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 Barelai Von'Vicious

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Barelai Von'Vicious
Main Event
Main Event

Number of posts : 79
Age : 37
Registration date : 2006-12-05

Barelai Von'Vicious Empty
PostSubject: Barelai Von'Vicious   Barelai Von'Vicious EmptyDecember 5th 2006, 10:25 pm

* Wrestler Name: Barelai (Bare-eh-lie) Von'Vicious with Manager Allison Marie Rosenburg

* Nickname: The Demisinator/Crimson Princess and Bloody Marie

* Age: 23/21

* Hometown: The Sanitarium/Unknown

* House (WHERE HE LIVES): Solitary Cell Within The Sanitarium/Unknown

* Weight: 7'3/5'9

* Height: 376/136

* Favorite Specialty Match: Chained Fury Match ( All of the ring ropes are replaced by steel chains, and all of the turnbuckle pads are removed, exposing the steel bolts holding the ropes together. Wrestlers can either be chained by the wrists or the necks.)

* Entrance Music: Iced Earth - Angel's Holocaust

* Alignment(face/heel): Heel

* Years Wrestling: Debut

* Quote: Optional: "Feel My Pain" "Beware My Wrath"

* Finisher: Eternal Oblivion

* Finisher Description: Black Hole Slam

* Bio/Backround: At the young age of 13, A young Barelai was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and abandoned by his family in a Mental institution in Nevada. As his conditioned worsened, he brutally mamed many of his sanitarium companions and was forced into solitary confinement. A child hood friend by the name of Myles Manson frequently visted Barelai and was brutally beatin on several occasions before he befriended all the "personallities" that Barelai posseses. After years of court battles, Myles freed Barelai from confinment under his care for the purposes of entering the wrestling industry (more specifically the JWF) which was the child hood dream of Barelai. Ashamed of his condition, Barelai adopted wearling a face mask to hide himself from the world. In order to please the court systems of Nevada, Whenever not in the ring he is to me shackled bein escorted to the ring bound in chains and strapped by a straight jacket by the very Doctors that have been assigned to him for his entire Institutional stay. He is known not to talk much even if at all as he lets his best friend Myles do all his talking for him.

* Attire: A black biker face mask with the top of the head cut off to let the shoulder legnth, slightly curley brown hair flow. Shackle cuffs on his wrists to attatch/detatch chains. Asylum supplied black button up with the sleeves cut up to the elbows. Asylum Supplied Black pants with 3 vertical slash cuts in them at the left and right knees. Black Asylum supplied boots.

* Fighting style: Aggressive at times and Calm at others.

* Move List:

1. Schizo-Driver
2. Suplex Face Buster
3. DDT
4. Moonsault
5. Fall Away Slam
6. Belly To Belly Suplex
7. Death Valley Driver
8. Choke Slam
9. Flap Jack
10. Dragon Sleeper
11. Reverse DDT
12. Spine Buster
13. Top Rope Leg Drop
14. Top Rope Elbow Drop
15. Million Dollar Dream
16. Powerful Right Hand Haymakers
17. Knee Lift
18. Emerald Fusion
19. Powerbomb
20. Snake Eyes
21. Big Boot
22. Neck Breaker
23. Apron Leg Drop
24. Suicide Dive over Ropes
25. Powerfull Head Buts

*Sample Roleplay:

Scene opens as loud screetching screams are heard among with sounds of people pounding on cell walls. The Camera closes in on dark solitary cell. As the camera gets closer and closer, a large dark appearingly angry shadow can be seen and heard with his loud breathing. As the Camera stops closing in and takes notice of the black shadow a narration by Myles Mason begins:

"Look at him. What was once a full of life, friendly, and outgoing child has become what you see before you now. He is an Undying Shadow in a world of lights. Neglected by all. Forgotten about by all. All but one! ME!!!"

The Camera then turns to the side to cue in on Myles Manson.

"I am Myles Manson and allow me to let you all in JWF know whats goin on. The Monster you just saw is the next force to be reckoned with in your establishment. His Name? In due time my friends. For now, let me fill you in on what my monster is all about. Upon his entering, caos is sure to occur. Scared, crying grown men. Frightened, Frantic fans. ALL WILL FEEL HIS PAIN AND TASTE HIS WRATH!!! Why you ask? Because people like YOU have kept this man, My best friend, In confinement for years for absolutely NOTHING! After years of trying, I have finally freed him."

With the cell keys in his hand he walks over to the cell door slowly while the camera follows. Myles sticks the key in the cell, unlocks, then opens the cell door as he turns to the camera.

"Walk in. Meet The Demisinator. Talk to the true Freak. Shake hands with the REAL monster."

The camera slowly makes its way into the cell, toward the large, black, heavily breathing, appearaingly angry shadow. As it makes it almost to him, Barelai Jumps and grabs the camera as Myles yells


Barelai then lets out a monsterous yell, lifting the camera man in the air, then throwing him into the cell bars. The screen goes blank upon impact and after a while the snowy background as the promo goes off the air.
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