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 Brotherly love: Char. Dev.

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 282
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-10-28

Wrestler Info
Record: 02-00-00
Alignment: Neutral

Brotherly love: Char. Dev. Empty
PostSubject: Brotherly love: Char. Dev.   Brotherly love: Char. Dev. EmptyNovember 21st 2006, 3:33 pm

OOC: Just bord and felt like rping, without shredding my stable mate, so I throw this out there... I may even handle another char. somewhere down the line, not sure yet...but Enjoy!

[Family had never been too important to me. Never was something I looked back on with good memories. My over jealous brother, the death of my parents in a car accident. Life threw me too many curveballs, and I had no one close to turn to. It's how i became who I am. A loner. An arrogant prick, who knows he's better than everyone else. Do you blame me? You all have families, you all have friends. I have been by myself. It's sad though. My brother and I needed a death threat in order to speak again.]

[You see, my brother, Jason, is a hot head. A bad temper, and little self control. We got it from my father, so I hear. Jason never liked my success. He never liked that I could say I was better than him. Truth is, I never was better than him. I saw things in a completely opposite light. I didn't see myself as getting all the attention. In my eyes, we were treated the same. I started my career earlier than Jason, being the elder brother. My name was noticed by the time he was ready to join the ranks. There was nothing I could do about it. I had a natural talent; as did he. I can't say I didn't love Jason, because I did. I tried to be his father figure. Seeing as I knew what it was liek to grow up, and not have one most of my life. He didn't see it that way. He saw me as a showboat, and an attention grabber. He felt I took every sort of limelight off from him. He didn't understand that it wasn't intentional. As I didn't understand how much he despised me.]

[But that story was for another time. Right now it was about how Jason and I became closer. It's sad how we finally changed our opinions on one another, but sometimes when a loved one is in danger of disappearing for the rest of your life; your entire mindset changes. Everything I do from here on, is for my brother.]

[It was a normal day in my Syracuse New York home. I was watching the news, watching a couple old wrestling tapes, while drinking a glass of vodka. I grabbed the cigarette pack from my pocket and pulled out a Parliament, putting it in my mouth, and then fished for a lighter. I got it, and lit the cigarette, and put both the lighter and pack of cigarettes on the coffee table. Jada was reading some magazine, I couldn't quite make out the title. It was funny though because since she had moved in, things had become completely different. I could feel myself turning in to a different person. My life becoming whole again. I watched as Jada flipped through the pages and a smile came across my face. Not only was she beautiful on the inside and outside, she changed my entire demeanor. I wasn't dark and gloomy anymore. I could feel the aura of happiness around me.]

[She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and smiled to herself. She never thought here life would be whole again after her mother died but it was slowly starting to become that. I completed her and that was all there was to it.She scooted closer to me so that she was pretty much resting against my side. she closed the magazine and set it to the side. She then rested her head in the crook of my shoulder and yawned a bit. She was tired but not too badly. She turned her body so that her left arm rested along mine finely chisled stomach.]

Jada: Whacha watchin'?

::The local news. I haven't really been paying attention to it though. I've got a lot of things on my mind. I've thought maybe we could sta-::

[Before I could finish, I was interrupted by a violent pounding on my front door. I never got many visitors, besides booty calls, or fellow NXO Members, but no one had called to say they were doing so. I sprang up from my chair and walked through the living room, to the main entrance of my home. I turned the door knob and standing in front of me was my own brother, Jason Stryker. His clothing was tattered and torn, and he looked as if he had been in a bar fight. Blood was caked to his hands and face. I felt little remorse though. We hadn't spoke in almost four years. I couldn't possibly try to fathom why he was here now. And in such awful condition.]

::What do you want?::

Jason: Listen to me Johnny, just let me in. We can talk about this inside. Please, I'm just asking you to let me in.

::Why should I Jay? When have you ever done anythign for me? All I can ever remember is you being jealous of me. Being a stubborn yonger brother, because you couldn't have the entire limelight.::

Jason: Listen Johnny...Carmine, just let me in. I am in serious trouble.

[He brushed me aside as he looked over his shoulder, before coming in. I felt so many emotions at that moment. Anger, confusion, but most of all compassion. Even though we had both put one another through enough bullshit to last a lifetime, Jason was still of my own flesh and blood. I walked to the living room as he followed. Jada still sat on the couch, wondering what was happening.]

::Jada, this is my brother Jason. Jay this is Jada. Let me ask you this, why do you have blood smeared all over you? And why int he hell are you here?::

[Shelooked at this man Jason referred to me as his brother and she put her hands to her mouth. she stood up, her eyes wide and her mouth agape. she got her emotions under control and rushed over to me and my brother. However she quickly went into the kitchen and got a wet washcloth as well as a first aid kit. she walked into the area where the two Ortiz Brothers were and began to take out supplies to get Jason cleaned up.]

Jada: Johnny we have to get him cleaned up or to a hospital, those cuts look aweful.

[Tears sprung to her eyes. she knew I wasn't too fond of my brother but surely I wouldn't want him to be in such a horrid state.]

Jason: No. No hospital. Just do what you have to do here. I'll survive.

[I appreciated Jada's concern. She was such an emotional person, and I think it helped having her around. She was willing to do whatever it took to make things right, and I loved her for it. But my brother's state didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Sure when he said he was in serious trouble, my mind began to wonder. But he had been in numerous fights. He wasn't too good at keeping his ego in check. I'd have to hear the story before I made any judgements. I had to put my grudge aside and be a brother.]

::Alright Jason, while Jada fixes you up, tell em what happened. Everything. All the details. If you want my help, I need to know what I'm dealing with.", I said to Jason.::

Jason: Well, I beat a guy up real bad. And I mean real bad. Within an inch of his life. We were at the bar, and I started talking to some girl in the club. His bitch I guess. He then came over and began taunting me. Lookign for a fight. I mean I tried to keep myself out of it, but the guy was relentless. He had recognized me from some prior federation of mine. His mouth continued to flap and flap. I tried my ebst to keep my mouth shut, but nothing worked. So I paid for my drinks, and left the club, and sure enough the asshole followed me out. He pushed me, and I lost it. I went completely crazy. He even pulled a knife on me. (Points to his cuts.) I don't know Johnny, something in me snapped, and I beat the hell out of him. I smashed his head off the ground a couple times, and he bled all over the place. Ahh, shit.

[he said as Jada cleaned Jason's wounds with rubbing alcohol.]

::So who was the guy?::

Jason: This is the worst part. He was Mafioso. You know, a "Made" man. I'm screwed Johnny. They're going to have my head for this one. I really fucked up, and you're the only one I could think about coming to.

[My head was spinning. Jason had got himself in to a huge mess this time. I didn't know if I could even possibly help, but I knew I could try. It was the least I could do. I could probably get him a low key job for JWF, where he could work and hide out at my place for a little while. Just when things were getting good, they just go back to the same shit show they once were.]

[Jada looked at me and then at Jason, after hearing what jason had gotten himself into she suddenly became very afraid. she finished cleaning his cuts and stood up, her hands caked with blood. she felt her stomach beginning to churn from her nerves being on end. she swallowed back some vomit that was starting to rise up from her stomach. she also suddenly felt sick to her stomach and very tired. she placed the blood caked wash-cloth on the counter and turned to look at me. she felt very warm and somewhat dizzy. The realization that Me and my life could be in danger just sent her into a sort of fear she had never felt before.]

Jada: I think...I need to lay down. I'm going upstairs.

[Jada turned on her heels and slowly started to walk toward the staircase. she wanted to cry because she had this unrelenting sense of fear starting to consume her. she wrapped her arms around herself; sshe uldn't shake the fear that was coming over her]

[ could see that Jada was visibly upset. I had to go console her after she had heard all the drama that had played out that night. She shouldn't have been involved in this mess, which was my family.]

[I walked up the stairs after her, and followed her in to my bedroom.]

::Jada, I don't want you to be afraid. Jay got himself in to this, he needs to get himself out of it::

[I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. But I knew I couldn't stay out of it. Jay was still my family, and he desperately needed my help. I was getting dragged in to his mess whether I liked it or not.]

::Everything will be fine Jada, I promise.::

[She loved the fact I was trying to console her but fact remained that there was nothing I could do to help her shake this feeling that something horrible was going to be waiting for us in the future. she positioned herself so that she had her hands resting on my shoulders, she looked me straight in the eyes and sighed.]

Jada: I know you say he needs to get himself out of this Johnny, but he needs help. If he goes at this alone it might get him killed. I know Jay isn't your favorite person but he is your brother, and you being the wonderful person you are will help him. Whatever happens as a result of this, just know that I love you Johnny, I really do.

[she stiffled back a sob as tears were streaming down her face at a rapid speed. she hated this overwhelming fear that had come over her and she would do anything she could to put a stop to it, it was no use though. The fear was there to stay.]

::I love you too Hannah.::

[It had been so long since I said it and felt it. Things with Jada were amazing, and I wouldn't let my brother change our lives. His stupid act wasn't going to change the chemistry of Jada and myself's life.]

::Let me go deal with him. Get some rest, I'll be up soon enough to sleep with you::

[I smiled, but I knew she could tell I was worried. Little did I know that Jay would come back into my life, but hey with thanksgiving just around the corner, I guess we should help each other right? our maybe I should have never opened the door...]

--End Feed--
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