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 Free the perks

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Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 77
Age : 40
Registration date : 2006-12-07

Wrestler Info
Record: 01-00-00
Alignment: Face

Free the perks Empty
PostSubject: Free the perks   Free the perks EmptyFebruary 12th 2007, 5:36 am

Hart: Yea, we just picked up Wal-Mart?

[Hart on the phone, as there is a slight pause…]

Hart: So that makes it Wal-Mart, Nike, Geico, Ford, and Pepsi…It’s great to have all these sponsors coming out the wood works…you know something, I may be the only Pro wrestler to ever pick up sponsors, it’s a great feeling! Another outlet to spread are message of Heart overcoming everything that life puts in your way.

[Another pause]

Hart: Of course the gear is always a added plus…

[Yet another pause]

Hart: Alright Mark, I gotta get to work, the IC title isn’t gonna win it’s self back you know…


Hart: Talk to you later…

[And a quick hang up. Leaving the camera to Cut to a condo that Hart live’s in there is just enough space for him to be comfortable. Sure there’s room for three people but a growing star always likes to have his space. As you can tell from the mess of pots and pans in the kitchen sink. Hart is not exactly the neatest guy in the world, but he’s not a pig either. The fact is Frank usual don’t get around to doing dishes mainly cause he only cook once in a while, otherwise its all take out baby. And when Im not in here eating take out, I make sure I’m hitting the gym everyday, something I can tell some of my opponents haven’t done in a long damn time.]

Hart: Its been a while since I’ve been inside a ring, Its been even longer since I was the IC champion! But that all comes to an end this Warzone! See this week is the week I get my shot to regain my IC title, and what better way to win it, then to defeat the fool who took it!

“Tails you know damn will you shouldn’t have this 2nd chance at this title! Hell if it wasn’t for this blockbuster trade, Vinnie Virginia would be the IC champion! But Tails this second chance opportunity will be short lived, Because there is no way your walking out with that title! Sorry partna, it just aint gonna happen!“

“But of course, your not the only one in this match. We cant forget about Aaron Peters! A cat in my eyes who really hasn’t done anything to merit a title shot. I think this match is just another way of higher ups of this company to test one of the new guys that’s not from the old guard around here. Trying to see if I really got what it takes, That’s fine with me because I know I have more then what it takes to succeed here…Warzone. I had more then what in me then what it took to win the IC title in the first place, and I damn sure have more then enough talent and ability to regain the title in the process. It’s time for me to open the eyes of the bookers, because if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s wrestling at the beginning of the night. I hate that slot and I deserve better, the Intercontentail Championship deserves better. It’s not getting the recognition it deserves and neither am I at this point, talk about a perfect fit huh? I like to think so. I mean I aint getting sponsors for nothing!”

“After The IC title has become nothing more then a transitional title since I lost it, and now it‘s vacant…What’s up with that? However and trust me this is a big however, I shouldn’t be the guy who plays the welcoming committee for every smoe they want to try out or be the welcome wagon for some second rate WWA alumnus from the old guard. I know I’m more important then that, but I’m not going to bitch to management about it because that’s what a jackass like Johnny Stylez would do. What would a man of so much HEART like myself do? That’s simple I’ll go out there in the first match of the night and just keep beating every son of a bitch they put in my way. Until I prove the point that I’m bigger then a show opener!”

“Don’t think that’s the case then just keep watching what happens to all those put in a match with me at the show opening. I’ll give you a whole new meaning to the term pushkill.”

Hart: What I want to know is does the bookers even get what they are doing by sending the people they are trying to push up the ladder at me first? I mean come on, so far this hasn’t exactly been a great plan since I came to the WWA and most importantly in singles matches. But that will all change once I take back my title, and become the best IC champion in WWA! I don’t even have to get into how I lost the match but still squashed Tails the first time around because everyone who tuned in the first time around saw that. I would just like to know how many more wrestlers there going to through my way to see if they can put on a match worth watching. I only ask because if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times, the only reason people like the matches that have been put on at the show openings is because, I’m part of it. Hell it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the only reason in watching Warzone is because of me, and the next IC CHAMPION. So let me ask you Tails, and Aaron how in the hell do you think you two can beat me? I mean you two together are like half the wrestler The Man is, and lets face it, The MAN sucks!”

“That Tails, and Aaron is the truth, you two better get used to hearing the truth – because I’m about to fill your ears.”

Hart: So you see playas, with the only thing that matters around here, being the Revolution, and the Powers to be. Folks forget just how good, ol’ hart really is! Do you think the fact you two have a shot at the IC title means anything? Well it does.. it means that your both going to get your ass kicked by a guy who has the biggest HEART in this game – me. What makes you think that I won’t damn near try to end both your careers for even thinking you can take my IC title away from me?”

“I’ve suffered through watching both your matches…There’s nothing special. Considering what I am willing to do to get ahead it’s a valid question.”

Hart: You’re not really all that important to the wrestling world Tails, Aaron. You’re a two moderate entertainers and a bunch of sub par wrestlers at best. I mean I could sit here and tell you that I’ll whip both your asses in this match, but lord knows you two fully understand that concept being that the both of you are already totally whipped. How do I know that, well that’s easy you see, I’ve been checking out your stats and talking to some of the guys in the back to get an idea for the two of yours, and the consensus is every time there’s a big match situation you both choke. Example? Last night, Tails chocked against Vinnie! You two haven’t even won the big one just yet, it’s like the second you get close to that chance you can’t take advantage you two can’t follow through. Sure I see you’ve been former champions… but who cares? You may take a look at my resume and say “well at least I’m not only a one time champion.” To that I say to you, that maybe but that’s because once I win a belt I hold onto it until it has no further use to me, I don’t need multiple reigns with one belt. I do it right the first time haha, then I drop the belt like a bad habit when it’s usefulness has passed. Case in point you two shall be dropped, and dropped hard.”

[I’m serious about everything I have said so far. Some if it may sound like I’m kidding around but I’m not. I speak the truth, I’ll leave the champion. Ill accomplish all I have to the first time and most importantly Tails and Aaron do in fact suck!]

Hart: Speaking of things which usefulness has passed, that would be you. Tails your no longer needed around here at all, why don’t you just do me a favor and stay at home forever never show your face around here again.. Nobody is paying to see your crap, they pay to see violence. They pay to see the HEART having fun at everyone else’s expense. That’s something they’ll get to see come Warzone. Whose expense will I have fun at? Yours of course Tails. Mark my words when I tell you this, there is nothing you’ll be able to do in this match, there will be no chance of you walking out the IC CHAMPION, this is uphill battle for you Tails. One you simply cannot win, then again with titles on the line your pretty much a choke artist so I’m sure you already knew that. It must suck to be you Tails your just too damn soft, it’s like you look at the world through rose colored glasses. Yet at the sometime as your thinking everything is good – thinking it will work out for the best. Your losing the matches that count, you haven’t really done anything worthwhile since the WWA has opened. Not to mention that just like in your personal life the second something gets tough you turn your back and run. You distance yourself from the problem.”

[I rather egotistical grin from me as I continue speaking.]

Hart: You act like a child trapped in a man’s body, then you wonder why nobody takes you seriously and always takes shots at your personal life, it’s because there’s nothing to really jab at in your professional life. The point is you look at the accomplishments you have the only one that really seems to stare back! Make no mistake about that, however you need to realize that no matter what you every say or do you won’t be taken seriously as anything more then The Man’s former partner because even he has done more then you professional. You need to man up because you don’t have that killer instinct, and in a match with me if you don’t have that you’re as good as dead. I could continue to go on and on and about reasons why you won’t walk out of here the champion but really what’s the point.

[I nod my head in approval of what I just said, and with a smile on my face I continue. ]

Hart: I know you both don’t have that killer instinct to beat me and win the title, so let me just sum this shit up by saying you my whipped opponents are in for the beating of your lifes. One way or another I’ll drive home the fact that your not in my league. I’ll drive that into your skull come Warzone, That’s just the way it is, you can try to prove me wrong but you won’t … you’ll both just act all feminine and I’ll laugh.. When I get the chance to end this match, and take my IC championship you can bet all the money and happiness you have in the world that I’ll pull that trigger and leave you BOTH laying on the mat motionless as the nothing you are, while I stand above you looking down upon you as the announcer declares me NEW champion. Since it seems the bookers want me to be some kind of welcome wagon, you folks are now WELCOME…”

[I annoyingly crack my gum now for a moment just to make sure you UNDERSTAND me even more. Admit it you two wish you had my ability to make you both feel what I want you to. Your all puppets. That’s why I answer the question you’ve been yelling at your TV thinking I can hear you.]

Hart: I know your both thinking what exactly was I meaning by that – if you said some sexual reference that made no sense you might be right. But more importantly your wondering the same thing I am. Where’s that big horn and Buckley Alva on a mountain yelling NICKOLA!!! Sorry guys not this time … mainly because Tail’s and Aaron’s not worth it, and the town below gets really angry when you mention a bunch of whipped losers names. Sorry folks but that’s the truth. Just like how in most title situations Tails chokes.”

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