and do your worst to this earth, I have other matters to attend to.”
The Dynasty arises, bowing before their King, the day of judgment shall soon come.
The Dynasty gets off their knees and exits this room through a door in the back. The cameraman sits still for a moment to make sure they have left.
“Come forth, my brother. You hide in the shadows in fear. Fear not, I shall not harm you, if you do as I say.”
The cameraman feels hit heart sink to his stomach as he rises on shaky knees. He is hesitant to move, but something entrances him and forces him to step towards Skull unwillingly. The cold stare he receives from Skull sends chills up his spine, making him shudder. Thoughts run through his head of how one’s eyes can be so black, and uncaring as Skull’s.
“You are here to do your job, you need not fear what obstacles cross your path. I foresaw your entrance into my dimension. That’s how you were allowed into my Crimson Closet. But that is not the important matter, what is important is my concerns for my upcoming match against Johnny Stylez. Please, have a seat.”
Skull presents his arm over to the side of the room, directly across from him. The cameraman hesitantly takes a seat as offered. He makes himself comfortable as he prepares to take the footage of Crimson Skull.

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Crimson Skull
Main Event
Main Event
Crimson Skull

Number of posts : 213
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-11-02

Wrestler Info
Alignment: Heel

Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future Empty
PostSubject: Re: Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future   Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future EmptyApril 22nd 2007, 5:48 am

“I have faced many opponents in this business and many in this federation. There have been many that I have defeated with ease, and then those who take more of an effort to put away. Johnny Stylez is one of those who takes more of the valiant effort. The more I look into his material, the more I see that he doesn’t change. Recently he brought up an interesting point, the point of him being forgotten. I have heard the same old story that you accuse me of forcing the thought of respect and pride down your throat all before. But this time around, I needn’t say that, Johnny. I have changed in many aspects since my victory when I won this world title. You can pride yourself over your many victories over me in the past, but what matters most isn’t the tiny battles and the victors of those, what matters most is who wins the war. And if what you say is true, then this is the end of the war, the last leg of the race. This is what will determine who the better man is. You say that you are a legend in your own right, and that I will never become one. But the truth of the matter is, neither of that is true. Legends are ones who will forever be talked about and who will be the measuring stick for those to come in the future. In twenty years, who will be comparing the modern-day Romeo flyboy to Johnny Stylez? Hardly anyone, that is the truth. You may become a legend someday, but you will have to prove yourself worthy of that statement. I am not going to sit here before you and be a braggart and tell you of all the things I have accomplished and how that will make me a legend, I will just continue to do what I do best. And that is make history, something that you will have to polish up on. You may make history in one way, Johnny, but it is soon overcome by someone younger and better. You may be the measuring stick for some time, but soon you will be overtaken and forgotten. Someday down the road, an old man may sit and tell his grandchildren of the Johnny Stylez he saw at a live event, but his grandchildren will speak of how much better their favorite will be. In time, we all are forgotten, Stylez.
But being forgotten is something that you will have to come to terms with. But long after you have been forgotten, there will be the talk of how evil someone will measure up to the monster known as Crimson Skull. To this day, I have been unmatched in this federation with evil deeds and criminal acts against mankind. The things that come natural to me, leave children afraid to sleep at night, fearing what lurks in the dark, under their beds, in their closets, outside their windows. My mind is what the deadliest nightmares are made of. The things that I have witnessed in my life and the deeds I have committed are enough to send a person to an early grave. It is what I have made a profession about.
Though love making, name calling, and bragging may be your specialties; my specialties are fear, evil, and entertainment. There is only so much that someone can do while saying that they are the best in the business and bragging on their past accomplishments. No one likes a braggart. But there is a limitless plethora of things that I can do to entertain and keep material fresh with my style. You may be an American heartthrob, but I put the people in their seats. They may fear that they will be an unlucky victim to my sadism, but they still come to see what I do.
There is a difference to managing to hang on to a title for a long period of time, somehow getting by with it in the most hazardous of situations while the people who see you with that title long for someone to take it. And holding onto a title while keeping a constant reminder to the fans at home as to why you hold that title.
I could take a sunny day in the park and make into something fearful, you on the other hand could take it and make it into a day focused around you and all that you find good about yourself.
Another thing that you spoke of that sparked a thought for me is doubt. Your doubt in yourself is caused by your loss of pride and determination. To me, that shows how pitiful of a man you truly are. I kept my pride in tact and kept my motivation at its high, no matter how many times you so ‘gracefully’ managed to beat me. But for you, one loss is so grand. Maybe its because you’re not used to losing. But you have to start somewhere in most things, and now is the time for you to get used to the fact of losing. You’re not the self-proclaimed God you pretend to be. You’re not the greatest thing coming and going. You and your title reign are a thing of the past as of now. I have said it before and I shall say it again, it is my time now and there is no one that is going to stand in my way of retaining this title. You held a long title reign, mine will be longer. You held many victories over many opponents, mine will be many more. You had a good run as champion, mine will be better.
Face it Stylez, you had your 15 minutes of fame, now it is over. Your time is up and my time is now. You’re all washed up and you don’t know where your career is going. So my advice to you is to take some time off and recuperate, and remind yourself on how to be successful. Because as long as I’m still standing, you will not regain this championship for a long, long time. I could say I will take you to hell and back to defend this championship, but we’ve been there and we’ve done that. So a Chamber of Horrors will just be another addition to our storied history. Who knows, maybe you can add it to your list of greatest matches. Then that would make one hell of a DVD all 15 minutes of “The Best of Johnny Stylez.”
Stylez, say a little prayer before you go to sleep tonight. You’re going to need a miracle to walk out the champion tomorrow night. You can try to steal my catchphrase and turn it against me, and ask if I am ready. But you know deep down inside, that I am more ready than you will ever be. And tomorrow night, I will prove one more time, why I am the world champion, you can bet on that. Only one of us will be physically walking out of that arena tonight, and that’s going to be me. I’ll tell the boys in the back to be sure and keep that gurney nice and warm for you, because at the end of the night you will be flat on your back damning the day you wear born.
Quoth the reaper, Johnny Stylez will be….nevermore”
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Broken dreams, shattered pride this is your career's future
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